CITT/ICTS Ontario Annual General Meeting Minutes Ryerson Theatre School Sunday, May 4th, 2008 1pm Chaired By: Aimée Frost Minutes Taken By: Alaina Perttula In Attendance: Monique Corbeil, Peter Fleming, Katie Fleming, Matt Farrell, Aimée Frost, Michael Harris, Joshua Hind, Heather Kent, Linda McCormick, Deb McKay, Alaina Perttula, Sharon Secord, Wulf I.Call to Order at 12:52pm II.Adoption of Agenda Motion: Michael Harris Seconded: Josh Hind Motion Approved III.Reading and Adoption of Minutes of last AGM, July 8, 2007 Motion: Michael Harris Seconded: Alaina Perttula Motion Approved IV.Chair’s Report – Aimée Frost Please see report attached at the end of these minutes. V.Treasurer’s Report - Matt Farrell Please see report attached at the end of these minutes. VI.CITT/ICTS National Report – Monique Corbeil 1.Monique gave a report about the membership. There are 562 members in total, and 197 are part of the Ontario Section making up 35% of the National membership. Renewals for membership dues are late, so the board has been asked to give friendly reminders to the membership. 2.Monique gave more information about the name change. It has been decided to keep the CITT/ICTS acronym and legal name, but change the tagline to include a broader spectrum of entertainment professionals. The tagline will be translated into French as well. The sections will be asked to help determine the shortlist of taglines. Final Presentation of the new tagline will be at the AGM in Ottawa. For more information about the name change, please reference the Sept. 2007 issue of Stageworks. 3.Monique reported that CITT/ICTS has renewed insurance which covers the individual sections as well. Information has been posted in Stageworks. The board will set guidelines on programming, in order to prevent lawsuits. This insurance is applicable to all board members. 4.Monique discussed Ontario Contact which will take place October 23rd – 26th, 2008. This year it is at the same time as LDI. Monique requested and Ontario Section member attend and represent CITT, as she will be at LDI and cannot attend. It was mentioned that CITT might share a booth with Theatre Ontario. 5.Monique congratulated the Ontario Section on initiating a Health and Wellness day, as well as being the first section to support a member to attend the annual conference. Monique passed on a thank you from the National Office. 6.Monique told everyone about the upcoming CITT/ICTS conference in Vancouver in August 2008.
VII.Programming for 2008-09 1.Michael Harris discussed the Corporate Night Social Event. The Corporate Members are not interested in the format of the event anymore. The focus has been switched from being a showcase to a more social event. The event will be held at the Academy of Spherical Arts on January 12, 2009. This event still needs a name, which will be discussed at the next Ontario Section meeting. Josh will design the program, which will focus on networking/resources as opposed to sales. There will be a scotch tasting, one ticket will be given out at the door, and finger food will be provided. Michael reported that the corporate membership is excited about this event. The format will still have tables, and suppliers are welcome to bring product to showcase if they wish and/or they could continue to showcase product at Student night. Students will not be excluded from this event. The Academy of Spherical Arts is a restaurant, so those under 19 will be welcome, however they will not receive a drink ticket. 2.Aimee reported that the Student night will be held on Mainstage at Ryerson Theatre School on Friday January 16th, 2009. 3.It was discussed that another event be organized for the membership for next year because the Conference will be farther away. VIII.Other Business 1.It was suggested that a summary of meeting minutes be posted for the Ontario Section Members, to keep them up to date. Monique will open a callboard folder that will be open to all Ontario members. IX. Election of the Board of Directors 1.All candidates were acclaimed as follows: i.AimĂŠe Frost, Sharon Secord, Jeff Cummings, Heather Kent renewed for another 2-year term. ii.Scott Kitcher was welcomed as Director-at-Large. Alaina Perttula was welcomed as Secretary. Heather Kent is moving from Secretary to Director-at-Large. 2.The board is as follows: Aimee Frost Chair Sharon Secord Vice Chair Alaina Perttula Secretary Matt Farrell Treasurer Michael Harris Corporate Rep Jeff Cummings Director-at Large Joshua Hind Director-at Large Heather Kent Director-at-Large Scott Kitcher Director-at Large Linda McCormick Director-at Large Victor SvenningsonDirector-at Large X.Motion to Adjourn
Attachments: Chair’s Report
May 4, 2008 CITT/ICTS-Ontario Chair’s Report Annual General Meeting 2008 The board is continuing our efforts to ensure the smooth operation of the section. The board has been meeting regularly every six to eight weeks; we have submitted our annual corporation return and have updated the Ontario Ministry of Finance on the current members of the board of directors for the section – this is a task that has been neglected for more than a decade; and we are striving to ensure we are communicating effectively with the membership through email notices and our website. I am pleased to report that the Board of Directors has added two new directors since the last AGM: Victor Svenningson and Josh Hind. As well, we will be welcoming another new director today: Alaina Perttula, who has volunteered to serve as Secretary. The members of the board bring a tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm to the board which bodes very well for the ongoing health of the section. We held several successful events this year including: Our annual Corporate Showcase; Our annual Student Night Job Fair; And the Wellness Day event being held today. We are looking forward to another year of great programming for the section. The CITT/ICTS Rendezvous will be held in Ottawa this year and the Ontario Section is proud to support the conference planning committee in their efforts to welcome the CITT/ICTS membership to Ontario. In response to feedback from our membership, we will be launching a new version of the annual Corporate Showcase which will focus more on the social aspect the event and we hope will be a great way for our individual, student and corporate members to network and get to know one another. We will also be hosting another Student Job Fair Night; our Annual General Meeting 2009; and other professional development and social events to be announced. We want to produce the best programming possible for our members. If you have any ideas of programming you would like to see, I urge you contact me or one of the other board members. Or better still why not consider serving on the board and lend a hand in delivering the programming? You can reach me on Callboard or find my contact info on the CITT website. I would like to thank Monique at the CITT/ICTS National Office for all of her support this year. Finally, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for to the board for all the time and effort they have put in this year. I am honoured to work with this outstanding group of individuals. Respectfully submitted, Aimée Frost Chair CITT/ICTS - Ontario Section
Treasurer’s Report CITT – ONTARIO Fiscal Year – July 1 2007 – June 30, 2008 CITT – Ontario is currently in good financial shape. The bank balance at the end of the last fiscal year was $2560.69 with no outstanding debts or liabilities. Regards, Matt Farrell Treasurer