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3.2. Management Techniques

3.2.1. Product Strategy

Appears linear and rational, but it is in fact complex, iterative & emergent.


The strategic planning for a firm should always look to roadmaps and scenario planning hich identify and take into account the internal and external factors. The importance of product roadmaps is widely understood. "About twice as many best performers (35%) use product roadmaps than do worst performers (19%)" (Cooper & Edgett, 2009 (20)). Furthermore, in terms of evaluating, selecting and implementing strategies, a generic models, such as the one shown in Figure 7, can be used to help guide the process - alternatives also include stage-gate approaches. Internally, management techniques used to implement the strategy should be bottom-up and not top-down (12). This because management of a strategy ultimately depends on the day-to-day operations. This also helps increase the firm's dynamic capability, which is an important asset as discussed in Section 3.1.1. Furthermore, to minimise conflicting objectives, cross-functional teams must be sought for (2)

3.2.2. Product Design Process

By benefits delivered

By user/consumer

By product attributes By usage Market definition

Figure 8 - Identifying A Market

Edited from: IIB Manufacturing Elective, Lecture 2, 2009, University of Cambridge

Understanding and identifying market and customer needs are an important challenge to be managed during the product design process stage. Several methods can be used to identify a customers' overt and covert needs. The former can make use of surveys, interviews, focus groups, panel studies and many more. All of these techniques have varying degrees of effectiveness, and some results are more qualitative than others (21) Generally, methods which indirectly assess what the customers' needs are better than those that assess needs directly because customers do not always know what they want. Investigations of THE covert needs tend to use more elaborate techniques such as hypnosis, observational studies and personas An example of one of these practices in use comes from MTV. In 2000, Tom Freston, CEO MTV Networks stated in Wall Street Journal that, "We do hundreds of different types of research... We actually in some cases put people under hypnosis..." On the other hand, in order to help clearly define the market, frameworks such as the one shown in Figure 8 can be used. Segmentation of the market can then chose any of the parameters suggested to devise perception maps, in order to gain further insight into the market (22). All the processes above also help define the product. This is desirable because a poorly defined product is unlikely to be successful (2).

3.2.3. Product Development Process


Figure 9 - Technology S-curve

from: 4E4 Management of Technology, Session 1, 2011, University of Cambridge

The firm's view to technology management: "The process is complex, but not mysterious; it can be planned, implemented, and exploited" (6 p. 35). The identifying the issues (as done in Figure 5) can be used as a framework itself. Currently a range of frameworks now exist, that can adequately manage this process. Moreover, these frameworks tend to be tailored to a particular theme the company is trying to achieve e.g. a technology management framework with strong emphasis on dynamic capability (23) On the macro-scale, technology can be modelled by the using "technology s-curves" as shown in Figure 9. These can be used to identify technology discontinuities, as well as zones of turbulence and stabilisation This will help the firm predict likely changes and adjust to them. This is particularly important, because as mentioned in Section 3.1.3, failure recognise these changes effectively can be detrimental to the company.

3.2.4. Product Launch

Although strong IP may be difficult to obtain, depending on the industry; it is not an impossible task. There are specialist companies that can be consulted when help with this need. However, as mentioned in Section 3.1.4, a complete meta product is needed to capture value in the long run. A good example of a company that fell victim to this is Eli Lilly. The company made $5 million per day in profit from 4 patents. These patents expired in 2001, and they lost their IP protection in 2003. From then, $36.8 billion in equity was wiped out as the selling price for a 20mg capsule dropped from $2.50 to 25c (24). So, in summary, it is important to have a good meta product. The trouble is, there is no easy way for obtaining one; however, the details given in the Figure 6 can be used as a guideline to help manage the process. With regards to product mix and brand strength, open innovation is particularly strong here. This is because it can use techniques such as co-branding to protect their main brand, just in case the new product does not fit well with their current product mix (19). In addition to this, to help determine the positioning of the product, the perception maps mentioned in Section 3.2.2 can be used. Finally, to determine the rate of diffusion of a product into the market, Rogers' 5 factors (complexity, compatibility, relative advantage, observability and triability) can also be used.

4. Open and Closed Innovation

Whether open innovation is "old wine in new bottles" is a topic of recent public interest, but not the focus of this report. Instead, the historical background between open and closed innovation will be bypassed, and the two modes will be discussed for their similarities and differences. Their key attributes shown in Figures 10 and 11. At this stage, it is worth noting that there are more differences than similarities because, although they look to do the same thing as mentioned in Section 1; they do this two completely different ways. A hint is even in the names. For the sake of brevity, in this section, open innovation shall be referred to as OI and closed innovation as CI.

Both the figures above are adapted from: Pentathlon Framework, Goffin + Mitchell 2005 and 4E4 Management of Technology - L6 - Open Innovation

4.1. Innovation Strategy

The innovation strategy for OI and CI can be classified into four broad ideas. First, CI strategy upholds the opinion that, to be successful, all the clever people must work for them; however OI is quite happy to work with them. Secondly, CI takes the view that they must profit from research they discover, while OI is happy to profit research others conduct. Thirdly, CI essentially believes that getting to market first wins, whereas OI believes building a better business model is more important. Finally, CI looks to generate ideas internally in order to win, however OI believe that they can still win by sourcing ideas internally and externally (25).

4.2. Research (Ideas)

Under CI, ideas come from in-house research. Fundamentally the research looks to explore new frontiers, which are accompanied by flashes of genius that lead to ingenious discoveries. These ingenious ideas can then be exploited to reap financial rewards. The problem: Flashes of genius cannot be predicted or scheduled in advance. This is in contrast to OI, that still works largely on the flashes of genius principle, except that the pool of ideas in the so-called "landscape of knowledge", is much greater (26). In particular, innovation explorers in OI replace the function of CI's research labs; with their sole being to scout the landscape for bright ideas (25). In addition to this, the research environment in CI generally abides by a "sky blue" concept - not governed by much, except keeping to the budget (26). This is different to OI where, characters such as innovation merchant, always look to explore with commercialisation in mind. Having said that, the previously mentioned innovation explorers, hold a similar mindset to CI's research labs, in that they explore for the sake of exploration -- commercialisation is an afterthought (25). Further to this, CI is less adaptable than OI, in terms of research breath due to the employment structure. This is because CI employs researchers who are experts in a narrow field to conduct the work. Although good, problems arise if the paradigm changes In such a case, the company would then be tasked with retraining their workforce which is undesirable. Having said that, the constant inflow of new researchers and outflow of the mature ones offer some flexibility for changing the research direction (26). In contrast, OI generally does not really have this problem, since they do not normally have initial direct contact with the sources generating the research.

4.3. Development (Selection)

OI and CI are similar in that they both look to take research an input to development. The key difference is the approaches used when taking in this research. In the past, there has existed conflict between the Research and Development entities in CI, as a result of conflicting objectives; ultimately due to budgetary disconnect. The solution in the early 20th century was to create a buffer between the two departments - a shelf. This solution meant that when Research was done with an idea, they put it on a shelf. Development then picked up the ideas they wanted from this shelf. This works, and the principle is still in practice in CI today, particularly in industries heavily protected by intellectual property. The downside to this approach is that sometimes good ideas are on the shelf for a long time, making them susceptible to external use; if IP cannot shield them from the outside world. In such a case, this shelf then forms part of the pool of ideas accessible to OI practice, making OI even more advantageous (26). This is because, not only does OI have more ideas to choose from in the first place, they can also choose from the same ideas as CI, even if they get second pick. Another comparison and contrast in the approaches taken arises when considering the riskiness of an idea. The similarity is that both look to discard the bad ideas, but commercialise the good. The difference is that OI looks to rescue the "false positives" - ideas that initially look bad but actually turn out to be valuable. CI generally discards these (25). The classic example is Xerox. Here, researchers developed Ethernet and GUI, however, they did not see its potential (false positive) and therefore they did not commercialise it. On the other hand, Apple and Windows did see its potential, and took it all the way to market, reaping plenty of rewards along the way (26). Having said that, sometimes the technologies identified do not have immediate potential. Instead, they may require other external factors to unlock their potential. This opportunity is often missed out by CI, but can be taken full advantage of by OI (25). Furthermore, the integration of research inputs can be rather difficult and complicated for CI's development team to cope with. Under OI, this problem is less apparent when innovation architects are used. These specialise only in the integration of complex systems (not the full details of the technologies themselves). Boeing company is a good example of this (26). And although innovation architecture does have its faults, namely by how they capture profits from the value they create; the complexity of some systems they implement simply would not be possible under CI.

4.4. Commercialisation (Implementation)

Going back to the Xerox example, even if the company had realised the potential of the technology, it would have been outside its business model. In such cases, CI is still fearful of commercialisation due to issues of brand cannibalisation or dilution (19). However, under OI, these issues can be bypassed by exploiting the technology in other ways - namely licensing, partnerships and alliances; although this gives rise to greater ownership and IP problems compared to CI (1). Hence, in contrast to CI, OI offers more routes for commercialisation therefore possibly more profits to be generated. In an similar vein, the routes for the late stage funding needed to commercialise an idea, are greater under OI. Sources include; business angels, venture capitalists, private equity investors and small business investment companies (25). Again, this probably increases the profits generated for a company. Having said that, both OI and CI, have dedicated teams whose key attribute is to look at market profitability. Here the teams look at the ideas that, if commercialised, would sell well in the market. The only difference being that OI has a wider range of ideas to pull from. In addition to this, both OI and CI can work under the one-stop innovation center paradigm. These look to take the best ideas, and deliver these to the customer at competitive prices. The bonds they make with their customers sustains their particular advantage. This is because they can constantly tailor their offerings to best suit the needs of the customer. Good examples include, Yahoo! for consumer markets and IBM for business markets (25).

4.5. People and Organisation

The cultures underlying OI and CI are very different, and the opposing names really take effect here sometimes OI even means doing things that are in direct contradiction of allowable behaviour CI e.g. sharing ideas externally (17). In particular, OI culture for implementation requires stronger interdepartmental integration to work compared to CI (although this behaviour is still desirable in CI). The "over-the-wall" communication approach often found in CI would simply not work under OI (2). So, inherently, if OI is implemented correctly, good interdepartmental integration is attained, leading to better strategies, which can gain a competitive advantage as discussed in Section 3.1.1.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the fundamental challenges associated with implementing innovation - particularly product innovation - have been identified and management techniques which can be used to help manage the process have also been discussed. It was recognised that successful NPI demands good integration of the product design and development processes with the company's strategy. Finally the differences between open and closed innovation were investigated. Results showed that there are more differences than similarities between the two modes of innovation even though they both look to do the same key thing: take ideas to market.


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