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Acai berries are native to Northern Brazil and come from the Acai Palm tree. These berries are dried, crushed and powdered to be made into the Acai supplements, which are exported to other countries. Acai berries are a small round fruit that is so purple that it is almost black in color. In Brazil, these little fruits are served with a sweetener to heighten the taste of these little berries. These little berries are known as a large weight loss additive. The main nutritional benefits comes from the Acai berry pulp. These little berries are also superior among fruits as an antioxidant and an awesome source of energy and are used to resist the aging process because antioxidants resist oxidation, which is significant in aging. Antioxidants are also great for preventing cancer because the Acai berry pulp is loaded with Vitamins C and E, which assist the body in fighting off the many harmful agents in the environment. Acai berries are full of anti-oxidants and various vitamins, the very reason that the Acai pill has become such a popular weight loss supplement. Acai is best when eaten raw. It provides many beneficial minerals and is filled with fiber, as well as a huge amount of antioxidants. Because the Acai berry is quite fibrous, it works great for cleansing the body as a whole. These little berries help to maintain healthy organs and a strong body system. Acai products are sold in health food and gourmet stores. These products come in a variety of choices from actual Acai berry juice and Acai berry pulp to capsules and powder that you can mix yourself. The Acai berry seeds are used to grow more Acai palm trees. They are also used by farmers and others for livestock feed. In additon Acai seeds make great jewelry and is very popular by the natives.
To learn all the wonderful acai berry pulp [http://www.the-acai-fruit.com/acai-pulp/] nutritional benefits click on this link. The acai berry seeds [http://www.the-acai-fruit.com/acai-seeds/] also play a large role in growing more acai palms so that food sources do not run out.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carter_Sinclair
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