Vol. 76 / No. 6
October 1, 2015
Photo: Darek Ashley Dr. Priscilla Slade, JSU President Carolyn W. Meyers and Paul Scott attend the Passport to the World documentary screening.
Jackson State goes global Passport to the World documentary details students’ experiences Jhade’ Norris MC Contributor/Staff Jackson State University is on a mission to produce technologically advanced, diverse, ethical global leaders who think critically, address societal problems and compete effectively. On S ept. 29 in the JSU Student C enter Theater, an audience of students, faculty and administrators screened a 45-minute documentar y that details how this mission is being put into action. The experiences of 73 students and faculty who traveled to six different countries this summer to study abroad were
featured in the exciting documentar y. The fourweek faculty-led excursions took students to Shanghai, China; Madrid, Spain; Paris; Salvador da Bahia, Brazil; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; and Rio de Janeiro. “JSU Passp or t to t he World was d e sig ne d to prov ide an a c a d e m ic exp er ience t hat im me rs e s students in c u ltu ra l exp er ience s t hat are dis cipline sp e cif ic and t houg ht provok ing ,” s aid Pr is ci l l a Sl a d e, Sp e ci a l Ass ist ant to t he Provo st for Inter nat iona l Stu d ie s and C ommunit y C ol l e ge s. The ke y obj e c t ive of t he travel abroad experience, as mentioned in the
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documentar y, is to create global leaders and for students to make cultural connections within the countr y they are studying in. The JSU Passport to the World program conquers the three major obstacles that prevent students from studying abroad; cost, curriculum and culture. In the documentar y, students went into detail about the entire traveling abroad process from beginning to end. Some of the students stated that upon their arrival on foreign soil, they did not know what to expect. Some students relayed that even the plane ride to their chosen countr y was a first.
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Shantwanza Hill, a junior forensic chemistr y major minoring in sociolog y from Glendora, Miss. studied abroad in Rio de Janeiro. “ Traveling abroad has impacted my life with amazing information, and now I know my life will never be the same. Overall, my trip was awesome and I plan to study abroad next year,” said Hill. Cor y Davis, a senior, mass communication major from Vicksburg, Miss. studied abroad in Shanghai, China at East Normal China University. “Studying abroad really allowed me to be more open to meeting new people,” said Davis. “ This experience
has allowed me to view the world from a totally new perspective. I’m honored that I embarked on such an amazing oppor tunity.” Jackson State President Carolyn W. Meyers, a staunch suppor ter of the JSU Global program, was also in attendance at the documentar y screening. “ There are new worlds to explore new people to meet and I think the end of it [documentar y] was ver y signif icant because it changes your perspective,” said President Meyers. For more information on studying abroad and the JSU Passport to the World program visit: www.jsums. edu/global.
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Page 2 - October 1, 2015
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The Blue & White Flash
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The Blue & White Flash SHANNON D. TATUM Publications Manager
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Aneshia Becton Kayla Blue Gabrielle Brawner Aniecia Brewster Orionna Brumfield Jordan Darensbourg Deirdra Harris Glover Kristen Hudson Kennedy Jones Myuna Jones
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Page 3 - October 1, 2015
The Blue & White Flash
“What do you consider responsible refund spending?” Compiled by Jennifer Wiles
Vinechia Johnson Senior
Communicative Disorders
New Orleans, La.
“I feel like you should prioritize your refund and don’t go out and just blow it on anything. Get stuff that really matters.”
Tracy Carr Senior Biology/Pre-Pharmacy Chicago, Ill.
“What I would consider responsible refund spending is taking care of your bills and possibly putting it towards a prior investment.”
Angelia Marson Sophomore Biology/Pre-Med Detroit, Mich.
“Like if I get $1000, I feel that $1000 should be spent over a period of time, like in a month, then that’s good.”
Cartoon: Kristen Hudson
DeLana Etrick Senior Computer Engineering Hattiesburg, Miss.
“People don’t realize that refunds are still a part of your loan and the best thing to do is to save it because it’s going to accumulate interest.”
Jasmine Harvey Sophomore Mass Communication Jackson, Miss.
“I think I would get a car, or get my car fixed. That’s a good use for a refund.”
Diamond McCray Junior Political Science Magnolia, Miss.
Throw it up, Throw it up, Watch it all fall down…& Crash COMMENTARY
“At least save 25 percent of it, and the rest of it spend it on clothes.”
William H. Kelly III Associate Editor Elissa McCool Junior Marketing Clarksdale, Miss.
“I feel like responsible refund spending is investing in stocks.”
Kendra Lewis Senior Entrepreneur Clinton, Miss.
“I think that taking your refund and investing in something that will double your profit would be a great way to spend your refund.”
Cecil Hill Sophomore Chemistry Jackson, Miss.
Jerry Rogers Junior Social Work Memphis, Tenn.
“Food, drinks, ‘liquor’ every now and then, and save a little.”
“I feel like that money can be saved because as a student you hit a lot of bumps in the road when it comes to spending.”
Kourtney Bennet Freshman Psychology Grambling, Miss.
Joseph Harris Junior Civil Engineer Natchez, Miss.
“It should be responsible saving not spending.”
“Stack it up and save it on the next thing you have to spend. Spend it on something wise and don’t waste your money.”
As we all know, it is refund season here at Jackson State University, and students are running around campus like chickens with their heads cut off. While some students are still struggling to get their account zeroed out, others are enjoying the luxury of having extra money in their pockets. The question of the day is: Are you spending your refund like a responsible young adult? Many of us claim to be grown, yet we are not properly investing our refunds or spending them on necessities and priorities. While buying new clothes, shoes, and even a new car may seem beneficial to you at that
moment, it might not be what’s best for your future. As students who are determined to be the best in their field and hustle legally, we should be focused on investing in things that will provide us money in the future and not wasting money on frivolous spending. I get if you need clothes for the fall and winter weather that is approaching, but buying $200 kicks and $100 jeans when you don’t have all of your textbooks is irresponsible. If you have a hustle or a side gig that makes you money, invest in that craft. A responsible photographer should invest in camera equipment; a make-up artist will purchase make up supplies; and even someone gifted at cooking or baking will buy the essentials needed to grow that hustle. This is not a test fellow Tigers. The spending habits you are learning now will follow you for your entire life. For some, the refund money you received was a result of taking out loans of some sort. Why not begin the payment process ahead of time
just to reduce future stress? Why not leave the money in the bank to gain interest until you really need funds for a rainy day? Refund season tests your self-control and willingness to handle your responsibilities first and wants second as an adult. Don’t get me wrong, spending your refund on new clothes and shoes is your prerogative. But always keep in mind that you may need those funds later and you don’t want to look back on refund season wishing you had saved and spent your refund more wisely. My advice is that you consider investing or saving at least half of any extra money you receive. Whether it be a school refund, a workstudy check, tax refund or even money from home. Consider putting AT LEAST half into savings and spending the rest on yourself as a reward for being so sensational (Future voice). The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.
Page 4 - October 1, 2015
The Blue & White Flash
Essence of a Lady Tiger holds launch party
Elissa McCool Staff Writer
T h e c l a s s i c s ou n d s of B e y on c e’ b l a s t e d t h rou g h t h e s p e a k e r s of t h e Stu d e nt C e nt e r B a l l ro om d e c or at e d i n pu r p l e a n d t i f f a ny b lu e a n d p l e nt y of g l itt e r on S e pt . 2 4 , a s m e mb e r s of E s s e n c e of a L a d y Ti g e r k i c k e d of f t h e y e a r w it h t h e i r a n nu a l l au n c h p a r t y “L au n c h i n g Int o You r E s s e n c e .” E O LT, w a s or g a n i z e d to h e lp y ou n g ladies m at r i c u l at e t h rou g h t h e u n i v e r s it y successfully w it h t h e h e lp of t h o s e w h o h av e w a l k e d i n t h e i r s h o e s . T h e g roup a ls o st r ives to unite and emp ower f reshmen l adies t hroug h mentorship and net work opp or tunit ies. “We have a l aunch p ar t y e ver y ye ar to int ro duce ne w memb ers to our organizat ion. We g ive t hem infor mat ion on E ss ence of
a L ady Tiger as a w hole and a ls o t a l k ab out t he dif ferent committe es we have w it hin our organizat ion,” s aid Vine chi a Johns on, a s enior communic at ive dis orders maj ors f rom Ne w Orle ans, L a. Johns on s er ves as t he 1st Vice-President for t he organizat ion. It is her s e cond t ime s er v ing on t he exe c ut ive b o ard. EOLT has many more comp onents b esides mentor ing . C ommitte es w it hin E ss ence of a L ady Tiger include C ommunit y S er v ice, HER Bible Study, S o ci a l Me di a, Sp e ci a l Events, RISK, and C ol lege Girl C hronicles. T h e c h a i r of C o l l e g e Girl C h ron i c l e s is D i a m on d Mc C r ay, a ju n i or p o l it i c a l s c i e n c e m aj or f rom Ma g n o l i a , M i s s . “C o l l e g e G i r l C h ron i c l e s is a series in which we g e t p e r s on a l a n d i nt i m at e w it h t h e m e mb e r s . We h o s t p a n e l d i s c u s s i on s a n d
Photo provided by Jennifer Wiles Students participate in various team building activities during EOLT event.
f or u m s t h at a re re l at i v e t o t h e l i f e of a c o l l e g e g i r l ,” e x p l a i n e d Mc C r ay. Approx i a m at e l y on e hu n d re d g i r l s att e n d e d t h e l au n c h p a r t y. A m on g t h o s e on e hu n d re d w a s Ja s l y n S e a l s , a ju n i or e l e m e nt a r y e du c at i on m aj or f rom
C a nt on , M i s s . “This l au n c h party m a d e m e e x c it e d t o s e e w h at E s s e n c e of a L a d y Ti g e r h a s i n s t ore f or u s t h i s y e a r,” s a i d S e a l s . “ T h i s w i l l b e my t h i rd y e a r i n t h e or g a n i z at i on a n d t h e y n e v e r d i s app oi nt .”
A ny l a d i e s w h o att e n d Ja c k s on St at e Un i v e r s it y a n d a re i nt e re s t e d i n j oi n i n g E s s e n c e of a L a d y Ti g e r a re e n c ou r a g e d t o g o t o w w w. t h e e e o lt . c om a n d d ow n l o a d a n app l i c at i on . App l i c at i on s a re du e on Oct. 23, 2015.
Wilkins, Devon and Brown win at Miss Iota Pageant
1) Newly crowned queens along with last year’s crowned queens, inlcuding the first Miss Iota Phi Theta. 2) (Left) Nikyta Wilkins- Miss Brown and Miss Congeniality, (Right) NaTosha Devon- Miss Gold, and (Middle) Yazmine Brown as Miss Iota 2015-2016
Orionna Brumfield MC Contributor/Staff Writer The Delta Psi chapter of the Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Ic., chose six ladies to represent their chapter in hopes of becoming the new Miss Brown, Miss Gold, and Miss Iota. The six contestants: Tyshon Porter, Nikyta Wilkins, Yazmine Brown, Aelicia Thomas, Marquesha Davis, and NaTosha Devon showcased their different styles in the pageant while enjoying the experience the entire time. Difference is the key to this
pageant. Even the categories: hitting the red carpet, talent, formal wear, and question and answer were interpreted differently compared to traditional pageants. The president of the fraternity along with his brothers, enjoy doing things out of character. “We believe in being different, that’s what we like to do. We believe in being unique and we want to do something everybody hasn’t done before, and that is how we try to do every event,” said Quvorris Harris, a senior criminal justice major from Vicksburg, Miss.
Three ladies were chosen to represent the various titles of the Iota’s Royal Court. Nikyta Wilkins won Miss Brown and Miss Congeniality, NaTosha Devon won Miss Gold, and Yazmine Brown to the overall crown as Miss Iota 2015-2016. All three ladies captivated the audience with their different personalities and are excited to execute their platforms. “I’ve always had courage and a big personality. It feels good to be acknowledged for both of those,” said Nikyta Wilkins, a senior mass communications major from Chicago, Ill. “My platform is
Photos: William H. Kelly III
Individuality: Be yourself at all times.”. Wilkins was not the only one who stepped outside of the box to do something different. “I have been through so many odds and been against so much as far as accomplishments I want to receive, and this was very overwhelming for me because it was unexpected. I feel like I have more courage to speak in front of a room full of people,” said Yazmine Brown, a senior biology/pre-medicine major from Chicago Ill. Brown, now the 20152016 Miss Iota, wants her platform: M.O.D.E.L- Making
Outstanding Determined Evolving Leaders, to serve as an opportunity for children and her colleagues to lead and learn their civil rights through workshops and different events. Natosha Devon, a senior speech communications major, from Chicago, Ill., plans to execute her platform: Educating People on Sexual Abuse. “I feel like people get raped every day, and nobody wants to report it. Or if it gets reported, nothing happens. My plan is to change all of that,” said Devon. Erica G. Gladney, the first Miss Iota from Chicago, Ill., was impressed with the beauty, talent, and brains all the contestants exemplified. She enjoyed judging the pageant from two different perspectives. “Before the event, I was able to take the label off of being a judge and be able to put my crown back on as a fellow black queen and give them some words of wisdom and encouragement. I was then able to sit in the judge’s seat and be amazed at how gorgeous, talented, and educated black women are who are representing Thee Jackson State University, Mississippi’s premier University,” said Gladney.
The Blue & White Flash
Page 5 - October 1, 2015
Pope Francis makes historic visit to United States Jordan Darensbourg MC Contributor/Staff Writer Pope Francis visited the United States and addressed many of the issues facing countries worldwide. During his visit, the Holy Father paid a visit to Washington, D.C., where he would visit the White House and President Barack Obama. He then celebrated mass at the National Catholic Cathedral before addressing Congress. Something never done by a Pope before. Pope Francis conveyed his message of peace and love as well as embracing diversity. According to the Associated Press, some words that have been described are humble, understanding, genuine & empathetic. During his homily during Sunday mass, Fr. Ricardo Phipps, pastor of Christ the King Catholic Church on Lynch Street near Jackson State, said, “Although it is exciting that Pope Francis is in the U.S., it is surprising that there is some opposition, most notably from priests.” Phipps explained, “It
is because they feel like worldly issues such as climate change have no place in the church.” Many students were in awe of the pontiff ’s message of peace and love. “I think it’s great that Pope Francis is in the U.S. He’s a really great Pope,” said Aja Brimm, a sophomore vocal performance major from Austin, Texas. “He embodies what I feel a Christian should be.” The Pope also traveled to New York City, where he was greeted by adoring fans along 5th Avenue as well as Times Square. After that, he would take part in an interfaith ser vice. He then celebrated mass at the internationally-famed Madison Square Garden with nearly 18,000 Catholics. Pope Francis would then take a drive through Central Park, followed by a visit with schoolchildren in Harlem. The next day, Pope Francis celebrated mass at the famed St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. Hundreds of priests, nuns, and dignitaries such as Andrew Cuomo, governor of
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New York and mayor Bill de Blasio, and U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer. The Bishop of Rome then traveled to Philadelphia, Pa., where he spoke at Independence Hall, where, according to the Associated Press, some 40,000 immigrants turned out for the papal address. He also attended a music
festival which turned out some 500,000 people. He ended the visit to the U.S. by holding Sunday mass in front of 1 million Catholics. However, a huge thing that came out of this was the blessing of a disabled young man at the Philadelphia airport after his arrival Saturday morning. Elbert McGowan, campus minister and RUF adviser
at JSU was excited about the Pope’s visit to the U.S. “What I liked most was his time with Obama. Also, his teachings on refugees and the church’s call to receive them. He understands the limits on government. The government can’t fix ever ything. But…..the church can do more,” said McGowan.
Jackson State receives $2.98 million competitive ‘First in the World’ grant to enhance STEM experiences for students University Communications Jackson State University is the recipient of a $2.98 million “First in the World” (FITW) grant to promote and enhance science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) experiences for JSU students. The award was announced today by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in Washington, D.C., where a total of $60 million was awarded to 17 colleges, universities and organizations. The goals of JSU’s Integrated STEM Experience for All project are to improve teaching and learning in STEM disciplines, increase retention and graduation rates, increase STEM literacy and stimulate enthusiasm about STEM education at JSU. FITW supports postsecondary institutions’ efforts to develop new approaches that can expand college access and
improve student learning while reducing costs. The program began in 2014 as part of President Barack Obama’s agenda to increase postsecondary access and completion. More than 300 applications were submitted for this year’s FITW grant competition. All funded FITW projects address at least one of the following priorities: increasing college access and completion, increasing community college transfer rates, increasing STEM enrollment and completion, and reducing time to completion. Over the next four years, teams of JSU students and faculty will engage in multidisciplinary research, STEM workshops, course redesign and other activities accelerating discovery and innovation. A total of 160 faculty and 1,280 students from various disciplines will be impacted.
“This grant provides Jackson State University a unique opportunity to continue the great work we’ve begun in engaging more of our students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” said JSU President Carolyn W. Meyers, a mechanical engineer. “This project is an extension of our efforts in cyber learning and quality and innovation in effective teaching. JSU is uniquely poised to lead in these areas because of our commitment to addressing challenges facing underrepresented students in all disciplines, especially STEM fields.” JSU has been designated as an Apple Distinguished School for 2013-2015 for innovation, leadership and educational excellence. Its iPad initiative provides iPads to all firsttime, full-time freshmen, and the INNOVATE and CREATE centers allow faculty and students to engage in formal
and informal digital learning opportunities. The FITW grant will help JSU stimulate student creativity and inquiry across disciplines, said Dr. Loretta Moore, vice president for research and federal relations. “While the highest concentration of majors who participate in undergraduate research come from STEM, this project will afford students in all disciplines an opportunity to participate in research and other collaborative projects with faculty leads,” Moore said. “This project aims to improve teaching and learning and student engagement in multidisciplinary research, innovation, education and engagement experiences in STEM.” This award represents the culmination of months of work by JSU’s leadership, senior personnel and research development officers. The leadership team and
Steering Committee consist of: President Meyers, Dr. James C. Renick, provost and senior vice president for academic and student affairs, Dr. Moore and Dr. Evelyn Leggette, associate vice president for academic affairs. Dr. Paul Tchounwou, associate dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, served as Principal Investigator and Project Director. U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson (2nd Congressional District) said he’s thrilled that JSU received the grant to enhance STEM experiences. “This project will work to improve both teaching and learning in STEM disciplines and transform the institutional culture at JSU to stimulate enthusiasm about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. I am so very proud that JSU was one of only 17 institutions nationwide to receive the grant,” he said.
Page 6 - October 1, 2015
The Blue & White Flash
JSU Tigers participate in Miss Black Mississippi Pageant William H. Kelly III Associate Editor Jackson State University produces women and men who strive to achieve high accolades in their field and earn titles special to their heart. Three students at JSU are currently doing just that as they vie to be the next Miss Black Mississippi USA 2016. Chrishtian Cameron, a junior criminal justice major from Natchez, Miss., is currently representing as Miss Black Natchez. “What inspired me was to eventually help everyone that I could because my platform is to raise awareness in children obesity. I definitely want to start in my hometown and to help people understand the consequences of becoming obese, so I just really want to show how negative the impact could be,” said Cameron. She added: “I did two pageants in high school and I did the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. pageant last year where I placed as Miss Congeniality. This is my first real real pageant.” Robin Y. Jackson, a senior political science major from Jackson, Miss., is the representing as Miss Black
Hinds County and is determined to impact others with her platform. “My platform as Miss Black Hinds County is ‘Beautiful Minds Beautiful People,’ and basically what that platform promotes is self-esteem awareness and also mental health awareness. I took this platform for testimonial reasons because a lot of my family has been diagnosed with mental illnesses and as a young child I dealt with self-esteem issues,” said Jackson. She added: “I want to help students who have these issues or young ladies in the community and in Mississippi and let them know that it’s ok, there’s help, there are ways that we can make it better and there are ways that we can go through a better healing process.” Last, but not least is the youngest of the JSU contestants, Jobrielle Winfree. Winfree, a sophomore chemistry major from Little Rock, Ark. is representing as Miss Black Mississippi Ridgeland. “I was Miss Black Arkansas Talented Teen 2012-2013, which is the teen category for the Miss Black USA system. There were a lot of harsh comments, especially in Arkansas where
I’m from about the word ‘black’. At the same time, being Miss Black Arkansas Talented Teen, you realize the importance and the threat of black excellence being known so when I was that young, I vowed that when I got older I would continue as a Miss contestant so that I could do more,” said Winfree. She added: “My platform is G.E.M.S. which is an acronym for Gathering to Explore Math and Science. At one point in time I gave up on science. I used to love science as a child but as science got harder and math got harder, I didn’t pursue it as I wanted to. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be going and focused on the career that I’m trying to get to. My platform basically encourages people, even when your classes get hard, don’t hold yourself back.” For those students who want to help support these fellow Tigers, you may purchase a ticket for $25 from your favorite contestant and also visit http:// missblackmississippiusa.org/ contestants/ to vote for one of the three contestants as the “2015 People’s Choice” winner. The pageant will be held at 3 p.m. on Oct. 10 in the Tupelo Civic Auditorium.
Graphic by William H. Kelly III (Top) Chrishtian Cameron (Bottom Left) Jobrielle Winfree (Bottom Right) Robin Jackson.
Three-year enrollment growth at JSU tops universities statewide; JSU now fourth-largest HBCU nationwide
Photo: Hidouk Graphic byAnissa William Kelly
University Communications Enrollment has grown by 10.8 percent at Jackson State University over the past three years, the largest increase of any state-assisted college or university, according to figures released by the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL). With an enrollment of 9,802 students, JSU is now the fourth-largest HBCU in the country. When Dr. Carolyn W. Meyers came to Jackson State University
as president in 2010 the school was ranked eighth-largest among HBCUs nationally. “Our freshman class is at an all-time high of 1,252 students. This represents a 4.7 percent increase over last year’s number of 1,196. We are really excited to report that the number of nonresident first-time freshmen has grown by 17.1 percent since last year,” said Dr. Nicole Evans, vice president for enrollment management and institutional research at Jackson State. Illinois, Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana
and Missouri are the top five “feeder states” for JSU. “Our enrollment growth is the result of hard work by our recruiters and admissions team and the efforts of faculty and staff, alumni and JSU supporters all across the country. President Meyers has set the bar high, and we push every day to tell the Jackson State story and sell the value of the JSU experience,” Evans said. Dr. James C. Renick, provost and senior vice president for academic and student affairs,
added, “This is our third year of solid enrollment growth at Jackson State University. We are delighted that increasing numbers of students recognize the benefits derived from a JSU education.” Glenn F. Boyce, commissioner of higher education, said that record enrollment statewide of 81,132 students indicates that students understand the value of higher education and the impact it will have on their futures. The figure surpasses the previous record of 81,022 in fall 2012. Four of five colleges at Jackson State report enrollment growth with the College of Public Service posting the largest increase at 9.9 percent. A 9 percent growth rate was tallied for the College of Science, Engineering and Technology and a healthy 7.8 percent increase is being reported for the College of Business. The College of Liberal Arts reports growth to be 5.4 percent over last year. The College
of Education and Human Development reported growth in undergraduate programs in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education and Health, Physical Education and Recreation. The university’s office of Institutional Research reports that graduate programs in Education Administration and Supervision, Early Childhood Education and Sports Science showed increases, Evans said. Fall 2015 enrollment breakdowns for other schools in the state and their percentage of change over the past three years: Alcorn State University, 3,594 enrolled, down 5.2 percent; Delta State University, 3,460 enrolled, down 1.2 percent; Mississippi State University, 20,873, up 2.5 percent; Mississippi University for Women, 2,676, up 1.3 percent; Mississippi Valley State University, 2,310, 0 percent; University of Mississippi, 23,838, up 10.3 percent; and the University of Southern Mississippi, 14,579, down 10.9 percent.
Page 7 - October 1, 2015
The Blue & White Flash
Marine Band wows Jackson State audience Rashundra Powell Staff Writer Crowds wrapped around the Rose E. McCoy on Sept. 29 to witness the President’s Own United States Marine band in all of its glory and splendor. The band began with a performance of the national anthem, which immediately caught the attention of the entire room. The band went on to do eight numbers,which included lessons in history as the band’s
concert moderator, Master Sgt. Kevin Bennear gave composers, descriptions and a story of each song played. Jackson State University’s Department of Music sponsored the performance and welcomed the diversity of attendees wowed by the precision and depth of talent of the band. “Music embodies history and culture that brings everyone of all colors, shapes, and ages together,” said David Akombo, chair of the Department of Music.
Lt. Col. Jason K. Fettig directed the band’s stunning performance with the help of Maj. Michelle A. Rakers, assistant director. Staff Sgt. Patrick Morgan delivered a thrilling clarinet solo that received a standing ovation. All of the performance seemed to lead to a climax with the performance tribute to “Ol’ Blue Eyes”, or Frank Sinatra to be exact. Another standing ovation followed this classic performance.
Sheryl Wright, a sophomore social science education major from Chicago, Ill. enjoyed every second of her experience. “The music had the ability to change my emotion. Some pieces made me feel happy and excited, while some made me feel solemn,” said Wright. She added: “My highlight of the night was watching the director conduct and the family of those who have served being recognized in the audience at the end.” For the finale, the United
States Armed Forces were saluted and recognized for their service. Each veteran or family of veteran in the audience stood as directed when his or her branch of the military was called. The last minutes of the show consisted of the entire room standing in appreciation for both the veterans and the President’s Own United States Marine Band. Bravo! William H. Kelly III contributed to this article.
1) Lietenant Colonel Jason K. Fettig as he directs the Marine Band. 2) The soothing sound of the band moved the audience. 3) Some songs performed by the band were very dramtic and exciting. Photos by William H. Kelly III
Michael B. Jordan angers Black Lives Matter supporters Breanna Stewart MC Contributor/Staff Writer While race relations in America have been a polarizing subject in the mainstream media for more than a year, Black Lives Matter, an activist movement which campaigns against police brutality in the United States, has come under opposition from actor Michael B. Jordan. With its presence being felt in nearly every medium of press, Black Lives Matter’s biggest impact is felt online, with the hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, being a dominate, year-round trending topic on social media websites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In the wake of what is being called by the New York Times as “the 21st century’s Civil Rights Movement,” there has been a significant amount of backlash against the grassroots organization. Actor Michael B. Jordan, best known for his roles in “Fruitvale Station and “Fantastic Four”, recently posted on his personal Snapchat account, that all lives mattered, with the statement upsetting many of his AfricanAmerican supporters.
Proponents of the All Lives Matter movement, which began as the aftereffects of the Black Lives Matter wave of influence, promote racial tolerance, with the belief that the lives of everyone, not just those of African-Americans. Civil Rights activists, however, have not only deemed All Lives Matter as offensive to Black Lives Matter, but have also labeled the new group as both intolerant and dismissive to the plight of blacks in America, according to Black Lives Matter advocate, Julius Jones. Criticism of Jordan from within the African-American community quickly followed, and was once again, largely felt on social media. Black Twitter, a cultural identity found within the Twitter social networking site, was quick to denounce Jordan and called for an immediate apology for his statement. While Jordan, 28, did issue a public apology to Essence Magazine a few days later, explaining his position of why all lives should matter, La’Marsha Dwy, a junior social work major a from Brandon, Miss., feels Jordan should have
used his celebrity to promote awareness for the Black Lives Matter syndicate instead. “For him to be a young black male,” Dwy said. “He should have geared his opinion more towards the Black Lives Matter movement versus All Lives Matter.” La’Corey Henderson believes that while all lives do matter, the promotion of Black Lives Matter should be a critical discussion point for celebrities of all races, not just those of AfricanAmerican lineage. “I get why he’s saying that all lives matter. However, we’re talking about black lives. That’s the focus. You don’t even have to be black. You can be any color. Just get the message out there,” said Henderson, a sophomore graphic design major from Jackson, Miss. Rickey Hill, chair of the political science department at Jackson State University, also believes that while all lives should matter, in lieu of the recent rise of police brutality against African-Americans, the All Lives Matter movement may only be a play on wordst. “Generally speaking, all lives matter,” Hill said. “However,
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in this country, where you have a history of slavery, exploitation, oppression, and class domination, and you place that in historical context, black lives have not mattered.” Hill also stated that with the prolonged discourse of racial inequality that has brought America to this point in history, those of differing viewpoints
and opinions should not forget the fundamental premise behind Black Lives Matter movement. “All Lives Matter versus Black Lives Matter, it’s still not going to wipe away the fact that this is a historical problem; this is nothing new. It is certainly important to make the point, however, that black lives matter, too,” said Hill.
Page 8 - October 1, 2015
The Blue & White Flash
Top 5 R&B albums of the year 2015 so far
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Jhade’ Norris MC Contributor/Staff Writer R&B and soul singers have once again proven that in 2015, R&B still reigns supreme. With neo-soul artists and a lot of hip-hop flavor, 2015 has been a great year for R&B artists and here is a list of what I think are the Top 5 R&B albums thus far…because fans there is more to come. Singer Ciara released her album, “Jackie” this year after the birth of her first child and break-up with rapper Future. Many Ciara fans believe that motherhood has brought out the best in Ciara with this innovative and uplifting album.
This week in trending topics, Fetty Wap has been hospitalized, football fans are mad at Ciara, and the new Snapchat update is extremely funny.
Fetty Wap hospitalized after motorc ycle crash
Hip-hop rapper, Fetty Wap, was injured in a motorcycle accident on Sept. 26 i n h i s h om e t ow n of Pat e r s on , N. J. Ac c ord i n g t o T M Z , Fe tt y w a s r i d i n g h i s m ot orc y c l e when he collided headon w it h a n ot h e r v e h i c l e . Pa r a m e d i c s t re at e d
Ciara does not go too far out of her range with the album but keeps listeners interested especially with the lead single “I Bet”, which is rumored to be about her ex-boyfriend. Jazmine Sullivan, whose voice always reminds me of the soul singing greats of the past, also sings about heartbreak and touches on social issues in her album “Reality Show” released in January of 2015. This album serves as somewhat of a comeback for Sullivan after her semi-retirement from music for five years. “Reality Show” serves as a truthful depiction of women in today’s society and Sullivan’s personal
life. According to Soultracks.com, the album is an exciting project from an artist who re-discovered her own excitement in both music and herself again. “Jazmine Sullivan is better than ever, and her album had me on the edge of my seat the entire time,” said Kadarims Bradley, a freshman mathematics major from Bay Springs, Miss. On the subject of soul searching and self-awareness, up and coming artist Kehlani also created a buzz for herself when she released her first official album. “You Should Be Here” is very reflective and makes listeners wonder. Though Kehlani is only 19 years old, her sound is classic
Fe tt y at the scene before transporting him to a nearby hospital to examine him for possible fractures. Soon after the crash, images surfaced on social media from witnesses who saw the accident happen. One person shared a pic of Fetty being cared for by EMT and being taken away from the scene. The crash re m a i n s u n d e r i nv e s t i g at i on a n d n o s u m m on s e s h av e b e e n i s s u e d . T h e w om a n d r i v i n g t h e c a r w a s n ot i nju re d , a n d h e r n a m e h a s n ot b e e n re l e a s e d , a c c ord i n g to P I X 1 1 Ne w s . T h a n k f u l l y, Fe tt y is o k ay a n d re c ov e r i n g f rom t h e a c c i d e nt . He t o o k t o h i s In s t a g r a m a c c ou nt t o t h a n k h i s f a n s f or t h e i r pr ay e r s . “I appre c i at e a l l of my f a n s f or pr ay i n g f or m e . I bro k e my l e g i n t h re e p l a c e s , but I’ l l b e a l r i g ht . I re a l l y appre c i at e y ’a l l ,” s a i d Fe tt y i n a n In s t a g r a m post.
Have the Seahawks been cursed by Ciara?
So far the Seattle Seahawks are off to a bad start this season with a record of 0-2, and the fans are not happy. Seahawks fans blame singer Ciara, quarterback Russell Wilson’s girlfriend, for the team’s losing streak. Fans are accusing Ciara of distracting Wilson and knocking him off of his game which is resulting in him not playing well. After a major loss to the Green Bay Packers, fans created a GoFundMe campaign to raise $50,000 in an attempt to break the couple up. According to Black Sports Online, the GoFundMe had this description: “After seeing how great Future Hendrix’s career has been since Ciara broke up with him, we think the same thing can happen to Russell Wilson again! So to do this, we’re gonna get Ciara’s career back on track so she has no time to be in a relationship. Donate to save our Seahawks!” The campaign was quickly removed. Fans are hoping for a victor y as the Seahawks
and her album keeps listeners and social media subscribers pleased. “I’ve been so pleased with Kehlani’s growth as an artist and I am over all happy with the album, said Jehanne Gipson, a junior chemistry major from Chicago, Ill. Artist Miguel released an album shortly after Kehlani named “Wildheart”. After winning a Grammy for hit single “Adorn”, listeners didn’t know what to expect from Miguel’s newest album. Miguel delivered a sort of rock infused R&B album to his fans and strayed away from his normal genre. According to Pitchfork. com , for Miguel, humanity is
found between partners and between the sheets. Simply stating that the album is sensual yet portrays a deep message. The Weeknd released “Beauty Behind the Madness” this year. After his hit debut singles, many were looking forward to see what the artist would follow up with. The Weeknd brought listeners back to his true nature of music and for newer listeners he takes them to a new world of music to explore and its richer and smarter than ever according to pitchfork. com. With so much good R&B music already released, it will be interesting to see who closes out 2015 as the best in R&B music.
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face off against the Chicago Bears on Oct. 4.
Snapchat gets new update
Snapchat received a new update last week with exciting and hilarious new features. The new update introduces lenses, which brings facerecognition filters allowing you to add animation, faces, and other effects to your selfies with just a simple tap to your screen. With the new selfie filters you are able to morph
your face into a monster or zombie, vomit rainbows, cry big, fake tears, turn yourself into a robot, and more. The update has been making waves around social media with hilarious videos of parents scaring their small children with the monster filter. On their official Tumblr, Snapchat said that they wanted to give users a new way to express themselves. Along with the new filters, you can now purchase replays at the bargain price of three for $0.99.
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The Blue & White Flash
Stherline Silencieux Hometown: Ir vington, N.J. Major: Business Management Classification: Sophomore Sport: Cross-Countr y Position: Mid-Distance Aniecia Brewster MC Contributor/Staff Writer It is more than just a run on the trail at Jackson State University for Stherline Silencieux. Well known for skills as a runner on JSU’s crosscountr y team, Silencieux is also on the track and
field team and a member of Lambda Sigma Honor Society. With dreams of becoming a premier wedding planner, Silencieux plans to intern at Tara Guérard Soirée after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in business management from JSU. Tara Guérard Soirée is a
Page 11 - October 1, 2015 full-ser vice event planning and design company headquartered in historic Charleston, S. C., with an additional office in New York City. The top women’s crosscountr y runner chose JSU because it was an opportunity to explore a new location since she never had the chance to leave New Jersey before coming to college. Silencieux stated that she wanted new scener y, a new location and a new place to call her home away from home. One of the unique things about Silencieux that many JSU students may notice if they see her on campus is that she likes to be different from ever yone else. She is known for wearing mismatched socks during competition and occasionally on a regular dress down day. Silencieux had a minor setback during her freshman year at JSU because she stated, she wasn’t pushing herself as much as she could due to an injur y during cross-countr y in 2014. She has high expectations and is determined that it will not hold her back from getting personal records for this season. “With ever y practice and ever y meet, I feel stronger than I felt the previous day.
Don’t get me wrong, I do get my sluggish days, but being pushed by my coach and teammates really helps me push myself to the next level. I just run and if I feel like I push that last mile or 200 meters, then I just do it,” said Silencieux. Silencieux has people numerous supporting her to help push her pass her limits, such as, family, friends, and even people that have seen her run and thinks she can do better. She really enjoys when other coaches from other schools encounter her to help become a better athlete. Silencieux that feels sports playing helps prepare you for any profession and life in general. Cross-countr y and track and field has helped to show her discipline, teamwork, and time management. Silencieux expects her times to drop before the SWAC championship on Oct. 24 because she is pacing herself and her times are only dropping with more hard work. “I have high hopes in
Photo provided by: Aniecia Brewster
the cross-countr y team on ending our season and onwards,” said Silencieux.
Jackson State will induct 11 into 2015 Sports Hall of Fame University Communications
Jackson State University’s Division of Athletics will induct 11 new legends during its 2015 Sports Hall of Fame Banquet on Friday, Oct. 2, in the Student Center Ballroom on the main campus. In recognizing their accomplishments, interim director of athletics Robert M. Walker said, “As inductees into this prestigious society, the former athletes forever will be identified among the university’s and nation’s all-time greats.” This year’s cadre of honorees represents four sports. As well, the university will bestow recognition onto a distinguished supporter, who also will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
The 2015 inductees are: Willie “Doc” Barnes,Supporter Radious Y. Guess, Track and Field James “Big Cat” Harvey Jr., Football Tameika Hill-Brown, Basketball Michelle Houston, Basketball Anna Eatmon-Johnson, Basketball James C. Marshall,Baseball and Football Louis Antonio McRae Sr., Football (posthumously) Aubery Stewart, Track and Field Charles “Red Rooster” Williams, Football Deatrich Wendell Wise Sr., Football Cost for individual ticket is $75; table of eight is $600. Contact the JSU ticket office at 601-979-2420 for banquet tickets.
Page 12 - October 1, 2015
The Blue & White Flash
Jackson State Tigers look for another win in SWAC play Jeremy Anderson Associate Editor
Photo: JSU Athletics Media
Wide Receiver, Devin Fosselman.
The Tigers of Jackson State University will host the Tigers of Grambling State University this Saturday on Oct.3 in Jackson. This will be the second year of GSU’s mandate to visit Jackson three consecutive years following the Homecoming fiasco of 2013. For those who don’t remember, GSU was scheduled to be JSU’s opponent for the 2013 Homecoming game, but due to a boycotting from the football players, the game never happened. Complaints about mold on the shoulder pads, a decrepit weight room, and extremely long bus rides led to the Grambling players refusing to travel to Jackson. Grambling was fined an undisclosed amount and was forced to travel to Jackson for three consecutive years as a result of the forfeit. Last year, GSU gained its first win of the season in Veterans Memorial
Stadium against Jackson State. The GSU victory sparked a win streak of seven games, including a conference game against the eventual champions of the Southwestern Athletic Conference, Alcorn State University. GSU was one game away from an appearance in the SWAC Championship last year and was picked in the preseason polls to find a spot in Houston this year. So far this year, Grambling looks poised for another strong season. Similar to many teams in the SWAC, GSU opened up their season with a loss to a Football Bowl Division opponent, the CaliforniaBerkley Golden Bears. GSU then lost 56-53 to the Bethune-Cookman Wildcats, a formidable opponent from the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference. GSU then opened conference play with a 3410 win against Alabama State and 70-54 win against Prairie View A&M in the State Fair Classic in Dallas.
Against Prairie View, GSU quarterback Jonathan Williams passed for 429 yards and seven touchdowns Jackson State picked up its first win last week against Texas Southern. In a closely contested matchup, JSU won its fifth consecutive game against TSU by a score of 34-30. Quarterback La Montiez Ivy passed for 370 yards and three touchdowns to lift JSU to the win. Of Ivy’s three touchdowns, receivers Devin Fosselman and Dan Williams each caught one of them while hauling in over 100 receiving yards for the night. Ivy and his receivers will need to have another big game on Saturday against one of the SWAC’s best offenses in Grambling. Although Grambling does score a lot, they are also giving up an average of over 48 points a game. Look for a highscoring game with heavy passing attacks this Saturday at 6 p.m. in Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium.
JSU Tigers battle for first win against Texas Southern Robert Johnson IV MC Contributor The Jackson State Tigers recorded their first victory last week against the Texas Southern Tigers at home at the Veterans Memorial Stadium. JSU is now 1-1 in Southwestern Athletic Conference play and 1-3 overall. Quarterback LaMontiez Ivy completed 22 of 27 passes for 370 yards and three touchdowns finishing with his most accurate passing game of the season to date according to JSU Athletics Media. Devin Fosselman and Dan Williams both had six receptions and a touchdown Saturday. This was the second time this season two receivers for Jackson State eclipsed 100 yards in one game. Fosselman finished with 129 yards receiving and Williams had recorded 124 yards for Jackson State. Defensively, Teddrick Terrell had a sack in the last few seconds of the game to help Jackson State beat Texas Southern 34-30.
Fosselman, a senior wide receiver from Woodville, Miss. was pleased with the win for the Tigers. “I had a lot of friends and family there and it felt good to show out for them. I’m really just happy we got the cause it was long overdue.” Less than two minutes into the game, Ivy connected with Williams on a 63 yard reception for a touchdown at the 13:04 minute mark in the first quarter. The turning point in the game came when defensive back Zavian Bingham intercepted a pass and returned it for 99 yards for a JSU score. Ivy found Fosselman for a 30-yard touchdown pass to give Jackson State a 3424 lead with 4:17 left in the contest. Texas Southern struck back with a five-play, 57-yard drive. The drive was capped by a 10-yard pass to Derrick Griffin for touchdown with 2:40 to play in the game. The extra point attempt by Eric Medina was blocked by Brandon Maiden, leaving JSU with a four point lead. Jackson State went three-
and-out the very next series, leaving Texas Southern with less than a minute to score with no time outs left. Terrell’s sack with 32 seconds left sealed the game for the Tigers. The Jackson State Tigers suffered from turnovers all through the game. Jackson State recorded 5 turnovers. Devin Fosselman, Jarius Moore, and Zavian Bingham fumbled and Ivy threw two interceptions. Yet, the Tigers still found a way t o win. “We were lucky t o get the win with as many turnovers as we had. We have t o clean up some things this upcoming week of practice,” said Timmy Chang, Offensive Coordinator. Photo: JSU Athletics Media JSU fans were overjoyed with the Joshua Bates (35) helped JSU establish the run game. long overdue victory. “The Tigers played well! I was excited the whole great day to be a Tiger,” said to action on Saturday, Oct. game and even more excited Adrian Washington, a Jackson 3 against Grambling State when the game was over and State fan from Byram, Miss. University to battle for they finally got the win. It’s The JSU Tigers return another win in SWAC play.