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Acai berry pulp is the edible part of the acai fruit. The pulp is the nutritious part of the fruit and all the acai products that we see today in the market uses the pulp. The pulp is highly nutritious and packed with protein, minerals, useful fats and antioxidants. The potential of acai pulp to provide various health benefits has made it one of the most used items in today's healthy diet products. Today, you cannot go to a department store that doesn't offer some kind of acai product. Marketers have started to call it the "super food" for us. Fresh acai pulp is not available in the U.S. market. It is because the acai palm tree only grows in some Amazonian part of Brazil and the high fat content of the fruit causes it to spoil very quickly. To preserve the nutrients of the pulp, various methods are adopted. One method is to freeze the pulp within 24 hours after being picked from the tree. This process is known as flash-freezing, a common method used in the fruit industry to preserve easily perishable fruits. Another option is the freeze dry acai powder, where the pulp is frozen, dehydrated within 24 hours of picking and then stored as powder. Fresh juice made from acai pulp is another option to preserve the nutrients of acai berry. Which process preserves the nutrients better is yet to be established. Acai is being extensively used in today's weight loss diet products. You will find various other products (anti aging, skin care) using acai as a key ingredient. However, if you are interested in acai, it is recommended that you get acai berry pulp (in some preserved form) or something that is directly made from acai pulp. It would be a better way to get the health benefits of acai berry properly.
To learn more about Acai berry pulp go to http://www.acai-weight-loss-tips.com and Grab your Free Ebook titled "Acai berry myths exposed!" Learn the truth about Acai berries. While your there enjoy another great article about Freeze Dried Acai
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_A_Myers
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