Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review - Part I

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Wow! The Fat Loss 4 Idiots weigh-loss program claims 9 pounds lost every 11 days. How can that be possible? Almost 27 pounds in a month? Well, in the first week or so you can probably lose that much weight, but it will be mostly a loss of water retention, but hey, it is a start. It would seem that this pace of weight loss would be difficult to sustain after the initial loss of retained water and that is true. However, it appears (and testimonials seem to support) that use of the program could result in a loss of between 3-8 pounds per week or so. Fat Loss 4 Idiots (I hate that name, I'm not an idiot, but I'll overlook that for now) provides a straight forward eating plan in the form of its proprietary "Diet Generator" software. Although use of the software is key, you also get lots of extra information (some say a little too much) explaining why the suggested meal plans are structured as they are, why certain foods are included, how the meal plans work on your body as well as typical miscellaneous information regarding healthful, weight loss foods, alcohol, foods for the whole family and lots more. WHAT THE PROGRAM IS The program's meal plans include mostly lean proteins, fruit and vegetables, while fat is provided from whole foods such as eggs and cottage cheese or eggs. There are some starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta). The Fat Loss 4 Idiots day is divided into four meal periods that should occur at least a minimum of 2 ½ hours apart. There is no counting of calories or carbohydrates, rather, the program encourages you to eat just to the point you are full, not stuffed. That's a nice feature, since you don't want to be scrutinizing every food label and weighing every portion for the rest of your life. It's helpful to be familiar with a whole bunch of foods that are good for you. After the initial 11 day meal plan is finished, there is a three-day "cheat period" - where you get to eat whatever you want. After the cheating is over, you return again to the 11 day plan again. The point of the FL4I plan and its main difference from others (and also the reason it claims to work) is that it purposely confuses the body so it never thinks it is overly hungry. Although not the first diet to propose this technique, (Body for Life, for example, has long advocated such a program) Fat Loss 4 Idiots meal plan structure appears to do a better job of it. REAL WEIGHT LOSS? As with many diet programs, there is major weight loss during the initial phase when starchy carbohydrates are limited or eliminated. The weight lost is primarily a mixture of water and fat and, unfortunately, some muscle. However, that initial loss provides a valuable mental stimulus to continue on with the program. Continue eating according to the meal plans and get some exercise (movement of almost any kind is a good start - brisk walking is a great start) and you will continue

losing weight. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is a cheap diet particularly compared to other programs that I have used without much success. When you buy the diet is gives you access to an online diet generator as well as a diet workbook. Nutritionally it is a reduced carbohydrate diet that cycles macronutrient ratios to trick your metabolism. It recommends common-sense weight loss principles (brisk walking, plenty of water, etc), and only whole foods (no processed or high-sugar foods, or supplements). With the program you buy your own food, so there is no need to buy prepackaged food or expensive supplements which seems to be a major fault of many of the more famous diet programs. CONCLUSION Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not magic nor is it a miracle cure. Ultimately you must want to lose weight more than you want to continue to be overweight. That means discipline to follow the program. If you can do that, it will probably work for you.

The author is a student of a variety of health and fitness regimen. Read more about health and weight-loss [http://www.fat-loss-4-idiots-review.com] at his website: www.fat-loss-4idiots.review.com [http://www.fat-loss-4-idiots-review.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Garcin

==== ==== Don't Miss the Best Fat loss Guide Ever Created: http://fatloss.acaiberrysupplementsite.com/weight-loss-programs-reviews/31-days-fat-loss-cure/ ==== ====

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