FEB2011 :: complimentary
11 16 06 26 20 08
FEBRUARY 2011 Volume 2 Issue 6
Transform Marina Del Ray
SINGLE OUT Noah Ha‘alilo Soloman
COVER STORY Quinn Cosma and Leilani Young
24 issues for $25
MUSIC Cazwell in Hawaii
for more info, visit eXpression808.com
FILM Role/Play
Spotlight Fly Away with Your Valentine
entertainment Love Squared
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12 issues for $18 2 year subscription
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Production Kamele Eskaran Linda Giang Technical & Web Development Brandon Valdez video & multi-media Expressions Portrait Design Tina Ludewig Contributing Writers Flavia Francesquini, CWC Editor Joey Becera Legal & Research Elia Tanga Glenn Honda, Esq.
President, Advertising & Marketing Jade Le
Our objective is to portray Hawaii’s gay and lesbian community in a positive light and to create awareness and respect for the diversity that is embraced by Hawaii’s LGBT community. A very special thank you to our supporters, contributors, and advertisers. Your support is essential to our continued growth and positive influence. Most importantly, we’d like to thank our readers for your embrace. How to write us
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February 2011
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February 2011
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February 2011
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Hawaii MAT#5654
written by flavia francesquini
Oh… Valentine’s Day. In past years I have subscribed to the group who believes that it is nothing but a commercial date created by Hallmark to increase sales of sappy cards. Other years I jumped over to the group who believes it is a tribute to romance and red underwear that should not be ignored. The truth is, how you feel about Valentine’s Day depends in great part on whether or not you have one!
may take more work than getting last minute reservations at your lover’s favorite restaurant! Having a date can be very fun! Having a relationship, on the other hand, is not always all that is cracked up to be! I hear that the best valentines are the ones who start out as friends. But what happens if you start out as dates? Can you truly be friends with someone you have dated in the past?
Whatever group you happen to belong to this year, keep in mind that once all the candy is eaten, all the cards are lost and all the lingerie have been set aside, there is still a relationship to tend to, and that
To prove that there is such as a thing as friendship after romance and to illustrate that sometimes a friend is your best valentine, meet Leilani Young and Quinn Cosma.
How and when did you meet? Leilani: We met at King Intermediate! We were in seventh grade when we became each other’s first boy friend and girl friend! How long did that last? L: A while… not long I guess but a while! But you managed to stay friends after the break up? L: Oh yeah… we are still here! <laughs> Except now you are dating other people - and gender? L: Correct! Which one of you came out first? L: I’m not sure… we came out after High School, Quinn may have been in College… it’s been a while! Were you ever apart? Quinn: Yes, we actually lost touch for a little while because I lived in San Francisco for three years and she had a girlfriend who didn’t like me… L: I did?? Q: She did! But then she came to San Fran to visit and picked it right up again. When did you decide to start a business together? Q: We always talked about our own place… we had talked about it a lot. I wanted a coffee shop type of place, she wanted karaoke … we’d make notes on napkins of what it would be like, we even named it The Closet! L: We even held a few events and called it The Closet. So how did Chiko’s come about? It’s not exactly what you had in mind at first, is it? L: No, it’s not, Chiko’s is the end result of a series of events. Q: We had a list of places that were available, places that had either lost their liquor license or didn’t renew them… That’s how we found the place. Then we decided to work with what we had. We were lucky because the previous tenant here had been locked out for lack of payment so we ended up with a lot of the stuff we needed to get going. L: We focused on the location, what we had, what the neighborhood lacked etc.
Would you say that your clientele is 50/50 gay/straight? L: Depends on the night or what is going on. Q: I’d say that most nights 70% of our clients are gay. Have you ever had any problems with homophobia from your clients? Q: No, never… our clients are all pretty nice people. So, all was well and then… L: The fire! What happened? Q: There was an accidental fire in September 2009. I was out of town when I got the call. L: A friend of ours actually drove by and saw the fireman here and the place in flames and called me in the middle of the night! It was pretty awful. Nobody wants that type of call Were you insured? L: We had some insurance and it helped a little. Q: It’s been a year and a half and we have worked really hard to be able to reopen. How did you do it? Q: With a lotta help! My dad has been great, very helpful and we had an amazing number of friends help as well. L: Too many people have helped us to even list them all! The day after the fire, we had a tent outside and our friends were helping us go through everything to see what we could salvage. About 80% of everything was damaged either by the fire itself, smoke, or water… it was a mess! How do you manage to stay friends through it all? Q: We are a lot like siblings now - or a married couple! <laughs> We bicker a lot! L: Having known each other for so long helps. We know each other so well, there are no surprises. What are the pros and cons of doing business with a close friend? Q: Well, we are stuck with each other! But I guess that’s not really a con. The pro is definitely the trust. What makes your partnership a success? Q: We both bring things to the table, which complement each other. L: There is balance between us. Q: Leilani is very hard working! She can work hard for hours on end without ever complaining, even when she’s sick!
February 2011
How would you describe Chiko’s? L: As a lounge, a nice place to hang out. Q: A friendly place. We get to know our costumers; we call people by name… it’s like Cheer’s in a sense. You can come in and get comfortable, have a drink, eat well, play some darts, listen to live music… there is always something going on.
How come it’s not named The Closet? Q: <laughs> Because we wanted it to be less descriptive, we wanted to be welcoming to everyone.
Q: I think that I have a broad concept and she fills in the gaps with all the necessary details. What makes any partnership a success? Q: Communication! L: Yeah, I have to agree! What should people expect from the renovated Chiko’s? Q: Upgrades! L: We’re different, but the same. We look a little different now… we opened up, took down some walls, there is more space now, but we are still Chiko’s! When did you reopen? L: We’ve been open for a short while now, but we’ll be holding a grand reopening by the end of February.
Q: Folks can look up future events on ChikosTavern.com L: Simple Souls is coming back and we have a lot planned for the new year! Are you doing anything special for Valentine’s Day? Q: Personally? I’m single! But we’ll have something fun going on here. L: I’m not single, but I’ll probably be working too! Have you thought of doing a Single’s Night for Valentines? Q: That’s an idea! You’ll have to wait and see what we come up with though! L: It’ll be fun, I can tell you that!
View more photos at expression808.com
And so you have it… perhaps Valentine’s Day should be just another day to think about all the people who are important in your life. As nice as it feels to celebrate romance, honoring friends who will stand by you under any circumstances can make you feel just as good inside.
We spend so much time thinking about ways to find our perfect match that we sometimes forget to make ourselves into a great catch. We wish for a good listener, someone who will make us laugh, carry an interesting conversation and to have fun with us, but are these characteristics we possess? The best way to develop all these qualities within ourselves is to offer them unconditionally to our friends. The best part of devoting time towards becoming a great friend is that we don’t
have time to worry about ‘Hallmark’ telling us when to be loving, we simply become the mate we wish to have. The reward is the realization that perhaps YOU are the only one responsible for your happiness, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or not! Looking for our “other half” is to assume that we are also just half of what we were intended to be. Let us start this new year aiming to be “whole” and worry about finding a date later. Friends will help us through the process if we let them! This is how I am going to start: If you still wish to get a cute card on February 14th… email me and I will personally send you a note. This year, I’m not taking sides, I’m just enjoying life and all the people who make it fun.
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Where equality, diversity & eXpressions are ALWAYS welcome 1249 Wilder Ave. (Makiki) 523-BEAN (2326) Mon–Sat: 6am–6pm Sun: 7am–6pm
*Prices may vary
February 2011
graphic design that makes you smile
f you are tired of the rain and missing the sounds of a great feel good summer song, tune in to Cazwell’s Ice Cream Truck and have yourself a party right now! Cazwell, singer, song writer and eye candy extraordinaire, was in Honolulu promoting his Ice Cream video before heading back to New York.
How do you like Hawaii?
It’s my second time here and I love it! I love the people I’m feeling lucky that my flight got delayed and I got to stay here another day! Dyan and the guys at Hula’s were great, the whole experience was a lotta fun!
Your songs are always fun—and funny—and I know you have a huge fan base, but how does your mom like the Ice Cream Truck?
She likes it! It’s a fun song with an innocent type of visual, what’s not to love?! <laughs> We had fun taping it and I think it shows. It’s the whole idea, really, to have a good time, to not take ourselves too seriously.
I hear that you are in a serious relationship. Do I hear wedding bells? I am in a serious relationship, but we live in New York,
February 2011
where gay marriage is still illegal…in any case, we do want to wait a little. Marriage is something that I want to do just ONCE so it’s good that we’re giving each other the opportunity to evolve. There is no need to rush. I wanna wait because I do love him that much. Meanwhile, we are as serious about each other as we can get!
How do you view people’s opposition to gay marriage?
I find it pretty ironic that the same people who oppose gay marriage do not oppose divorce. I take the idea of marriage a little more seriously than that, no matter who’s getting married.
Is your partner ok with your public life? Sure! We met at a bar when I was working so from the start he knew what it’d be like. But no matter where I am, I call him every night to say I love you.
What can we expect from you in the future? I just finished shooting the video for Get My Money Back and will be editing it as soon as I get back to New York. It’s another fun video… “fight club meets National Geographic”.
At a time when artists like Lady Gaga (for whom Cazwell has performed as an opening act and featured on her #1 hit Just Dance) are redefining the art and artifice of dance music, Cazwell exclaims “Gaga is fierce! The first time I performed Just Dance with her was in a Lower East Side club on Ave C. She threw me on the stage floor and started riding me, then pushed me off into the crowd. It was amaaazing!”
Cazwell is a household name on LOGO Networks and his videos are available on YouTube for your visual delight. If you can’t wait to see what that means, you can follow Cazwell (CazwellNYC) on Twitter. Download his deliciously upbeat songs from iTunes and make sure you have your ‘mojo’ on before you even leave the house to your favorite club!
February 11
Cazwell’s music embodies the same spirit of fun and ‘goofball’ experimentation that was the hallmark of artists like M.I.A., Lady Gaga, Eminem and Deee-lite. “More than anything I want to inspire people to have a
good time,” says Cazwell. “When I go to a club I want to party and I want to make music that makes other people want to party. I’m not necessarily trying to make people think too hard, I’m trying to make them dance.”
Following yet another successful film festival tour last year, Guest House Films will release the sexy drama Role/Play on DVD: February 8th—just in time for Valentine’s Day. Written and directed by Rob Williams, Role/Play screened to sold-out audiences at Outfest in Los Angeles and Philadelphia QFest, two of the country’s largest gay film festivals, and was called “a film not to be missed” by the Gay and Lesbian Times. Role/ Play marks the first self-distributed title by Guest House Films, and is the fifth film by the Los Angelesbased production house, founded by Williams and his partner, producer Rodney Johnson. Role/Play stars Steve Callahan (East Side Story, Nine Lives) and Matthew Montgomery (Socket, LongTerm Relationship), both openly gay actors and an off-screen couple. Callahan plays Graham Windsor, a popular daytime soap actor recently outed in the press, while Montgomery stars as Trey Reed, a gay marriage activist trying to survive the media backlash following his divorce. The two characters cross paths at a quiet Palm Springs resort, where they find common ground as they discuss their individual quests for fame and the fickle nature of what it means to be a gay celebrity. The film also stars Brian Nolan (The Lair), David Pevsner (Pornography: A Thriller), Matthew Stephen Herrick (Daydream Obsession: Legacy) and TV icon Jim J. Bullock (Too Close For Comfort, Spaceballs). The DVD features outtakes, a behind-the-scenes featurette (“Getting Into Character: The Making of Role/Play”), and a director’s commentary. It is available through retail outlets such as Amazon.com, Wolfe Video, Barnes & Noble, TLAGay.com and GuestHouseFilms.com, the official Guest House Films website. Role/Play also will be available for rental through Netflix, and is scheduled to be available for digital download on iTunes and Amazon Video on demand on Februray 15.
February 2011
Since its launch in 2005, Guest House Films has quickly become one of the most prolific and acclaimed independent film production companies. It has released five films to date, including Long-Term Relationship, Back Soon, 3-Day Weekend and Make the Yuletide Gay, and has numerous projects in development, including The Mystic Chord, a big-screen adaptation of the Jim Tushinski novel Van Allen’s Ecstasy; and Make The Yuletide Gay 2, a sequel to the company’s award-winning 2009 Christmas comedy.
SPOTLIGHT February 5th & 12th // Waikiki Shell Amphitheater
Looking for a unique date spot, family event or a fun night out? The whole family can enjoy the magic and wonder of Waikiki’s new and most affordable attraction, Cirque Wings which premieres its 2011 season, February 5th & 12th. It’s noted thus far that this is a remarkable event not to be missed. Currently there is nothing on the island of Oahu offering this type of entertainment. Audiences of all ages will witness the talented performers portraying the history of flight as they effortlessly glide thirty feet high in the air displaying stunning aerial and acrobatic features like never before. Cirque Wings is the best show to see in Waikiki.
Circus. Many years following, he found himself starring in Cirque du Soleil’s Emmy nominated Bravo special Dralion setting a performance standard that has been impossible to duplicate. Cirque Wings will dazzle audiences of all ages through an amazing display of beauty and strength in flight.
All of the things we dream about in our youth will come to life in this spectacular circus theatrical innovation. As children most people have dreamt of flying like fairies and superheroes, we carry this fascination to fly throughout our lives. Cirque Wings explores this passion to fly from ancient times to modern days. Viewers will enjoy amazing aerialists, incredible acrobats and beautiful dancing at the performance. “From ancient times to modern days, the passion to fly has followed us in our dreams for centuries,” explains Ivo Gueorguiev, the director of The New Cirque. “Cirque Wings will take you through the magical journey of the history behind flight. I want to present a show that we can all relate to.” February 2011
Gueorguiev brings forty years of experience to his wonderful masterpiece. A former Cirque du Soleil performer, he began his career before Cirque du Soleil was in the picture with the legendary Ringling Brothers
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“We all have dreamed we could fly in some shape or form,” says company manager and aerial performer Jill Hansen. “We want this production to be possible for everyone to enjoy. We are offering very affordable ticket prices along with 50% off kids tickets, a family of four can enjoy an evening out for as little as $60.”
Tickets start at only $20 for adults & $10 for kids (plus applicable charges) with additional discounts for Kama’ania, students, seniors and military makes this an affordable event for all.
The dream to fly will come to life on February 5th 5:00 pm & 7:30 pm and February 12th 5:00 pm & 7:30 pm. Do not miss it! Give the gift of wings this Valentine’s Day, a fun and unique event for you and your partner.
Tickets for The New Cirque’s production Cirque Wings can be obtained through Blaisdell Arena Box Office, all Ticketmaster Outlets, Ticketmaster.com or by calling 1-800-745-3000. For additional information, please visit CirqueWings.com
February 2011
d Lesb Gay an
ian Play Featured at the University of H awaii
The Writer & Director Siobhán Ní Dhonacha, born and raised in Dublin, Ireland is the first to attain a college degree in her family. She came out as a lesbian in Ireland at age fifteen in a very rigid society hostile to gender or sexual equality. To declare that one is gay is regarded to be a brave act of authenticity. “I have been part of equality and politics since coming out in London, Washington State, New York and in Honolulu. I was actively involved in the recent attempt to pass the civil unions bill here in Hawaii, and am optimistic about equality in the near future” says Dhonacha.
The Play The play Love 2 is an edgy, sexy and modern play. It is a frank, blunt, funny, profound and touching examination of the choices we all make and how we can never walk away from those choices. One way or the other, our life choices haunt us until we somehow make peace with them, whether it is about opening ones hearts, closing ones hearts, forgiving, taking vengeance, staying in the closet, cheating, or hiding the truth. Whichever they are, our choices will make us reckon with them and force us to pry open whatever closet we are hiding in—gay or straight.
What to expect from the play The fundamental experience of the play is intended to liberate audiences. A liberation that is humorous, thoughtful, and expansive with a permission to truly see that one can express life as it happens—forgetting the inner and outer censors. Audiences will leave with the truth that one can always choose to focus on the true qualities of love that transcend ego and commercialization.
Why write this play? Writing has been an intrinsic part of Dhonacha’s life at a young age. Dhonacha mentions, “Writing is my heartbeat. I write in a number of genres and areas: plays, screenplays, fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The characters of Love 2 , like all of the characters in my writing, had to have their say!”
How does Love2 depict the gay community? Homophobia is shared amongst all race, social class, age groups and cultures. Rapid homophobia, which continues to justify discrimination has created a bizarre depiction of gay people considered to be sexually perverse, detrimental to children, and uncommitted. The play’s realism towards the LGBT community is depicted realistically with humor and texture. This play simply allows us to see that not all people are homogeneous in any community. And in the end when time has healed the injustice fornicated by hate along with fear, there will be no “gay” or “straight” relationships; there will simply be human relationships.
This play is for a mature audience and is rated PG13. There is language and content that is not appropriate for children.
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February 2011
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BAR/CLUB/EVENTS Bar 7 1349 Kapiolani Blvd 808.955.2640 See ad on p1
Downe Towne for Women Bar 35 35 N Hotel St 808.537.3535 1 Fusions Waikiki 2260 Kuhio Ave, 2nd Fl 808.924.2422 2 Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand 134 Kapahulu Ave, 2nd Fl 808.926.0669 See ad on p24
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Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab 580 N Nimitz Hwy 808.545.7979 See ad on inside front cover
Sure Shot Café 1249 Wilder Ave 808.523.2326 See ad on p4
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Health CONT.
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Organizations Equality hawaii EqualityHawaii.org See ad on p4
Save the food basket TheFoodBasket.org See ad on p24
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660 Ala Moana Blvd 808.595.8066 See ad on p1
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February 2011