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Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014

Θεσσαλονίκη Ευρωπαϊκή Πρωτεύουσα Nεολαίας 2014

ΝΕWS LETTER #05 οctober 2013

Newsletter #05 / October 2013

a dynamic start with the youth by our side It has been a successful kick-off for the trial run of Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014 organization’s events. Thousands of young people take part in the actions of the first period, and the city’s feedback to these events is more than positive. Simultaneously, our cooperation with many of the city’s volunteer organizations has been finalized and officially announced; these organizations will, not only during the trial period of October-December 2013, but, more importantly, from January till December of 2014, run many of the events included in the official program of EYC 2014. The most impressive fact, however, of this first period, is the impressive increase of the numbers of Thessaloniki EYC 2014 organization’s registered volunteers. 800 citizens of Thessaloniki, most of them young people, put their names down in our lists, in order to provide into our actions, interventions and events with their energy, their positive thinking, and of course, their time. Finally, we concurrently launched events for the volunteers’ training on the broader notion of citizens partaking in the affairs of the local society, so that this group will surpass the characterization of “volunteers of the Thessaloniki EYC 2014 organization”, and will form a group that will be able to intervene in the city’s affairs, for the benefit of the many. Our future plans include remarkable events, and, as our program of actions unfolds, the vibrant character of the city’s youth becomes more and more obvious.

Newsletter #05 / October 2013

Eight out of ten Thessalonicians say “yes” to EYC 2014 what research shows

Did you know that Thessaloniki is called European Youth Capital for 2014? (BASE: People 18-35 years old)

The vast majority of the city’s residents are aware that Thessaloniki is the European Youth Capital for 2014. Almost eight out of ten Thessalonicians claim that they know their city is the European Youth Capital for 2014, at a time when there are more than two months left for the official beginning of the events of this significant project that the Municipality of Thessaloniki strove for and finally undertook. The reception of the youth population of the city is very warm, a fact proven by the ardent participation of the young people in the trial events of the EYC 2014 program for October-December 2013. The image of a youthful, exuberant city is already crossing the borders of our country, as other European nominee-cities have requested from us to pass on our knowledge on communicating with youngsters. The recognition of our new institution is depicted in the results of a research that was conducted by the polling and communication company “To the Point”, regarding the issue of Thessaloniki EYC 2014. According to the results of the research, 69,1% of the people between 18 and 35 years of age that were asked the question “Do you know that Thessaloniki is pronounced the European Youth Capital for the year 2014?” answered affirmatively; 29,7% answered negatively, whereas 1,2% chose the “don’t know/don’t care” option. Among the men that participated in the research, 71% answered affirmatively to the afore-mentioned question, whereas, the corresponding percentage in women was 68%. Among the University/Technical University graduates, 71,3% answered that they are aware that Thessaloniki is declared to be the European Youth Capital for 2014. Amongst the residents of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the percentage that answered affirmatively to the same question rises up to 76,6%, and in the rest of the city’s Municipalities it climbs up to 61,4%. As regards the active involvement of the citizens in the great project that is prepared by the Municipality of Thessaloniki for 2014, research findings reveal that there is still a long way to go, even though the events seem to really get to the young people. Therefore, amongst the people that were asked, 11,7% answered that they have taken part in our actions/events, 7,9% answered that they already are volunteering for the organization and 1,7% that they have made a few proposals for new actions/events. Finally, 76,7% of the people asked only answered “I am only aware that Thessaloniki is the European Youth Capital for 2014”. The research was conducted in September 2013, on a sample of 800 people (men and women over 18years old – 20% is of 18-34 years of age), at the City Planning Center of Thessaloniki, by simple random selection from the OTE phonebook. For more information on the program of EYC 2014, check

Newsletter #05 / October 2013

ΤΗΕSSALONISTAS Thess-playgrounds?

The group of volunteers “Thessalonistas” gave a breath of fresh air to a forgotten playground in the centre of the city, at the beginning of October, with the support of Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014. As their name in Greek proclaims, “Thessalonistas” go around town and… paint it red! Dozens of young and older volunteers wore their gloves, took their hoes and paintbrushes and they transformed the -up until now hidden by the Metro construction sites- playground at the junction of Platonos street and Agias Sofias street, above Egnatia street. In this transformation of a dull urban landscape to a creative colorful tapestry also helped the employees of Praktiker, who contributed with their know-how, as well as with the material they brought along. With this action that had “seek-and-find” as a motto, Thessalonistas not only managed to rediscover the forgotten playground, but also to render it to the little downtown residents, who rightfully “own” it!

Relay race(oflife) Action Against Cancer

It was definitely a touching moment on Sunday, 13th October, when the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki (member of ECF & responsible for operation of National Eurovelo Coordination center for Greece) held a relay race in Thessaloniki in collaboration with 26 organizations and groups of the city. The event was supported by the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the European Youth Capital 2014. Media sponsor was TV100-FM100. The baton that had the message “Move against Cancer” on it was in the hands of hundreds of participants, whereas, in the finish line specifically, the baton was held by participants with disabilities and representatives of socially vulnerable groups, as a strong symbol against all sorts of discriminations and inequalities. At the beginning and ending point of the race, which was the White Tower, there were booths, to inform the public about the European Code against Cancer, with emphasis on carcinogenic substances included in our everyday life, and on the benefits of everyday work-out. The relay race was organized as part of the European Week MOVE. The European Campaign NowWeMove 2012-2020, with more than 1.000 events planned in 32 countries for 2013 only, aims to 100 millions of Europeans being activated in sports and work-out until 2020.

Newsletter #05 / Οctober 2013

let’s do it

We start off from Thessaloniki, to clean up all of Greece Thessaloniki, as the European Youth Capital 2014 is on the spotlight of the actions by Let’s do it Greece, the movement that aspires to the global awareness of protecting the environment and the promotion of the idea of Volunteering. The volunteers of Let’s do it Greece come on the 10th and the 11th of November to Thessaloniki to inform, to present their actions for 2014 and, of course…to clean up! Volunteers of Let’s do it, of Thessaloniki EYC 2014 and anyone else interested will clean a public school up in the morning of Sunday, 10th November, and then we will gather up at the White Tower for a symbolic photo shoot. On Monday, 11th November, both the Let’s do it team and the Thessaloniki EYC team will arrange a joined press conference, to which their course of action for the year 2014. For more information visit:

Rugby Show Foretaste of the European Championship on May

A rehearsal of the European Rugby Championship that will be hosted in Thessaloniki in May 2014 will be set on the 25th October 2013, at Aristotelous Square. The Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Thessaloniki EYC 2014 Organization, in cooperation with the Hellenic Federation of Rugby realize the greatest event to present the new Olympic sport to Greece. Aristotelous square will be turned into a rugby field with grass, in order to host the game. The Greek National Rugby Team and all the sport clubs of Thessaloniki will participate in the event. World-renown athletes will also join in, so as to promote the sport to the people of the city that will host the European Championship 2014, to which 10 European countries (Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Monaco, Hungary, Croatia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Luxemburg) will partake with their national teams. For more information visit:

Newsletter #05 / Οctober 2013

2nd thessaloniki Sxedia Night Run stin Poli Street party for thousands of citizens

social circus for the young

More than 12 thousand people participated in the 2nd Thessaloniki Night Run (a 21-kilometre-long route), and in the 5000-meter Street Race, that was held on Saturday 19th October 2013 by “MEAS TRITON”, in cooperation with the Municipality of Thessaloniki, under the auspices of SEGAS and supported by Thessaloniki’s EAS SEGAS. The participation in this event, which is one of the events supported by the organization Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014, was higher than our expectations, as it surpassed the respective number of participants of last year, which was up to 3.500 people. Many Olympic medalists and well-known athletes from Greece and 39 other countries participated in the Run. Dimosthenis Tampakos, Voula Patoulidou, Anastasia Kelesidou, Pigi Devetzi and Athanasia Tsoumeleka are only a few of them, who honored the 2nd Thessaloniki Night Run with their participation. Early Saturday evening, and the mood at the center of the city was celebratory; and it was truly a celebration. Thousands of young and older people attended this big festivity, which will surely put the city of Thessaloniki high in the rank of success of such events. In the 5000-meter Street Race were representatives of PASPA*, namely, 21 participants, whereas many other social constitutions formed their own teams, such as the Association of Down Syndrome*, the SOS Children’s Villages, the Non-profit Foundation “Desmos”, the Parents’ with Children Suffering from Malignant Diseases Association of Northern Greece, “Lampsi”, and the “A21 Campaign”.

November in Thessaloniki starts with juggling, gymnastics and clowning, thanks to the events planned by “Sxedia stin poli” (the name means «raft in the city»), a volunteer, non-governmental group of restless tutors, animateurs and artists, and supported by the organization Thessaloniki EYC 2014. On Friday 1st and on Saturday 2nd November, two neighborhoods in our city, Terpsitheas square and the pedestrian area on Iktinou street will become alive with performances and circus workshops for the young and the old! Our goal is to advocate the importance of artistic expression in the city streets and neighborhoods, where artists “tear apart” the residents’ routine and offer creative stimuli to the children and the young people of the city, by making them a part of their work. In the social circus workshops, young and older people can experiment, with the help of expert trainers, in juggling, stilt walking and facial make-up. Friday 1st November 2013, 17:00-20:00, Terpsitheas Square Saturday 2nd November 2013, 11:00-14:00, Iktinou pedestrian area

Photography: Nik Aleuromitis

For more information visit:

Newsletter #05 / Οctober 2013

A port with a significant past, present and future On Thermaϊkos Gulf

The port of Thessaloniki is located at Thermaikos Gulf, an important crossroads for the international trade between South East Europe , the Mediterranean and the Middle East, according to historians. During the Roman Tetrarchy period (3rd-4th century A.D.), the city developed vivid commercial activity with two ports at both ends of the sea wall: the port for the maritime commerce to the west (SW of the Church of St. Minas) and the royal port to the east (on the contemporary D. Gounari str.). The increasing strategic and economic importance of the commercial port under Emperor Constantine (4th century A.D.) lasted throughout the Byzantine and Ottoman period. New markets were created on the site of the Byzantine harbor (oil market/ ¨Ladadika¨) during the 18th century. The construction of the new port in the late 19th century was crucial for the modernization of the city, concurrent to other major public works of that time (new water supply, gas, tramways and railways networks). In 1888 a French company (contractor E. Bartissol) undertook the work of the new port infrastructure, which included the expansion of the old quay, a new pier, railway line, grain silo and new warehouses. The work (1897 – 1904) had the Port of Marseilles as a role model and introduced structural, technological and urban planning innovations. The Customs House, located in a central position on the First Pier, was built in 1909-1912 according to plans of the engineer Eli Modiano, is a unique monument of Thessaloniki both for its size and its innovative construction being the first construction in the city with a frame of reinforced concrete.

After the liberation of Thessaloniki (1912), the Greek government created the Free Zone and implemented a plan for the expansion and development of the port. This was put to practice initially (1930) by the Public Fund for the Port and then (1970) by the Thessaloniki Port Authority (Th.P.A.), who undertook the general management of the Port. The Th.P.A. manages currently a controlled area covering 1,250,000sq.m., 6 piers with a total quay length of 6500m. The expansion project on the 6th pier links the port to the main road of the city’s west entrance and the railway network, and the expansion of the Container Terminal currently falls between the major urban infrastructure projects with international appeal. The old buildings and warehouses on the first pier were restored in 1997 for the needs of the Cultural Capital of Europe, and they have been reopened as museums (Museum of Photography, Film Museum, State Museum of Contemporary Art) as well as conference, exhibitions and cinema Halls, housing the events of Thessaloniki International Film Festival. Remarkable buildings worth visiting are: the Customs House (a part of the ground floor of which houses the passenger Terminal for maritime transport), the Free Zone Building (the ground floor of the original building of 1905, housing currently administration offices of the Port), the Privileged General Warehouses Limited Company Building, built in 1927 (one of the largest buildings in the Port), the complex of the old stables (listed as a monument by the Ministry of Culture), the Administration Headquarters of Th.P.A., and the building of the old refrigerators. The existing mechanical equipment documents the technological changes in maritime transport in the 20th century.

The presentation of the monuments of Thessaloniki is done with the collaboration of the Hellenic Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage, Thessaloniki Section, Comittee of Architectural Heritage.

Newsletter #05 / Οctober 2013

Alexandros Plomaritis is a well known greek performer Right: Photo by Raphael Brouard Left: Alexandros Plomaritis and Manuel Vason Collaboration 1.Thessaloniki 2009

Alexandros Plomaritis Performance that aims right to your heart In an era that the migration of the Greek youth is massive, Alexandros Plomaritis went counterclockwise; he left the hustling and bustling art scene of London and a career he had started to build up there, as a performer, in order to return to Thessaloniki. “I came back, because I thought that Thessaloniki was ready to see something new. I believe that the Greek audience is in the best possible mood to embrace a new form of art, like performance, which is closer to my generation’s mentality. Performance happens right in front of your eyes, aims right to your heart, and leaves you thinking and contemplating on where do you stand, as regards art”, says the artist. Alexandros Plomaritis studied Theatre and English Literature at London Metropolitan University, Drama at Queen Mary University, and continued with a MA in performance and facilities at Brunel University. He worked at the art and performance organization Artsadmin in London, where he had the chance to work with some world-renown artists. When he came back to Greece, in 2008, he organized the 1st Performance Arts Festival in Block 33. In his performances he poses issues of identity, history and the political limelight, drawing upon his own experience. “I don’t believe so much in the concept of ‘identity’, I consider it an everchanging thing, but there are motives, symbols that you carry along all your life. The question is in what way do people change, and whether their identity is altered, or lost altogether”, he explains. At the Biennale of Young Artists, he chose to present an autobiographical piece of his work, connecting his birth date (18/10/81) to the win of Andreas Papandreou at the national elections of

that year. “I come from a middle class family that believed in the change Papandreou had promised he’ll bring, and I realized that, the once ‘green’ child gradually became a ‘sick’ child as it grew old. I wonder how did my generation end up ‘pale and sick’, and that is something reflected in my work. I believe in my generation, I see people being activated, craving for change even on a personal level, craving to break down the walls of racism and taboos”. He’s satisfied with the art life of Thessaloniki. “There are many projects going on in the city, such as the ‘Dimitria’, the Biennale of Contemporary Art, and many young artists’ work is remarkable. I may not have artistic stimuli-in comparison to London, but I find food for thought in the people’s everyday stories, and that ‘fuels’ my will to act. Most artists are influenced by other artists’ work, and so do I with the people I consider ‘my teachers’, but I’m mostly influenced by simple people, from a drunken conversation, for example, that takes place very late at night, at the bar where I work” He is a supporter of the “guerilla” (sudden, unplanned) performance. “While I was living in Rome, working at a refugee shelter, I decided to do a performance like that at the Parliament and at the Trastevere University. I also did something similar here, in June, when the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (or ERT, which is the Greek acronym) was shut down. With two enormous chains wrapped around my arms, I dragged two piles of local newspapers, from the Port till the White Tower. A performer’s ambition is to evolve, and not be afraid to expose himself even to unfriendly circumstances. I’m only interested in leaving an impression that you will carry back home and that may pop up in your sleep even five years later”.

The profiles of young artists are presented in collaboration with the cultural sector of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.

Newsletter #05 / Οctober 2013

Saints’ Cyril & Methodius Year

youth can make a difference

Saints Cyril and Methodius, two Thessalonicians that are still appraised as a “field of interaction” between the Eastern and the Western European civilization, between Thessaloniki and the Slavic people, even after 1150 years from the time of their mission to the Great Moravia. The events held by the central Municipality this period in Thessaloniki, prove that the birth place of the two brothers-apostles is up to now a reference point for the Slavic people, and an ever-shining “beacon” that sends the message of humanism and of the collaboration among people to the world. The Municipality of Thessaloniki has declared 2013 a year dedicated to the saints Cyril and Methodius and commemorates their timeless offer to the world and their cultural work, with a series of events that vouch for the common cultural attributes between Greece and the Slavic countries and bide the histories of the Balkan people together. The peak of these events will be in November and December 2013, with the arrangement of an international congress on the two saints’ work (29-30/11), where 75 acknowledged professors of Slavic studies from numerous universities around the world will participate. At the same time there is a large exhibition at the Byzantine Museum of Thessaloniki, that pays tribute to the two Saints’ work.

Cultural activities and political discussions related to the motto, “Ideas for a better Europe,” will be held inside and outside of the EP between the 9th and 11th May, shortly before the European elections. It’s the European Youth Event (EYE), organized by the European Parliament (EP). For three days in May 2014, 5,000 Europeans between the ages of 16 and 30 will have the chance to discuss about the present and the future of Europe and offer their ideas to various members of the EP. The European Youth Forum is one of the event’s main partners, bringing its annual political festival YO!Fest to Strasbourg. Johanna Nyman, who represents the Forum, attended the press conference launching the EYE. In a press video released by EuroparlTV, Nyman underlined that the dismal number of young European voters in the past is unacceptable. The Forum has launched a project called the League of Young Voters (LYV), which Nyman said is “aimed at informing and empowering young people to vote in the next European Parliament elections.” Participants must come from one of the 28 EU member states, candidate or potentially from neighbouring countries. In a letter addressed to future participants on the EP’s website, Parliament President Martin Schulz has promised that he and the MEPs “will listen to your ideas and take them on board into the next European Parliament legislature.”

The Municipality of Thessaloniki honors their work


Newsletter #05 / Οctober 2013

Six Nominee Cities for the EYC 2016 Announcement of the Title in Thessaloniki

The name of the city that will be awarded the title of the “European Youth Capital 2016” will be announced in Thessaloniki, on 21st November, during the European Youth Forum’s works. Six cities run for this title; Badajoz, in the autonomous community of Extremadura, Spain, close to the borders with Portugal. What do they suggest? Pioneer programs, such as “Vive la Noche en Badajoz”, policies in favor of citizens’ participation in European Actions, and, of course, many youth programs. Galway, on the Western coast of Ireland, with the motto «Every Voice Matters». Quoting the organizers: “We aim to gather organizations on an international, a European, a national and a local level, in order to work together and celebrate the youth culture, and, at the same time, dealing with serious matters that young people concern themselves with, such as unemployment and social exclusion”. Ganja,the second largest city of Azerbaijan, who is nominated with the slogan “Connect”. Ganja 2016 wants to reveal the power of active young people and to benefit from the European youth policies and the connection with these strategies that the title bears, and, at the same time, to keep an eye on the connection of the city to its broader area, and to the rest of Europe. San Cristobal de la Laguna, in Canary Islands, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, one of the furthest regions of the EU, with “Let Youth Talent Grow” being the motto of this candidature. Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, with a youth population that takes up to 45% of the city’s residents. “The Active Citizen” is considered a basic notion of the 2016 candidate-city’s program, and most of the respective organization’s actions are planned according to this theme. Varna, a major tourist resort of Bulgaria, located at the seashore of the Black Sea. The city is considered to be the “youth capital” of the neighboring country, and it is well-known for the positive attitude of the authorities towards solving the problems of young people. Taking that ideological framework to a European level, the Municipality of Varna invests its power and money on constantly putting these youth-friendly policies into practice.

Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014 Îœaria Callas 23 GR-54655, Thessaloniki T: +30 2313 318235

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