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Standing Group announcements
You can join the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy always free of charge and at the click of a button, via the ECPR website. If you have not already done so, please register as a member so that our list is up to date and complete.
In order to join, you will need a MyECPR account, which we assume many of you will already have. If you do not have one, you can create an account in only a few minutes (and you need not be from an ECPR member institution to do so). If you are from a non-member institution, we will need to accept your application to join, so your membership status (which you can see via your MyECPR account, and on the Standing Group pages when you are logged in to MyECPR) will be ‘pending’ until you are accepted.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
The ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy endorses the Workshop 17 ‘Leadership in the European Radical Left’ at the 48 th
ECPR Joint Sessions in Toulouse, 14-17 April 2020. The Session is chaired by Luke March (University of Edinburgh) and Luis Ramiro (UNED Madrid). The full list of papers and participants can be found here.
The ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy will hold its 2 nd
Summer School on ‘Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics’ this Summer. The event will take place in Oslo, from 29 June to 3 July 2020, and is sponsored by the ECPR and the Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX).
The Summer School addresses young scholars and students focusing on the study of the far right in its populist, radical, and extremist manifestations. Its aim is to bolster and promote knowledge on the theoretical, empirical, and methodological underpinnings of contemporary far-right politics.
The Summer School introduces participants to concepts and theories explaining the conditions affecting far-right mobilisation and performance; and methods to tackle this phenomenon empirically. Despite the growing attention received by far-right political parties, social movements, and groups, we still lack a comprehensive conceptual and methodological toolkit to investigate its diverse expressions in multiple arenas. The Summer School thus addresses young scholars and students, and discusses how to apply established research techniques to the study of far-right politics, and devise and manage primary and secondary data.
For full information, please refer to the SG website.
The Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy endorses the Section ‘Populism, Radicalism and Extremism: At the Margins and into the Mainstream’ at the next ECPR General Conference in Innsbruck (26-28 August). The section is chaired by Pietro Castelli Gattinara (University of Oslo), Léonie de Jonge (University of Groningen), and Ofra Klein (European University Institute). The programme will be released by the ECPR on 1 April.