Five Ways To Live Life Naturally

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All over the world people are getting heavier every year! It's become such an issue it has name. The Obesity Epidemic. Over the past hundred years technology has allowed us to live a more leisurely lifestyle. -We drive and take public transportation -We eat quick, processed meals like fast food and TV dinners. -Video games and TV equals less time outdoors. -We no longer have to perform back breaking labor just to survive. No doubt, the life of luxury is great but we are forgetting that we are human beings. We are capable of being our own transportation and that we need a nutritious food supply to stay well. Here are five ways to get back to basics and live a more natural lifestyle: 1. Walk. Walk everywhere you can. Walking is one of the best ways to stay active and fit. It's just as psychologically beneficial as it is physical. Walking makes you feel great! 2. Eat raw foods. Fast food is loaded with fried grease and fat. TV dinners are packed with sodium and don't keep you full for long. Raw foods are just as quick and easy but so much healthier. Vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds are natures candy. They are delicious and nutritious. Try growing your own food if you have the space! 3. Do your own work. Instead of hiring someone to do your gardening, house cleaning and snow shoveling do it yourself. The extra activity is much more beneficial than sitting around watching someone else do it! 4. Turn off the TV. You will find as soon as you switch of the television you become active. Why else would you sit on your butt for hours at a time? 5. H2O. We are composed of 65% water. We ARE water. We need water to thrive and survive. The beverages on the market are either packed with sugar, or chemicals designed to taste sweet, like aspartame. Do you know why diet pop is calorie free? It's because our bodies don't recognize artificial sweeteners as food. We can't digest them! Bonus-Be Happy

No matter how stressed or worried you are about life, smile and be thankful for the positive things. Stress makes you unhealthy. It causes heart problems, headaches and can even make you put on weight. The progress we have made as a civilization has made us inactive and unhealthy. Living more like our ancestors is a sure way to get fit, feel great and get back in touch with what makes humans, humans! Live Life Naturally!

Kaleena Lawless Personal Training Specialist

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