Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work - How to Burn Off Fat Naturally

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Bodybuilding and Fat Loss begins with your diet. The food you consume will govern the size of your muscles and the level of fat on your body. But, how can you build muscle and loss fat when you need a caloric surplus to add muscle mass and a caloric deficit to burn fat? Well, it isn't going to happen with the old saying, "calories in - calories out". It will have to be more about the quality of your food then the quantity of your food if you want to succeed in bodybuilding and fat loss. For example, if you eat cookies and chips all day while keeping the calorie intake less than what your body needs, you will still be gaining fat because of the quality of food you are consuming. These types of foods are high in sugar and fat which will raise your insulin levels. They will cause your body to store incoming calories as fat instead of being used as energy. On the other hand, if you were to eat high protein foods with vegetables all day and you were to eat more calories than your body requires, your body would still burn fat because of the quality source of your food. Some foods that are good quality for bodybuilding and fat loss are...

Fish Chicken Turkey Egg Whites Any Vegetable

These foods are high in fiber and slow digesting. They have a nutritional purpose and the body will use them as fuel instead of being stored as fat. Only a very high intake of these foods will cause your body to store them as fat. And, since these types of foods are high in fiber and protein, your stomach will feel fuller and you will automatically eat less. Your diet is only the first part for the success of bodybuilding and fat loss. In order for you to truly benefit, you need to incorporate cardiovascular exercise and weight training into your lifestyle as well. Cardiovascular Exercise Bodybuilding and fat loss has a lot to do with how to perform your cardiovascular exercise. You can not do hours of cardiovascular exercise and think you will be able to loss body fat and maintain your muscle mass.

Your cardiovascular exercise has to be high intensity with interval training for a short period of time. Bodybuilding and fat loss can best be accomplished by incorporating high intensity interval training (HIIT) as its primary cardiovascular exercise. You can either perform your HIIT on the same day as your weight training or you can weight train on certain days and perform your HIIT on separate days. If you do decide to perform your HIIT on the same day as your weight training, make sure to give yourself at least 6 hours between your HIIT and your weight training. This way you will be able to have enough energy to fully accomplish your weight training without being fatigued. The reason you'll want to perform high intensity interval training instead of long steady pace cardiovascular exercise is, you will be able to maintain your muscle mass and burn more fat with the HIIT. Bodybuilding and fat loss has everything to do with maintaining your muscle mass while you loss body fat. Long steady pass cardiovascular exercise burns muscles as a fuel source. The less muscle mass you have, the lower your metabolism will be. Weight Training There are two different ways you can weight train for bodybuilding and fat loss. One way will increase your muscle mass and the other will maintain your muscle mass while you burn more fat. Lifting weights for muscle mass is a lot different then lifting weights for fat loss. Yet bodybuilding and fat loss are accomplished by both methods. For Gaining Muscle Mass Fat loss takes a back seat while the emphasis is more on growth. You will see fat loss in this method but, it will not be as apparent as the circuit training routine of the fat loss method. In the gaining muscle method, you will focus more on one muscle group at a time and break down the muscle fibers for each muscle group. For the best results of this gaining muscle mass method, you should be consuming a lot of your calories before and immediately after the workout. Carbohydrates are important during this workout. Consuming carbohydrates before working out will give your muscles the necessary energy it needs during the workout to break down muscle fibers effectively. Eating carbohydrates immediately after your workout will help shuttle protein to the damaged muscle for quicker repair. So in other words, bodybuilding and fat loss have a lot to do with how and when you consume your carbohydrates. For Fat Loss You need to lift with lighter weights and use more reps in a circuit routine. This will get your muscles toned and ripped. Reducing the rest between sets will increase your metabolism and force you to use more calories in your workout. You also should use super-sets with in your circuits to really see the benefits of weight training for fat loss. Unlike weight training for muscle mass, weight training for fat loss has a little different approach to carbohydrate intake. You will not be taking any carbohydrates before your workout. Carbohydrates

causes your body to have an insulin spike which shuts down your body's ability to burn fat as fuel during your workout. So, you will be only consuming protein before your workout. After your workout, it is okay to consume carbohydrates but not as much as you would after a workout. Bodybuilding and fat loss is a very tricky thing to accomplish yet it can be done. This article was meant to help guide you in the right direction. Our body is made up differently so you will have to do some experimenting to see what will work best for you in your own bodybuilding and fat loss goals.

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