1 minute read
Congrats guys! Did you expect this victory at all?
NO! Not at all! We were so happy just to be nominated, especially as a new business, so it’s genuinely a massive surprise. We went into the competition just sharing the link, thinking to ourselves, why not? But we did not expect anything. The people in Hillsborough community have been so supportive and so wonderful, even in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis. They’re a vibrant community and we won’t be here without them.
Any tips you guys would like to share to make a positive change in our lives when it comes to sustainably?
The biggest tip I would give is to start small, start one by one. Some people might find it difficult, or expensive, but making little changes in every room of your house adds up. I also think that you might feel guilty about what you’re not doing, but, actually, you can only do so much, and that’s why we say every ounce counts. A lot of people doing it almost perfectly is better than just a few people doing everything perfectly. It’s all about trying and doing your piece.
Let’s celebrate now! Any last words? Thank you! That’s it!
Congrats to the Pangolin team! How do you feel right now, guys?
Pretty ridiculous to be honest! We’ve been running only for two years, and to see the recognition around the city from people that love us, who are always coming down to see us and support what we do… it’s fantastic.
What’s the most popular beer you’ve got on?
We rotate a lot, but some of them stayed with us for quite a long time. Everyone loves the Schöfferhofer grapefruit wheat beer and at just 2.5% ABV, it’s a proper sunshine pint!
Oooh, tasty. Got a personal fave?
I’m gonna go in for the self-love and choose our second birthday beer, which we did with Big Trip Brewing from Manchester. It’s an IPA called the ‘Non-Stop Disco Pangopack’!
Best Traditional Pub