Extreme poverty worldwide and the solution to world poverty and for India

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Extreme poverty worldwide and the solution to world poverty for India More than half of the population in the world lives down the poverty line. And now, the shape is getting bigger due to global concerns. What is poverty, and how does it rise’? We can strive to encourage an equity policy through study. A study is a powerful tool for uprooting extreme poverty worldwide. The Extreme Poverty Eliminated is a website that sells affordable books in different nooks of the world to encourage rural development and gradually alleviate poverty.

Dr James Mayfield is a person who has been considerably writing impactful books on rural development for 50 years with a vision of alleviating poverty from the root someday. These books reflect upon the hundred, perhaps thousands of individuals forced to live and work among the poorest of the poor situations.

The book stats say “nearly two billion people are living in the more isolated and disadvantaged villages of the world.” Now poverty is not much visible in the US, but it is still prevalent in India and Africa. Over the years, India has taken several initiatives to decrease poverty and has become successful to some extent.

The solution to world poverty in India India has experienced various kinds of poverty for centuries, but some steps have slightly changed the present statistics and proposed the solution to world poverty in India. •

Introducing New Jobs

Bringing and creating more & more jobs are a great way to reduce poverty. If people have jobs, the reduction of poverty will be automated. •

Educating Women

Educating the female population can bring a massive change in society. Women are restricted from getting married and attaining a conjecturally settled life. That includes children, worsened health, and economic conditions. •

Gender Equality

Education gives women equal rights and access to social, business, and economic decisionmaking. With a strong and proper education, they are a key driving force against poverty.

Rural development books in India by professor James b. Mayfield These rural development books in India define the growth story of the various sectors from history to the new millennium. • • •

One Can Make A Difference Extreme Poverty Eliminated Egypt: A Field of Reeds

Source url: https://extremepovertyeliminated031.blogspot.com/2022/08/extremepoverty-worldwide-and-solution.html

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