Types of Diodes and Their Applications by Express Technology Group Diodes are electrical check valves that allow electricity to flow from positive to negative in only one direction. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and popular types of diode categories of the past and present. P-N Junction Diode This type of diodes consists of a p-type (positive per an excess of electron holes) semiconductors fused to an n-type semiconductor. The positive semiconductor attaches to a positive voltage source with respect to the negative material (semiconducting). It pushes electrons and holes towards the junction area, allowing electricity to flow. This enlarges the depletion lawyer between the two areas, stopping electron flow. Zener Diode Zener Diode can be purchased from reliable wholesale zener diodes Distributors. It is essential to understand that normally p-n function diodes will fall if enough voltage is applied in the reverse based direction. However zener diode is precisely designed for the purpose of exhibiting this behavior at a set voltage level as part of their normal body functions. Vacuum Tube (Thermionic) Diode The first vacuum diode was developed in the early 1900s at the same time as the first solid state (semiconductor-based) diode. They eventually lost market share to semiconductor-based components while they were common until the middle of the 20th century. It is essential to understand that these diodes are still used in
some high-power applications and specialty audio equipment, though they are relatively rare. Schottky Diode It will exhibit a 600-700 mV forward voltage drop. It works a little bit differently. They use a semiconductor-metal function to lower the voltage to the 150-450 Mv range instead of using a p-n semiconductor junction. You will see p-type semiconductors employed in some situations while N-type semiconductors (excess electrons) are common in Schottky diodes. These diodes are appropriate for several applications, including as components in reverse current protection and DC power supplies. What is A Diode Used For? Some of the applications of diode include: Rectification One of the most common and basic function of diode is rectification. It straightens an alternating AC power into a constant power source. Any diode can accomplish these tasks by effectively blocking the flow of power in one direction or the other through some diodes is better suited for the job than others. Inductive Load Dissipation Its stored energy must go somewhere when an inductive load switches off. The stored energy can lead to voltage spikes that can arc across the switch or potentially overload a transistor. \ For more info: express-technology.com