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Acai berry is one of the best ways to get a daily supply of important nutrients that can help you stay healthy and have more energy. This berry comes from the Acai palm that is native to the Amazon, where the Brazilians have been using it for years to treat a variety of illnesses. Acai berries are highly touted for being a great natural source of antioxidants, valuable Omega 3 fats, amino acids, and fiber. Each one of these ingredients works together to boost energy, protect the immune system, and help keep healthy levels of cholesterol. Soon after the discovery of the benefits of Acai, the most common way to consume it was in pill form. As time has gone on, new ways of getting the nutrition of Acai have come along. Liquid Acai concentrate is one of these methods. Acai berries are made into a concentrate by blanching and deseeding the berries and then extracting the pulp. This pulp is then turned into a juice and the water content in the juice is reduced to create a concentrate. This concentrate can be added to smoothies or anything you choose. You can add water and drink the juice by itself. Acai concentrate can also be found in powdered form. The Acai berries are freeze dried using a method that carefully conserves all the valuable antioxidants and other nutrients of the berry. The powder can be added to juice, water, or tea or it can be mixed with yogurt or into a smoothie. You can also get Acai berry in a concentrated energy drink.
About this Author What are all the benefits of acai concentrate [http://www.the-acai-fruit.com/what-is-acaiconcentrate/]? You can find out what is acai [http://www.the-acai-fruit.com/what-is-acai/] by clicking on the highlighted links.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carter_Sinclair
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