2013 Expressions Challenge Educator Toolkit

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A How-to Guide for Implementation of the Expressions Challenge in the Classroom

artwork by: Monica Santos, 12th grade, Mather High School, Chicago, IL



A MESSAGE FROM WALGREENS The Walgreens Expressions Challenge program was launched seven years ago at the suggestion of the Walgreens Community Task Force. The group was alarmed by the rising incidents of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV and AIDS, among high school students ages 14 to 18. How, the group wondered, could students find creative ways to express themselves about some very serious topics while also becoming better connected to their peers in the process?




About the Expressions Challenge


About the Educator Toolkit


Contest Essentials


Voting & Judging


Contest Timeline


Strategies on How to Implement Expressions in Class


Essay / Poetry Samples


Visual Art Samples


Video Screen Shot Samples


Expressions Challenge Glossary of Terms


Official Rules


Parental Consent Form



At its core, the Expressions Challenge is about preventing STDs, including HIV, but more importantly, it’s about guiding students to make better life choices about their overall health and well-being. There is no means of expression more personal or self-revelatory than art. By combining artistic expression with individual student research, Expressions empowers students to positively influence their classmates, school and community. The Expressions Challenge Educator Toolkit is meant to be an easy classroom ‘how-to guide’ with steps on integrating the Expressions Challenge into your existing curriculum, including points for in-class discussion, research resources, project timelines and sample past entries.

Amber Laster, 11th Grade, Simpson Academy, Chicago, IL

Remember, the contest is a vehicle, the real learning happens as the students go through the process of self-discovery and awareness. Walgreens—a company dedicated to helping people get, stay and live well—is proud to help students find their authentic voice on these sensitive issues. We’re equally proud Expressions has become a counterbalance for the sometimes-idealized images and unrealistic expectations around personal relationships. Never before have students had such unlimited access to information and the power to communicate this information globally. We think the peer-to-peer messages students are sending via the Walgreens Expressions Challenge are on point and being heard loudly and clearly around the world. Sincerely,

Director of Community Affairs Walgreen Company

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ABOUT THE EXPRESSIONS CHALLENGE The Walgreens Expressions Challenge (Expressions) is an incentive based contest for high school teens ages 14 to 18 to showcase their creative perspective on sexual responsibility and healthy lifestyle choices. The Expressions Challenge motivates teens to voice their opinion on topics including: self-esteem, teen pregnancy, STD prevention, abstinence, sexting, and sexual responsibility awareness. Entrants may submit their perspective in one of three categories: Creative Writing, Media Arts or Visual Arts. Over a two-month period, during the fall semester, teens will engage in the contest through their schools, community organizations and grassroots initiatives. Hundreds of entries are received each year from students in Chicago and St. Louis. The top 30 submissions from each category—Creative Writing, Media Arts and Visual Arts—are judged by an influential panel of health experts and stellar artists. Twelve winners rise to the top, six from Chicago and six from St. Louis. There are two winners per category and each city is judged independently. Winners— educators, students, schools and organizations—and their families are invited to a private award ceremony where winners are recognized and receive winnings in both cities. The Expressions Challenge has awarded over $128,000 in cash and prizes to winners, entrants, teachers, schools, and organizations. Expressions reaches beyond the contest period through the Expressions Gallery Tours, where the entrants’ artwork is on display at partner schools for two to three weeks promoting peerto-peer healthy choices. Expressions “Stop. Think. Wait.” Poster Campaign transfers the entrants’ works in the Visual Arts category into posters with impactful messages which are distributed to schools, organizations and select Walgreens locations in Chicago and St. Louis. Additionally, Expressions Teen Summits provide a platform within schools to bring medical experts and celebrity guests to educate youth on the importance of making healthy decisions for their future.

ABOUT THE EDUCATOR TOOLKIT The Expressions Challenge Educator Toolkit will serve as an easy classroom ‘how to guide’ for teachers, program organizers and students to 
learn how to participate in the program. This Toolkit will present steps for educators on how to integrate the Challenge in their existing curriculum, include points of in-class discussion, project timeline, examples of past entries, and research resources for students. The overarching goal of
this Toolkit is to increase awareness on key issues that impact teens and generate an increased number of entries from all schools participating in the Expressions Challenge. The Expressions Challenge is about creativity. Expressions should be a fun peer-to-peer education project for you and your students. We rely on educators to ignite the youth’s creative side by providing insight on the types of work they can submit in one of the three categories—Creative Writing, Visual Arts and Media Arts. Over the years, Expressions projects have included exquisite statues, heartfelt poems and impactful public service announcement videos all created by teens with the support of their teachers. Teachers have even used Expressions as an opportunity for students to receive community service credits, which count toward high school graduation requirements. We encourage educators to be creative in their implementation of this exciting initiative.

Over the last seven years, Expressions has become a peer-topeer movement reaching more than 500,000 teens through an integrated approach. Educator Toolkit | 03


High school teens ages 14 to 18


(suggested but are not limited to):

CONTEST ESSENTIALS Each year, over $30,000 in cash and prizes are given away to Expressions Challenge participants—educators, students, schools and organizations. As an Educator, you have a chance to win by participating in Expressions along with your students. By simply implementing the Challenge in your classroom you are participating. The students do the rest. Not to mention, you will present an exciting classroom project for them to learn more about the importance of establishing healthy practices now to live well in the future.

• Abstinence • Self-Esteem • Sexual Responsibility

• Sexting • STD Prevention • Teen Pregnancy


Teens may submit their response to the topics using one of three mediums. Only one entry per person will be considered. • Creative Writing: - Essay, Poetry, Short Story • Visual Arts - Graphic Design, Painting, Sculpture, Photography • Multimedia: - Video, Recorded Song/Rap

Entry Qualifications

Qualified Expressions Challenge entries will be judged individually by category and market. Chicago and St. Louis contests are non-competing and will be judged separately. Entries will be judged on the following specifications: • • • •

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Originality Writing style Quality of work Adherence to Contest and Category Guidelines

Prizes Each market—Chicago and St. Louis—is treated as two non-competing contests. At the conclusion of each contest, there are a total of six winners (two per category) selected per market. Prizes are awarded to student winners and their teacher and school, depending on the prize level. Winners and their families are invited to a private award ceremony where award recipients are recognized and receive winnings in both cities.

1st Place Winner


• $2,000 in cash for the student • $500 in cash for their school/ organization • $500 cash prize for their teacher/ program organizer

2nd Place Winner


• $1,250 in cash for the student • $500 in cash for their teacher

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Expressions Challenge judging takes place in three rounds: 1) Public Vote 2) Preliminary Judging and 3) Expert Panel Judging.

Post Event Exposure The Expressions Program aims to highlight the winners and participants by including their submissions in our signature peer-to-peer education initiatives, which are: the Expressions Challenge Gallery Tours, where the entrants’ art work is on display at partner schools for a two to three week period to promote peer-to-peer healthy choices. Expressions’ “Stop. Think. Wait.” Poster Campaign transforms the entrants’ work in the ‘visual arts’ category into posters with impactful messages, which are distributed to schools and organizations for display in Chicago and St. Louis. The Expressions Challenge Teen Summits provide a platform within schools to bring medical experts and celebrity guests to educate youth on the importance making healthy decisions has on their future.

Prohibited Submissions with explicit images and profane language, nudity, and any form of discrimination are not eligible for entry and will automatically be disqualified. The use of the Walgreens brand in the entry is strictly prohibited. Entries featuring and/or mentioning the Walgreens logo or brand in any form will be disqualified. Past winning entries, official contest rules and entry criteria are available at www.ExpressionsChallenge.com. *Currently the Expressions Challenge is offered in Chicago and St. Louis Public Schools

1) Public Voting

Public Voting is open to the public. Entries which adhere to the contest qualifications and official rules will be posted in the Contest section of the Expressions Challenge website (www.ExpressionsChallenge.com) within 24 hours of submission. Entrants are invited to share their entry with family, friends, teachers, peers, and social networks to vote for their entry. Public Voting is a weighted vote. Entries which meet the qualifications and official rules will proceed to the Preliminary Judging round. Public Voting ends prior to the start of the Preliminary Judging.

2) Preliminary Judging

Preliminary Judging is a private judging round administered by the sponsor. In each category (Creative Writing, Visual Arts and Media Arts) the top 30 entries are selected for a total of 90 entries in Chicago and 90 entries in St. Louis. The Expert Panel of Judges in the respective markets will review the 90 runner-ups.

3) Expert Panel Judging

Expert Panel Judging is the final private judging round administered by the sponsor. In each market, Chicago and St. Louis, a panel of experts, comprised of medical professionals, civic leaders, and accomplished artists and writers, are selected to judge the 90 runner-up entries. This Expert Panel of Judges is responsible for identifying the top two finalists per category (Creative Writing, Visual Arts and Media Arts) for a total of six finalists in their respective market. 06 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge

CONTEST TIMELINE October 1, 2013

Expressions Challenge Begins Public Voting Opens

November 30, 2013 Expressions Challenge Ends Public Voting Closes December 3, 2013

Judging Round 1 Begins

December 14, 2013 Judging Round 1 Ends December 16, 2013 Judging Round 2 Begins December 19, 2013 Judging Round 2 Ends December 21, 2013 Winner Notification Begins December 23, 2013 Winner Notification Ends January 2014

Award Ceremony St. Louis*

Award Ceremony Chicago*

* Exact dates to be determined Educator Toolkit | 07





Over the past seven years, teachers participating in the Walgreens Expressions Challenge have cultivated myriad ways to engage their students in the contest. Teachers find that with just a bit of guidance and instruction students welcome the challenge of expressing themselves in a number of creative ways about very serious topics. Moreover, they develop strategies and skills that serve them in all aspects of their lives and transcend the mechanics of merely entering a contest.

artwork by: Guadalupe Gaona, 10th Grade, Mathews-Dickey Boys’ & Girls’ Club, St. Louis, MO

Dina Rutledge Supervisor, Palmer Park, Chicago Park District Rutledge believes the Expressions Challenge initiative is a joint leadership effort between the educator and student to produce the best entry possible. She offers practical advice that engages students and teachers in the process: • Allow your students to create the concept for their project based on their own experiences. They will give more and enjoy the process even more; • Insist on your students doing their own research. They should know facts; • Encourage your students to go beyond excellence. Just enough is not good enough; • Submit work that has been spell checked, double checked and approved by you. Their work also reflects you as their leader; • Thank your students for doing their best!

Rounsaville presents tips for success that are not predicated on being a Walgreens Expressions Challenge finalist: • Involve your students early; • Provide as much support to them as you can; • Encourage group projects, and don’t limit the topic or project. “Encouraging students to create a project that can be embraced by the school district or the nation will carry well beyond the Walgreens Expressions Challenge program. Certainly winning is great, but the work they do on Expressions will have an impact whether they are a finalist or not.”

artwork by: Tayler Tate, 12th Grade, Carnahan High School of the Future, St. Louis, MO

Barbara Washington Vice President, Public Relations & Special Events, Mathews-Dickey Boys’ & Girls’ Club of St. Louis, MO

artwork by: Ebony Lennox, 9th Grade,Homewood-Flossmoor High School, Flossmoor, IL

Ira Rounsaville Student Health Specialist, Chicago Public Schools “The Expressions Challenge allows students to ‘come as they are,’ be heard, be represented and take a stance on the issues facing their generation today.”

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“The Walgreens Expressions Challenge provides students with multiple life-changing benefits in health education and prevention. The Challenge also gives youth a chance to express themselves creatively and utilize their own voice to foster self-esteem and educate their peers and the community alike on this important topic. And in these challenging economic times, the opportunity for youth to win funds for using their skill and knowledge is a win-win for themselves, their community and their country.” Washington’s tip for Program Managers: • Work with medical professionals to help educate the students and encourage the children to do due diligence in following all the rules in the application process and adhering to deadlines.

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Jeremy Winingham Art Teacher, Cleveland NJROTC, St. Louis Public Schools Winingham sees the Walgreens Expressions Challenge as a way to allow students to get in touch with their feelings regarding tough issues like self-esteem, teen pregnancy and drug use. In Winingham’s perspective, the contest has an impact that far outweighs just adhering to standard curriculum. His keys to success include: • Getting students excited about the project is the key. The prize money goes a long way towards this, but I also engage my kids by talking about topics that relate to this program; • Journaling offers a way for students to become more comfortable talking about these sensitive topics. Once students become comfortable talking and writing about these issues, they get personally involved. • It is important to stress to the students that they don’t have to disclose anything they don’t feel comfortable with. They can always craft fictional stories and characters using the themes we are covering.

STEP ONE: KNOW THE FACTS Self-Esteem Self-Esteem is the common thread for good or bad behavior. Insecurity, selfworth, physical appearance, fashion, media, acceptance, relationships, and competitive ability are contributors to how teens and people gage their self-esteem. DoSomething.org is the country’s largest nonprofit for social change and young people 13 to 25 years old. According to DoSomething.org, 44 percent of girls and 15 percent of guys in high school are attempting to lose weight. When girls ages 15 to 17 feel bad about their looks, more than 70 percent of them avoid normal daily activities such as attending school. Approximately 40 percent of middle school and high school boys exercise regularly to increase muscle mass. Cutting, bullying, smoking, drinking, or disordered eating are some of the negative activities 75 percent of girls with low self-esteem reported taking part in compared to 25 percent of girls with high self-esteem. In addition, girls who lack high self-esteem are four times more likely to participate in activities with boys they eventually regret later. Teen girls wish their parents would communicate better with them by having frequent and open conversations.

Abstinence Abstinence should always be considered when discussing teen relationships. Relationships Under Construction, a nonprofit focused on closing the gap between youth, teacher, parent and adult communication based around youth healthy decisions, has noted 54 percent of high school students are virgins.8 When surveyed, 58 percent of teens said sexual activity for high school-age teens is not acceptable, even if precautions are taken against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.9 Boys ages 12 to 16 who partake in premature sexual activity are six times higher for ever having used alcohol; approximately 10 times higher for smoking marijuana; and, nearly four times higher for dropping out. Girls 12 to 16 years old who engage in early sexual activity are six times higher for ever having used alcohol; 10 times more likely to smoke marijuana; nearly 4 times higher for dropping out.10 Sixtythree percent of teens who had sexual intercourse wish they waited.11 Jerrell Lockhart, 11th Grade, Mather High School, Chicago, IL

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8 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). Youth risk behavior surveillance. 9 National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. (2000). The Cautious Generation? Teens Tell Us About Sex, Virginity, and “The Talk”. Washington, DC: Author. 10 Donald Orr, “Premature Sexual Activity as an Indicator of Psychological Risk,” Pediatrics,Vol. 87, No. 2, Feb. 1991, pp.141-7 11 National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. (2000). Not Just Another Thing to Do: Teens Talk About Sex, Regret, and the Influence of Their Parents. Washington, DC: Author Educator Toolkit | 13

Teen Pregnancy While teen pregnancy is on the decline in the US, it is still a big factor with the teen drop-out rate. The Center for Disease Control recorded 329,797 babies born to teen girls aged 15 to 19 years, in 2011.12 Nearly, one-third of girls in the United States will get pregnant before the age of 20. These births account for an eight percent decrease—a record low for U.S. teens in this age group—compared to 2010. For teen girls 15 to 17, the birth rate declined 11 percent; and, for teen girls 18 to 19 the birth rate fell seven percent. Possible reasons for the decline in teen pregnancy seem to stem from teens becoming less sexually active, and those who are sexually active appear to use forms of birth control, including contraception, more than in previous years.13

Sexting The act of sexting is known as sending sexually explicit messages or sharing semi-nude or nude photos or videos of a person via a mobile text message or social media. According to Sex and Tech, Results from a Survey of Teens and Young Adults, conducted by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (The National Campaign) found 39 percent of all teens are sending or posting sexually suggestive messages. Seventyone percent of teen girls and 67% of teen guys who have sent or posted sexually suggestive content say they have sent or posted this content to a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sixty-six percent of teen girls and 60% of teen boys say they did so to be “fun or flirtatious”; their most common reason for sending sexy content. Forty-four percent of both teen girls and teen boys say they sent sexually suggestive messages or images in response to such content they received. An additional 44 percent of both teen girls and teen boys say it is common for sexually suggestive text messages to get shared with people other than the intended recipient.

each year.14 The Expressions Challenge taps into students’ need for creative expression to address issues that are sometimes hard to articulate. __________________


Sexual Responsibility and the Arts Throughout history the arts have provided an outlet to tackle some of society’s most challenging problems. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” rings true for students approaching the Expressions Challenge. Below are some national resources to draw upon as you craft your own arts-focused vision of the sexual responsibility challenges facing teens today. AIDS - Arts Timeline The AIDS-Arts Timeline is a people’s history of the epidemic and the associated arts. This searchable, double timeline will chronicle both AIDS events and AIDS-arts events of the past two decades throughout the world. Resource: http://www.artistswithaids.org/artery/AIDS/AIDS_index.html AIDS Museum The AIDS Museum is America’s national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of the AIDS Pandemic. The mission of the Museum is to advance and disseminate knowledge about AIDS, to preserve the memory of those who have died and continue to suffer, and to encourage visitors to reflect upon the medical, political, and humanitarian questions raised by the AIDS Pandemic. Resource: http://www.aidsmuseum.org/about/

Parents and other adults remain the biggest influence (38%) on students as it relates to advice and role modeling regarding issues of sex, according to a study conducted by The National Campaign. Although 15 to 24-yearolds represent only one-quarter of the sexually active population, they account for nearly half (9.1 million) of the 18.9 million new cases of STIs

The Adolescent AIDS Program at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center This New York City-based program puts hip-hop to work for HIV prevention. Using music, videos, and magazines, HIV and the HipHop Culture: Choices, Challenges and Care deconstructs hip-hop music and lyrics as well as the social forces that influence young people’s choices with regard to sexual behavior, relationships, culture, and other sexual health issues. Resource: http://www.adolescentaids.org

12 Hamilton BE, Martin JA, Ventura SJ. Births: Preliminary date for 2011. National Vital Statistics Reports. 2012; 61(5). Table 2. 13 Martinez G, Copen CE Abma JC. Teenages in the United States: Sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing, 2006-2010. National Survey of Family Growth. National Cernt for Health Statistics. National Vital Health Stat. 2011; 23(31).

14 Weinstock H et al., Sexually transmitted diseases among American youth: incidence and prevalence estimates, 2000, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2004, 36(1):6–10.

STD Awareness + Prevention

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artwork by: Jorge Pedro, 11th Grade, Carnahan High School of the Future, St. Louis, MO

artwork by: Vicky Tan, 9th Grade, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, IL

artwork by: Tammie Russell, 11th Grade, Percy L. Julian High School, Chicago, IL

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The Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Ohio This program uses hip-hop music and videos to provide information about safer sex and making sexual decisions. Young audiences identify with the content, appreciate the creative approach, and are responsive to the prevention messages, and the Taskforce hopes that young people will ‘own’ and promote the positive messages throughout their social circles (www.aidstaskforce.org). Resource: http://www.aidstaskforce.org WritersCorps WritersCorps places professional writers in community settings to teach creative writing to youth. Since its inception in 1994, the program has helped nearly 18,000 young people from neighborhoods throughout San Francisco improve their literacy and increase their desire to learn. WritersCorps is a joint project of the San Francisco Arts Commission and San Francisco Public Library, and is part of a national alliance with sites in the Bronx and Washington, DC. Resource: http://www.sfartscommission.org/WC/

was also meant to reference their anger about the AIDS pandemic. Gran Fury acted as ACT UP’s (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) unofficial propaganda ministry, creating work that used the same strategies as advertising to reach a wider audience. Resource: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/30/gran-fury-read-my-lips-aids-artexhibit_n_1242106.html Additional Online Resources Latinitas Magazine - www.laslatinitas.com Teen Diaries - www.teendiaries.net Black Youth Project - www.blackyouthproject.com Advocates for Youth - www.advocatesforyouth.org Sex-Ed Loop - www.sexedloop.com Didja Know - www.didjaknow.org Illinois Council for Adolescent Health - www.icah.org

New School Activists New School Activist (a youth-led theater project of Metro TeenAIDS) uses slam poetry, games, break dancing, and music to accomplish HIV prevention with urban flair. Resource: http://www.metroteenaids.org Names Project Foundation Established in 1987, The NAMES Project Foundation is the international NGO (non-governmental organization) that is the custodian of The AIDS Memorial Quilt, an official American treasure. The mission of The NAMES Project Foundation is to preserve, care for and use The AIDS Memorial Quilt to foster healing, heighten awareness, and inspire action in the age of AIDS. Specifically, The NAMES Project works to display The Quilt in nearly 1,000 venues each year, to conserve and care for the aging 54-ton tapestry and it’s half a million piece archive, and to encourage and support the creation of new Quilt panels for this ever-evolving handmade memorial. Resource: http://www.aidsquilt.org Gran Fury Gran Fury was an activist/artist collective that came together in 1988. They took the name Gran Fury from the specific Plymouth model used by the New York Police Department for unmarked police cars. The name

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artwork by: Mara Hontanosas, 12th Grade, Mather High School, Chicago, IL

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STEP TWO: ENGAGE YOUR CLASS The Challenge amplifies the current academic curriculum of our high school partners by focusing not just on sex education, but on other disciplines as well, including Art, English and Health. Expressions is more than just an avenue to provide awareness on healthy lifestyle choices, including STD prevention, but a way to motivate teens to join a peer-to-peer mentoring movement that inspires other teens to make responsible decisions supporting their healthy future. Studies continually show that teens have challenges discussing sexual health with parents, teachers and other adults. Through this initiative, students are offered a safe and engaging place to talk about the challenges they face regarding decisions on sexual responsibility, while being offered an opportunity to be rewarded for it.

Classroom Discussion Topics The list of challenges teens face today are a far cry from those faced by young people just a decade ago. Participating in the Expressions Challenge offers students an opportunity to tap into their creativity to articulate tough issues relevant to their lives. Students are encouraged to focus on a variety of themes, among them self-esteem and self-image, sexual health and responsibility, peer pressure and the influence of the Internet and pop culture as it relates to their daily lives.

STEP THREE: TAKING THE CHALLENGE Students can work on the Expressions Challenge either individually, or in a group, to create an entry that depicts their opinion on how they will make healthy decisions for a bright future. Encourage students to be creative, draw from personal experiences or use examples in found in media to inspire their entry. Their artistic talent is limitless.

___________________________ In-Class Project Timeline Week 1: Review the Educator Toolkit

Week 2: Introduce Expressions to Class &

• • • •

Safe Internet Surfing for Teens • Cyber-bullying Sexuality & Sexual Health • HIV/AIDS and STIs Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity • Cultivating Healthy Relationships Communicating with Parents (Adults) About Sexuality

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Student Homework: Research Favorite Topic

Week 4: Work with Student to Identify Category to Enter

Student Homework: Complete Draft of Entry

Week 5: Educator Collects Entry Draft to Review Week 6: Drafts Distributed to Students

The following are suggested classroom discussions that will help students prepare for participating in the Expressions Challenge:

Review Entry Criteria

Week 3: Develop Class Discussion on Topics

Past Expressions Challenge winners have shown remarkable depth of sentiment and creative savvy when it comes to communicating on these tough subjects. One winning Expressions Challenge poetry entry captured a student’s fictional, but moving, experience as an expectant teen mother living with HIV while fearing for the future of her unborn baby. Another Expressions Challenge art entry winner featured a list of more than 30 consequences and warnings associated with HIV interwoven into a photograph of the artist’s own face and hair. Your students are encouraged to draw on their creativity and unique insights to make the Expressions Challenge meaningful for them and their peers.

Display Posters in Classroom

Student Homework: Revise Draft According to Edits

Week 7: Educator Receives Final Documents for Submission Week 8: Entries Uploaded or Mailed to the Expressions Challenge

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CREATIVE WRITING SAMPLES Ivy Zhao | Whitney M. Young Magnet High School - Grade 12

Youth are the Answer Category: Essay A pressing issue that has plagued the world since the late 20th century is the virus HIV and the syndrome AIDS. The most common ways the virus spreads are through breast milk, semen and vaginal secretion, but there still are many ways within that parameter to spread HIV. Dirty needles, sexual contact, blood transfusions, or transfer to a baby by an infected mother are some of the most common ways. Social stereotype associates contractors of AIDS with a degenerate lifestyle, often citing divergence from moral principles. Dirty needles are usually associated with drug abuse, yet some overworked hospitals may reuse needles without thoroughly cleaning them. Transmission of HIV through sexual contact often brings to mind frequent intercourse with more than one partner. Or, in some cases, HIV positive individuals may knowingly transmit HIV to his or her partner. In each case, though, the point is made: no morally upright person would spread such a deadly disease when that person can help it; a morally corrupt person, on the other hand, may not have as many qualms. However, the law cannot monitor morals as it tried to do in the past. The stringent Puritan laws of yore cannot work in the modern world. Another source of authority and power is necessary. Youth can provide that, especially those in urban communities. To understand the power of youth, one need not look any further than culture. The young adults of the 1950s spread the power of rock, fueled by the icon Elvis Presley. The powerful Beat generation fostered the “hippie” movement. On a more tragic note, college students shocked the nation as they clashed with policemen, protesting the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Another: a young child is interviewed about her struggle with cancer and its accompanying pain. Each of these situations moved people, organizations, and governments to action. Youth, then, are an instrumental source of power and may triumph in the combat with HIV/AIDS.

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Eliminating the virus HIV is no mean feat, and is not possible at the moment. Dealing with HIV and AIDS, however, is the problem that needs to be addressed. Youth can serve to help in multiple functions. The primary function is hope—hope for the future. We can depend on the youth now to pioneer the field of medicine. One example is the development of better blood screening techniques to detect HIV positive blood. Youth can also help in a more short-term way. Adolescents and young adults in the 1920s and later spearheaded the loosened sexual freedoms and standard of morality, proving their power over these implied institutions. They can once again exercise that power. Perhaps they won’t be able to completely reverse what had happened, yet they can still influence other youth now. Public awareness campaigns done informally by youth through positive peer pressure would work much better than the health classes and the health posters, both of which have lost its efficacy, in stuffy rooms. Youth can then stifle a few of the ways in which HIV is spread, and also suppress the subsequent waves of tragedy AIDS causes. Youth, then, can be the more authority where governmental and parental authority fails. Youth can encourage others to be more careful: about those dirty needles; when having sex; by trying to avoid accidents that require hospitalization. Because most youth depend on their friends and peers just as much, if not more than their parents, supportive and wise youth can help prevent many situations where HIV can be contracted within their control. They can be there where older institutions cannot. The power of young people is what fuels the lifeblood of mankind. Just as they implemented change in previous generations they too can do in the fight against AIDS. Using youth, not older adults, to provide awareness would be more fruitful. The hope of the future is within the adolescents and young adults of today, and the harnessing of their collective power is mighty.

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Chanel Strain | Innovations High School - Grade 12

Xerxes Flores | Gallery 37 AAEP, Theater Arts - Grade 12

Speak to Educate

Simple Things

Category: Rap/Poetry

Category: Rap/Poetry

We survive by hustling

Simple things

We’re struggling to see light because our wrongs overshadow our rights Our rights are being taken—better yet We’re giving them away

Such as riding the train is forever different I wonder if it shows on me… The woman across from me seem like she knows Is it that obvious?

Our lights are becoming dim so how can we find another way

By the way I sit

We live on avenues and avenidas named after activists

The way I breathe

We act as if everything they fought for has been won


We can’t depend on our president for everything he is just one man You see, we forget that King Drive is not just a street and Malcolm X isn’t just a boulevard We’re living hard

I might as well have a sign on my head that says “INFECTED” But I’m not afraid Because I have AIDS AIDS doesn’t have me

The hood does not have to be synonymous with our lifestyles

But what does that even mean?

Babies having babies but there is no shortage on lifestyles

I mean now I have to face this for the rest of my life

The manifestation of a generation has left our youth vulnerable to disease that kills us

I’m married to a disease I didn’t even as for

But we live as if the deaths of our son and daughters aren’t enough to make us livid The manifestation of a pandemic is not secluded to an urban community

Here I am trying to convince myself that I can live my life the way I used to But I can’t Because you’re not the same when you have death breathing down your nect

But how can you offer aid to a people who own the word?


By speaking


Our mute lips only give power to a disease that is silent


Our silence is not golden but deadly Education is the greatest prevention So when we teach, our intentions must be to save lives

And every time I look in the mirror It’s like I’m having a staring contest with someone I don’t understand I try and try to think of something positive But all I can see is that house falling through the sky

Our minds should become infected with the facts so our immune systems don’t become deficient

Ready to squash me

Contraceptives are efficient but safety is not a given

But I have AIDS

Test yourself and your partner like you are studying for an exam

AIDS doesn’t have me

So the only thing that will run rampant—is knowledge

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Subria Whitaker | Morgan Park High School - Grade 11

Game Over Category: Essay Every single person that is able to have sex is old enough to play games In this day in age, playing games has gotten us millions of numbers in the state of contraction, millions of deaths, and millions of hours toward the under producing of HIV pill malefaction …but not a single overflow of plastic, latex or lubricants, i.e. CONDOMS It’s essential that we simply start with the rudiments Back when I was a kid, games were FUN No one ever got injured, sick or died People still playing because of their pride, in spite of the low T cell count…inside I mean, I’m so selective with my diction, so it’s best everyone pay attention This is my combat, not intervention Or a silly fairytale Not to mention, we all loved the game and participated by choice We might’ve gotten a scrape or a bruise, Sometimes a cut or two But without a questionable doubt, It’s like we got dumber as we got older We stayed packed with bandages and rubbing alcohol But tell me, now where’s all the PROTECTION? Stop all the playing now and let’s band all games This virus is starting a war, having already killed countless names Back when I was a kid, tag meant that you were “it” Not HIV positive like it does now Where we can be “it” after any “hit” Red rover, red rover While death attacks our pockets full of posies Has it started to make sense yet? HIV is serious, even before full blown AIDS Don’t be the cat from being curious, because curiosity killed it While ignorance is our assassination, like simple refusal to wear a condom Or even worse: procrastination Follow a few simple rules like wear gloves when playing with friends Don’t play when you know you’re sick And don’t share needles injected with your hands This strain is killing my beautiful black people in and away from our homeland of origination Right now, we have no cure in spite of the statistical proliferation In all desperation to end of this life threatening, yet extremely common crisis We must play one last game to save the endangered in honor of the lifeless 24 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge


artwork by: Cynthia Jackson, 11th Grade, Carnahan High School of the Future, St. Louis, MO

artwork by: Claritza Gonzalez, 12th Grade, Peace and Education Coalition, Chicago, IL

artwork by: Brianna Williams, 12th Grade, Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights, IL

Educator Toolkit | 25

artwork by: Corey Colloway, 11th Grade, KatyAnn Foundation, St. Louis, MO

artwork by: Zhana Johnson, 12th Grade, Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights, IL

artwork by: Edgar Cruz, 12th Grade, Amundsen High School, Chicago, IL artwork by: Luis Ayala, 12th Grade, Amundsen High School, Chicago, IL

26 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge

artwork by: Mark Bastain, 12th Grade, KatyAnn Foundation, St. Louis, MO

Educator Toolkit | 27

MEDIA ART SAMPLES Brittany Hardaway & Dunbar Broadcast Team | Dunbar Career Academy - Grade 12

Know Your Partner. Get Tested. Category: Video / Photography

28 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge

Matt Markivee | Fort Zumwalt West High School - Grade 12

The Choice is Yours. Category: Video / Photography

Educator Toolkit | 29

Expressions Glossary of Terms Abstinence - The practice of refraining from some or all aspects of sexual activity for medical, psychological, legal, social, financial, philosophical, moral or religious reasons.8 Adolescent sexuality- Refers to sexual feelings, behavior and development in adolescents and is a stage of human sexuality. Sexuality is often a vital aspect of teenagers’ lives. The sexual behavior of adolescents is, in most cases, influenced by their culture’s norms and mores, their sexual orientation, and the issues of social control such as age of consent laws.9 AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - Immune system failure and debilitation, resulting in severe and eventually fatal illness; caused by HIV infection. At-Risk Sexual Behaviors - According to a report prepared for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the younger the age of first sexual intercourse, the greater the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. This is because those who begin having sex at young ages are generally exposed to risk for a longer time, are less likely to use contraception, generally have more sexual partners, and tend to engage in higher risk sexual behaviors such as alcohol or drug use prior to sexual intercourse and having multiple concurrent sexual partners. It must be recognized as well that early intercourse is frequently not voluntary.

selves against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV/AIDS. It is also referred to as safer sex or protected sex, while unsafe or unprotected sex is sexual activity engaged in without precautions. Sexting - Sending sexually explicit messages and/or photographs, primarily between mobile phones. The term is a “mash-up” of the terms sex and texting. Sexual Education - Two main forms of sex education are taught in American schools: comprehensive and abstinence-only. Comprehensive sex education covers abstinence as a positive choice, but also teaches about contraception and avoidance of STIs when sexually active. Sexual Self-Concept - Developing a sexual self-concept is an important developmental step during adolescence. This is when adolescents try to make sense and organize their sexual experiences so that they understand the structures and underlying motivations for their sexual behavior. Sexual Health (Reproductive Health) - Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Reproductive health, or sexual health/hygiene, addresses the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life.

Birth Control - Control of the number of children born; preventing or lessening the chance of pregnancy.10 Contraception - Deliberate prevention of conception. Cyber-bullying - The use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. Gender Identity - A person’s private sense of, and subjective experience of, their own gender. This is generally described as one’s private sense of being a man or a woman, consisting primarily of the acceptance of membership into a category of people. HIV - Human Immunodeficiency virus; the body lacks the ability to mount a normal immune response to infection; the virus that causes AIDS Safe Sex - Sexual activity engaged in by people who have taken precautions to protect them-

8 Sexual abstinence. (2013, April 10). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:24, April 19, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sexual_abstinence&oldid=549732154 9 Adolescent sexuality. (2013, March 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:27, April 19, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/ index.php?title=Adolescent_sexuality&oldid=542743501 10 Birth Control. (2013, April 19). In Merriam-Webster, An Encyclopedia Britannica Company. Retrieved 4:47 PM, April 19, 2013, from http:// www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/birth%20control

30 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge

Sexual Orientation is an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. Sexual Responsibility - To be capable of making moral, practical, or rational decisions about sexual activity. To be answerable for one’s behavior regarding sexual activity. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) - Sexually transmitted diseases (STD), also referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STI) and venereal diseases (VD), are illnesses that have a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. Teen Dating Violence - The physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship. While dating, domestic and sexual violence affect women regardless of their age, teens and young women are especially vulnerable. Young people ages 12 to 19 experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault, and people age 18 and 19 experience the highest rates of stalking.

Educator Toolkit | 31

OFFICIAL RULES Legal Abbreviated Copy No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. The Walgreens Expressions Challenge is open

Download the Appearance Release Form at www.expressionschallenge.com, click on the “Download” tab, and then select the Appearance Release Form to download. • All persons depicted in submitted videos or photos must be 13 years of age or older as of the date of Entry for the Entry to be entered into the Contest. Entrant and all persons these Official Contest Rules.

eligible to enter this Contest. Employees of Walgreen Co. (“Sponsor”), GoldStar Communications (“Administrator”) and each of their affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, and offer is void outside the Chicago, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri, metropolitan areas and wherever prohibited. Subject to all federal, state and local laws.

following the onscreen instructions to submit your entry into one of three categories: Visual Arts,

entrant represents and warrants that: (i) all rights to the Entry belong to the individual entrant and

• Commercial products such as clothing, toys, food and/or their trademarks, brands,

(1) First Place winner per Metropolitan Area per Category, and one (1) Second Place winner per

the Entry does not and shall not infringe on any copyright or any other third party right nor violate

Metropolitan Area per Category on or about December 21, 2012 on the basis of the following

any applicable law or regulation, (ii) the Entrant has the right to grant any and all necessary rights

judging criteria:

and licenses provided herein, including without limitation, all necessary copyright and other related

o Appropriateness to Theme (should reflect your perspective on Sexting, Self-Esteem, Teen

rights to the Entry (including any approvals from those depicted in your video/photo), free and

• Website or web page links.

Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention, Abstinence, or Sexual Responsi-

clear of all claims and encumbrances without violating the rights of any person or entity, including

• Illegal drug or alcohol use or abuse or product images.

bility Awareness to educate other teens ) (40%)

any right to privacy or publicity, (iii) the Entrant and all those depicted in his/her Entry hereby hold

o Originality (25%)

the Sponsor harmless from and against any third party claim arising from use of the Entry and

o Artistic Expression (25%)

the entrant waives any right to inspect or approve uses of the Entry or to be compensated for any

o Entry description consisting of the entry title and a two to five sentence description (10%)

such uses. Participating in the Contest constitutes permission to the Sponsor and its agencies

In the event of a tie, tied Entries will be re-judged by the judges based solely on Appropriateness

to use participants’ names, biographical information, pictures/portraits, likenesses, Entries and/

to Theme. Decisions of judges are final with respect to all matters relating to this Contest and all

or voices, for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited

interpretations of these Official Rules by Sponsor is final.


Any other content, display, materials and/or images that is or could be considered inappropriate,


First Place winners (6 – 1 per Category per Metropolitan Area): $2,000, awarded in the form of a


infringe any of the following:

check to the First Place winner, $500, awarded in the form of a check to the First Place winner’s


− Copyright, trademark, logo or mark that identifies a brand or other proprietary right of

school designated at time of registration and $500, awarded in the form of a check to the First


any person living or deceased (including but not limited to rights of privacy or publicity or

Place winner’s teacher designated at time of registration. The ARV of each First Place prize is


portrayal in a false light) or entity, or is otherwise objectionable, will not be considered and

$3,000. Second Places (6 – 1 per Category per Metropolitan Area): $1,250, awarded in the form


may disqualify the Entrant.

of a check to the Second Place winner, and $500, awarded in the form of a check to the Second


− Clothing that is worn in the video or photo or artwork should not contain any visible logos, draw-

Place winner’s teacher designated at time of registration. The ARV of each Second Place winner

RELATED ACTIVITY. Each entrant and persons appearing in Entry hereby represent and warrant

ings, cartoons, phrases, trademarks or other third-party materials.

is $1,750. Prizes will be awarded provided a sufficient number of eligible Entries are received per

that he/she has read these rules and are fully familiar with its contents.

− All Entries must be suitable for broadcast as determined in the sole discretion of Sponsor.

Category per Metropolitan Area.

− Entrants may not copy or otherwise plagiarize the Entry from any source.

• Any third party materials (including but not limited to music) that may otherwise violate or

Entry Form can also be found on the reverse of a “Walgreens Expression Challenge” flyer. Complete the Entry Form and mail the Entry Form along with your original piece of Visual Art, Creative Writing or Media Arts to: Walgreens Expression Challenge, GoldStar Communications, 230 E. Ohio St., Suite 201, Chicago, IL 60611.

32 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge

to have in any reproduction, product, or derivative work using or incorporating the Entry. Each All eligible Entries will be judged by a panel of judges determined by Sponsor, to determine one

6. Prizes And Approximate Retail Values (“ARV”):

click on the “Download” tab, and print an entry form from the “Download” section. The Official

and then print the Group Entry Form(s). Each team member must be included on the down-

or delete from, translate, adapt or otherwise revise and/or alter the Entry by blurring or distorting

• Explicit, graphic or sexual activity including nudity.

unsuitable or offensive, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

face to generate awareness (“the Entry”). To enter by mail, go to www.expressionschallenge.com,

“Group” Entry Form(s) at www.expressionschallenge.com, click on the “Download” tab,

edit, market, broadcast, store, distribute, have distributed, reproduce, re-arrange, change, add to 3. Expert Panel Judging – Expert Panel Judging is the final private judging round adminis-

Sponsor all royalty-free, non-exclusive rights, titles, and interests that he/she may be deemed

Sexual Responsibility Awareness to educate other teens on these key concerns some teens may

• A Group of up to five (5) people total is welcome to enter. Each Group must download the

licensees, and legal representatives the irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to use, reproduce,

purposes. In addition, each entrant and all those depicted in his/her Entry hereby assign to the

• Conduct or activities in violation of these Official Rules.

Infection (STI) or Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Awareness and Prevention, Abstinence, or

• Entries will be judged on the criteria outlined in Rule #5.

priate, hereby grant the Sponsor, Administrator and each of their affiliates, subsidiaries, assigns,

Panel of Judges in the respective markets will review the 90 runner-ups.

six finalists in their respective market.

emotional distress).

should reflect your perspective on Sexting, Self-Esteem, Teen Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted

• Entries must not have been previously posted where it could have been viewable by the public.

By entering the Contest, each entrant and all persons depicted in each submitted Entry, as appro-

are selected for a total of 90 entries in Chicago and 90 entries in St. Louis. The Expert

• Crude, vulgar or offensive pictures, depictions, images, language gang signs and/or symbols.

• Illegal (discriminatory, harassing) or inappropriate activity, behavior or conduct (i.e, inflicting

category, entrants must upload an original essay or poem. The art, photo, video, essay, or poem

8. Release:

sponsor. In each category (Creative Writing, Visual Arts and Media Arts), the top 30 entries

works based upon, and promote his/her Entry, for editorial, commercial, promotional and all other

• Trespass or the violation of other people’s rights or property.

must upload a photo or video along with a title and caption. To be entered in the Creative Writing

• All Entries must be in English.

2. Preliminary Judging – Preliminary Judging is a private judging round administered by the

the top two finalists per category (Creative Writing, Visual Arts and Media Arts) for a total of

people (publicly or otherwise), any assault or threatening of others.

original artwork along with a title and caption. To be entered in the Media Arts category, entrants

• Only original music created by or music licensed by the entrant will be allowed in his/her video.

same criteria listed above.

• Obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory content, data or images.

• Derogatory characterizations of any ethnic, racial, sexual or religious groups, humiliate other

Media Arts and Creative Writing. To be entered in the Visual Arts category, entrants must upload

words in length.

determine the winners from among all eligible Entries received prior to cancellation based on the

ends prior to the start of the Preliminary Judging.

display, communicate, publicly and privately perform, transmit, have transmitted, create derivative

• License plates, phone numbers, personal addresses (physical or email) or otherwise.

schallenge.com (“Contest Website”), completing all required fields of the registration form and then

• Essay or Poem submissions must be at least 500 words but must not exceed 1,000

of the Contest, then the Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel the Contest and

qualifications and official rules will proceed to the Preliminary Judging round. Public Voting

to judge the 90 runner-up entries. This Expert Panel of Judges is responsible for identifying

• Music of any kind should not be used in videos unless owned or licensed by the Entrant.

During the Promotion Period, individuals may enter the contest online by visiting www.expression-

and in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, or .gif.

Sponsor which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct

networks to vote for their entry. Public Voting is a weighted vote. Entries which meet the

any person, place or item depicted in the Entry, on any display thereof, publicly and privately

logo or endorsements.

3. How To Enter The Contest:

formats: .mp4, .mov, .wmv, .avi. Art or Photo submissions must be: no larger than 20 MB

unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the

Entrants are invited to share their entry with family, friends, teachers, peers, and social

• Gratuitous violence, guns or other imagery or gestures of weapons.

their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household are not eligible. This

• Video submission files must be: no larger than 500 MB in size and in one of the following

is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering,

Challenge website (www.ExpressionsChallenge.com) within 24 hours of submission.

of medical professionals, civic leaders, and accomplished artists and writers, are selected

in the Sponsor’s sole discretion:

writers, or anyone who earns at least 20% of their income by providing these services are not

• Video submissions must not exceed 180 seconds (3 minutes) in length.

these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. If, for any reason, the Contest

qualifications and official rules will be posted in the Contest section of the Expressions

tered by the sponsor. In each market, Chicago and St. Louis, a panel of experts, comprised • Contest entries or portions thereof that include or involve the following will be disqualified,

enrolled in high school as of date of Entry. Professional artists, videographers, photographers and

4. Contest Submission Guidelines:

any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of 1. Public Voting -- Public Voting is open to the public. Entries which adhere to the contest

depicted in the video or photo must attest that he/she has read, understood and agreed to

2. Eligibility:

an individual, group or group member will be disqualified.

civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from

sor must be able to contact each person appearing in the potential winner’s video or photo.

October 1, 2013 and ends at 11:59:00 p.m. CT on November 30, 2013 (“Promotion Period”).

can enter a separate category as an individual or with a group. Multiple entries per category from

discretion of the Sponsor.

form for each person appearing in his/her video or photo submission of his/her Entry. Spon-

The Walgreens Expression Challenge (the “Contest”) begins at 9:00:00 a.m. Central Time (“CT”) on

category are not allowed to re-enter the same category as an individual; however, a group member

deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be a violation of criminal and

Group member’s participation. Mail entries to: Walgreens Expression Challenge, GoldStar

• Individual Entrant, not entering the contest a as Group, must be able to provide a release

1. Promotion Period:

than one time during the contest duration. Group members listed on the entry form for a specific

voting (b) private judging or (c) a combination of the two. The winners selected are at the sole

video or photo submission.


riod. Entrants, whether submitting as an individual or a group, may not enter into a category more

or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Any attempt by any person to

then be prompted to upload the Group Entry Form(s), which will verify the four (4) additional

• Limit of four (4) people in addition to entrant [five (5) people total] may be depicted in a


Individual and group entrants may submit up to one entry per category during the Promotion Pe-

ing, and 3) Expert Panel Judging. Winners for this contest will be selected by either (a) public


or the St. Louis metropolitan area of Missouri who are between 14 and 18 years of age currently

Contest or web site; violates the Official Rules; or acts in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner,

This group member will have to select the “Group” tab on the online entry form, and will

be securely fixed to the Entry. Prizes will be split evenly among Group members.

Sponsored by Walgreen Co.

Open only to legal United States residents residing in the Chicago metropolitan area of Illinois

any individual that tampers or attempts to tamper with the Entry process or the operation of the

Expressions Challenge judging takes place in three rounds: 1) Public Vote, 2) Preliminary Judg-

must include the General Contest Entry Form and the Group Entry Form. Entry Forms must

Louis metropolitan area of MO, 14 to 18 years of age currently enrolled in high school. Starts For Official Rules, visit www.expressionschallenge.com.

5. Contest Judging:

mits their entry online, only one group member can submit the entry on behalf of the group.

Communications, 230 E. Ohio St., Suite 201, Chicago, IL 60611. Entry submitted via mail

to legal U.S. residents residing in the Chicago metropolitan area of IL and residing in the St. 9:00:00 a.m. CT on 10/1/13 & ends 11:59:00 p.m. CT on 11/30/13.

loaded Group Entry Form(s). A Group can submit entries online or via mail. If a Group sub-

9. Winners’ List: 7. General Rules:

The winners’ list will be available after December 2, 2013 through March 1, 2014 at

• No Entry shall contain any content or performance that has been broadcast or streamed,

Winners will be notified by phone, e-mail and/or mail. Potential First and Second Place winners (or


published or televised on television or as part of a recording of a motion picture film or

his/her parent or legal guardian, if a winner is a minor in his/her state of residence) will be required

television program.

to sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility, liability/publicity release (where legal) and assignment

10. Sponsor/Administrator:

of rights within seven (7) days of notification attempt or prize will be forfeited. Return of any prize

The Sponsor of the Contest is Walgreen Co., [104 Wilmot Rd MS#1444 Deerfield, IL 60015].

qualify as an Entry. Any Entry not in compliance with the Contest Submission Guidelines

or prize notification as undeliverable may result in disqualification and alternate determination.

The Administrator of the Contest is GoldStar Communications,

will be disqualified.

A 1099 tax form will be submitted on behalf of the First and Second Place winners’ (or his/her

230 E. Ohio St., Suite 201, Chicago, IL 60611.

• Sponsor has the sole discretion to determine whether art, a video, photo, essay or poem

• Entry submissions must be in keeping with Sponsor’s image and may not be offensive,

parent or legal guardian’s) by Sponsor for the value of the prize awarded. By participating in this

as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, nor can it defame or invade publicity

Contest, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the judges. The

rights or privacy rights of any person, living or deceased, or otherwise infringe upon any

Sponsor, Administrator and its agencies are not responsible for technical, hardware, software or

person’s personal or proprietary rights. In such an event, the Entry will be disqualified

telephone malfunctions of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, or failed, incorrect,

from the Contest.

incomplete, inaccurate, garbled or delayed electronic communications caused by the user or by

• All Entries including personal information submitted at time of registration become the

any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in this Contest or by any human

property of the Sponsor and will not be returned. Normal Internet access and usage

error which may occur in the processing of the Entries in this Contest or for any liability for dam-

charges imposed by entrants’ online service will apply. No information regarding Entries or

age to any computer system resulting from participation in, accessing or downloading information

judging, otherwise set forth in the Official Rules will be disclosed.

in connection with this Contest. The Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify

Educator Toolkit | 33

Parental Consent Form

Student Participation in the Expressions Challenge


Parents, grandparents and guardians are of great importance to the successful completion of the Walgreens Expressions Challenge. Walgreens recognizes that adults play an indispensable role in the lives of young people providing support and guidance they cannot obtain elsewhere. The Walgreens Expressions Challenge is formatted so as to create conversation both in the classroom and around the dinner table. Researching and creating original projects on healthy choices and sexual responsibility will bring up questions that your student may want to explore further when interacting with family. Additionally, these projects my serve as a way to open up conversations you are having or plan to have with your young person. The Expressions Challenge is designed to be a compliment to your efforts to raise a healthy and happy teen.

Sponsor Walgreen Company

Special Recognition John Gremer, Director of Community Affairs Walgreens Peggy Austin, President GoldStar Communications

In addition, students who participate with the Expressions Challenge may to receive community service learning credit toward graduation requirements, depending on their school district’s guidelines. This only applies to select school districts in Chicago and St. Louis metropolitan, suburban and/or county areas.

Writers & Editor

Should you have questions about the project please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher who assigned this project. Students under the age of 18 years old must have their parent and/or legal guardian’s permission to participate in the Expressions Challenge program.

Patricia Andrews-Keenan, Writer Martina L. Smith, Writer Michelle Kelly, Editor


---------------------------------------- (Please Cut Here) --------------------------------------

Clifton Henri, Creative Director Something Flyer Creative Suite

Parents and guardians, if you approve of your student participating in the Walgreens Expressions Challenge program in class, please complete the below form and have your student return to their teacher the next school day.

Contributors Rachel Strevey Helen McElroy Mary Kroeck Jean Hendricks

Parent’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Phone: _______________________ Parent’s Email: _____________________________ Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Student’s School: ___________________________________

Grade: ___________________

Parent’s Signature: __________________________________

Date: _____________________

Follow & tag us via our social media outlets. facebook | @expressionschallenge

twitter | @expressionschal

instagram | @expressionschal

#walgreens #expressionschallenge #awareness 34 | Walgreens Expressions Challenge

artwork by: Rachel Villenueva, 11th Grade, Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights, lL

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