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CITT/ICTS Ontario Annual General Meeting Minutes Young Centre for the Performing Arts July 8, 2007 1:30pm Chaired By: Aimée Frost Minutes Taken By: Aimée Frost In Attendance: Cheryl Batulis, Monique Corbeil, Peter Fleming, Matt Farrell, Aimée Frost, Michael Harris, Joshua Hind, David James, Scott Martin, John Mayberry, Linda McCormick, Scott Spidell, Sharon Secord, Victor Svenningson

I. Call to Order at 1:35pm II.Adoption of Agenda Motion: Scott Spidell Seconded: Michael Harris Motion Approved III.Reading and Adoption of Minutes of last AGM, July 8, 2006 Motion: Scott Spidell Seconded: Joshua Hind Motion Approved IV.Chair’s Report – Aimée Frost Please see report attached at the end of these minutes. V.Treasurer’s Report - Matt Farrell VI.Please see report attached at the end of these minutes. VII.CITT/ICTS National Report – Monique Corbeil 1.Monique gave a report from Contact Ontario 2006, held in Sarnia in October 2006. CITT/ICTS has been asked to assist in planning a workshop called “The Show Starts at 8” for Contact Ontario 2007 which will be held at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga in October 2007. Victor Svenningson will be the moderator for the workshop/panel. 2.Monique told everyone about the upcoming CITT/ICTS conference in Vancouver in August 2007. VIII.Programming for 2007-08 1.The Ontario Section board has been asked to assist with programming for the CITT/ICTS Ottawa 2008 conference especially pre-conference workshops. The CITT Ontario board will discuss this at the next board meeting. 2.There are some people who have not been to the new Opera house and would like CITT Ontario to hold another tour.

IX. Election of the Board of Directors 1.Board Members who are in the middle of their two-year terms and are willing to continue to serve on the board are: Aimée Frost – Chair Sharon Secord – Vice Chair Heather Kent – Secretary Michael Harris – Corporate Rep Jeff Cummings – Member Victor Svenningson - Member 2.Nominations were received for the following positions: Matt Farrell – Treasurer Linda McCormick – Member (Linda moves from Student Rep to Member) All candidates were acclaimed. 3.The board is: Aimée Frost – Chair Sharon Secord – Vice Chair Matt Farrell - Treasurer Heather Kent – Secretary Michael Harris – Corporate Rep Jeff Cummings – Member Linda McCormick – Member Victor Svenningson - Member

X.Motion to Adjourn – John Mayberry Adjournment at 1:52pm

Attachments: Chair’s & Treasurer’s Reports

July 8, 2007 CITT/ICTS-Ontario Chair’s Report Annual General Meeting 2007 This has been my first year as Chair of the Ontario section. The board and I have spent a lot of effort this year in getting our administrative affairs in order including changing the mailing address for the section, updating the website, bringing the bank up to date on the new faces on the board this year, purchasing memberships for Theatre Ontario and USITT and updating our file with Corporation Ontario (which was more than 15 years out of date!) amongst many other necessary housekeeping tasks. I hope you will agree that because of these improvements, and the efforts of the new revitalized board, the Ontario Section is operating in a much-improved state over the past few months. We held several successful events this year including:  A tour of the National Ballet School’s new facilities including the Betty Oliphant Theatre followed by a visit to the pub  Our annual Corporate Showcase  Our annual Student Night Job Fair  And the Audio, Lighting, Rigging and Wardrobe workshops presented this morning. Next year we are looking forward to our annual Corporate Showcase and Student Night plus a variety of other professional development and social events. One of our goals for next year is to produce programming in areas outside of the GTA. We want to produce the best programming possible for our members. If you have any ideas of programming you would like to see, I urge you contact me or one of the other board members. Or better still why not consider serving on the board and lend a hand in delivering the programming? You can reach me on Callboard or find my contact info on the CITT website. I would like to thank Monique at the CITT/ICTS National Office for all of her support this year. Finally, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for to the board for all the volunteer hours they have put in this year. All of our events are truly a team effort and I am honoured to work with outstanding group of individuals. Respectfully submitted, Aimée Frost CITT/ICTS -Ontario Section Chair

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