Trapped!!! This story begins in 2001 when the Two Twin Towers collapsed. This is a story of a man that experienced a life changing event, his name was Mr.Snazcumber. Mr. Snazcumber was a greedy old man and he was running out of money so he had filled in a application form to work in the Twin Towers. Although he was greedy he also had medical problems. He was a blind man so he had to bring his dog Stella Artois to his office everyday. She was trained so well she almost acted like a human.
Mr.Snazcumber had her to keep him company, he
didn’t user her as a seeing-eye dog. One day as Mr.Snazcumber was walking to his office in the Twin Towers he heard an airplane fly across the sky.
Then he
looked up and saw the airplane headed straight for the Twin Towers near the 31st floor. Seconds later the plane had crashed into the Twin Towers, he could hear glass shattering all the way across the road. In a blink of an eye, flames started coming out of the Twin Towers where the plane had crashed. Then suddenly the Twin Towers had collapsed on top of him and he was buried under the rubble. “Stella Artois, go and save yourself!” he yelled to his dog. Mr.Snazcumber thought that Stella Artois was going to leave him under the ruble. Now, even though that she was a dog and
she had the most pertentual of a dog’s I.Q. She was as smart as a human. So she knew how to handle this kind of stuff. The only thing she could do was bark. How was she going to communicate with the humans, she thought. Her master was stuck there under the rubble for two days. Now, he had food because he had always kept a snack bar in his pocket but no water.
He knew that a human can only survive for two days
without water and food. As Stella Artois was thinking of her master’s life slowly fading away, she slowly thought of the good moments the master and her had together. She thought to herself, what would happen to her without her master? Was she going to the kennel or was going to be left on the streets forever and die there. It was the third day and luckily her master was still alive. No one knows how long he will survive under the rubble. It was a mystery of what would happen to all the people who was stuck under the ruble, slowly the fire fighters had gone one by one to save all the people that had lived long enough. As the morning of the fourth day had arrived his master was weak and almost ready to go to heaven. The only thing on her mind was, what was she going to do for her master? Should she say goodbye one more time or find a solution to help him? Which one do you think? Since she was loyal to her master she had decided to help him. As time past she had slowly went to
her master’s rubble area were he was buried under and she went there on top of him hoping and praying that he would live. Not only that, she had also wished that she could think of a way to tell a human that would be the sensible and reliable person to ask. She was now on her master’s place of hiding where he was buried and she laid there quietly waiting for an idea to pop up. Fire fighters were everywhere trying to save the people under the rubble. As she looked in, she began to have a historical idea and a crazy idea that would change a human’s life forever. So she went to one of the fire fighters and whined. Luckily this fire fighter understood that the dog wanted him to follow him. Stella Artois knew that she was running out of time. She ran as fast as she could go; the fire fighter was right behind her. They arrived and he seemed to be confused because he could not seem to have an idea that a person was under there because he could not see any evidence that there was any trace of Mr. Snazcumber’s clothes or anything. At that moment there was a silence and there was no hope for her master. As she had thought this was going to be the end of his life. As though she had thought, her master had felt her tail and had realized that they did not know he was there and he had yelled with all his might and they heard him but that was his last breath and words.
At least there was an effort to save him, now he is heaven, Stella Artois is now one of the most loving dogs in New York, with her new owner, Cathrin. Stella goes around schools to show that a dog is not dumb, it is just like a human, also showing that they are very loyal dogs. They helped re-educate kids for the future.