The Blue & White Flash January 18, 2018

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The Official Student Newspaper of Jackson State University Jackson, Mississippi

January 18, 2018


Vol. 78 / No. 14

Photo: JSU Public Relations

Jackson State delays beginning of spring 2018 semester due to water and weather issues Aaron Walker Managing Editor

Jackson State University began the year of 2018 with school opening delays and water issues caused by sub-freezing temperatures and city of Jackson infrastructure issues. Temperatures below freezing caused several pipes across the city to break causing a major water crisis in Jackson. The city reported 119 water main breaks all together from New Year’s Day causing boil water notices and low water pressure for most of the city. Further adding to the delay, on Tuesday, Jan. 16, a cold front mixed with moisture caused snow and ice to form on already cold streets and a new wave of water main breaks. After monitoring and work with the city of Jackson, Jackson State officials decided to further delay the opening of the residence halls to Jan. 13 and classes slated

to begin on Tuesday, Jan. 16 had to be cancelled again. Spring semester 2018 officially began on Jan. 17, but some students still found that some buildings were still closed due to the cold weather and water issues. An early morning alert from the University stated that due to boiler issues impacting the College of Liberal Arts, College of Business, Administration Tower and Walter Payton Center, all classes typically conducted in these buildings were canceled. Additionally, employees who work in those buildings worked from home until the boiler issues were repaired. To accommodate the safety of JSU commuter students, faculty and staff, the workday was also amended to 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Alexis Moore, Jackson State University’s 20172018 Student Government Association President and

a senior biolog y major from Ridgeland, Miss. said water pressure and heating issues on campus are having a huge affect on students. “ The water crisis has caused issues with water pressure and heating for most residence halls on campus. Because of this, the start of classes was delayed by a week causing some out- of-state students to be displaced. Those students that are currently on campus have complained about not being able to utilize showers and faucets, which made terrible living situations. Although it has been reported that the water issues may persist after classes resume, most students are ready to go ahead and get the semester started,” said Moore. Other students on campus have major concerns on how this has affected JSU students. Comelia Walker, a senior mathematics education major from Canton, Miss. and the 2017-2018 Miss

Jackson State University said, “ This water crisis has affected the student body in a major way. Several students booked flights, trains, buses, and necessar y traveling prior to school being shut down,” said Walker. She added, “Students showed up on campus without knowing what their next step would be. Students who did not check emails or watch the news regularly attempted to come to campus to complete registration and were stopped. The students were also confused on the safety of using the water when returning. This honestly showed us that life happens, and we don’t always know what tomorrow will bring.” Many other students were glad to have extra time off before the starting school. “I think while some students, myself included, were glad to have the extra time off from school, students and YES, WE’RE SOCIAL!

families were ultimately thrown off because of the problems on campus. I do think JSU handled the situation in the best manner possible, I would just hope both JSU and the City of Jackson come up with a contingency plan for events like this in the future,” said Jauan Knight, a senior political science major from Jackson, Miss. The delayed opening of the spring semester is expected to have no affect on the academic calendar. However, the Margaret Walker Center has rescheduled its 50th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday Convocation and its 23rd annual For My People Awards. T he M LK C onvo c at ion w i l l now b e at 10 a.m. on Tues d ay, Jan. 23, 2018, in t he R os e E. McC oy Auditor ium and t he For My Pe ople Awards lunche on will imme di ately fol low in t he JSU Student C enter The ater on c ampus. Dr. Joyce A. L adner w i l l b e t he ke y note sp e a ker.



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The Blue & White Flash Jackson State University

P.O. Box 18449 Jackson, Mississippi 39217 Phone: 601.979.2167 / Fax: 601.979.2876 E-Mail:

JSU’s 7-Day Weather Forecast

THURSDAY High 43o Low 21o Sunny

FRIDAY High 53o Low 36o Mostly Sunny

SATURDAY High 59o Low 48o Partly Cloudy

SUNDAY High 67o Low 53o Mostly Cloudy

MONDAY High 59o Low 37o AM Rain

Transfer of power will be a test for Americans to find common ground January 27, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Managing Editor On Friday, Jan. 20, citizens of the United States of America, especially those living in Washington, D.C. were in an uproar, before and during the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Of course, for a democratic socialist like me, it was an unwelcoming realization that our nation will now be run by a narcissistic bully, with the complex of a child. I decided to not watch the inauguration personally, just because it was my own personal way of protesting, but other citizens of this great nation, had a Malcolm X mentally of protesting. I am not condoning the actions of the protesters as they ran through the streets of Washington, D.C. vandalizing businesses, but I

Just because we’re magic doesn’t mean we’re not real February 10, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Managing Editor People seem to forget, especially AfricanAmericans, how much we have significantly impacted the modern world with our inventions in technology, changing the world of medicine, hair, food and businesses. Society seems to neglect these inventions without realization that many African-Americans have contributed to this country’s progress. We have prepared the foods, found multiple ways to utilize the peanut, created an invention to get rid of the kinks and curls of natural hair, we have created pace-makers, colored televisions, and we have even stepped into politics and have held positions in judicial, legislative and executive areas.

High 60o Low 38o Sunny

WEDNESDAY High 58o Low 38o Partly Cloudy

For too many decades, African-Americans have been absent from the history books, and it is about time these ingenious inventors, educators, activists and entertainers receive the acknowledgement they deserve. Dr. Carter G. Woodson recognized the lack of knowledge on AfricanAmerican history and in 1926, and established an entire month honoring those inventors, activists, poets and playwrights, who broke barriers and paved the way for the monumental progress we have made throughout the decades. It is important for us to understand where we come from, and what we are capable of, even during these “TRUMPED” times. Even in 2017, eight years after the...

Student Decorum 101: Dress how you want to be addressed September 7, 2017


do understand their anger and frustrations. People are upset and confused about the outcome of this election and it was almost three months ago. We are now in a time where eight years ago, we witnessed a man triumph in the 2008 elections and become the first AfricanAmerican male to be President of the United States of America. We cannot forgot that the people of this nation made that possible. Some say it was nice to watch the inauguration, the peaceful transfer of power, and Barack and Michelle Obama gracefully and unselfishly show our country what it truly means to stand for the people and by the people. As the former FLOTUS and POTUS waved...

Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief I know everyone has heard that Jackson State University will now be enforcing the dress code in the Student Decorum Policy. I would like to say, without any judgment or backlash, that I am actually glad that they will finally enforced this policy. I am so tired of seeing some students walk around campus half-naked like it is a fashion show, dressing like they are going to a club. Or wearing clothing that is not becoming of their shape or form, which can be viewed as indecent exposure. And it is mainly females that seem to have the hardest time finding something appropriate to

wear. I’ve seen more violations these first weeks of school than I saw the entire last academic year. Most of these girl’s wear what they wear to gain attention, and they are getting the kind of attention they want, as negative as it may be. Men don’t respect you for being half-naked, they look at you as naïve and easily influenced. Men are not excluded from this rant because some of them wear things that are so questionable I sit and wonder to myself if it is even meant to be worn by men. I’ve seen men sagging and all I can imagine is them running from the police with their pants about to fall to...

Donald J. Trump’s First 100 Days of Hell; Twelve days later February 2, 2017

William H. Kelly III Editor-in-Chief I would like to congratulate Trump, or President Trump for those that it may apply to, for unintentionally enlightening a generation and generations to come. Through the upmost highest level of ignorance, this man that we must now refer to as president has already begun destroying the lives of American citizens. As a generation, I feel as though we lacked interest and purpose to educate ourselves politically. Honestly, with the comfort and security of President Obama in office, there is a possibility that we never felt the need to be concerned with politics simply because we were confident in Obama’s leadership. We as a nation were in

denial about the Obama’s leaving the White House and we most definitely refused to take this past election season seriously (issa joke) until it was too late. Now that Trump is in office, wreaking havoc across the country just as he promised he would, we are panicking and protesting. It has ONLY been 12 days since Trump’s Presidential Inauguration and I have never been so appalled, disgusted, and confused. As I scrambled across campus these past two weeks, I would occasionally cross paths with a television headline that either involved Trump signing that or preparing to initiate this. It is so mind boggling how one person and his legion of minions can genuinely believe that...

The role of a real student leader at Jackson State January 27, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Managing Editor Having student elected officials on a college campus allows the student body to be represented by a set of individuals that hopefully spread our ideas and concerns to those in authority. Every year, Jackson State students have the privilege of voting for a particular candidate from a pool of others who believe that they are qualified applicants, vying for that Student Government Association position. Their selection process is critical, students must have a required GPA and have a certain number of community service hours. A concerned student, such as myself, looks at your knowledge of the position you are trying to obtain, the amount of time in service

you put into this school and the leadership and authority I believe you possess in order take my dear ole college home into a brighter future. In every election process, to get your ideas across as a candidate, you have to attract the eye, and I have literally had candidates slide into my Instagram DM’s, forcibly add me to an unauthorized group message and constantly promote their platforms via Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat every five minutes throughout an entire day. If that doesn’t get your attention, the many programs that are promoted throughout the week for a particular campaign team will surely get your attention as people forcibly hand you a flyer or tell you to take a picture with them and get some candy...

R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Allow me to tell you what it means to me January 27, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Managing Editor Good things come to those who wait, but is respect categorized as one of those things humans are expected to wait for? Growing up I learned that the Golden Rule is to treat people the way you want to be treated. Based on recent interactions between students in the media and the “adults” on campus, also referred to as administration, faculty and staff, I think it’s time that we all revisit the good ol’ Golden Rule. As a child, you are taught to stay in a “child’s place” and respect your elders. This mindset is instilled into many of us and continues to serve as not only a household tactic but also a social tactic

used in numerous settings. Being in college is basically like being in a neverending Meet & Greet, which can be extremely overwhelming. College is considered to be a professional social setting and of course you are constantly put in situations where you are required, or expected, to interact with strangers and treat them with respect. Unfortunately, you won’t always receive the same respect that you deliver to these strangers, including your fellow colleagues, professors, advisors, officers and many more who may fall under the administration, faculty and staff category. Throughout my college career, I have...

The views expressed in these commentaries are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.

The Blue & White Flash Staff SHANNON D. TATUM Publications Manager

KIERRA D. THOMAS Graphic Designer

ALEXANDRIA GALTNEY Editor- in-Chief AARON WALKER Managing Editor

Morgan Beard Kambui Bomani Winnie Bush Eric Brown Tavia Calvin Jared Dorsey

CHELSEY JONES Managing Editor

K’Shatriyah Humphrey Mia Jones Zipporah Jones William H. Kelly III Kalin Norman Aaron Rhaney

Letters To The Editor

Letters to the editor are welcome. Editors reserve the right to print or reject for publication any letters received. Letters must include the author’s name(s), address, and phone number; phone number will not be published. All letters are subject to editing for space and libel consideration. Materials must be submitted by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication on Thursday.

Editorial Staff

The Blue & White Flash is open to contributions from all Jackson State University students. We encourage all students, regardless of major and/or classification, to participate in the production of their newspaper. For information concerning your contribution to “The Official Student Newspaper of Jackson State University,” call 601-979-2167 or visit room 211 in the Blackburn Language Arts Building.

Publication/Distribution Information

The Blue & White Flash is a weekly newspaper written and edited by the students with the counsel of the adviser. Editorials and letters to the editor represent the views of the writer(s). Views expressed within do not necessarily represent the opinions of the faculty/staff, the administration, the student body, or the Board of Trustees. The editors determine the time of the publication and the ethical qualities of all articles. Articles and other materials in The Flash cannot be republished without the expressed written permissions of the editor, adviser and the Student Publications Board at Jackson State University. The Flash is published during the fall and spring semesters, but not during university-recognized holidays, mid-semester and final examinations. The Flash is distributed at various locations around the Jackson State University campus, free of charge to students, staff and faculty. Additional copies may be obtained from the Office of Student Publications.

Awards & Honors The Blue & White Flash has received numerous awards and honors from the Mississippi Press Association, Black College Communications Association and the Southern Regional Press Institute. The Flash proudly hosted the 2003 and 2010 HBCU Newspaper Conference and Job Fair at Jackson State University.

Subscription Information

Subscription rates for The Blue & White Flash are 25 issues for $25 or the special alumni rate of 25 issues for $20. To subscribe to the Official Student Newspaper of Jackson State University, submit your name, address, city, state, and zip code. Make a check or money order payable to The Blue & White Flash and mail to address above.


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Cartoon: Rhis Harris - January 27, 2017

Cartoon: Rhis Harris - February 2, 2017

Cartoon: Rhis Harris - February 10, 2017

Cartoon: Eric Brown- September 7, 2017

Cartoon: Eric Brown- September 7, 2017

Cartoon: Eric Brown- October 5, 2017

“Who was the most influential Civil Rights Movement leader and why?” Compiled by Bernice Brown | February 23, 2017

“Do you feel students are treated with respect from JSU administration, faculty and staff?” Compiled by Jazmine Haley | November 9, 2017

Top Stories

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Tornado rips through Forrest and Lamar More than 1 million protest counties, killing at least 4 at women’s marches in U.S. January 27, 2017 Taya Drummer-Chaney Staff Writer

January 27, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Managing Editor

The National Weather service confirmed that a tornado touched down in Forrest and Lamar counties in Mississippi on Jan. 21, killing four people. Jackson State University students who live in residence halls were alerted to the destructive weather system affecting Mississippi via weather alerts and a mass email that advised them to take cover immediately and not to go outside as sirens were sounding. Many students were concerned for family and loved ones living in south Mississippi. “I was sitting on top of University of Southern Mississippi parking lot garage facing south with the stadium slightly to my left and in that...

On Saturday, Jan. 21, Donald Trump’s first day in office, was wrought with protests as millions of women and men marched the streets in various cities, including Washington D.C., protesting his presidency. The marches, which took place in multiple major cities around the country, sparked major attention and criticism from some conservatives and

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JSU makes way for the first Mister Jackson State University

Photos by William William H. H. Kelly Kelly III III Photo by

Student Government Association President, Kendall Bunch, and Vice President, Isaac Gaines, signing the Mister Jackson State University official documents.

February 10, 2017 William H. Kelly Editor-in-Chief One of the most eventful times of the school year is approaching and students as

democrats. A-list celebrities such as Madonna, Zendaya, Rihanna, Janelle Monae, Scarlett Johansson, Katy Perry, Julia Roberts and more took the stage to call on President Donald Trump to support women’s equality and issues including reproductive rights. Actress and activist America Ferrera told an audience of millions in Washington, “If we, the millions of Americans who believe in common decency...

well as alumni and neighboring universities have something new to look forward to, the upcoming student body election season. Students at Jackson State University will now have the

opportunity to vote for the first Mister Jackson State University. Mister Jackson State University, similar to Miss Jackson State University, will serve in the same capacity. Destiney Lawrence, the current Miss Jackson State University, and a senior biology pre-medicine major from Fairhope, Ala., is passionate about the purpose of the future King. As Miss Jackson State University, it is only a certain crowd that I can reach. Women gravitate to me because I am Miss JSU, and men do too, and I know how to decipher and be a role model even for males but there is only so much that I can do as a woman,” said Lawrence. “Males need a male role model, males need someone that they feel comfortable to talk to...

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Trump issues order to halt immigration from countries with history of terrorism February 2, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Managing Editor On Friday, Jan. 27, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to put a pause on all immigration in some countries with a history of terrorism and the U.S. refugee program. Trump’s executive order, which some are calling a “Muslim Ban,” is fulfilling one of his controversial campaign pledges. All travelers, except United States citizens, traveling from Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Libya and Yemen, will temporarily be suspended from

entry into the country for 90 days. The Trump administration announced that these countries were on a list for “countries of concerns” formally made during the Obama administration, but the executive order was never implemented. Some travelers that were in the air while the order was being signed were sent back to the countries they flew in from. Others were detained, and those who have citizenship coming back from their home countries had to be rescreened. Presidents have broad power in shaping immigration policy, but some critics...

New Edition biopic sheds light on the dark side of music industry

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February 10, 2017 Alyssa Drake Staff Writer The world renowned 80’s boy band New Edition was recently honored in a biopic that displayed their astonishing struggle to stardom. The widely anticipated three part series premiered on BET on Jan. 24 – 26. Fans from all across the world rejoiced and relived the magical memories of the popular boy band. Twitter, Instagram, and

Facebook were filled with posts about the cast and how realistic the whole experience seemed.

The audience was given an inside look at the rise to fame for the famous group, while also getting a look at the individual struggles each battled. One of the reasons the show was so successful was the realistic casting. The cast included: Luke James as Johnny Gill, Woody McClain as Bobby Brown, Elijah Kelley as Ricky Bell, Bryshere Y.

Gray as Michael Bivins, Algee Smith as Ralph Tresvant and Keith Powers as Ronnie Devoe. In Part 1, Ralph, Bobby, Ricky, and Mike are introduced as childhood friends who reluctantly enter the world of entertainment. Brooke Payne, introduced as the group’s first manager and creator of the New Edition moniker, brings in their fifth member, his nephew Ronnie. Viewers were treated...

Get Out movie encourages the black Hidden Figures movie soars high at box office and feminisim community to ‘Stay Woke’ looking for a movie with laughter, February 10, 2017

February 23, 2017 William H. Kelly III Editor-in-Chief

Kendria Haley

Staff Writer/MC486 Shirley Chisholm once said, “You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” The movie “Hidden Figures,” which premiered on Christmas Day last year, portrayed just how far a good idea can take you. If you are

If you are a movie fanatic that craves suspense, tons of drama, crazy white people, and blacks uniting as one with a sprinkle of comedy, “Get Out” is the perfect film for you. For those who have this preconceived notion or assume that this is a basic black history month movie about racism, you are completely wrong. According to the trailers and previews, “Get Out” seems to be the typical movie about a black man, Chris, dating a white woman, Rose, and meeting her psychotic...

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Rap queens Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj take rap beef to new level

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April 24, 2017 Bernice S. Brown MC301/Staff Rappers Nicki Minaj and Remy Ma have reignited a decade long beef that has set social media and the airwaves on fire.

tears, and empowerment, then you should consider seeing this movie. “Hidden Figures” chronicles the experiences of Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae)AfricanAmerican women working for NASA, who crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to think big...

The two are using what they do best, rap, to throw punches rivaling Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson in their intensity with diss tracks “shETHER(Remy Ma)” and “No Frauds(Nicki

Minaj)”. According to, the feud between the two started in 2007 and sizzled out when Remy Ma was incarcerated for accidently shooting her friend. “It is entertaining to see the feud that has built up over the years and is now being overly publicized, but the only two people that really know what happened are Nicki and Remy,” said Erick Black, a senior physical therapy major from Jackson, Miss. Since her release in 2014, it is evident that there is still animosity between the two. Remy Ma’s “shETHER” dropped in March of 2017, and was aimed directly at Minaj. According to, it is still evident...

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Hurricane Harvey damages the coastal region of Texas September 7, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief With weeks of warning and preparations—stocking up on food, water and gas for the anticipated storm, Hurricane Harvey made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane before downgrading to a Category 2 storm with winds surpassing 100 mph. Harvey continues its record setting destruction as a slow moving tropical storm dropping 52 inches of rain in Texas causing catastrophic flooding.

The hurricane, which has become the most powerful storm to hit Texas in decades, made landfall on at 10 p.m. on Aug. 25 with damaging winds and rain destroying homes, business and churches. At press time, the death toll from Harvey has reached 30, and continues to rise. Rescue missions from the National Guard and good Samaritans continue as flood victims have filled area shelters to overflowing. Evacuations were made in Fort Bend County, Texas...

Top Stories

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JSU School of Journalism and Media Studies partners Walker, Riddle and Moore chosen to lead JSU students in SGA elections with Mississippi Press Association for conference March 31, 2017 Chelsey Jones Staff Writer

April 24, 2017 William H. Kelly III Associate Editor

The Jackson State University School of Journalism and Media Studies (SJMS) partnered with the Mississippi Press Association to discuss the new ways media is delivered and received during an annual conference held on March 30. The event was filled with media professionals’ imparting knowledge to journalism students from junior colleges and universities across the state of Mississippi. On the topic: “Multimedia: How it is Delivered; How it is Received”, most of the media professionals agreed on one fact: the way the news is delivered and received is changing from traditional media channels to digital media channels...

Elections week was in full force last week as candidates campaigned for a seat at the Student Government Association (SGA) table. Candidates vying for votes showered students with a week was full of events and activities including as crawfish boils, meet and greets, ice cream socials and giveaways on the Gibbs-Green Pedestrian Walkway.

Posters and banners plastered almost every building on campus. Campaigning even took over social media, especially Snapchat, when filters that urged students to vote for a certain candidate could be used on photos and videos. These campaign activities were done with one goal in mind, election to a SGA position. In the end, the campaigns of Alexis Moore and Asean Davis prevailed respectively as the 2017-2018 President and Vice President of the SGA...

File Photo The O.C. McDavid Student Newspaper Awards, sponsored by the MPA, were held and The Blue & White Flash, JSU’s official campus newspaper, won 17 awards including 7 first place awards.

President Donald Trump’s administration says bye-bye to dreamers deportation.

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September 14, 2017

Winnie Bush Staff Writer

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA, a program established

by former President Barack Obama has ended under current President Donald Trump’s administration. DACA shielded certain illegal immigrants who entered the country as minors from

According to, president Trump on Sept. 5 announced the program would end, with a six-month window for congress to make the executive action permanent in the law. Adrian Adams, a junior recreation major from Baltimore, Md., said the law is unjust. “I think it is unjust, unfair and not right for the president to deport all these people for no apparent reason and the jobs that most immigrants do, most American citizens would not want to do it,” said Adams. According the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) services website, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initiated the orderly phase out of the program known as Deferred Action...

Record breaking Hurricane Irma September 14, 2017

Winnie Bush Staff Writer

According to the National Hurricane Center (NPH), the strongest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic, passed north of Puerto Rico on Sept. 6 and devastated the islands of Barbuda, the Virgin Islands, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, the Bahamas, Caicos, St. Martin and St. Lucia before heading to the coast of Florida. The record-breaking storm hit the southern region of Florida leaving more devastation in its wake. Abdoulaye Ba, a junior political science major from

Tampa, Fla., stated that he is very worried about the impact of the storm on his friends and family. “While I may be away from Florida, I am very worried about my family and friends who are there. I actually kept calling them today after classes just to make sure that they are okay and they are telling me it is very hard to even find water. I am hoping that things get better and I ask that we all keep Florida and all those places affected by Irma in our prayers,” said Ba. According to the National Hurricane Center, the storm sustained winds of 185 mph. In the Caribbean Islands, at least 37 people have died, including 10 in Cuba. In the United States...

Diversity in gender and race infiltrate 2017 Emmy Awards

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September 28, 2017 Zipporah Jones Staff Writer The 69th primetime Emmy Awards aired on Sept. 17, showcasing diversity from some of the most talented television stars in America. Stars from various television shows all flocked to the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles to see if they had a chance at getting an Emmy or

simply because they wanted to see who would receive one this year. Historically, these stars have not been people of color, and many of the winners were men, but this year a change has come. Several people made history during the awards show. Viewers of the Emmys were obviously excited about this, tweeting about the significance of the diversity at

the Emmys. Mary Sampson was pleased that African-American were finally recognized. “Though people have known it for quite some time now, they’re are finally noticing our African-American’s talent and worth,” said Sampson, a freshman biology major from Jackson, Miss. Taylor Collins believes the recognition of minorities...

Massive earthquake hits southern Mexico; death toll rises Arrest made in Jackson State dorm

McAllister-Whiteside bomb threat

September 21, 2017

Winnie Bush Staff Writer

September 27, 2017 K’Shatriyah Humphrey MC301/Staff

The death toll continues to climb in the wake of a second earthquake in Mexico. According to, 225 people are now confirmed dead in the quake that struck off Mexico’s southern coast by a magnitude 7.1 earthquake on Sept. 19. The earthquake comes just two weeks after another quake rocked the southern coast of Mexico with an 8.1 earthquake. It was one the most powerful earthquakes to hit the country in a century and was felt as far as Mexico City and Guatemala City by an estimated 50 million people. Many were asleep when the quake struck. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported multiple aftershocks...

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“Girls Trip” movie ranks as on one of best comedies of the summer September 7, 2017 Chelsey Jones Managing Editor

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Raunchy. Funny. Relatable. Heartwarming. These are the qualities that made “Girls Trip” one of the biggest hits of the summer. The movie was released on July 21 and featured performances from veteran actresses Jada Pinkett-Smith, Regina Hall, Queen Latifah and newcomer Tiffany Haddish. The film, which currently holds an 88 percent score on, has grossed over $100 million at the box office, making it the highest grossing comedy of 2017...

Jackson State University Public Safety officials announced an arrest during a press conference held yesterday (Sept. 27) in the bomb threat made on McAllister-Whiteside Residence Hall last Friday, Sept. 22. Assistant Chief of Police Dee McClendon, made the announcement of the arrest of 20 year-old Christian Ashleigh Jones, a Memphis, Tenn. resident. Female residents in Jackson State University’s McAllisterWhiteside Residence Hall got a 4 a.m. wake-up call on Sept. 22. The students woke up to loud knocks on the door from campus police and were

Christian Ashleigh Jones

informed that the residence hall had received a bomb threat. The students were evacuated to a safe area outside the residence hall as emergency officials completed a lengthy sweep of the building.

Emergency vehicles and personnel blocked off the Prentiss Street entrance and McAllister-Whiteside...

JSU experiences dip in enrollment September 14, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief

Jackson State University announced on Sept. 8, a 12 percent decline in enrollment for fall 2017. This decline comes after enforcing a new student financial account management policy and reducing the number of scholarships and waivers being offered. According to the statement released as a special message from the university, the preliminary enrollment for fall 2017 is 8,583, a reduction of 1,228 students from last fall’s

preliminary number of 9,811. “Jackson State University has and is aligning its current policies with best practices,” said JSU President William B. Bynum Jr. in the release. “The university is requiring payment earlier in the semester, which allows us to manage our resources more effectively. Also, JSU reduced institutionally funded scholarship offerings in order to stabilize these expenditures.” Over the summer, JSU students were notified via a public relations email, that the wait list for housing had been suspended until further notice...

Top Stories

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Fifty-nine lives claimed after Las Vegas mass shooting Rihanna releases makeup line for women of all shades and colors

October 5, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief

Brussels becomes the latest victim of coordinated terrorist attacks as suicide bombers detonated nail-spewing bombs at an airport and subway train station in the European city. The March 22 attacks came hot on the heels of a suicide bombing in Istanbul, Turkey, as well as the arrest of Salah Abdesalam, planner of the 2015 attacks on Paris that took the lives of 130 people. According to Associated Press reports, the attackers first struck with twin bombings at the international airport, where early morning travelers were preparing to board flights linking Brussels to cities across the continent and around the world. An hour later, a subway car transiting beneath the modernist glass-and-steel highrises that house the European...

September 21, 2017 Kendria Haley Staff Writer The long-anticipated release of Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line has finally happened. On Sept. 8, the product made its debut in Sephora stores in 17 countries. According to Refinery 29, Rihanna’s main priority was to provide a product that everyone could enjoy. displayed a quote from the “Bad Girl RiRi” herself.

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64 year-old gunman, Stephen Paddock.

House Bill 1523 takes affect amid much controversy

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October 19, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief The controversial House Bill 1523, which is also known as the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government

“Fenty Beauty was created for everyone: for women of all shades, personalities, attitudes, cultures, and races. I wanted everyone to feel included, that’s the real reason I made this line.” According to Harpersbazaar. com, the Fenty Beauty collection is strongly complexion-focused. This means that the line did not launch any palettes, eyeliners, lipsticks or mascara. The Fenty Beauty line consists only of foundation, primer, highlighter, concealer, contour and a lipgloss called “Gloss Bomb.”...

Discrimination Act, went into effect on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017 with major uproar. According to the Mississippi legislature, the bill will provide certain protections regarding a seriously held religious belief or

moral convictions of persons, religious organizations and private associations; to define a discriminatory action for purposes of this act; to provide that person may assert a violation of this act as a claim against the government; to provide certain remedies; to require a person bringing a claim under this act to do so not later than two years after the discriminatory action was taken; to provide certain definitions; and for related purposes. House Bill 1523 makes it legal for business owners to refuse service to anyone based on religious beliefs and sexual orientation. The law could also affect adoptions and foster care, as well as school bathroom policies or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer individuals...

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Several people injured and 1 killed in Nashville church shooting October 5, 2017 Chelsey Jones Managing Editor On Sunday, Sept. 24, members of Burnette Chapel Church of Christ expected to have a regular church service like they do every Sunday. A masked gunman had other plans for the congregation. According to the “Tennessean,” a masked gunman, who has been identified as 25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson, arrived at the church in a blue Nissan Xterra armed with weapons. He exited his car and murdered his first victim, Melanie Crow Smith, in the

parking lot. After killing Smith, Samson entered Burnette Chapel Church of Christ, which had just finished Sunday service, and began shooting. A total of eight people were injured by Samson, including the minister Joey Spann and his wife Peggy. According to an interview from the “Tennessean,” Spann said that Samson “shot him in the chest and shot again and shot again.” Spann survived his injuries but lost his finger in the shooting. The shooting stopped once one of the church members named Robert Engle apprehended the shooter...

Most destructive wildfire Californian history causes over 40 Deaths

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October 19, 2017 Winnie Bush Staff Writer The recent wildfires in Northern California have been designated the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in the state’s history. The wildfires killed at least 41 people and destroyed at least 5,700 homes, according to CNBC. About 34,000 people remain under evacuation. Wildfires are still burning in

parts of Northern California. The fire has charred more than 214,000 acres of land, forced about 100,000 residents to evacuate and damaged or destroyed homes and businesses, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. More than 88 people are still unaccounted for. Some of the areas affected by the wildfire include Sonoma County, Santa Rosa and Napa. In Sonoma County, entire hillsides

appear charred and barren and in Santa Rosa, thousands of homes are nothing but burnt out shells after fires wiped out the entire neighborhood. The trees possess no canopy, most are only roasted trunks, and cars appear melted and twisted. Reports indicated that the winds that bedeviled firefighters were expected to remain mostly calm, allowing first responders to go back on the offense after a day of new evacuations...

Rapper Cardi B silences haters with history Sexual misconduct victims speaking out against alleged perpetrators making song November 30, 2017

October 5, 2017 William H. Kelly III Associate Editor

Janaye Moore

MC301 Contributor After multiple women accused famed Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct, there has since been a barrage of allegations levied against many other prominent men in the media industry. Matt Lauer, NBC’s “Today Show” host, is the latest

“Said I don’t gotta dance, I make money moves.” Yes, indeed she has and the many are happy that the former stripper and “Love & Hip-Hop” star has transitioned to a hiphop superstar. On Sept. 25, 2017, breakout star Cardi B made history as the first solo female rapper to achieve a number one single on the Billboard Hot 100 charts since Lauren Hill’s 1998 “Doo Wop”. Produced by J. White, “Bodak Yellow”, is Cardi B’s debut single from a major record label, Atlantic Records...

prominent media personality to be fired for alleged sexual misconduct. According to an NBCNews report, Lauer joins the seemingly ever-growing list of alleged sexual misconduct perpetrators that now include: Charlie Rose, “CBS This Morning” and “60 Minutes” host; Matt Zimmerman, Senior Vice President for booking at NBC News; Andrew Kreisberg, Executive Producer of CW shows; Glenn Thrush, prominent...

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2017 BET Hip-Hop Awards recognizes industry superstars October 19, 2017 Deja Davis Staff Writer

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The BET 2017 Hip-Hop Awards aired on Oct. 10 in Miami, Fla. and had social media buzzing for days after the event. The star-studded hip-hop awards show was hosted by DJ Khaled, who opened the show with his 2007 hit song, “I’m So Hood.” Khaled received DJ of the Year and MVP of the Year awards during the night’s honors. It was also a huge night for Cardi B, who recently went No. 1 on the Billboard Charts. The “Bodak Yellow” star won five awards, including Single of the Year for “Bodak Yellow”...

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Jackson State announces star-studded Homecoming concert line-up October 19, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief The Campus Activities Board at Jackson State University announced a star-studded line-up for the upcoming Homecoming 2017 concert. The artists performing on Nov. 4, 2017 will include rappers: Lil Wayne, Yo Gotti, Cardi B, MoneyBagg Yo and Rich Homie Quan. Cameron Lemon, a senior mass communication major from Jackson, Miss and the CAB Director of Media said,

“I’m expecting a huge turnout and an amazing experience! Personally I’ve never been to a concert before so this is my first one and I’m very excited for it. For Jackson and Jackson State to get these big-named artists, we should definitely be hyped! This homecoming is about to be epic!” This announcement comes after a concert scam that left many students speculating whether the university was planning a concert at all. Students at Jackson State University were informed...

Social media website Facebook

joins the fight against revenge porn


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Nivember 16, 2017 Kayla Cross MC301/Staff Writer Facebook is building a database to combat revenge porn. They want men and women to send their nudes to create a digital footprint that will be used to prevent others from uploading your nudes maliciously. When photos are placed in the database, if someone tries to post your nudes on Facebook, Messenger, or Instagram, the post would be deleted immediately.

Of course, people are hesitant about the idea of sending nudes to a database that could be hacked. According to a Washington Post article, Facebook says it will not store the photos but instead create a digital footprint so that matching technology can prevent any future uploading of a copy of the photograph. Facebook is piloting the program in Australia in partnership with the country`s Office of the eSafety Commissioner, a government agency dedicated to online

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JSU recruits 34 future Tigers on National Signing Day JSU honors Leaders turned

Legends at Sports Hall of Fame September 28, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief

February 10, 2017 Morgan Beard Staff Writer Jackson State University football coach Tony Hughes had several goals to achieve this offseason. On National Signing Day, he achieved some of those goals with the recruitment of 34 new players. Every player that Hughes and his staff signed are from

high schools within an eighthour drive of Jackson, Miss.: 15 players from Mississippi, five from Louisiana, four from Texas, and one from Florida. The Tigers had only three running backs on the roster headed into spring football. However, four were signed, including Deandre Williams from Wetumpka, Ala., a bigger back who can break tackles

and has the ability to explode through holes. Running back Quitten Brown from Lawrence County, Miss., missed more than half of his senior year of high school ball due to an injury but still managed 852 yards and 11 touchdowns on 117 carries. During his junior year, he rushed for 2,012 yards and 32 touchdowns. Also signed was running back Josh...

Chaos in China regarding three UCLA basketball players

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November 16, 2017 Ural Forbes MC 301 LiAngelo Ball and UCLA teammates, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill were arrested on Nov. 7, for allegedly shoplifting by Chinese

police. The trio were accused of stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store near their hotel and have been released on bail. UCLA was in China to play their season-opening game against Georgia Tech in

Shanghai, China but the three were not allowed to play as they were under hotel arrest pending an investigation into the shoplifting allegations. The arrest of Ball comes under close scrutiny and is being highly publicized because of his family name. He is the middle son of LaVar Ball, the former player with the Phoenix Suns, radio personality and founder of “Big Baller Brand.” He is also the brother of Lonzo Ball, who was drafted second in the 2017 draft to the Los Angeles Lakers. If charged, Ball faces up to ten years in a Chinese prison. This charge does not rest well with fans, and they weighed on the arrest. Justin Moore, a junior music technology major from Atlanta, Ga., feels as if the media is putting too much emphasis...

Jackson State University celebrated legendary athletes and their contributions at the 30th Annual Sports Hall of Fame Banquet on Sept. 22 in the Student Center Ballrooms. The athletes honored at the night’s event were bestowed a plaque and a medallion in recognition of their athletic achievements. The 2017 JSU Sports Hall of Fame inductees were: •Bennie Crenshaw, an All-Southwestern Athletic Conference performer in football and baseball and a JSU Football Captain from ’63-’65 who lettered in both baseball and football •Schuyler Doakes ,a four-year starter at short-stop and SWAC player of the year 1997 •Johnny Jerome Edwards, an All-SWAC outfielder and SWAC Most Outstanding Hitter for baseball in 1990 •Jesse Griffin, a four-year letterman and SWAC football Defensive Player of the Year 1977

•Victor Hall, a four-year varsity letterman and a threeyear starter at tight-end for football •Edgar “Chico” Grant Jordan, a Big Eight conference team member for five times in football •Jimmy Patterson, a track and field star who led JSU to its first National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Championship in 1973. Five of the honorees were able to attend the event honoring their past athletic skills that contributed to the university. Jordan received his award posthumously and Patterson was ill an unable to attend the event. Both the families of Jordan and Patterson accepted their awards on their behalf. The master of ceremony for the evening was Robert “Rob Jay” Jeuitt, and the JSU String Ensemble provided music. Honoree’s and their families were also able to enjoy a musical performance by the Sonic Boom of the South under the direction of Roderick D. Little, associate director of bands, and the JSU Cheerleaders. Dinner was served...

Photo by Alexandria Galtney

30th Annual Sports Hall of Fame honorees.

Former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick sues NFL

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October 27, 2017 Alexandria Galtney Editor-in-Chief Colin Kaepernick, former National Football League San Francisco 49er’s quarterback, has filed a grievance lawsuit against the leagues 32-team owners, claiming the owners colluded to keep him out of the NFL. According to ABC News, the grievance alleges that league owners “colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment

rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick’s leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice.” Instead of filing the grievance through the NFL Players Association, Kaepernick has hired attorney Mark Geragos, who has represented several high-profile clients, including Michael Jackson, former NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield and musician Chris Brown. Kaepernick, who started a

national protest against racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem last football season, left San Francisco last season and has not been picked up since. Many people have questioned whether the league has blackballed Kaepernick. Rnza Anderson, a senior mass communication major from Jackson, Miss. said, “I don’t think Kaepernick is being blackballed but I do think NFL owners...

Men’s Cross Country wins 2017 SWAC JSU knocks off SWAC East Champ ASU in Soul Bowl Championship November 30, 2017 Morgan Beard Sports Editor


JSU men’s cross country team win the 2017 SWAC championship.

October 27, 2017 Morgan Beard Sports Editor

The Jackson State University men’s cross country team won the 2017 Men’s Cross Country Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) Championship on Monday, Oct. 22. The contest took place in Clinton, Miss., at the Choctaw Trails. JSU scored 41 points by virtue of a head to head tiebreaker. Jackson State had better individual results over SWAC opponent, the Panthers of Prairie View A&M. Vincent Langat, a freshmen computer science from Kenya,

finished the race in first place, earning the individual title with a time of 24:48.40. Langat also captured the SWAC 2017 Runner of the Year honors with his first place finish. He was also named to the first team SWAC AllConference team. A very humbled Langat said, “Winning a championship as a freshmen feels exhilarating and fulfilling at the moment. I thank God and look forward to better results in the future with the help of our coachers and athletic trainers.” Langat said. “It’s my first time winning a cross-country championship. I went to Kericho High School in Kericho County, Kenya and it’s my first time in United States.

I look forward to indoor long distance and outdoor in the spring. I intend to run all the long distance in the spring.” Prairie View A&M runner Levante Williams finished in second. Arkansas Pine Bluff finished in third place for the team portion with 87 points. Alabama State finished with (94), Texas Southern (103), Mississippi Valley State (165) and Alcorn State (172) rounded out the standings. JSU head coach Mark Thorne also won the 2017 SWAC Men’s Cross Country Coach of the Year award. Coach Thorne is a alumnus of Jackson State and a former cross country runner. Henry Kiplagat, a...

ackson State University defeated Alcorn State University in the 82nd meeting of the Annual Soul Bowl game, with the final score of 7-3. This was the first time JSU defeated Alcorn at Veterans Memorial Stadium since 2011 behind the arm of former JSU quarterback Casey Therriault. The Tigers closed the season by winning three of their last four games under Hughes, who finished his second season at 3-8 overall and 3-5 in Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) play. The Tigers finished 3-8 overall during Hughes first season. Alcorn State struggled most of the game to get the ball rolling as their only score came from a 19-yard field goal by Alcorn kicker Corey McCullough in the first quarter. Alcorn Braves (7-4) overall and (6-2) in SWAC play. They will play in the last SWAC

championship game in Houston, Texas this year. Senior linebacker Andre Lloyd from Yazoo, Miss., was proud that JSU pulled off a Soul Bowl victory. “I don’t want to say we played a perfect game because you’re never going to be perfect in anything you do. We just wanted to play sound, disciplined defense like we’ve been coached to do and I couldn’t ask for a better effort from our team,” said Lloyd. Lloyd was 1 of 5 seniors that played on the defensive side of the ball. He also won the C-Spire Most Valuable Senior in the state of Mississippi award. Junior wide receiver Benjay Parrish from Ellenwood, Ga., lead the Tigers in receiving yards with 7 catches for 80 yards. He finished the season with 22 catches for 235 yards and one receiving touchdown catch. Junior quarterback Jordan Williams from Memphis, Tenn., started this game with 14 of 26 passes for 130 yards in the air. Williams’ rushed for 29 yards...

Photo: JSU Blitz

Sophomore running back Tyrell Kennedy (4) scored the only touchdown of the game as JSU went on to defeat Alcorn State.

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