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Patriot's Day Celebration
Patriot’s Day Celebration
CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Jenny Noe PYP Coordinator/Instructional Coach Freedom 7 Elementary School of International Studies
What is a patriot?
According to Webster, a patriot is “one who loves or supports his or her country.”
In early May, Freedom 7 Elementary restored the tradition of Patriots’ Day. This celebration was started by the school’s original principal, Mr. Robert Fritz back in May of 1966, on the anniversary of Alan Sheppard’s flight into suborbital space on a capsule named Mercury-Redstone 3, or Freedom 7. This was the first U.S. human spaceflight putting an astronaut into orbit and returning him safely. This later inspired the school’s name as we know it today, Freedom 7 Elementary.
During this celebration the school’s students, teachers and staff honored seven local patriots who have made a positive impact in the community and/or the school. Each patriot was honored with a speech and a gold award, given by Freedom 7 students, which was originally an eagle when this recognition originated. An eagle because that was the original school mascot when the school opened, back in 1959. Additionally, the school decided to bring back the eagle mascot, chosen by the student body through a voting process. Honoring local, unsung heroes in this way helps students realize the positive impact that individuals can have on the lives of a community, then and now.
pictured: Kathy Lott, Principal & Dr. Lucy Haddock, Assistant Principal