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The tree that bears the acai berries is called an "acai palm". This tree only grows in temperate rainforest regions of the world which includes only the countries that are close to the or on the equator. For the most part the acai palm only grows in the Amazon region of South America. While it does grow in a few other places, the majority of the trees are found in the Amazon. Though there has been a lot of acai research has been done and there is a fair amount of information, the western world has only recently "discovered" this wonder of nature and many marketing companies have capitalized and to some extent exploited the acai palm and its acai berries. Even now there are companies and individuals who are making all kinds of blatantly false medicinal claims of what the benefits of acai berries are while others just tend to "infer" some of the natural benefits of acai palm berries can do and even though there is no scientific proof of these claims it doesn't stop them from trying to relieve you of your hard earned cash. Yes, the acai palm fruit is a wonderful product but it in not the "super fruit" that some of the questionable marketers claim it to be. The acai berry products generally come in the following form: Acai Juice This organic juice is processed within 24 hours of harvest from the acai palm and either kept in its pure form or mixed / blended with other potent fruit juices and shipped to market. Powdered Form This form of acai is processed using kilns to dehydrate or freeze dried and its juices are preserved. The only down side is that this process also tends to destroy much of the nutrients leaving you with a less potent combination of acai. These berry supplements are now sold all over the world to people who want to lose weight or simply add acai to their already balanced diet plan. Visit quality websites that are big on information and small on hype to find out more about the benefits of acai berries.
Lloyd Forde is the editor of http://www.naturalbenefitsofacaiberries.com the independent Natural Benefits Of Acai Berries Guide. More information can be found at http://www.naturalbenefitsofacaiberries.com/acai-palm.html - Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact. (I check and report!)
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lloyd_Forde
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