1 minute read


The City of Lawre nceville sta nd s at the hear t of beautifu l Gwin nett Cou nty, Georg ia. And at ou r hear t, you’ll find a n oppor tu nity to g row as we g row, with inte ntionality a nd excelle nce. The city has expe rie nced vibra nt g row th in rece nt yea rs with thoug htfu l expa nsions in historic downtown a nd th roug hout.

aws many people with places like the new lle Ar t s Center, The L awrenceville L awn, Nor thside winnet t, and Coolray Field (to name a few). Cit y s commit ted to making L awrenceville a place for all connec ting infr as tr uc ture, people, and cultures so one feels a sense of belonging and owner ship.

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