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A commonly found plant in the South and Central American forests stretching from Belize through Brazil to Peru, is the acai palm which requires plenty of water for proper growth. The fruit, in the form of a berry has always been a source of food for native tribes in most of the countries where the palm is found, in some cases forming more than 40% of the total intake of food (by weight). There is even a legend of a particular Brazilian tribe staving off hunger and starvation for an extended period of time by surviving on just the acai berry. The matured berry is dark purple in colour though there are lighter coloured species available and the less matured ones are green. The fruit resembles a grape and is quite small in size. There is a very large inedible seed inside - taking up over 80% of the volume of the berry, and this is covered by the thin pulpy portion (usually less than 1 mm thick) from which the different acai products are made. The outer skin is thin and reinforces the colour of the pulpy portion. The fruits mature twice a year and there are as many crops. Recently, the acai berry has received a lot of international exposure due to the marketing activities of some manufacturers who are promoting different forms of the acai berry for its health benefits. For which reason, the acai palm is now being cultivated in quite a few areas along the Amazon. Pure acai products are now available as powders, capsules, juices and in puree form. In all these cases, the plucked berries are placed in a container filled with water at a predetermined ratio and shaken. The pulp separates from the seed and forms a puree which is then used as is or further processed to get the juice, powder, or used to manufacture tablets and capsules. In the more traditional style, the pulp is ingested by mixing granola or some sweeteners / salty material, depending on personal and local tastes. There are many who like acai flavoured ice cream and some like it in their drinks. A lot of qualities and benefits are attributed to the berry which is where the question of acai berry scams comes in, since many of the claims have not been substantiated by controlled scientific experimentation. So, while tests have confirmed that orally ingested acai puree is a good contrast agent in MRI scans, it is also a stable natural colouring agent. Other tests have shown that its use may bring about a reduction in the proliferation of experimental leukaemia cells in the laboratory. However, claims of it being a super fruit with very high antioxidant levels, fibre content, flavonoids, a lot of vitamins, increasing sexual drive in men, being better than good for the skin, heart, digestion, etc. are not yet borne out by independent tests. Most studies so far on the berry suggest it is slightly better than the average lot of fruits currently consumed by the public in all the above aspects. So its not the berry that's the fraud but rather the unscrupulous diet pill hucksters that are the acai berry scams.
Find all the facts and information you seek on the acai berry scams and learn the truth about all the wonderful benefits you'll realize from consuming the acai berry on a daily basis. Being the number one super food today, it will help balance your diet giving you all the nutrition you need for a healthy existence. It has the highest level of antioxidants then any other food. Antioxidants are the life blood of our immune systems as they aid in the destruction of free radicals. Free adicals are the toxins that cause our severe health issues like aging problems and cancer. In addition to balancing your nutrition, it will also aid in a more rapid weight loss and assist in maintaining a healthy weight. But its not a weight loss product just an excellent nutritional supplement.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Jameson
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