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Trraff ffic c Pa ack kag age e PAID TRAFF T IC GUIIDE – PART P 1
© Auttomated Income Stream S L Ltd. All rights r res served. N No part of o this publication may y be repro oduced, sold, s stored in a re etrieval sy ystem, or in any form or o by any means, m wiithout the prior perrmission in n writing o of the pub blisher. This is s for your own personal use.
2|Page For legal reasons we are obliged to state the following: Disclaimer: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Automated Income Stream Ltd are providing this written material, its subsidiary elements and its contents on an ‘as is’ basis and make no (and expressly disclaim all) representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this written material or its contents, including, without limitation, advice and recommendations, warranties or merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. The information is given for entertainment purposes only. In addition, Automated Income Stream Ltd does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this written material is accurate, complete or current. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Automated Income Stream Ltd or any of its affiliates, partners, directors, employees or other representatives will not be liable for damages arising out of, or in connection to, the use of this written material. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.
Intro oducttion In Partt 1 of the paid p traffic guide, I’d like to talk k to you ab bout sometthing called d Pay-Pe Per-Click advertisin a ng, or PPC for short. You may have h heard d of this tra affic genera ation metho od, and yo ou would ha ave ALMOS ST DEFINITELY seen n it in actio on, whethe er you know about it or not! w ever used a sea arch engine to look something s up – such as In fact,, anyone who’s Google e, Yahoo, Ask, A MSN, AOL, A etc – will have clicked on somebodyy’s Pay-Perr-Click ad... But do you know w just how POWERFUL this meth hod really is? Well, to t give yo ou an idea a, I’ve ma ade tens of o thousands in the e last 5 years, from PPC P adverrtising alo one! e search engines e I’ve e predomin nantly used d to do ach hieve this a are Google e, And the Yahoo and MSN. The rea ason for th his is that Google, G Ya ahoo and MSN M collecttively domiinate overr 95% of all search s en ngine trafffic. This means m that 95% of YO OUR poten ntial consumers will be searching for produccts using th hese three e search en ngines. ecause of this, t your product p MU UST be on there if yo ou have an ny aspiratio ons of And be making g big mone ey! To high hlight this fact, take a look at the pie chart below, which w illusttrates the percentage amou unt that ea ach search engine is used u to pe erform searrches onlin ne:
As you can see, 77% 7 of sea arches are performed d on Google...
4|Page So if that’s where the customers are and that’s where the big money is, then that’s EXACTLY where we’re going to start! In fact, Google is so crucial to your advertising success that I’ve decided to dedicate virtually this entire volume to their PPC advertising programme, known as Google AdWords... And hopefully by the end of it you’ll be in a position where you’ll be able to start advertising your product via AdWords, and generating tons of hungry and targeted traffic towards your website. And then you can start to make some SERIOUS MONEY!
Google AdWords Explained... There are some beginners to internet marketing that run away screaming at the very mention of Google AdWords. They don’t really know what it involves. Or if they do, they’re not really sure how it works. But there’s no reason to feel apprehensive or intimidated. AdWords is simply Google’s name for their Pay-Per-Click system. It’s that simple! Whether you have your own website set up or you want to promote someone else’s product as an affiliate, you must know how to use AdWords effectively. If you don’t, you’re missing out on a small fortune (and probably a very large fortune too!). During the course of this module, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to use this system to start advertising your product online, and I’m going to explain EVERYTHING that you need to know... I’ve started my business from nothing and made thousands using AdWords... I’ve also been a Qualified AdWords Professional since 2006, so I do know what I’m talking about! On the right is the logo I’m allowed to use! If you use Google at all, you will have seen their AdWords (or sponsored) ads before, but you may not have realised that they are actually paid for by companies or internet entrepreneurs with products and services to sell. The ads appear along the right hand side of the search engine results, and occasionally above, as shown in the following screenshot:
Unlike convention nal advertising, comp panies don n’t pay a fixxed amoun nt to have their t advertiisements listed on he ere. Instead, Google AdWords works w on a PPC (Pay y-PerClick) basis. b This means m tha at every tiime their ad is clic cked on an nd someb body visits s their site, th hey pay Google G a small s amo ount of money. m This sm mall amoun nt varies an nd is set byy the adve ertiser them mselves (yo ou), becau use they acctually bid on how much they want w to pay y - per clicck - for eacch keyword d. The more m you’rre willing to pay pe er click, th he higherr up your ad will ap ppear in the sponsore ed searches. So by choosing the “keyw words” thatt you want to adverrtise underr, you’re telling e EXACTL LY how yo ou want your y webs site to be found! Google Let me e show you u a quick exxample of how it works... ay you are selling an e-book on n how to sp peak a fore eign language – an Let’s sa interessting niche market. Yo ou might want w to adv vertise on search terrms such as “learn n a foreign n languag ge”, “spea ak a foreig gn langua age”, and so on. This wa ay, when a user searrches for one o of thosse terms on n Google, yyour ad will appearr in the sea arch resultss... If we have h a lookk at the ressults for th he search term “learn a foreig gn langua age” you can see the ads a listed at a the top of the scre een and on n the right hand side:
These people will be paying g money to o Google for f this parrticular sea arch term (as ( well as man ny more be esides), and the ads listed highest will generally be paying the e most. As well as having g complete e control over o how your webssite is foun nd, anothe er great advanttage of AdW Words is th hat you ONLY O pay when som meone ac ctually clicks on your ad a and goe es through to your website, w so you’re onlyy paying fo or people that t are interessted in your product. There is i NO wastted advertiising expen nditure at all. a In shorrt, it’s the ultimate fo orm of highly targete ed, results--based, rissk-free marketing, and as a result itt’s arguablyy the faste est way forr an affiliatte or vendo or to send visitors to a sitte and get sales. And d that’s exa actly why you y need to o know ho ow to use itt! o an introd duction to Google AdWords... Right then, that’ss enough of Let’s Get G Starte ed!
Signing Up I’m now going to o take you u through the sign up u processs for Google AdWord ds, so if you alrready have e an accoun nt with the em you can n skip this section… If not, you can start s by signing up for your own o AdWords accoun nt which you y can find he ere: www.a adwords.go oogle.com y get to the screen n below, cllick “Start Now”, or “Try “ AdWorrds Now”, When you depend ding on wh hich promp pt Google are a using at a the time you visit...
You ob bviously do on’t want to t start “A AdWording” until you u’re familia ar with the e whole processs, so the best b thing to do is ju ust to creatte a ‘dumm my’ campa aign first. You Y can easily change c it in nto a real campaign or delete it later. On the e first page you’ll be e asked to o select be etween the “Standard” and “S Starter” editions. I’d sug ggest you choose e “Standa ard” from m the off as the Starter S Edition n is WAY too basic c for whatt you nee ed to do. After th hat, you need n to choose an email addre ess and then select tthe curren ncy that you wa ant your Ad dWords campaigns to o operate in... i eate your ffirst campa aign, so Once yyou’ve veriified your email addrress, it’s tiime to cre you’ll be b sent thro ough to th he following g page:
8|Page Google now asks you to enter your campaign settings, such as the name of your campaign, the geographical locations you want your ad to appear in and your daily budget, etc...
How to Choose Your Budget The daily budget is the amount that you are willing to spend on a specific AdWords campaign each day. Your ads will stop showing for that day once your daily budget is met, so a higher budget may allow your ad to be shown more often throughout the day. This is the tricky part when you first start a new product campaign as it’s hard to determine how much you need to spend, without knowing how well your product is going to convert. It will be a good idea to keep an eye on how much you are spending on the first day you launch a new campaign so that you can watch out for any keywords which are not converting into sales. A keyword is only a bad converter if it’s costing you more in ads than you make from that keyword. It’s not necessarily a bad keyword if it’s costing you the most because it could be the keyword which is generating the most sales. So I recommend that you set your budget fairly low at first. I usually set it at the amount I get in commission for one referral of that product. Then, after the first few days you can see how much the clicks are costing you and how many clicks you are getting compared to the number of referrals. Whatever you do, don’t set it too high as there is a small risk that you could potentially spend your entire limit in just one day, and you may not even get any conversions at all! I’ll go into more detail about choosing your daily budget later in the module, but for now, just put in £xx or something similar... After you’ve chosen your daily budget, you then have to choose the maximum costper-click (CPC) that you are willing to pay for every click on your ad. The maximum CPC helps determine whether your ad will appear above or below other advertisers' ads, so a higher maximum CPC may allow your ad to show in a higher position. Due to the way AdWords works, you might not always have to pay this maximum amount. AdWords uses a discounter method to discount your maximum CPC so that it only exceeds the amount you need to pay to stay above your nearest competitor.
9|Page For exa ample, if yo our maxim mum cost per p click is £0.20 and the next h highest perrson’s maximum CPC fo or that keyw word is jusst £0.05 yo ou won’t ha ave to payy £0.20. In nstead, you’ll pay an am mount jus st over th he £0.05 nearest n m maximum bid. up process, the AdWo ords programme will suggest a maximum m CPC During the sign-u for you ur keyword ds which sh hould be fo ollowed as a guide. Howevver, I do su uggest settting your CPC C bids to o an amoun nt that you u will be comforrtable payin ng. So to start s with, I recomme end around d £0.10 – £0.20. Ag gain, I’ll be coming c bacck to this later in the e module where w I’ll go o into morre detail...
Crea ating an n Ad The ne ext step is to t actually start creating your Google G AdW Words ad ((below). Fo or the momen nt, just ma ake up an ad a so you can c comple ete your AdWords A sig gn-up:
Below is an exam mple of an ad I wrote e in order to promote e a weight loss system m:
I don’t own this website w or the product, but I crreated a ho oplink in th he affiliate networrk ClickBan nk so that when w I refe erred any buyers of the t producct, I receive ed commisssion on th he sales. And th his is exac ctly how you y could d use Goo ogle AdWo ords to m make mone ey as an affiliate too!!
10 | P a g e As you can see, what w you type t inside the boxess above the en appearss on the lefft hand side off the page as well. Th his is show wing you ho ow your ad d will appea ar on Goog gle once yo ou’ve activvated this campaign. c As an affiliate a it’ss importantt that you make the Destination n URL the same as your hoplinkk (which I showed yo ou how to create c in Module M 5). If whatt I had enttered in the e Destinatiion URL for this ad was w the sam me as that in the Displayy URL, it would w have taken the user to the correct website w and they cou uld have bought the product, BUT B I wou uldn’t hav ve earned d any com mmission ser did not find the e website by my re eferral hop plink. because the us To prevvent this you y need to o add yourr referral afffiliate hop plink which you can see s at the end d of the de estination URL U above e. Now, if anyone a cliccks on my a ad and ma akes a purcha ase on the weight loss website, I will rece eive commiission.
Choo osing Yo our Key ywords The ne ext stage iss to think of o all the ke eywords re elating to the t productt you are going g to prom mote. This is so that when thesse keyword ds are searrched for, G Google will match them to o your keyywords and d display yo our ad. Google e AdWord ds is builtt around “keyword “ ds” so it’s another v very impo ortant aspectt that you u need to get rightt. It’s pro obably even n more important tha an writing a good ad because w without releva ant keywo ords your ad won’tt even be displayed d in the fiirst place,, and conseq quently, you won’t be e getting any traffic or o sales. ht keyword ds can makke or break k a whole ad a campaig gn. You ca an see Choosing the righ below that t I have e entered a few keyw words and phrases re elated to m my weight loss ad.
11 | P a g e As you can see, I’ve I only en ntered a fe ew keyworrds to show w you, but I advise ad dding a lot morre, maybe around 10 00–150. Th he more keywords k e you add,, the more potenttial buyerrs will find your ad d. You ne ever know what word ds people will w use (an nd in what order) to ffind your product p so it’s important i to think off them all and a add them to your keywordss list. I find that the more m obs scure searrches mak ke you mo ore mone ey as the cost c ower and you’ll ha ave less co ompetitio on. per cliicks are lo d tip here iss to ask a friend or fa amily mem mber to typ pe in all the e different A good searche es they wo ould enter into Google to try an nd find you ur product. You might discove er a few ke eywords orr phrases that t you may never have h thoug ght of otherwise. Anothe er good tip is to let Google G provvide you with w some keywords k b by clicking here: https:///adwords.g google.com m/select/Ke eywordToo olExternal As you may reme ember from m previous modules, this tool will w provide you with a wide range of o options that you may m not ha ave previou usly though ht about. For the keyworrd “weigh ht loss”, fo or example, I received 150 possible search h terms, plus p anoth her 50 ad dditional keywords k s to consid der. Below is just a sm mall selectiion of thosse results:
Once you’ve y set up u your firrst campaig gn (remem mber, you don’t d need to spend too t long on n this as yo ou’re just getting g a fe eel for how w it works at a the mom ment) the final f step in the sign-u up process is to add your y billing g informatiion (yes, unfortunate ely you do havve to pay!).. Once you’ve y co ompleted this stage e, your ac ccount is set-up an nd ready to go.
12 | P a g e From now on you can sign into AdWords using the following link: www.adwords.google.co.uk So then, you now have your very own Google AdWords account set-up, but do you know how to use it? If not, don’t worry, because I’m going to take you through all the various stages right now - in great detail – so by the end of this module you’ll understand everything there is to know about advertising via Google! Firstly, let me take you through a few important terms so you know exactly what they mean in the context of your ad campaigns...
Maximum Bid As we’ve discussed previously in this module, with AdWords you only have to pay for your advertising when someone actually clicks on the ads that you’ve created – hence pay per click. But the important thing to note is that you don’t just pay a fixed fee. The amount you are charged varies depending on several factors – and it can vary quite significantly too. Importantly though, we can control this and set daily limits to test campaigns and stay within manageable budgets. The first factor that determines the amount you’re charged is the amount that you are prepared to pay for each click. This is known as your maximum bid. You can change this at any time for any of the keywords you are bidding on. You will not always be charged your maximum bid but the higher you set it at, the further up the sponsored results box you will rise. And the higher up the sponsored results box you are, the more clicks and traffic you will generally get. The AdWords system ranks you from top to bottom. It is generally better to be higher up the results – although not necessarily at the top. The top spot will get you a lot of clicks and you really want the quality of the ad to produce the clicks and not just the fact that you are in the top spot!
Click-Through Rate The second factor that decides how much you are charged is the number of people who click on your ads. The number of times that your ad is clicked on per hundred views is known as your click-through rate or CTR.
13 | P a g e So, if 100 people search for ‘embroidery’ and six of those people click on the ad, you have a CTR of 6%. (Incidentally, this is a very, very good CTR for such a generalised search term. You can be very successful with much lower CTRs than this.)
Your click-through rate is the most important factor in determining how much you pay for clicks and you should never forget that! Google is ALL about relevance, so if you’re not relevant to the search you’ll be penalised by having to pay more. So ALWAYS be relevant and watch your CTR closely… A key principle is that it’s always better to aim for a higher CTR because CTRs are used in Google’s quality score system. This controls both the amount that you are charged for an ad and your position on the page. This is done in order to protect Google’s very truthful claim that they are the number one place to search for anything on the Internet. And relevance is a very important concept to understand if you want to succeed with AdWords... In short, if an ad is not relevant users won’t click on it... This leads to a low CTR, resulting in the advertiser needing to pay higher and higher amounts to maintain the same position. So, any advertiser who ignores their CTR can soon find that they are priced out of AdWords, while advertisers with a healthy CTR find that they are not only getting more clicks, but they’re spending less on advertising as well! Ideally, you want to be one of the higher ranked Google ads but paying as little as possible per click. This can only be achieved by having a very high CTR. And you only get a high CTR by having very relevant and very attractive ads. I know, I’m repeating myself here... But I just want to hammer home this point! If you get everything else wrong with AdWords but you have relevant and attractive ads you can still make a lot of money! A further thing you need to know about your CTR is that it’s measured on a keyword by keyword basis. So, it is perfectly possible to have a very high CTR for one keyword and a very poor CTR for another. This is why it’s absolutely imperative that you monitor your keywords at least once a week, because even the slightest changes can have drastic results on your overall campaigns and profits. Google also remembers your CTR even if you amend your ads or pause your campaign (so if you have a poor performing account it may be a good idea to start again with a new/fresh one – once you know what you’re doing!).
14 | P a g e
Quality Score Google will also look at other factors to work out how much you should pay for an ad by scanning your content; factors such as the relevance of your site to the term. These factors are grouped together to form your quality score. I will cover quality score in a little more depth later on, but for now it’s important that you know what it is and what it means for your ads. A higher quality score means that Google will reward you by charging you less per click and also by giving you a higher standing on the sponsored links page. If you look at the screenshot for “learning a foreign language” again, the ads at the top of the page will be the ones with the best quality score... And if they have a high quality score then the advertisers of these top ads may be paying much less for their traffic than the others lower down. However – and this is very important – nobody knows exactly how Google creates the quality score as it’s a closely guarded secret. I can make educated guesses based on my experience though! To start with, I know that CTR is certainly the most important factor, and will probably be for the foreseeable future. So do what I do… and watch your CTR like a hawk!
Campaigns and Ad Groups A Google AdWords campaign refers to a particular promotion that you are running, and you can have as many of them as you like. Each is given a specific name so that you can distinguish between different ad campaigns and products. If you have several campaigns with a similar product for example, you can give them each a unique reference number so they don’t get confused – for example ‘Exercise Plan 1’. Inside each campaign you will have one or multiple ad groups. An ad group is a list of related keywords for which you will be displaying the same ads. It’s a good idea to have a lot of ad groups (sometimes as many as 50) within each campaign and - for a full-sized campaign at least - as many as 500 or so keywords within each ad group. How campaigns and ad groups work together might seem a bit difficult to understand, so I’ll explain it using a very simple example.
15 | P a g e Imagine you are running an affiliate promotion for a product called ‘The Weight Loss System’. So sign into your AdWords account and click the “Campaign” button. You will see a box marked “New Campaign”. Now enter a name for your campaign... For example, ‘The Weight Loss System’. You will also be asked to set your daily budget and maximum CPC, so set it at £10 and £0.50 respectively for now. In a full roll out you might increase the budget to $150 or more (but this is ONLY when we know that the campaign produces real and BIG profits), but to begin with guard against any losses by keeping it small. This way we can tweak and test over the first week and improve what we have! Then click “Save & Continue”. The next step is to create your first ad group: This involves a bit of thought and some research (more about doing this later) to find the best ideas and keywords for your ad. In our ‘weight loss’ product example these are as follows: weight loss “weight loss” [weight loss] weight loss system “weight loss system” [weight loss system]
Note: I will explain what the brackets and inverted commas are there for later. So, you enter your keywords into the keyword box and then save the ad group.
More Inside Information About Ad Groups It’s essential to understand the importance of ad groups, so let’s delve into them a little more... Firstly, you need to have as many carefully focused ad groups as possible. Each of these should have its own keywords and some (at least two) relevant, targeted ads. For best results your keywords should have at least one word in common. You need well focused ad groups because your ads will display all the keywords in the ad group, and it’s essential that your ad copy is relevant to the search terms.
16 | P a g e You want all the keywords in an ad group to be very similar so that you can have one ad for each group that is relevant for all the keywords. If you remember, the more relevant your ad to the keywords, the higher your CTR click-through rate and the less you pay per click. Simple! Your keywords above are “weight loss” and “weight loss system” so in this example it would make sense for these keywords and phrases to be used in the advert. What then happens is these words are shown as BOLD by Google – highlighting the relevance and increasing your chances of getting clicks! And DON’T be afraid of clicks. Yes, they cost you money, but think positively about it as these clicks also produce sales and profits! Here’s another example of an ad group: Let’s say we’re promoting an e-book called ‘How to Quit Smoking In 7 Days’. Our first ad group might be “how to quit smoking” – a very good choice – and our keywords might look like this: [how to quit smoking] “how to quit smoking” how to quit smoking (I’m not saying you should use these exact keywords. You should do some research to get the best ones you can. But this illustrates the point.) Next you might create a second ad group called “want to quit smoking”, and give it the following keywords: want to quit smoking I want to quit smoking [want to quit smoking] [I want to quit smoking] “I want to quit smoking” Keep going with this procedure until you have between 10 and 40 ad groups all with their own ads built around the keyword list. Don’t worry if you think this is going to be too hard to do. I will tell you about some research tools that make it easier later on! What we’re doing at the moment is setting up the basics so that we can build on them later…
17 | P a g e Even though the two sets of phrases – “want to quit smoking” and “how to quit smoking” – sound very similar, it can be a very good idea to create separate ad groups for each. This is especially true if Google’s Traffic Estimator (which you can take a look at when you create your ad) tells us that each phrase will generate a fair amount of traffic. I cannot over-emphasise how important having multiple, focused ad groups is for making a solid income from AdWords.
Campaigns and Ad Groups Compared Many people wonder exactly how campaigns and ad groups relate to each other, so here is the simplest explanation: A campaign is a new promotion for a specific site or product... An ad group is a collection of similar and related keywords... You can create ads for each ad group and they need to be closely matched. If the keywords are not closely matched you’ll have far too many things to say in the ads. Since these ad groups need to be targeted, each campaign that you operate will need a largish number of ad groups to be successful. The difference between campaigns and ad groups is fundamental, so let’s examine those differences a little more closely, just to make sure you understand what we’re doing… An ad group is basically an individual unit that contains your ads and your keywords together. Multiple ad groups can then be contained together within a campaign, which is essentially just a handy ‘umbrella’ for ad groups all falling within a broad topic (i.e. quit smoking). And of course within any AdWords account, you can (and probably will) have lots of different campaigns that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. How you divide up your campaigns is really irrelevant as they don’t necessarily have to be linked. However, how you organise your ad groups is a very relevant issue. Within each individual ad group your keywords need to match the ad closely, otherwise your CTR will be very disappointing. The secret here is to be well organised and methodical from the beginning. Here is an example of how campaigns and ad groups might be organised when promoting a fitness and exercise DVD:
18 | P a g e
Ad Group 1 Ad Group 2 Ad Group 3 Ad Group 4
Campaign1 Weight Loss
Campaign2 Fitness
Campaign 3 Exercise
Campaign 4 Toning & Bodybuilding
Campaign 5 Leisure
Women’s Weight Loss Weight Loss Class Weight Loss DVD Weight Loss Secrets
Body Building
Working Out Aerobics
Relaxation Techniques Muscle Building De-stress
Physical Culture
This shows you how important it is to separate ad groups out from your campaigns, because here we have some very different groups and keywords for the very same product! By splitting out the ad groups, it allows us to have multiple and very different adverts (relating to the group of keywords) for the same website and product. What we then get in the search results is as many BOLD adverts as possible and this just creates CTRs that will destroy your competition!
All You Need To Know About Bidding Right then, let’s talk a little more about the maximum bid; something we touched on earlier in the module... With AdWords you are permitted to choose the amount that you want to pay for each click of your keywords, and this is called your maximum bid. However, you will not always be charged your maximum bid. It’s simply a limit on how much you are prepared to pay. A very important thing to know is that when you start a new campaign with new keywords, Google decides your position largely on the basis of your maximum bid or cost per click (CPC). However, certain keywords are more expensive than others. For example, “homeowner loans” might cost an average of £1.00+ per click while “aquarium” might cost only £0.05 for the same position. The easy way to determine how much a certain position will cost you is to use Google’s Traffic Estimator. You can find this by going into an ad group within a campaign, clicking ‘edit keywords’ and a box like the one below should appear:
19 | P a g e
Play around with your maximum bid, and click ‘Get New Estimates’. This will give you a rough estimate of the kind of position and traffic you can expect at that maximum bid. Remember though, the Traffic Estimator is exactly that, an estimator. It will only give you a very approximate guide.
How to Decide Your Maximum Bid So what do you set as your maximum bid amount? That is the sixty million dollar question! But here is a useful formula which you can use to work that out. The first point to consider is the amount you can expect to make per visitor. At this stage this can only be a rough estimate though, so don’t rely on it completely. Say, for example, you are promoting a product as an affiliate and each sale earns you £30. If you assume that 1 in 100 visitors converts to a sale (worst case), you can afford to pay £0.30 per visitor (£30 divided by 100) to break even. Note that a 1% conversion rate is a conservative average. There can be a huge difference in conversion rates for different products. Some products convert at an average of 0.5% and some convert at an average of 5% or even more. I’ve had a page convert at a massive 27.8%, and you can see this through the link below: http://www.duvet-dollars.com/Offer Ah, the power of the One Time Offer!! Now, you may think this is a bit gimmicky – with the “only 10 people” line, but at the time, the guy that was doing this for me could ONLY help 10 people a day – so this sales letter almost wrote itself!!
20 | P a g e Secondly, how well the product converts from enquiry to sale depends upon the nature of the keyword(s). People who search for “buy designer fashions now” are obviously much more likely to convert into buyers for this product than someone simply searching for “designer fashions”. And someone searching for “fashion” would be even less likely to convert into a purchase of a designer garment. In other words, the more specific your keywords, the more specific your visitors and the more likely it is that you’ll make a conversion. And the system will track ALL of this for you (more on how we set this up later). The next factor that determines your maximum bid should be what everyone else is paying. The more other users are paying, the more you need to pay. In general terms, if everyone else is paying a lot they are making a lot. If you find yourself paying a lot but making a loss, then check out your competitors’ sites and look at how they are doing it. Check the ads, check the keywords they are using and, in short, NEVER try to reinvent the wheel when first starting out! In fact, all I have EVER done is to look around for good ideas in markets that I have an interest in, and copy and tweak what’s already out there. Don’t make this any more difficult than it should be – this is very simple stuff – it really is… If you’re in a position where you’re paying £x.xx per keyword and you’re not even on the first page, then there are some clever marketers making pots of money from that niche and it might be best to stay clear, at least until you gain some expertise and experience. In fact, as soon as a keyword bid price goes above £x.xx I normally take a REALLY good look at the conversions and profits for the project before increasing this amount (which I do on very rare occasions). I advise that your starting bid should always be low – lower than you expect to actually pay. Lots of factors can make or break a campaign, not just how good or bad your ad is. So it’s best to err on the side of caution, especially if in doubt or when entering uncharted territory. You can always increase your maximum bid later. If (in the unlikely event) that you lose £100 on a campaign, that’s more or less telling you that you should never have risked £100 in the first place! Unless you are almost certain that a campaign will be profitable (and the only way to know is to have run it before) then set your bid low. Perhaps the most important thing about low bids is that if you do fail, at least you live to fight (and profit) another day. If you clean yourself out too soon then you don’t get another chance.
21 | P a g e So don’t let that happen! This is why the following section is SO important, because I’ve heard some horror stories when it comes to daily budgets, where people have quite literally lost their shirts!
Deciding On the Best Daily Budget When starting out the rule here is simple: set it VERY LOW when you start any new campaign, something like £5.00 or £10.00. You can easily increase it later on, once the campaign has proven profitable. But a trickier issue is setting your daily budget if you have a proven and profitable campaign. In these cases you should approach the situation differently and set it as high as possible. Many ‘AdWorders’ don’t even realise that if you set your campaign budget too low, Google will not display your ads for every search! This can be difficult to understand as you normally see your ads go up in gradual stages throughout the day. This doesn’t mean that you are getting as many visitors as you could though, because Google is just staggering your limited budget throughout the day. In fact, you could be throwing away the chance to make some serious money! One final, and very important point - and this relates to your keyword-specific bids is that if you set your bid too low, your ads for that keyword will be suspended and will become what are known as inactive keywords. However, if you have an account that’s always had a high CTR and you launch a new campaign with a moderately low bid price, you will generally avoid this. On the other hand, if your account has been poorly managed (i.e. your CTR has been very low) then you may find that certain keywords are made inactive even if you bid what seem reasonable amounts. This can be a tricky situation… The best way to get round this is to review your ad copy and improve it, while another alternative to consider if your keywords go inactive is to create a new account/campaign and start from scratch, looking at what other people are doing and starting afresh. Although new accounts generally have a poor quality score, it might be better than your old account. This technique will virtually assure you a viable CTR. Then, when you have re-established some history you can start lowering your bids again, tracking conversions and adjusting your daily budget accordingly.
22 | P a g e I’ll take you inside my Google account in a moment and you’ll see what I mean…
Marketing Budget Myths Debunked Lots of companies - both online and offline - are obsessed with the idea of having a fixed marketing budget. It might seem a sensible idea but I think this is fatally flawed and inappropriate when it comes to using AdWords. I mean, if you know you are getting back £1.50 for every £1 you spend on advertising, why on earth would you want to have a budget to limit what you spend on it? As I’ve said many times before, AdWords is a numbers game and when you get it working (because you WILL), you need to spend as much as you possibly can… because it’s coming back… and it’s coming back BIGGER!! With conventional advertising you have limitations in this respect, as each place you position your ad only has so much profit to be taken from it. Eventually the profits will start to fall, a process known as diminishing returns. However, this isn’t the case with AdWords… As it’s a single marketing medium you can just test and re-test all the time to find out your cost-per-click rate, compare it to your bottom line profit margin, and leave it at that. This means that you should set your ‘budget’ or cost-per-click on your conversion rate and what’s ultimately profitable rather than anything else. So don’t spend more than is coming in to start with, but reinvest your profits and build up your daily budget this way instead… Of course, you still need to set a spending limit – just in case. If you are starting out with limited capital to invest then you don’t want to risk everything in one go. But the way to do this is to set a lower CPC at first, while leaving your daily budget at the highest possible safe amount so that your ads show for you around the clock. Once things are up and running and you know what your return will be, a daily budget becomes superfluous, since for every click you receive, you know you’ll get your money back – and more! The way to look at this is in terms of visitor value. This is basically the total sales you have made divided by the number of visitors that you’ve had to your site or through your affiliate link.
23 | P a g e For example, if you know that your visitor value is £1.50 per click and you’re aiming for a margin that is 30% above your Google costs, then set your CPC to no more than £1.15 and leave it to run. And if it’s fundamentally profitable, and you know for a fact that every single visitor spends an average of £1.50 with you, then you could realistically set your daily budget at whatever high amount you are comfortable with and KNOW you’ll still make money. Be sensible about this of course, especially in the early days. This is where having my own website gives me more power, because I’m able to track conversions (both sign-ups to my lists and sales) using the “Ad Tracker” tool within 1shoppingcart. What this will do is rotate up to 3 versions of my sales letter and if I split out my keywords into ad groups and set-up separate AdTracker links for each Ad Group I can also see where the profits are REALLY coming from. I use this in conjunction with the AdWords conversion tracking tools and it really does just turn this whole process into a numbers game! And you can do this too! You can see which keywords are converting the best from AdWords conversion tools and you can see which one of your sales pages (of the 3 that you have rotating) are converting best!! This may sound complicated at the moment, but it really isn’t. Let me show you exactly what I do... I add the following code to my index.html page on the domain that I want to test: www.TheGreatEscape2008.com/cloaking.html Now, if you’re promoting affiliate programmes via AdWords you really do need to get your conversion codes onto the site, and there are also some great tracking tools that will do this for you as well. This one being the best in my opinion: www.xconversions.com Without this, you’re guessing. You could have one keyword that is making you ALL the money and the others are simply costing you money… BUT how would you know? Well, you need the conversion codes (or some form of conversion tracking) for affiliate marketing via AdWords. The site owner will know the best way to do this… or use xconversions to do this without the need to contact the website owner.
24 | P a g e Some More Imp portant Rules: R • • • •
To be on page one you norma ally need to t be one of the eig ght to eleve en best bidders (not necessa arily the hig ghest). You can always a gett the botto om position n by biddiing the miinimum bid d. So if there are less than eight bidd ders you could c get the t bottom m slot on the t first page of se earch results for just 5 cents! The more bidders th here are, th he more re esearch and d testing yyou should do. The more e bidders there are,, the more e competiitive there e is going to be. Experience e shows th hat with 16 6 or less bidders b you u will have e a relative ely easy ride. But iff there are e 50 or mo ore it could d be a veryy tricky are ea to work k in and you’ll need d to use evvery possib ble method d you can. There is nothing wrong w with h moving into a very compettitive area (more ore custom mers and more m mone ey to be made!). m competitors usually mean mo However, in these areas a you will w need to o develop excellent ccopywriting skills, use split-ttesting and d traffic co onversion techniquess – plus e every technique I have taught you herre – in orde er to succe eed!
Crea ating Ad dWords That Work W Now I’’m going to t talk a little l – we ell a lot acctually – about writing ads. Don’t D be scared if you don n’t like writting, or don’t think you’re very good at itt. There isn n’t a lot of writi ting to do as a such, an nd there arre lots of to ools and sh hortcuts th hat can help you. As we’v ’ve discusssed, in order to makke money with w AdWo ords your cclick-through rate needs to be as high h as posssible... An nd the way y you achie eve a high CTR is by writing the kin nd of ad co opy that makes m your readers eager e to click c on yo our ad the second they se ee it! I canno ot overstatte the imp portance off putting maximum m e effort into writing yo our ads, becausse it’s the quality q of your y ad tha at makes you y moneyy. It will n not only get g you maxim mum trafffic, but it will get itt at the lo owest cos st, too. When you write your ads you need d to create e both a headline h and some content (known n as body copy c ) for description d lines 1 an nd 2 on AdW Words, sho own here:
25 | P a g e Headline
25 characters
Description line 1
35 characters
Description line 2
35 characters
Display URL
35 characters
Destination URL
1,024 characters
This should be attention grabbing This is the main benefit of the product The main feature i.e. guaranteed The site you are advertising Where the visitor/click will be taken - this is your affiliate link, hoplink or Ad Tracker link
Writing AdWords is a lot easier than you might think because the format is set out for you. Also, there is a certain way of writing that will work every time. In other words you do not have to be especially clever or creative. You just have to follow the rules! Everyone has their own ideas about writing ads, and here’s mine: Keep it simple, and don’t try to be too clever. You might want to knock out a wonderfully penned ad that will produce a dream 60% click-through rate straight away, but you really don’t need to do that in the beginning. Initially, all you need is something that is basically sound and will do the job. You can then go back and fine tune it to up your click-through rate later on.
The Importance of ‘Relevance’ One of the most important principles of AdWords writing is that your ad must be relevant to what the user is searching for. By that I mean it must try to answer the exact question or offer the solution to the potential problem the customer is searching for. In short, relevance is the key to achieving high click-through rates. Imagine a customer is searching Google for the best deals on car rental. They see two ads in the sponsored results section. The first ad reads like this: Car Rental Deals Need to rent a car? Find best cars, lowest prices here www.website.com
26 | P a g e And the second ad reads like this: Car Rental Find prices for car rentals Cheap car rental reviewed www.website.com Which do you think the searcher is going to click on? Most probably, the customer will click on the first ad every single time. Both are actually related to what they want, but the first one is much more relevant to their specific need. (Actually, both ads are saying more or less the same thing but one is very relevant and the other a bit, well, peripheral.) You will also notice that Google highlights the search term when it appears in adverts. This increases the chances of the user clicking on the ad even more. It is a very simple way of pushing up the CTR and lowering your costs. Also, this change (below) is very subtle, but it will boost your CTR immensely: Car Rental Deals Need To Rent A Car? Find Best Cars, Lowest Prices Here www.website.com Do you see it? I’ve made the first letter of each word a capital letter – to stand out more – and you should do this with your ads as well! For example, aissystem.com becomes much more attention grabbing when written like this: AISSystem.com so do the same with your website address as well. So what’s the best way of achieving relevance? Well, it goes back to ad groups again, and it’s done by having multiple ad groups each with their own relevant ads... For example, we would be happy running the first ad in an ad group with keywords such as ‘Car Rental’ and ‘Car Rentals’ but we would not want to run that ad for a keyword such as ‘holidays, flights, car rentals’, etc. It just isn’t relevant enough and we would be throwing away clicks… AND money! Let’s imagine we’re creating an ad that appears very relevant to the ‘best deal on car rental’ search... We would create a separate ad group for this with a list of, say, 20 keywords all based around the ‘best deals on car rental’ phrase.
27 | P a g e For example; ‘best deal on car rental’, ‘best deals on car rentals’, ‘cars to rent best prices’, ‘find a car to rent’ and so on. For a keyword such as this we would want to display an ad that is highly relevant to that term, for example: Best Car Rental Deals Looking For Deals On Car Rental? Unbeatable Car Rental Deals Here www.website.com I’m pretty certain that this would achieve a good click-through rate if you launched it. It might not break any records but I reckon it would be better than the vast majority of the other ads whose advertisers just don’t know about the importance of relevance.
Headlines That Will Never, EVER Fail… Like anything else in marketing, first impressions count. So how attractive the headline is will make a huge difference to your CTR. Now, don’t for a minute think that clever wording, puns, rhymes and gimmicks will make your headline attractive... They won’t, or they won’t that much (there are occasionally situations when gimmicks do work, but you don’t want to take the risk that they will flop, at least in the early days)… What’s really important is our old friend relevance again! In other words, giving customers what they’re looking for… And a very easy way to create a headline is to take the predominant keyword in our ad group (the one we want to push the hardest because it attracts the highest quality traffic) and use that in our headline. For example, if our dominant keyword in a particular ad group is ‘lose weight’ then the best way to start the headline is with ‘lose weight’. You can of course get a little more creative but, basically, this is the way to go. Headline 1: Headline 2: Headline 3: Headline 4:
Want To Lose Weight You Can Lose Weight Lose Weight, Feel Great Looking To Lose Weight?
Of course, you might be wondering how you can find what’s most relevant – especially if we aren’t very familiar with this subject area. Well, there’s a simple technique that will never fail!
28 | P a g e If we use Google to search for the top sponsored links for ‘lose weight’, the chances are we will get results like those listed below (they will vary from time to time, but these results are pretty typical): Sponsored Links Want to Lose Weight & Feel Better? Get 100 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle & Start Today! www.SmallStep.gov Weight Loss Pills Exposed Top 20 Weight Loss Pills Reviewed Which Product Works the Fastest? PricesExposed.net/Quick-Weight-Loss Lose Weight At Tesco Diets The Average Customer Loses 1 Stone - Get Started Now www.TescoDiets.com Weightwatchers® New Offer Save $20 on 3 month online plan or get free meeting registration now! www.weightwatchers.co.uk/jointoday Weight Loss That Works Lose 12 Pounds in 72 Hours! Free Shipping & Handling Today Only DietPillDiscounts.com/FreeShipping Slim Bombs $39.95 for 160 Free P&P. Average 14 to 42lbs weight loss. Fast results. Easy. www.SlimmingSolutions.co.uk Herbal Weight loss System Easy Slim and Trim & Go products The new and safe way to lose weight www.wowproducts.co.uk Weight management Enjoy a healthy body and lifestyle for less than $0.80 per serving www.nutsaboutaloe.co.uk What can we learn from this?
29 | P a g e Well, the top sponsored results are all saying the same thing, more or less. And why is this? Well, experience will have taught these website owners that this is exactly what people looking to ‘lose weight’ are actually looking for. And, over time, they will have written and rewritten their headlines to give them what they want. In other words – relevance! They have simply done what I have done in the past and let the public tell them what they want. Don’t try to second guess people... Put a few rotating ads out there and the public will tell you exactly which one works best! And by doing a search like this, and studying the results, the other advertisers have already done the difficult work for you. I wouldn’t mind betting that they have laboured over their ads for a long time, experimented with them and tried to come up with something witty or clever. But what they ultimately have found is that saying more or less the same thing as everyone else is the best!! And with a little research you can benefit from all their hard work. Of course, you wouldn’t want to copy any one of these links directly. But by using a few elements from all of them, and doing a bit of experimenting of your own, you can come up with a great headline very easily (and one which I’m sure will bring you a very lucrative click-through rate first time). So can you see there is really no need to be ‘too smart’ when you can learn fail-safe techniques from what has gone before? This method will at least put you on a level playing field with the competition. And if you keep your maximum bid lower than them, you are going to get slightly less traffic but higher margins. This is in itself an excellent competitive edge, and exactly how I started with AdWords… This simple technique will solve about 50% of your AdWords headaches. And if you only wanted to know about how to transform your CTR then this single tip alone will probably pay you back thousands of times over! Furthermore, if you use this technique and a particular campaign flops, you can be pretty sure that it isn’t the headline that’s the problem. Because it’s the headline that almost everyone else is using... successfully!
30 | P a g e If you are entering a new niche, or launching a new product, then I always advise that you start off from a “don’t re-invent the wheel” point of view, finding an overall best headline from the top AdWords ads. I know that doesn’t sound particularly exciting but, guess what? It works! You can get creative later on, but the start of a new campaign isn’t the time to start having fun and playing about too much. Once you’ve started your campaign with this technique, and you have a good idea of what your best performing headline is (I normally set up three ads using this technique), then you can start to experiment… Of course, our eventual goal is to try and beat that headline with something more eye-catching. We have a pretty good idea what the competition is getting in terms of CTR, as we have our own results for the same ad. So, if we can beat our own ad, we have just beaten the competition’s CTR. Only once we have achieved that can we start to push on, beat the competition and leave them for dead! There are, in fact, four basic techniques for creating attractive headlines. These are intended to take advantage of some basic human behaviour patterns and I will talk about them now…
Four Techniques for Creating Powerful Headlines 1. Push the Benefits This is the oldest, most proven marketing technique in the world and it translates perfectly to AdWords. It’s very, very successful because people buy benefits. They want to know what a product will do for them. It’s the WWIDFM (what will it do for me) mentality. This strategy works particularly effectively when you know your market well and you stress a particular benefit in the headline, even if the search term doesn’t suggest that the user is searching specifically for that particular benefit. For example, a quick search for ‘mobile phone’ might bring up the following searches that stress the price in the ad: Headline 1: Headline 2: Headline 3: Headline 4:
Cheap Mobile Phones Mobile Phones From $27 Cheap Clearance Phones Mobile Phone Sale
31 | P a g e Here we can bet that search users want “cheap” mobiles specifically, and we would be well advised to stress that point in our headline in order to achieve a high CTR. When using this technique you can learn a lot from your competitor’s ads too, so take a look and see what benefits they are pushing. Another thing to bear in mind is that users are not always entirely sure how to phrase their search, and you can drift away slightly from the relevance rule and rephrase it for them by stressing a benefit that they almost always want. If you can tell them what they are looking for, better than they can themselves, chances are they will click on your ad!
2. Use a Jaw Dropping Headline This is a very simple strategy to deploy and it works especially well when selling to “newbies”. It works by saying something shocking, amusing or even slightly insulting that will make them stop and think immediately. For example: Lose weight? No chance! This will grab the reader’s attention, but the body of the ad should follow up with some relevant text... Like this for example: Lose Weight? No Chance! You Can Only Do It With This Plan Find Secrets of Fast Weight Loss The user will feel compelled to click on your ad! And if the sales copy does the trick then you’re onto a winner… I know you’re thinking they will have been tricked into reading the ad! Yes, perhaps, but they won’t be too bothered – if they get what they want. Also, it’s very important that you add in some relevant body copy or it probably won’t work. (A small detail like this can also double your CTR and in the process halve your costs.) Other variations of this method include headlines such as: Stop! Is this a mistake? Avoid [keyword term] Is [keyword] too good to be true?
32 | P a g e Of course be sure to experiment. One variation might do badly but another might be the winning AdWords ad that you need! The great thing about this technique is that once you have an ad that works you can literally roll it out across all of your other campaigns (and even other search engines too). For example, the headline ‘Lose Weight? No chance!’ can easily become ‘Learn Russian? No chance!’ - or almost anything else you like. In fact, it can even be worth writing and testing some jaw-dropping headlines just to see which work best. Then, when you start with a new product just drop the keyword into the relevant place (and don’t forget to add some relevant body copy).
3. Use Headlines That Give Orders The idea behind this technique is that if you tell people to do one thing they’ll do the opposite. As you’ll know if you have small children, this is what they tend to do! And experience shows that Internet users often do the same thing as well... All we need to do is tell the searcher not to do something, and we will grab their attention immediately. Of course, we must follow up our ‘don’t do this’ headline with relevant ad copy. Quirky headlines will get their attention, but if the body of the ad isn’t relevant they will ignore it anyway. For example: Looking for a house? Don’t Don’t move house. You’ll regret it! Stop searching for a new house now As always, you will find that some ads will do incredibly well, and others will do very poorly. That’s why you wouldn’t want to use this technique alone. Instead, you should be using some of the other techniques with the same product at the same time.
4. Use a Social Acceptability Headline This headline technique involves using a little clever marketing psychology! Social acceptability refers to the fact that most people have a kind of ‘sheep’ mentality and flock together. That is, if lots of other people are doing something then it must be good (even if it isn’t!)… Here are some examples of social acceptability driven headlines:
33 | P a g e How to Lose Weight becomes: Millions Lose Weight This Way The Secrets of Slimming becomes: Millions Use This Slimming Secret Lose Weight & Eat Lots becomes: Millions Eat Lots & Lose Weight This strategy is particularly powerful when marketing to “newbies” who are looking for products but don’t know much about them. In such an uncertain situation, they are highly susceptible to being convinced by a social acceptability type headline. However, although this works great for general searches like ‘lose weight’, it won’t work as well for a more specific search, such as ‘how can I lose 14lbs in a month’, where the user is very detailed about what they want. So if you are targeting a very general search term that is liable to attract a lot of beginners in the niche, try using this approach. It also helps to support the buying decision too! By using and experimenting with these strategies, you will very quickly have a competition-busting ad in the making. Maybe in the long term, once you have developed your experience, you will be able to think of some fantastic (and much better) techniques of your own. But for now these techniques will serve you incredibly well... I promise you!
Headlines That Work When Everything Else Has Failed… Sometimes you’ll try everything and nothing seems to work. If so, here’s a technique that really will work. It might not bring you the absolute best results in the world, but it will produce a profitable response. And once you are up and running you can then get to work on making it better. This technique is so simple you’d probably never think of it! What is it? Well, you simply put ‘Looking for [keyword]?’ as the headline. That’s it! Again, it is so simple but it generates high CTR in the majority of cases. If we go back to the earlier mobile phone example, just create a headline that says ‘looking for cheap phones?’… Going back to the ‘lose weight’ example, we could create a headline such as ‘Looking to Lose Weight?’ or ‘Want to Lose Weight?’…
34 | P a g e Remember to phrase it as a question. This makes it seem more personal and, as not many people actually use a question as a headline, it will stand out better. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it works on a very, very basic psychological level. People are looking for something and you give them the answer. In fact, by doing this you make it so easy for them because you actually ask the
question for them... as well as provide them with the answer!
And because you’re asking them a question for which you know the answer is “yes” (because that’s what the prospect is searching for in the first place) then there’s a very strong chance that they’ll click on your ad… For example, I use this method with one of my products and I average a 10% CTR. Each week I see a new ad appear with some clever headline and then it disappears just as quickly. I’ll bet there are competitors out there spending hours and hours trying to outperform these question headlines and they never come up with anything better!
The Rhythm Method Take a look at these two ads: Selling Secrets Explained For Small Business People 500 Ways To Get To ‘Yes’ www.website.com Secrets Of Selling Success For Small Business People 500 Ways To Get To ‘Yes’ www.website.com In my experience, the second is likely to perform a lot better than the first. Why is that? After all, they’re both basically saying the same thing. Well the reason is quite a simple one: the second ad rolls off the tongue much better than the first and has much better rhythm. It seems crazy and very simplistic but it tends to be true. Ultimately, AdWords ads that have good rhythm seem to out-do those that don’t. So when you draft an ad, read it out loud to yourself to check its rhythm. Does it zip along with a nice tune all of its own, or does it sound clumsy?
35 | P a g e If you can work on it to make it flow a little better you’ll almost certainly improve your click-through rate. Even if it’s only just by a few tenths of a percent it could mean a lot more cash at the end of the year. The fact is, your AdWords campaigns can be extremely sensitive even to small changes just like this, so it’s important that you pay attention to the little details. Test different variations, different word orders, and even the use of capitals... You could find that it makes a significant difference to your results.
Split-Testing – The Secret to My Success!! Split-testing is a tried, tested and proven technique that’s been used in marketing for decades. It works just as well - if not better - with AdWords. It simply means putting two (or more) of your ads head to head in the same ad group. You let the ads run for a while and then look at the results. I would suggest waiting until you have around two thousand impressions before making a decision. Then you take the winner and pitch it up against another ad and repeat the process again. I split-test the sales copy at the same time, automatically as well! So no matter what I’m doing, I’m constantly improving my sales copy, my advertising and most importantly, my profits! Split-testing should really be a continuous process. I regularly return to my old campaigns and spend some time split-testing new ads. Very often I find I can double an already excellent CTR with very little effort. Here are two great split-testing techniques to use: 1. Start with very basic, very simple copy. As I’ve suggested before, base it on the best of the copy that your competitors are using. Once you get that working then split-test it against ever more creative copy. 2. Split-test with headlines first. Only when you have got that working should you split-test the rest of the copy.
How to Write Powerful Body Copy The ‘body’ of an ad refers to the copy in it other than the headline, i.e. the two ‘description’ lines. Although not quite as important as the headline you should always spend some time experimenting with the body copy. If you have a great headline but the body copy is poor your results are likely to be disappointing.
36 | P a g e With this technique, a good idea is to stress the benefits as much as possible in your ad body and only hint briefly at what the product actually is. Some experts say your ad should be partly descriptive and partly benefits-driven, but I think just writing about the benefits is by far the best way. For example, a good body for a ‘lose weight’ ad might be: Eat Lots & Still Lose Weight! Watch the Weight Drop Off In Weeks That sounds like a perfect body copy doesn’t it? All benefits, and good ones at that! You might be wondering, just how do I find the best benefits to incorporate? The answer is simple. Just look on Google for the current top five sponsored listings and take your lead from those! A quick look at the body of the top five ads for ‘lose weight’ supports this theory, as most of them stress benefits like this. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the advertiser who doesn’t stress any benefits won’t even appear in the top five. And if they do they will almost certainly be at the bottom… or they will need VERY deep pockets! The next important ad writing technique I want to tell you about is the call to action. In other words, telling people what to do! How and why does the call to action work? Well, most of the time if you give someone a direct order they will blindly follow it – just out of habit. In this example, we want them to click on our ad, so let’s amend the body of our ‘lose weight’ ad to do just that:
Learn To Lose Weight Fast
Watch the Weight Drop Off In Weeks In most cases, just adding ‘Learn to’, ‘Find out how to’, ‘Discover’ or ‘Explore’ etc. will add to your CTR. This could make quite a difference to your overall CTR and how much you pay for clicks. My personal favourite call to action is ‘Discover how to…’ as it’s an excitingsounding call to action but at the same time it doesn’t lecture people. ‘Learn’ implies study and work, which no-one wants to do! ‘Discover’ gives people the impression that it’s all there for them – they just need to look at it! If you’re feeling really bold you can try one of these headline techniques in the body copy, too. But remember they normally work best in the headline.
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Some Advice About Price Different AdWorders have different opinions on whether it’s a good idea to state your price in your AdWords ad or not. Not stating the price will probably get you many more clicks, but the snag is that you could be wasting money on clicks that will never lead to a conversion. One way round this is to qualify buyers by putting the price in your ad in order to filter out those who either can’t afford or don’t want to pay your price. For example: Villa Rental In Spain Luxury Villas, Sea View And Pool Cheap Flights. Car Hire. From £79 www.website.com You have to be very careful about doing this though as it can create a few problems of its own. Firstly, the number of people clicking on your ad will fall, lowering your CTR and pushing up your CPC. This means that you are getting more targeted traffic but you are paying slightly more for it. In some cases this will reverse the advantages of getting rid of those who aren’t serious buyers. You might still find that a lot of non-serious buyers click anyway though, because after all, it costs them nothing. Secondly, you could be discouraging some good-quality buyers, because many of them make impulse purchases when they read a sales letter. In other words, they do not intend to buy anything when they enter their search into Google. It is only when your sales letter does its job that they decide to buy, and these types of customers are often the highest-spending. Putting a price in the ad gives impulse buyers a reason for not buying, rather than one for buying. Having said all this, there are lots of examples of great, top selling AdWords ads that do include the price. So, although I would advise caution, you can try it. Just be sure that you look at what you are doing very carefully indeed, and watch the conversions closely within your account. Using the techniques you have read about so far will help you write ads that attract thousands more clicks than your competition – even ones who are well established and relatively successful!
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Cracking Google’s Quality Score Every Google AdWorder wants to know how to crack Google’s quality score. Unfortunately I can’t tell you exactly how to do it, but I can let you in on some littleknown inside information! It’s Google’s most important principle that the ads they display should be as relevant as possible, and the quality score is the tool they use to rank relevance. It determines where you appear on the sponsored results page and, ultimately, how much you pay for clicks. The higher your quality score, the less you pay for each click and the higher you appear in the sponsored results page. This system is one of the most unique features of Google. Other pay per click search engines like Yahoo don’t use any kind of quality score. They simply charge a flat cost per click and because of this you can position your ads that much easier. Google use a complicated behind-the-scenes calculation known as an algorithm to decide exactly what your quality score is. No-one knows for sure how to crack this, but there are several key factors that influence quality score the most! One of the big factors used in setting your quality score is, of course, your CTR or click-through rate, which I mentioned earlier on in the module. And you should try and push your CTR as high as possible using the ad copy techniques already discussed. Another factor that determines your quality score is overall relevance, which falls into two categories – ad grouping and relevance. If you have a tightly focused assortment of ad groups then your ads will be seen as more relevant to the particular search terms. This will in turn push your quality score up. Relevant ad content means that your ads include the term that is being searched for. This shows the importance of having lots of tightly focused ad groups. The final factor in deciding quality score is the past history of your account, in particular the history of the same or similar keywords. Basically, if you have been in the niche for 12 months, using the same keywords and achieving a 15% CTR, then your ads should automatically have a high score. So what do you do if you’re struggling with AdWords and your campaigns all show an extremely low CTR? Is there anything you can do?
39 | P a g e One idea worth thinking about here is to set up a new AdWords account or campaign and start again with a clean sheet. This will mean starting from scratch though so make sure you don’t do it too often. Of course, if you use the advice in this module this shouldn’t happen much, if at all. Alternatively, if it’s just a small number of keywords that are showing low CTR, then you need to delete these from your account immediately and focus on the keywords that are getting you the most click-throughs. One little-known fact is that Google’s algorithm appears to operate on an all-ornothing basis, meaning that you’ll often find your ads are either moving up the rankings fast or dropping down them equally quickly with no happy medium. Many marketers start their new campaigns paying very high maximum bids so they enter high and then often get pulled higher. I prefer to start small and let my superior ad copy handle the rise up. It’s up to you of course, but make sure you keep your spending within what you know you can afford. Another little-known point to mention is that Google uses the relevance of your landing page (the page that your ad first brings visitors to) in its quality score. So make sure this is especially relevant to the keywords that you’re using and, of course, the market. It should be, but it’s well worth checking and adding relevant keywords wherever possible. What I do here is I pay for someone to create 100 or 200 articles relevant to the subject or the niche. For example, “football” or “lose weight”. Remember that Google rewards relevance so the more content we have on our sites the better! Now, this sort of content MUST be unique, so make sure that you get them from a good source and they are written from scratch. Some useful sites to use for this are: www.elance.com www.rentacoder.com www.articlealley.com www.need-an-article.net Once you have these articles, you can then create an article page which links to each individual article separately, and then back to the article page. It’s all very simple and straightforward, but you’ve now added relevant content to your site, which is very important. However, we don’t really want to distract our buyers at this point so how do we provide access to these pages to the Google spiders, but NOT the general public?
40 | P a g e Simple! We hide the link to the article page somewhere within our site, say on a small image on the FAQ page or somewhere very discrete away from the main page. Importantly, the link must be tracked back to the index page somehow in order for the article page to be found by the spiders, but we don’t want our potential buyers to find these pages because this will distract them! Then, what you now have is a single-page sales letter that is ALSO rich in relevant content… And this is EXACTLY what we want!!
Hints & Tips on Keywords As I’m sure you’re well aware, keyword research tools can help you come up with new, different and unusual keyword ideas. You will find that there are quite a lot of research tools available. But you would be surprised at how few people actually use them to build their keyword base. The best approach I can recommend is to try all of them! Some tend to be more thorough than others. What I tend to do is start with the more basic keyword tools, and then use the more advanced ones if I’m in need of further keywords. Here are the keyword research tools I suggest (all of these are free to use, or have free versions to choose from): www.adwords.google.co.uk/select/KeywordToolExternal www.adlab.msn.com www.spacky.com www.wordpot.com www.traffictravis.com www.goodkeywords.com By using these tools you can build up a list of enough keywords to launch your campaign. As I have said 50-100 keywords spread across 5-10 ad groups is normally sufficient for me to see if a particular campaign is going to make it or not. Once you’ve found your keywords using the tools above all you need to do is simply copy and paste them into your “add keywords” function. Another useful tool is WordTracker: http://www.wordtracker.com OR
41 | P a g e http://www.freekeywords.wordtracker.com WordTracker provides data on all searches carried out in the last 90 days across all of the major search engines. This amalgamated data is great for spotting trends, and finding overlooked keywords. Generally I only use WordTracker to tweak an already profitable campaign or to find what I call “keyword roots”, which I’ll come to in a moment… I use it to take my campaign to the next level in terms of multiple, focused ad groups and normally assemble a MASTER KEYWORD LIST of 100-300 keywords, spread across 10-30 ad groups. For most niches I think this is more than enough, although some people prefer more. On top of this, there is also another research technique that I like to use, and it’s as simple as looking at other websites within the niche you are marketing to. For example, assuming I don’t already have knowledge of the niche, I will simply spend half an hour browsing through websites, articles and sales letters, and generally build up a list of 50 further specialised keywords. I pay particular attention to any consumer-led sites (particularly review sites) as they tend to appeal to consumers looking for solutions to their problems. You see, for advanced keyword building, it’s especially important that you look at it from the consumer’s point of view. This can easily boost your clicks by 10% or more, and they will be very well targeted clicks too. One snag is that Google’s Keyword Tool is based on the idea of vertically stacked terms. And many of your competitors will also be thinking vertically within a single theme. For example, if you were selling this module as an e-book then, thinking vertically, you might come up with the following themes: AdWords AdWords Book Buy AdWords Book A good way round this is to think horizontally instead, e.g. AdWords... Paid Internet Marketing... Pay Per Click, etc. You can then do some more research to find new keywords within each of these separate keyword phrases. A good way to do this is to browse similar websites, note relevant terms and then develop them. Don’t forget that keyword building is an ongoing activity. So don’t spend weeks and weeks trying to come up with a massive keyword list and leave it at that.
42 | P a g e It is much better to spend a little time on a small list, so try it out and see if it works. If so, then you can spend more time on it, and at the same time have money rolling in to justify it. And finally, though building a keyword list is important, don’t get too preoccupied with it. It’s normally far better to try and double your CTR for your most searched keywords than to try and squeeze out a little more traffic by going overboard with the keyword list. My focus is on giving the customer the solution to their problem while working my CTR up to a good level. Some aficionados might spend weeks adding a tiny fraction of one percent to their CTR with a massive keyword list. But I think I do much better with a small, basic list which I can then duplicate across lots of different niches. (This doesn’t mean you can get away with an unreasonably small keyword list, i.e. 10 or so, by the way!) Now, I mentioned “keyword roots” earlier, and this is very important because I use a tool that can transform one keyword root into several hundred… AND the tool will also take care of your keyword matching for you as well, detailed below… Note: A keyword root is basically a general term related to the niche, such as “lose weight”, “rent cars”, etc. So, this is the tool that I use to generate keywords for me: www.LowerYourBidPrice.com You can go there now and get a completely FREE trial if you like! Just be aware that this is a system and as such it will generate some very strange keywords from your “keyword roots”, so make sure that you delete ALL single-word keywords and also anything that you don’t want to use…
Getting Better Results Using Match Types If you remember earlier, I spoke about the brackets and speech marks that you can place around your keywords, like this: weight loss system “weight loss system” [weight loss system] Well I’m now going to go into some detail about what they mean and why you should use them... To begin with, Google match types fall into four different categories – exact, broad, phrase and negative match (the latter being the only one not listed above), and
43 | P a g e these keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. With some of these options, you'll enjoy more ad impressions, clicks and conversions, while with others you'll get fewer impressions and more narrow targeting. By applying the appropriate matching options to your keywords, you can control how your ads are seen, consequently increasing your CTR and ultimately, your income.
Exact Match For example: [HP computer] The [brackets] around this keyword signify that only an exact match on this keyword will display your ad. If someone was to search for ‘HP computer’ then our ad would be displayed. However, if someone was to search ‘cheap HP computer’ then our ad wouldn’t show up. It works on exact matches only and any new word will stop our ad from being displayed. Exact matches are obviously very targeted and as such can be very high earning clicks. However, they may also be very expensive to maintain as the more targeted a keyword, the more your competition makes from it. And assuming they track their conversions, the more they will pay (not always, but generally).
Broad Match For example: HP computer We type broad matches with no inverted commas and no [brackets] as shown above. If someone searches for ‘HP computer’ (without the inverted commas) our ad will be displayed. It will also show up if they search ‘computer HP’, or ‘find me a HP computer’, for example. Broad matches are a catch-all and are also the default option with AdWords. If you’re in a very competitive niche, it’s probably going to be a bad idea to bid on any single-word broad terms, like ‘gambling’, for instance. These tend to pull the CTR down for your entire campaign (although it can be profitable, I advise you to keep away from it for now). Your best bet is to go back to the keyword building process and try and get traffic from working a little harder (if you find yourself in such a niche that is).
44 | P a g e Phrase Match For example: “HP computer” Note the double inverted commas around the phrase. Phrase matches ONLY show our ads when searches for those keywords occur in the order that we type them. For example, if someone typed ‘computer HP’ our ad would not be displayed, simply because the order is reversed, but our ad would display if that phrase was present within the search. i.e. find an HP computer…
Negative Match Finally, if you want to stop your ad displaying when someone searches for a specific keyword then you can add a negative keyword. For example, if our keyword was simply ‘computer’ we can add a negative keyword of ‘cheap’ by typing: ‘-cheap’… (note the minus sign). This means that when people search for cheap HP computers they will not find our ad… And this is great for filtering out the type of buyers you do not want, or freebie hunters. Important point: You should always use all the first three match types when entering a new keyword. This will naturally triple the size of your keyword list instantly and your CTR will automatically rise substantially as a result. You can always go back and refine it later on.
Tracking Your Conversions and Sales Imagine this scenario... You’re doing very well with your new AdWords campaign and you’re getting plenty of traffic. Some of your CTRs are averaging between 2% and 4% – even up to 10%, and you’re getting plenty of sales too... But, when you go through the figures at the end of the month and deduct costs from sales, you find that you’ve hardly made any money at all! Now, let’s look at why this will NEVER be the case for you… AdWords is probably the most controllable way of advertising, ever. As long as you test your campaigns and monitor them very carefully it’s extremely unlikely that you’ll lose money.
45 | P a g e I’m now going to outline a few techniques that can help you track your conversions and sales: 1. Tie the search term, content of your ad and content of your landing page together. The fact is, people respond better – and you get better conversion rates – when the terms the customer searches for are not only in your ad but in the landing page, too. So try to make sure this happens with every campaign. It’s the simplest way of smoothing the customer’s path from having a problem they need solving to finding a solution. For example, if someone were to type in “quit smoking”, their search would be met with your ad saying “How To Quit Smoking”… and when they click on this ad your headline on your sales letter gives the visitor EXACTLY what they’re looking for – something like: “How To Quit Smoking In 30 Days… Or Your Money Back!” 2. Know what kind of customer you are targeting When you write your ad and page content, make sure you create it with the eventual buyer in mind. For example, are they a businessperson, housewife, young male or middle-aged female? Aim your copy at the people you want to buy (or opt in), not the population in general… Sales Letter Tip: Be sure to detail the benefits that the buyer will experience when they purchase your product first... Then later on in the letter, include the ACTUAL product detail and features. (I’ll talk more about sales letters in a future module so don’t worry about this too much right now.) 3. Know how much you need to spend to get the traffic you need I’ve already talked about visitor value, i.e. your sales income averaged out per click. And this is the simplest guide there is to whether you’re converting profitably or not. Of course, it’s not always that simple, especially if you’re also promoting back-end products that bring in extra profits. But normally you need to ensure that your average visitor value is significantly more than your average cost per click. If that’s not the case, what can you do? Well, in the short term, the answer is to simply reduce your bid prices across the board and delete any keywords that aren’t producing returns for you, so that you’re spending less than your average visitor value.
46 | P a g e In the long term, the solution is to spend much more time on testing and tracking. In a moment I will take you inside my very own Google AdWords account and AdTracker system and show you EXACTLY how I do this… 4. Balance visitors and customers This is actually quite a crucial little detail. You see, when your position on Google goes up, you’ll not only attract more customers, but more visitors too. And some of those visitors will not be serious buyers, but just browsers or, worse still, freebie seekers. The top few positions on Google are the favourite haunts for these people, together with those who aimlessly click on everything just because it’s on top. Do you remember me saying that you don’t want the top spot? This is why! There are a few different strategies for deciding what the best positions on Google should be. However, a quick and simple strategy is to avoid the top two or three positions on a page. I normally aim for positions 4 - 5 myself. 5. Know what you’re aiming for From the outset, you need to be clear in your mind whether you are trying to sell a single product up front, sell a product with the aim of generating lucrative back-end sales, get opt-ins or just generate traffic. Make this the whole focus of your campaign. Don’t – whatever you do – set out to sell a product but have an ad and a landing page that is focused on signing visitors up for a newsletter. That’s a common mistake and one which can ruin both your conversion rates and your tracking. You can of course track both sales AND conversions, but make sure you know what your overall goal is – both have value! 6. Get your landing page right To get a good conversion rate your landing page has to be a silky continuation of the message the visitor saw in your AdWords ad. Firstly, your landing page must be written in the same style as your ad – and directed at the same person. Also, it needs to deliver what you promised in the ad. If you mentioned a specific product for example, it must be clearly featured on the landing page. Similarly, if you mentioned a specific price, information or a free report, it must be visible straight away and easy to find. Your landing page must also have the power to close the deal. So be clear, straightforward, compelling and relevant. Your objective is to move people along the
47 | P a g e process quickly and smoothly, from click-through to purchase (or sign-up)… all of which you can test, track and improve over time… 7. Use purpose-made tools for tracking conversions There are quite a few tools for tracking conversions and producing information you can use to improve them. So have a play around with some and find which suit you. Google’s own conversion tracker is a good starting point. I also use the AdTracker system within www.1shoppingcart.com, and I’ll show you both of these now…
Google AdWords Conversion Tracking In order to set-up conversion tracking on your site (or for an affiliate site), you need to upload YOUR conversion code to the relevant “thank you” page. If you want to track sign-ups, for instance, then the code needs to be on the sign-up thank you page, and if you want to track sales then the code goes onto the purchase thank you page. Note: If you are promoting as an affiliate then I also recommend www.xconversions.com to track your conversions... When you login to your AdWords account and click on “Campaign”, the Conversion Tracking link can be accessed via the “Tools” menu. From there, follow the instructions in order to generate the code. Once you’ve done this you will see the Cost/Conv and Conversions columns. Below is a screenshot taken from my AdWords account. I live in the UK for most of the year, so this account is in GBP – so my total cost below is £2,709.81 for this campaign:
So, what does this tell us? Well, firstly you need to know what a sale is worth, because if I’m selling something for £2.00 this clearly wouldn’t be working!! However, I’m not. Instead I’m selling products ranging in price from £4.95 - £19.95, and the last time I looked, the average sale price was £5.67.
48 | P a g e So, as we can see here, I’m m spending g £2.03 in order o to make m £5.67… and as a result I simply spend ass many £2.03’s as I possibly p ca an! Why? Becausse I know that, t on avverage, I get g back £5.67 £ for every £2..03 that I spend on AdWo ords… and d this is the e power off conversio on tracking and why AdWorrds and Intternet Markketing is ju ust a numb bers game! Ok, let’s delve a little l deepe er shall we e… If you look at the e screensho ot on the following f page, p you can c see the e importan nce of an see conversion rattes per Ad Group and d the fact tthat only 3 of the tracking... You ca 4 Ad Groups are “Active”… and if you u look close ely you can n see why… … Althoug gh still pro ofitable, the e Ad Group p that is pa aused was not perforrming as well w as the oth her 3 so I have h pause ed this afte er 491 click ks. I could d come bacck to this in n time and work on itt, but for now n I decid ded to focu us on the one es that were making me moneyy!!
a see from the above a is that t the sales lette er for this What you can also projec ct convertts at 10.8 83%... And I can c tell you u that this is an avera age figure,, because when w I firsst started this projectt my conve ersions werre only aro ound 2%! Again, this should d highlightt the power of converrsion trackking, split-ttesting and d tweakin ng everyth hing… The Ad dWords con nversion trracking willl give you ALL the nu umbers tha at you need d in order to t make de ecisions, so o you just need n to be e clinical an nd act acco ording to what w you are e seeing – and nothin ng else!!
49 | P a g e Top Tips: 1.) If a keyword is NOT getting a high CTR either delete it from the Ad Group or create a new Ad Group for it. 2.) If a keyword is NOT converting into sales, delete it, use it within another Ad Group or create a new Ad Group for it. 3.) If an Ad Group overall is NOT converting and numbers 1 and 2 didn’t help, then “pause” it for now and focus on the other Ad Groups, as I have done in the above example. You can come back to it or use the AdTracker system to determine if you should send this traffic elsewhere (more info on this to come…) 4.) Increase your bid prices on any “inactive” keywords, unless the price goes beyond your visitor value and/or £1.20 ($2.00). Only in exceptional circumstances do I go above this figure. 5.) Aim for positions 4 - 5. These have proven to be the best performing for me. To do this, go to your Ad Group once every 7 days (I usually do this on a Sunday evening) and view the “last 7 days”. This will show you the average positions specific to keywords and you can tweak each keyword here, or use the position preference option… So there you have it… AdWords and conversion tracking CAN be done. But it only works if the sales copy converts, so I now want us to go back to one of my favourite online tools: www.1shoppingcart.com. Hopefully by now you have an account set up, and if so, I want you to login and then hover over “Email & Marketing”, “Ad Trackers” and then click on “Create New Ad Tracker”. You can call this AdTracker campaign whatever you want, BUT I strongly suggest that if you already have Ad Groups with specific names that you match these up. When you do this, it’s very simple to determine which sales pages work best with specific Ad Groups… and this is very powerful indeed! Below the “Campaign Name” field… you will see Destination URL1, Destination URL2, and Destination URL3. In my eyes, this is the ONLY weakness of this system – I would like to test A LOT more than 3 pages at once, but it’s still incredibly powerful!! If you have 2 or 3 pages that you’d like to start testing then this is where you enter the domain names.
50 | P a g e From here h I use the t same domain d name extenssions for ALLL of my p projects, ass it just avoids confusion and having to checkk all of my 1shopping gcart sites ((of which I have around d 9, I thinkk!)… For exa ample: index1.html, index.htmll and main.html – all with very slight differen nces. i.e., different headline, h diifferent image or eve en a differe ent font/co olour! It’s am mazing what even the e slightest of o changess will do for your conversions... o now tha at we’ve set s this up p, how do o we use it? i OK, so w I do iss I also use e the indexx.html page to rotate e the pagess that I’m Well, what testing, and to do o this I use e the follow wing code: http://w www.TheG GreatEscap pe2008.com m/cloaking.html a the “A Ad Track Ca ampaign Link URL” to o the abovve code this will rotatte as If you add many pages p as you’ve set-u up – autom matically… and if you’re using A AdWords THIS is the linkk that you put in you ur “Destinattion URL” field. f I will also split-te est several pages per Ad Group and work out which is best forr each one. Ass you do th his you will soon get a feel for what peop ple are resp ponding to o in your niiche. It’s ju ust amazing to know that if 200 0 people hit your site e and 4 buy y, the next 20 00 will also o produce the t same (or ( similar)) results! In factt, it’s alm most a scie ence, and d if you co onstantly test and monitor what’s w going on, every ything becomes ve ery transp parent ind deed and your conversions will only ev ver go one e way – UP! U Let’s no to show yyou exactly ow take a look at one of my Ad d Tracker campaigns c y what I mean:
In the above scre eenshot yo ou can see that the website w in question q iss set-up ON NLY for sales (tthere is no o data captture on the e site).
51 | P a g e If you have a data capture device (name and e-mail capture) on your website and you’ve used 1shoppingcart to set this up, sign-ups will be shown in the “Lead-Click Conversion” column. In the above example, I have 3 web pages that I’m rotating (I think on this occasion I was testing the headline) and very subtle changes to the site produced conversions of 12.6%, 12.9% and 13.4%, giving an average of 13%. It also produced a “Visitor Value” of around £0.75… And this is important because if we know our average cost per click (which we do... it’s the £0.22 figure that you can see on the Google AdWords screenshot) then you can see that over time my visitor value is increasing from when I first started! (You see, each time I run a new test, I “reset” the stats within the Ad Tracker and take the best performing page, create 3 versions of it and make slight changes to 2 of the pages, always keeping the previous version as one of the 3.) And this is what the AdWords screenshot and the Ad Tracker screenshot tell us about my visitor value… It was 5.67/2.03 on average which = 2.79 times my AdWords spend… and the most recent test is 0.75/0.22 = 3.41 times my AdWords spend (since I last “reset” the account for this new test). How would you like to multiply every pound on advertising by 3.41 and KNOW that this is the result you’re going to achieve? Well, you can, but you simply MUST use conversion tracking and the Ad Tracker tool in order to do it…
Your Checklist How to Create and Run an Effective Campaign ¾ Get inside your customer’s head - Decide what problems they are looking to solve and what problem-solving words they will search for. ¾ Know your competitors and know your odds - Search for the terms your customers will search for. Find out who else is advertising and your chances of capturing the market. ¾ Count your keyword costs – Use your AdWords campaign data to find out what your keywords are costing.
52 | P a g e ¾ Break down your keywords - Create clusters of 5-25 closely-related terms. Have a different ad for each of them to focus on exactly what people are searching for. ¾ Think in terms of short, snappy copy - Remember, you only get 25 characters on the first line, 35 on lines 2 and 3 and, lastly, a space for your URL. ¾ Matching means profits - Make sure that the text in your ad matches what your customers are searching for. ¾ Don’t waste space - Take full advantage of the space that Google gives you on each line. Try not to leave any character spaces unused. ¾ Choose the best webpage to send visitors to - It probably won’t be your home page. Instead, you can have different, tailored landing pages for different ads. Make sure you add relevant content as well! ¾ Have a good URL or website address - Use one that looks neat and which the customer can see is relevant to what they are looking for. ¾ Use a conversion tracking system - Try Google’s own system as well as www.1shoppingcart.com ¾ Split-test multiple ads to get a higher click-through rate - Test two ads or more against each other. After a certain number of clicks (100 or so) delete the loser and create a new ad to test. Every time you improve your ad you get more traffic at less cost. Keep testing continuously. ¾ Don’t be impatient, give every ad a fair crack of the whip - The time you need to wait depends on the ad. If you’re getting hundreds of daily clicks, come back every couple of hours and if traffic is slow you may need to wait a few days or even weeks. ¾ Use a ‘cut and paste’ approach - Pick out keywords that are performing differently from the rest. Re-use them in new ad groups with ads of their own to create more relevance and test those. ¾ Keep looking - For more and better keywords! Use LowerYourBidPrice.com to not only create your keywords, but also to create broad, exact and phrase match keywords for you as well. ¾ Keep improving your conversion rate - Success is a matter of maximising your conversion rate at each step, creating higher click-through rates, lower bid prices, stronger opt-in rates, more sales and more repeat visits. I have shown you how I have taken a sales letter that converted at 2% when I first started to 13.4% using the AdTracker system… and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t do the same!
53 | P a g e ¾ Keep a close c eye e on the competittion - Alw ways keep monitoring what other AdW Worders are e doing, bo oth for idea as and for new adverrts…
Othe er PPC Search S Engine es entioned at a the begin nning of th his module, the top th hree searcch engines are As I me Google e, Yahoo an nd MSN, an nd consequ uently theiir PPC adve ertising pro ogrammess are the besst as well. Obviou usly I’ve co overed Goo ogle AdWorrds in grea at detail du uring this m module beccause it offers you y the gre eatest chance of ope erating a su uccessful advertising a campaign n and making g a healthyy online inccome. Howevver, once yo ou have a Google Ad dWords cam mpaign wo orking and bringing in n profits for your products, I would highly reco ommend creating c c campaign ns with both Yahoo Y Sea arch Mark keting and Microso oft’s AdCe enter, and d for this re eason I’m goiing to brieffly cover th hem now. Yahoo o Search Marketing M g This particular p P PPC adverrtising servvice can be hugelyy profitable e, but it is very differen nt from Ad dWords or MSN. Your optimized o e in Yaho oo, and campaign from Google will not work the same personally I find it simplerr just to start s over rather tha an copy an n existing Google campaign. To sign n up for Ya ahoo, click here: http://ssearchmarrketing.yah hoo.com/
54 | P a g e Here are a three importan nt points to t note with w Yahoo o’s PPC se ervice: 1. As I said, it might be b better to o start ove er with a new n campa aign from scratch. s You’ll find that keyw words that didn’t work in Goog gle might w work with Yahoo, and somettimes thosse that are working in n your Goo ogle campaign will ju ust cost you moneyy with Yah hoo’s servicce. 2. Some Yah hoo campaigns can move m quite e quickly. When W you begin opttimizing your camp paign you should s sett a budget that you can c actually afford, and a you should log gin a couple e of times per day when you sttart the ne ew campaig gn. 3. When you u setup an ad campaign in Yahoo, their system s willl suggest the t bids that you need n to make. m Don’tt start witth the high hest bid, b but instead d try to begin with h the same e CPC thatt you used d in Google e (this wo on’t alwayss work). Yahoo’s to ool is not at a all accura ate when it i suggestss that you will get x number n of clicks by b bidding $x. Start low l and bu uild it up, instead off bidding to oo high and wastin ng money. MSN AdCenter A MSN Ad dCenter is Microsoft’’s version of o PPC adv vertising. With W this se ervice you will get your ads displayyed on Miccrosoft’s ne ew search engine, Bing, B and you can also a get your ad ds placed on o the MSN N content network ass well. To get started with AdCentter, go to: http://adccenter.micrrosoft.com and click on sign up. You u will see the t followin ng page be elow:
gh the dyn namics of the big th hree search h engines are largelyy the same, from Althoug experie ence I can tell you th hat AdCenter is the e closest to t Google…
55 | P a g e By this I mean that you will be able to copy a well optimized campaign from Google and immediately have success with it. When you do this though, there are a few things to note: 1. MSN (as a general rule) will cost slightly less than Google in most markets. If you copy a campaign, set your initial bids a bit lower than you had them in Google. 2. Just because your campaign was optimized for Google, it doesn’t always mean it will work exactly the same in MSN. You should begin the optimization process again, and use the same rules you did for Google. 3. Campaigns in AdCenter tend to be slower than an AdWords campaign. If you want the same amount of traffic from this PPC service you may need to test your campaign with some higher traffic keywords that relate to your product. 4. The content network with MSN will send decent quality traffic (in some markets). It is worth bidding the content network higher when you begin with MSN. When you find the sites that are sending good traffic, you can start a placement ad campaign that targets just those sites on their content network. If you follow these key ideas, it will help you to get your AdCenter campaigns earning you as much as the ones you’re running on Google.
Other PPC Services Okay, we’ve talked about the big three search engines: Google, MSN, and Yahoo, and that’s because these are the services that will allow you to build traffic quickly (and profitably). However, it’s important to note that they aren’t the ONLY ad services out there, and as you expand your marketing efforts there are other pay per click services that are worth using. Here are six more that I’ve had good experiences with and that you can use to expand your marketing efforts: AdSonar - www.quigo.com Quigo’s AdSonar service can get your ads placed on high profile sites that directly relate to your market. Their services include text ads, video ads and image ads. Clicksor - www.clicksor.com If you target a lot of US customers the Clicksor ad service can be worth its cost. This service is much like AdSonar, but it targets just the US.
56 | P a g e AdBrite - www.adbrite.com Like the last two on our list, AdBrite can get your ads put on some high profile sites that relate directly to your niche. Zango – www.adservices.zango.com Zango is a company that focuses mostly on media advertising, but their services are pay per click and can be worth the money. 7Search – www.7search.com 7Search allows you to get your PPC ads in some of the other, less popular, search engines. Although they generally won’t send as much traffic as the big three, the ad costs will be lower and the traffic will still be well targeted.
Conclusion So then, that’s all for PPC... I hope that you haven’t experienced a bad case of “information overload” by reading this guide! I know everything we’ve talked about can seem quite daunting at first, but advertising your products this way (and generating traffic for them) is actually a lot easier than you’d think... The reason I’ve gone into so much detail here is because I want you to have all the information you need to make as much money as you possibly can. Because you can (and will) make a huge amount of money via PPC Advertising... The crucial thing, however (as always), is TAKING ACTION and getting started. Once you’ve taken those first steps and signed up with AdWords you can start to create your very own ad within minutes... You’ll begin to build a keyword list in the time it takes to make dinner, and your first ad will be on Google before you know what’s happened! And once it is, anyone looking for what you’ve got to sell will find your website and buy your product... It’s that simple! I often look back on my very first Google AdWords ad... It was an ad for some internet marketing DVDs, way back in 2005.
57 | P a g e And I rememberr just how w much it helped my y business. In fact, that AdWo ords ad usiness to a level I thought t wo ould take years y to re each. I went from catapulted my bu making g a few hu undred pou unds a wee ek to pullin ng in £2,000, then £ £5,000, and lately as mucch as £10,0 000 a weekk... all fro om Google e AdWord ds! Does th hat sound like sometthing you’d d like to ge et involved with? Yep, I thought so! Yet att the sam me time I was disccovering the power of Google AdWords and genera ating tons of traffic to my websites, w I was also o using THREE othe er paid techniq ques, each of which was w doing EXACTLY Y THE SAM ME! And I’lll be telling you all ab bout these techniquess in Part 2 of your Pa aid Traffic guide… ou then, See yo