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Most of us have heard about the latest miracle food, the acai berry. But what exactly is it and where did it come from? This new discovery has been a regular part of the diet of Amazon natives for hundreds of years. However, it has not been until fairly recently that the acai berry has caused an enormous buzz in the United States for its aid in promoting weight loss. Oprah and Dr. Oz have dedicated a fair amount of television air time to educating audiences about this new "super food" that can help you lose weight fast. While they both deny their endorsement of any product containing the fruit, they do speak highly of the berry itself and its ability to aid in weight loss  What Is the Acai Berry? The acai berry is a fruit rich in nutrients that grows on the acai palm trees of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. It is approximately the size of a grape and is a dark purple color. About 10 percent of the berry consists of the skin and edible pulp. The remaining 90 percent is the pit. The nutrients are derived mostly from the pulp and skin, and the pit is not normally eaten. It is reputed to taste of a mixture of berries and chocolate and the combination of its appealing taste and rich nutrients has helped to build its popularity. Health Benefits The acai berry is rich in amino acids, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. It contains approximately 15-20 times the number of antioxidants found in red grapes. The numerous benefits of this super food include: * Weight loss promotion * Immune system support * Increased energy and stamina * Promoting more restful sleep * Protection against heart disease * Reduction of inflammation * Combating the effects of aging
* Increased libido It is touted as the next great weight loss aid and has been scientifically proven to contain several key ingredients which aid in appetite suppression, increased metabolism and better muscle tone. As with any new weight loss aid that has hit the market, it is very important to ensure that you are well educated and informed about the facts surrounding the product. The acai berry itself is a promising new aid in promoting weight loss. To learn more about the acai berry, consult an expert who will provide you with facts, not fiction.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cornell_Dayne
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