Dos and don'ts in forest

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Park Etiquette 1.

Respect their need for space

Never approach or follow wild animals. Do not follow fresh tracks. Leave nesting birds and new born or young animals alone. Do not block their line of travel or escape routes. Keep a safe distance from large animals (30 metres/150 ft- the length of three buses is recommended). Use a telephoto lens, spotting scope and binoculars to get 'close'. Pull your vehicle well off the road. Watching animals from inside the relative safety of a vehicle is also a good idea. 2.

Do not try

Herding animals into a better scene. Approaching, cornering, following or chasing them. Throwing objects or calling out to change behaviour. Direct eye contact, even through a camera lens can be threatening to an animal. Circling or standing around an animal by yourself or in a group. Children should never be encouraged to approach, pet or feed wildlife. Always keep children in immediate sight. They are often the same size as many animal's prey. 3.

Do not feed them!

Feeding attracts animals to roadside areas where they could be in danger and creates habituated animals. Feeding also leads to the animal eating garbage. Animals eat wrappers, cans, and bottle caps which spell disaster for their digestion. Eating human foods can cause, among other things, tooth decay, gum infections and ulcers in animals. 4.

Care for their habitat

Respect the speed limit within the park. It exists to protect wildlife and human life. Leave the area looking natural, unpolluted and undisturbed. Take the trash back with you and do not litter the forest. Regards Team

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