APRIL 2011

Page 1

Walking with purpose

20th annual honolulu AIDS wAlk

Art for Equality

Fundraiser to raise awareness

hexed by an ex

can’t seem to pry your lover from his/her ex?

Community Profiles

Alina AlizÉ Azhjeli Matthews

APRIL2011 :: complimentary

sign here

Abercrombie signs the civil unions bill

Do Sim ug Fig la ur o a s An tive ns at l o om y s n e yo

e f B king ea t ut he y

April 2011

Volume 2 Issue 8

13 Douglas Simonson

What happens when someone with a natural ability to uncover the exquisite stands behind a camera? Douglas Simonson has answered this question thousands of times through his fabulous portraits.

05 20th annual

Honolulu Aids Walk

Benefit for the Life Foundation, a local organization that provides free HIV testing and services

06 Hawaii makes 13th Hawaii joins thirteen other states providing an expansive form of state=level relationship recognition for same-sex couples

20 Art for equality Local organizations and artists decide to hold a fundraiser to create awareness that there is still much to be done

08 Alina AlizÉ

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President, Advertising & Marketing Jade Le Production Kamele Eskaran Linda Giang Technical & Web Development Brandon Valdez video & multi-media Expressions Portrait Design Tina Ludewig Contributing Writers Flavia Francesquini, CWC Editor Joey Becera Legal & Research Elia Tanga Glenn Honda, Esq. Public relations Kamele Eskaran Haunani Kalili Laurainne Martinez Kimo Orlando Jaden Scott Tiffany Sabado


Mission Statement to inspire Hawaii’s LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community by featuring people contributing positively to society. How to write us eXpression! Magazine welcomes letters that are concise (up to 150 words). eXpression! Magazine reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Letters and unsolicited content must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters and unsolicited content may be sent to: E-mail: info@expression808.com Mail: Letters to the Editor eXpression! Magazine P.O. Box 22487 Honolulu, HI 96823 Entire contents copyrighted 2008–2011 eXpression! Magazine is a registered trademark. All rights reserved. eXpression! Magazine is published monthly in Hawaii and welcomes manuscripts, original works and various forms of expression for publication. eXpression! Magazine reserves publication rights to submitted materials. eXpression! Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials unless otherwise p]re-agreed in writing. eXpression! Magazine does not take any financial or libel obligation to the content of its columnists. All materials submitted are consent to be original. All views and opinions are those of the writer and bear no implications on the opinions of eXpression! Magazine. Registered trademarks used within are hereby acknowledged, images and contents released and permitted. No implication regarding sexual orientation or preference is made in connection with any person, contributor, and or advertiser appearing in this publication.

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The event opens at 8 am for walker check-in and prewalk entertainment, and the Honolulu AIDS Walk starts at 9 am. Walkers can now register as individuals or as a team with their friends, family and co-workers online at HonoluluAIDSWalk.org. There is no cost to register and you must be registered to receive the weekly walker challenges for great prizes and invitations for exclusive walker events.

Last year, the Honolulu AIDS Walk attracted 5,000 participants and raised $180,000 for Life Foundation. This year, Life Foundation is expecting 6,000 walkers and has a goal to raise $200,000. The Honolulu AIDS Walk is an easy 5k (3 mile) walk around Kapiolani Park, and features great entertainment, live local bands, on-stage give-aways, a kid zone with inflatable bouncers, and food booths to keep the fun going throughout the event. Andy South from Project Runway will be judging the costume contest. Walkers raise money by asking friends and family to sponsor their participation in the Honolulu AIDS Walk. There is no fundraising minimum or registration fee to attend the event. Teams remain an important part of the Walk’s success and participants can form teams with friends or co-workers to encourage and promote their fundraising efforts. Prizes will be given to the top fundraising teams, top fundraising individuals, and teams

The Honolulu AIDS Walk is a benefit for Life Foundation, a local organization that provides free HIV testing and services for people living with HIV/AIDS on Oahu. It is estimated that 3,000 people in Hawaii are living with HIV or AIDS. Approximately 40,000 new HIV infections occur each year in the United States—half of these among individuals under the age of 25. Not only is this the 20th year Life Foundation is celebrating the AIDS Walk, but it is also the 30th year anniversary since AIDS was first reported.


The 20th annual Honolulu AIDS Walk to be held on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at Kapiolani Park.

with the best AIDS ribbon themed costume. A special prize is given to the top fundraising high school team. Those who raise $100 or more will receive a free commemorative Honolulu AIDS Walk t-shirt. High school teams need only raise $75 to receive their prize t-shirt. Walkers who raise $1,000 get access to the VIP Walker Tent which includes free food, massages and additional prize drawings. Volunteers are also needed on the day of the walk to help set up, clean up, handle registration, and direct walkers. If interested in volunteering, please refer to the contact information below. To ease commute to the AIDS Walk, Life Foundation is arranging a FREE Honolulu AIDS Walk trolley that will run during event hours from Kapiolani Community College to Kapiolani Park.

April 2011

Register today for the 20th Annual AIDS Walk to be part of a day that supports and remembers loved ones living with HIV or AIDS. For more information on registering, starting a team, or volunteering, please visit HonoluluAIDSWalk.org, call (808)-521-AIDS, or e-mail kjohns@LifeFoundation.org.



Hawaii joins 13 other states plus Washington, DC, with laws providing an expansive form of state-level relationship recognition for same-sex couples. Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, DC, provide marriage to same-sex couples under state law. New York and Maryland recognize out-ofjurisdiction same-sex marriages, but do not provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples in the state. Five other states—California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington—provide same-sex couples with access to almost all of the state level benefits and responsibilities of marriage, through either civil unions or domestic partnerships. A new law providing for civil unions in Illinois will take effect on June 1.   Colorado, Maine and Wisconsin provide samesex couples with limited rights and benefits, not all the rights provided to married couples. An attorney general opinion and subsequent court ruling in Rhode Island resulted in limited recognition of out-of-jurisdiction marriages of same-sex couples.


California recognized marriage for same-sex couples between June and November of 2008, before voters approved Proposition 8, which purports to amend the state constitution to prohibit marriage equality. Couples married during that window remain married under California law, but all other same-sex couples can only receive a domestic partnership within the state. The state will recognize out-of-jurisdiction samesex marriages that occurred before November 5, 2008, as marriages and those that occurred on or after November 5, 2008, as similar to domestic partnerships.


Same-sex couples do not receive federal rights and benefits in any state.

m o r e e x c l u s i v e p h o t o s a t e x p r e ss i o n 8 0 8 . c o m

» Allows all couples regardless of sex to form a civil union, a legal status with all the rights, benefits, protections and responsibilities as traditional marriage.   » Clarifies that because civil unions would not be recognized under federal law, certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code applying to husbands and wives in Hawaii apply with the same force and effect to partners in civil unions.   » Family Court will have jurisdiction in matters of annulment, divorce and separation in civil unions, as the court does over marriages.   » Effective date of January 1st, 2012 when the first civil unions could take place.

April 2011




this feature combines the boldness of beauty from within. the expression of one person, crossing barriers to create an absolute life.


Alina AlizÈ Alive in the city of Wonder DOB June 17 ZODIAC GemIni MORE PHOTOS ONLINE EXPRESSION808.COM

April 2011





Azhjeli matthews DOB May 29 HEIGHT 5’11” ETHNICITY Italian, spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Visayan, Hawaiian, Caucasian RELIGION Christian OCCUPATION Student TURN ON People who take care of their bodies, Live an active lifestyle, love food, Have aspirations, hope, faith and honesty TURN OFF Apathy, no direction, selfish, fake, cheaters, rude, overly confident and pessimistic DREAM DATE Awesome day at a secluded beach with food till sunset with a blanket talking about anything, then dinner (thai). After, back to My place where we’d choose from one of over 350 dvds to watch, cuddle, then sleep! MORE PHOTOS ONLINE EXPRESSION808.COM

April 2011


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It’s been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wonder if the first person ever to have said that was really ugly... written by flavia francesquini photos by expressions studio

This is a subject that has intrigued me for quite a while. Consider that an average human eye can capture roughly 24 images per second. Most of us go along snapping pictures of the world with little to no consideration for our subjects. My conclusion is that some eyes are better able to focus on beauty than others. My observation is that these wonderful people walking around and see the extra, where the rest of us, see ordinary are usually very artistic. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that beauty is in the eye of the artist.



was raised by one of those people who look at dirt and see startling designs. My mom was constantly pointing out the colors of trees, the shapes of buildings, and the harmony of bricks. All I ever saw were trees, buildings and bricks! I envy folks who can make a bowl of fruit look like art. Oh, the amazing ability to turn a block of granite into a man lost in thought. Artists are like super heroes whose incredible super power is to turn whatever they touch into something worth admiring. If we compared eyes to cameras, a lot of us would say that our eyes are the regular, disposable type that registers things, as they appear depending on whether or not the flash happens to be on. An artist’s eyes are modern wonders that go beyond light, color or pretense and capture the essence of the subject. What happens when someone with a natural ability to uncover the exquisite stands behind a camera? Douglas Simonson has answered this question thousands of times through his fabulous portraits. There is a certain quality to his work that is difficult to describe, until you are in front of one of his canvas watching a man peacefully asleep on a rumpled but comfortable bed. The sweetness of this apparently ordinary scene carries a sensual intimacy that is both calming and stirring. This is the magic of Simonson’s work, to transform the ordinary into beautiful‌to all. April 2011




Where are you from originally and what brought you to Hawaii? I was born and raised in Nebraska, but even as a small child I knew that I wanted to live in a tropical place. I came to visit when I was 19 and moved here a year later. Hawaii has been home since! Your art work has become very respected over the years, how did it all start? My mom is an artist so art has always been a part of my life, but I didn’t seriously pursue it until later on. Both of my parents were very supportive [of my artistic abilities] but I sort of rebelled against that and did other things for a while. When I was in my late 20s I attended a seminar by the founder of the Advocate and it changed my views on being gay, being out and being open about my art and the fact that I wanted to draw male nudes. That was a big first step… How did you go about starting your career? For several years I did different things… I worked on channel 9 for a while, I wrote commercials, and I wrote Pidgin to Da Max

with a couple of friends… I was busy. I had done some male nudes then and some of my friends really liked them, but I hadn’t thought about them as a career option. Then I hit a financial snag and I thought “hey, maybe I can sell these naked guys!” <laughs> I started by putting ads in gay magazines and I built myself a mail order business. Galleries back then were not rushing at the chance to display naked men so I had to be creative with my business. I started my first website in 1995. The advantage of doing business by mail or online is that people who wanted to buy male nudes could find me, but remain anonymous themselves. How do you define your art? Wow, broad question! You can say that I am a figurative artist, since I draw the human figure. However, what distinguishes me from other artists is that my subject matter doesn’t change, but I am always trying new mediums, new ideas… I express my art in very different ways. What is your process of creation like? What inspires you?

Basically, it’s me and the model in different locations and we play it by ear and see what happens, where the moment takes us. It is very important that we get along though. It’s common that I am with a model I don’t know very well, but if I have a gut feeling that it will work out, it does. I take the shots and then I come in as the artist and decide what I want to do with the pictures. What makes a good model for you? They have to be able to give me something… some people are not as comfortable with their own bodies and I have to guide them through each shot… that is exhausting to me. It’s much better when all I have to do is follow them around and try to keep up with their energy. Will you ever use female models? I have… back in the day when I wasn’t comfortable drawing men yet but it doesn’t work for me. I love women, but I am not sexually attracted to them, and my sexual energy is part of what drives my art. What other artists do you admire? When I was younger I loved Picasso but now it changes constantly… with

access to the Internet my favorites change every couple of months. What do you look for, what’s good art for you? There must be a connection with your gut. It’s not enough to match the couch; art has to grab you somehow. You will be participating in the Art for Equality Fundraiser. Tell me about that. Hula’s is putting it together and I think it will be quite interesting. There are several artists involved and I believe I have about five pieces that will be available for sale and one that will be part of the silent action. Where else can your fans see your work? I have two websites, DouglasSimonson.com, where you can view and buy my work, and SimonsonOnLocation.com, where you can view all the pictures I take, not just the edited stuff. And you can read about the shooting and the story behind it, it’s a peak into my world, behind the scenes. I also have a fan page on Facebook.

April 2011



What can you say to artists starting out today? I’ve been doing this for 30 years and there are still days when everything sucks and days when everything turns to gold. The key is to get something started, you don’t go into the studio and ‘magic happens’, it takes a lot of thought and it takes perseverance but once you start, you have something to work with. It’s all about having faith in yourself.


The problem is that you can say that until you are blue in face, but you can’t teach it. Ultimately it comes down to how you feel about yourself and how willing you are to ignore external need for approval.

Aristotle called beauty “the gift of God” and Socrates called it “a short-lived tyranny”. I like to believe that Aristotle was closer to the truth; beauty is a gift that

we may choose to unwrap daily. Or not. Our unique ways of experiencing the world is what makes each of our lives a story that can be either plain or magnificent. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too much of an effort to change the lens in our personal cameras and start looking at our lives with an artistic perspective. A sleeping dog, a colorful tea cup, a child lost in thought, the way a single ray of sun shines through

a window, your mate’s hands holding a book, the person who looks back at you in the mirror with a clean face and hopeful eyes… These are all examples of the beauty that surrounds us, and we have grown used to taking it for granted. Even if you can’t duplicate these images on canvas, marble, or paper, make sure to put those pictures in your memory bank. Go ahead, open your gift!

April 2011


The EVENT APRIL 29 There will be live music by various artists including headliner ALT AIR, dance performances, live DJs, gogo dancers, virtual art gallery, artwork for sale as well as raffles, silent auction and door donation. The silent auction will continue from Friday through Sunday with the winners of the auction items announced on Sunday, May 1, 2011, at 8pm.

Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand will host an art fundraiser with local and mainland artists Douglas Simonson (Hawaii), Carolyn Quan (San Francisco), Patrick Mizumoto (Hawaii), Trevor Wayne (Los Auction items to include Artist Angeles), and Maika’i Tubbs (Hawaii).  Douglas Simonson, Carolyn Quan, Patrick Mizumoto, and Trevor Soon after Governor Neil Wayne donating original artwork. Abercombie signed SB232, Hawaii’s There will be limited supplies of “Art civil unions bill into law on February for Equality” t-shirts on sale. 23, 2011, Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand, Equality Hawaii and local/mainland artists decided to have a fundraiser to create awareness for this simple message: there is still much to DOUGLAS SIMONSON be done. Douglas Simonson lives and works



Equality Hawaii is dedicated and strives to empower all fair-minded citizens to make their voices heard by keeping members up-to-date on the latest political and educational developments by facilitating direct communication with elected officials to educating the public on LGBT issues resulting in the empowerment of the whole community.


on Oahu and is one of the world’s best-known interpreters of the male figure. Connoisseurs in 80 countries have collected his work over the past 30 years. He finds the male figure to be a continuous source of inspiration, and he produces art, paintings, drawings and prints with energy and enthusiasm. He has shown his art to hundreds of thousands of admirers, been interviewed in dozens of newspapers, maga-

zines and on television and radio. He has shown his work in many galleries and prestigious juried shows, and built a worldwide reputation. CAROLYN QUAN Carolyn Quan is one of fine art’s most innovative, photographic artists. Launching a career in fine art just after 9/11, she has been celebrated by art collectors worldwide. With more than 20 years of professional experience in the commercial art field, Carolyn transitioned seamlessly into fine art, applying her refined sense of design, composition, color, and technical expertise to the art that she creates. A prolific artist, she creates fine art photo collages that are a unique combination of her own original 35 mm photographs that are creatively and artistically blended together and transformed into imaginative works of fine art. Her art is inspired by spirituality and the beauty that she finds in nature and humankind. PATRICK MIZUMOTO Patrick Mizumoto is from Los Angeles, CA and attended the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art. Patrick’s art is a reflection of his own personal mythology. Ideas that culminate from his everyday life, inspired by everything from music, nature, travel, to human behavior and emotions. Art has been the ultimate tool to share his visionary imagina-






1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Douglas Simonson Carolyn Quan 2a. Soulfire 2b. Ageless Soul Patrick Mizumoto 3b. Animalistic Maika’i Tubbs 4a. A Life of Its Own Trevor Wayne 5a. Golden Heroes



April 2011





tion with the world and hopes to inspire others to be empowered by art. Patrick lives and works in Manoa, on the island of Oahu. TREVOR WAYNE Trevor attended the Academy of Art in Chicago. Nurtured by the gallery storefront—World of Wonder Productions, he has gained much attention in Hollywood. He headlined a few art shows himself, and began to publish another mini-mag called Pop Art Show—A collection of his brightly colored, comic style celebrity mashups. His interest in art, and fellow artists, has also made him an artist’s muse with an amazing extensive collection of “Trevor” themed art!


MAIKA’I TUBBS Maika‘i Tubbs is a multi-media artist from O’ahu. A ‘96 alumni of Kamehameha Schools and received his BFA in painting from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in ‘02. Though drawing and painting were his first loves, he eventually developed a newfound interest in repurposing everyday objects to expose their undiscovered potential. His penchant for collecting obsolete items has helped him focus on making the irrelevant relevant by telling new stories with objects rich in their own histories. From toy soldiers and syringes to packing tape and glue, he continues to find new ways to explore different materials by breaking down their original intent.





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see more photos at expression808.com

April 2011



∙ grad from (all girl/lesbianville) Smith College (psych BA) ∙ certified life coach ∙ certified wellness counselor ∙ advice-giver extraordinaire ∙ disco queen of the universe

Dear Flavia, I remember picking up an issue of eXpression! a while back and reading somewhere that you are also a certified life coach and have been wanting to write to you for a while now. I seemed to have built up the courage to do so. I have a relationship issue I think most people in the gay and lesbian community encounter from time to time.   I am in a relatively new relationship at the moment. Three months and I already have trust issues with my boyfriend. He’s been spending a lot of his time with his ex-boyfriend, but that is not the problem. The problem is that he lies about it. I’ve already caught him lying about it on several occasions. He would say he’s hanging out with a group of friends and I find out later that his ex was also there. He also spent a lot of time alone with his ex when I was away on a trip. I’ve confronted him and he tells me, “it’s not a big deal, I am friends with my exes and there’s no changing that.” Adding more to my insecurities, when we all hangout together, they goof around, wrestle and are so touchy with each other. How does he not see that it’s disrespectful to me? It’s fine that they are friends, but the fact that he lies about hanging out with his ex doesn’t sit well with me. If they are just in fact friends, he should just tell me that they are hanging out.


Is my boyfriend simply one of those guys who lies because he feels it’s not a big deal and is simply addressing my insecurities by not telling me so that I don’t worry? Or does he simply not care about my concerns, and what I fear, is in fact cheating on me? Most importantly, I feel he should meet me somewhere half way for the fact that he knows that I don’t trust him.


Dear Concerned About the Ex, There are many reasons why people remain friends after a break up. If you date someone for an extended period of time you form a bond of friendship and in many cases there is no need to sever that bond when romance is out of the equation. Coming into a new relationship we must accept that we may not be the “first”—and experience tells me that in some happy cases, it is better to be the “last”. Allowing your boyfriend to maintain his friends is part of allowing him to remain who he is. Everyone needs a circle of people they trust. A relationship between two people who have no outside interests is in serious danger of becoming a co-dependent affair of the worst case. That said, in order to make a new relationship work, trust is of essence. Honesty and respect are not too much to ask of anyone. If your boyfriend is hiding his encounters with his ex and has shown no consideration for your feelings, the problem may be deeper than it seems. I am not suggesting that he is fooling around, I am asking you to consider his effort into making you feel loved and secure. Aside from fun and games, what has he brought into this relationship with you? In which ways does he assure you that he is interested in monogamy? Have you even asked him about his views on the subject? Three months may be too soon to take things seriously but it is a good time to ask him where he envisions things going with you. And it is never too early to let him know where YOU stand, what works for you and what is a deal breaker. He may not always tell the truth, but he did say that his friendship with the ex would not change. Could it be that you are simply not listening to him when he attempts to tell the truth; because it is not something you want to hear? The bottom line is, there is nothing you can do to change someone else so all that is left to do is ask yourself what you truly want from him and whether or not he can deliver it. Don’t cheat yourself by staying with someone who fulfills 30% of your needs, or even 90% ... if you are going to give your best, expect the same and nothing less.

What do you think?

Take a good look at what you want and decide whether or not he’s the guy you are dreaming of. When it comes to the perfect boyfriend, accept no imitations!

Sincerely, Concerned About the Ex

If the lying continues, perhaps it’s time that he becomes YOUR ex, he seems to do a better job at that!

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Dr. Clare Rountree, PH.D

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April 2011



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