Know About Different Types of Capacitorsc

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Everything You Need to Know About Different Types of Capacitors There are different types of capacitors with different functions and applications. Capacitors range from small to large, and each has characteristics that make them unique. For example, some capacitors are delicate and small such as the ones found in radio circuits. On the other hand, capacitors can be quite large such as those found in smoothing circuits. When making comparisons between the different types of capacitors the dielectric used between the plates is what’s typically taken into consideration. The range of capacitor is numerous. For example, variable type capacitors that provide the user the ability to vary their capacitance value for use in “frequency tuning” type circuits. It is essential to understand that some capacitors look tube-like due to metal foil plates that roll up into a cylinder. It is essential to understand that dielectric material typically sits between the metal foil plates and the cylinder. Different types of common capacitors used in different industrial applications are briefly discussed in this post. 1. Film Capacitor Type Film capacitor type is the most common type of capacitor that belongs to a relatively large family of capacitors. The main difference between film capacitor and other forms of capacitors is their dielectric properties. These include metalized paper, Teflon, polystyrene, polypropylene, and polycarbonate. The film type capacitor are available in ranges starting from 5pF to 100puF regarding capacitance range. Film capacitors come in a variety of case styles and shapes that include.  Metal Hermetically Sealed (Rectangular and Round) The capacitor is enclosed with a metal can or tube and sealed with epoxy.  Epoxy Case (Rectangular and Round) Plastic tape is used to tightly wrap the capacitor and the ends are sealed with epoxy.  Epoxy Case (Rectangular and Round) The capacitor is enclosed within a molded plastic shell that’s then filled with epoxy.

2. Dielectric Capacitor It is considered to belong to the “variable type” of capacitor in which a continuous variation of capacitance is needed for tuning transistor radios, receivers, and transmitters. Based on your specific needs and requirements, you can buy wholesale Panasonic capacitors suppliers from reputed online stores. They are multi-plate air-spaced type that has stator vanes and rotor vanes that moves between the fixed plates. Ceramic Capacitors These are typically referred to as “Disc Capacitors”. They’re precisely made by taking a small ceramic or porcelain disc and coating both sides with silver before stacking them together for making a functioning capacitor. Electrolytic Capacitors These are typically reserved for situations where large capacitance value is needed. These are also different in that instead of using a thin film layer to act as one of the electrodes, an electrolyte solution in the form of a semi-liquid jelly or paste is instead used as the second electrode.

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