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End Time Current Events-Mega Issue: 11-30-11 Bill Allows Military to Arrest, Permanently Detain, Torture, Kill American Citizens RT| Dangerous implications of the National Defense Authorization Act, eliminating protections for American citizens. Senate Rejects Amendment to ‗Indefinite Detention‘ Bill Section 1031 would strip Americans of all constitutional rights if they are declared ‘terrorists’. Here's a link to a copy of the two offending sections, 1031 and 1032, which must be removed by amendment. In 1031 the Federal State gains the power of indefinite imprisonment without trial. In 1032, American citizens and lawful resident aliens must be given civilian jails for their potentially permanent stays, and cannot be shipped off for a show trial by a convenient foreign power. The sponsors of this bill, Senators Levin and McCain, are forgetting their Article I role as a protection against an overreaching and potentially tyrannical Executive Branch, and are instead rapidly inventing powers for that branch. They're trading Liberty for Security because we've become so scared of the boogeyman. We should stop being so cowering and fearful. We should tell Congress, loud and clear, "I Am Not Afraid."
The skull of Catholic ―Santa‖ has a boken nose by ivarfjeldCatholics sell a disgusting liquid they claim comes from his bones. in 343 A.D. Because when his skull and bony remains was removed from a tomb in 1950, the Catholics claimed liquid cam December 6th. The liquid is called “manna”, and is sold on bottles as miraculous water.
When the World Council of Churches wanted to have interfaith prayer with Catholic priests in May 2003, the representatives of the V
Joe Paterno & Louis Freeh Linked to Opus Dei Joe Paterno and Louis Freeh are linked to the Knights of Columbus, part of the Jesuit Opus Dei complex, and the object of many child sex abuse complaints. Louis Freeh's appointment to investigate Penn State points to a coverup. …Joe Paterno "is not merely Catholic but a member of the Knights of Columbus. He's a member of an organization that many survivors of clerical sexual abuse have considered not their ally but their enemy in their fight to hold Catholic pastoral officials accountable for their behavior in the abuse crisis. (And Jerry Sandusky, whom Paterno protected, has received a coach of the year award from the Knights of Columbus and has been a speaker at Knights of Columbus events.
Ex Penn State Pedophile Coach Jerry Sandusky May Have Sold Young Boys to Rich
Donors The Intel Hub November 10, 2011--Disgraced pedophile and former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky may have actually pimped out young boys to rich donors of his foundation Second Mile. These revelations were first reported to a large audience by radio host and journalist Mark Madden who himself broke the whole Jerry Sandusky pedophile story accurately in April 2011. The Franklin Scandal, widely exposed in an outstanding book by author Nick Bryant, involved a nationwide pedophile ring that reached the highest levels of the American and European governments. The FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring‘s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks.The legislators‘ efforts resulted in rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering corruption of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.
Products and Companies that use Aborted Fetuses Contact Congress: Support Investigation of Planned Parenthood Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL), Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce‘s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, recently launched an investigation into Planned Parenthood. How has Planned Parenthood and their allies in Washington responded? They are viciously attacking Rep. Stearns and calling the investigation ―harassment‖ and a ―witch hunt.‖ But our pro-life allies on Capitol Hill are fighting back. Reps. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) and Randy Hultgren (R-IL) are circulating a letter to members of Congress to sign showing their support for Rep. Stearns and his investigation of Planned Parenthood. Take Action: Urge your Representative to sign the letter of support to Rep. Cliff Stearns for his courageous investigation of Planned Parenthood. Iran Begs Israel to Attack and Be Buried - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News Occupy Miami Founder Tells Jews: ―Go Back To The Oven!‖
The shocking video Muslims don't want you to see!! – YouTube Happy Halal ThanksgivingByPamela Geller--Did you know that the turkey you're going to enjoy on Thanksgiving Day this Thursday is probably halal? If it's a Butterball turkey, then it certainly is -whether you like it or not. In my book Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, I report at length on the meat industry's halal scandal: its established practice of not separating halal meat from non-halal meat, and not labeling halal meat as such. And back in October 2010, I reported more little-noted but explosive new revelations: that much of the meat in Europe and the United States is being processed as halal without the knowledge of the non-Muslim consumers who buy it. United Nations Owns Most USA National Parks and Park Lands: Did You Know?
Judges Now Grabbing Kids in Divorce Cases Alex Jones' Infowars
Outrage: Government Forces Private Citizens to Pour Bleach on Home-Grown Organic Food *Video* Travel Freedom Act--This legislative package is a state-level response to constitutional violations by the TSA. Activists, we encourage you to send this to your state senators and representatives – and ask them to introduce this legislation in your state.
1. Travel Freedom Act: TSA Patdowns without Probable Cause ―An Act relating to the offensive touching of persons seeking access to public buildings and transportation; providing penalties.‖ 2. Travel Freedom Act: Whole-Body Scanners ―It shall be unlawful for any person or governmental entity within the state to use a wholebody imaging device at any public facility or government building for the purpose of screening persons except in accordance with the provisions of this section.‖ 3. Travel Freedom Resolution A non-binding resolution reaffirming the rights of the people and the power of the state. If your state politicians don‘t feel they have strong enough support – or are waffling – for introducing the binding Act(s) above, we strongly suggest that you urge them to introduce this resolution. While non-binding, it will bring the issue more into the public sphere, and politicians can rest easy that passage of it won‘t result in any federal backlash. Passage will likely build grassroots support and a stronger on-the-ground network for passage of the ACT(s) in future sessions. Fake Silver and Gold Flood Global Markets; 100,000 Coins From A Single Counterfeiter!
Polygamy and the Bible:
YouTube - The Seventh Day Abomination (The SDA Mystery Babylon Connection) Part 1 of 8 Know What You Worship and Call "Patriotism"!--Symbols, Emblems, Statues, Vows, Owls, Oak Leaf, USA Flag, Pentagon, Torch/Flame, Eagle/Two-headed Eagle and more A listener writes:Great tool for camping or as part of a disaster kit. It's called the Kelly Kettle. I own one and use it to boil water when camping and cook with it at the same time. It is very affordable too. Check it out. JOEL OSTEEN CELEBRATES Satan’s WORK IN OPRAH WINFREY’S LIFE(Friday Church News Notes, November 25, 2011,, 866-295-4143) – When Oprah Winfrey and her television producer visited Lakewood Church in Houston on November 6, Pastor Joel Osteen enthused, ―Awesome to have you. We‘re so honored to have you both here, and we just celebrate and pray for you guys with what God is doing in your lives‖ (―Joel Osteen Welcomes Oprah,‖ Christian Post, Nov. 7, 2011). Nothing could better illustrate Osteen‘s apostasy and spiritual blindness. He is one of the heaps of teachers described in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 who are scratching people‘s ears with a new type of Christianity and celebrating their desire to live according to their own lusts while still thinking of themselves as Christians. Oprah‘s 2005 book Live Your Best Life described her philosophy that everything is one and man is divine and man can create his own reality. Her gospel is that man is not a sinner, God is not a judge, all is well with the universe, and I just need to surrender to the flow. In a nutshell, Oprah‘s gospel is the gospel of ME. She says, ―God wants you to love yourself. It starts with you.‖ In 1998, Oprah featured one of her many panels on the New Age, this one composed of Betty Eadie, Sophy Burnham, and Dannion Brinkley. Oprah said: ―... one of the biggest mistakes humans make is to believe that there is only one way. Actually, there are many diverse paths leading to what you call God.‖ When an audience member disagreed, testifying that she believed that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, Winfrey got upset and said that she didn‘t think that someone would go to hell because they don‘t believe in Jesus. She stated emphatically, ―THERE COULDN‘T POSSIBLY BE ONLY ONE WAY.‖ On the same program Oprah said: ―I was raised a Baptist and we were too hung up on traditional ways. I was sitting in church and heard that God is a jealous God. I asked
‗Why? Come on--let‘s get over it!‘ ... I believe in the FORCE--I call it God‖ (―The Gospel according to Oprah,‖ Vantage Point, July 1998). Oprah worships the god that most American Christians worship, which is the non-judgmental god of The Shack. From:J H Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 5:04 PM Subject: Great study on sacred name issues! xkvKM&feature=recentfIt's a 4 part series by Chris White which much slam dunks the sacred name teachers-if you know anyone fooled by this stuff pass it on to them. John Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell… Ecc 8:13 But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong [his] days, [which are] as a shadow; because he feareth not before God. Marilyn Manson - Blasphemy CD Package--Extremely limited box set (1,500 worldwide) featuring both parts of the European CD single for 'I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)', the rare two CD version of the group's 1998 album 'Mechanical Animals' (with the bonus disc onit containing the CD videos for 'Dope Show' (Banned Version), 'Sweet Dreams' & 'Beautiful People'), a paperback copy of the Holy Bible (King James version), a 'Marilyn Manson Blasphemy' black & white cover for the enclosed copy of the Bible, an exclusive 'Marilyn Manson Blasphemy' bookmark, a black & white pin badge with a crucifix on it, an individually numbered authenticity certificate and an XL-sized, short sleeve, black, 100% cotton t-shirt with 'The Only Good Christian Is A Dead Christian' silkscreened in white on the front & 'Blasphemy' silkscreened in white on the back. All of this comes packaged in a colorful 2 inch x 8.5 inch x 11 inch cardboard with an inverted crucifix and lettering (like those found in the board game 'Scrabble') that spells out 'Marilyn Manson Blasphemy'. 1999 release. Whom GAGA swears on, its not Jesus Christ
From:Jamaal W Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 11:35 AM Subject: Just some info you may find helpful Check out some posts I made on a forum regarding the demonic powers behind the people The Music Industry Actors and actresses Nazis and the occult Amway Exposed Wretched: Charismatics Criticizing Charismatics – YouTube Watch: Wretched: Simply Wicked. The Sin of Silence
From:Lura H Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Praying according to God's Holy Word 1. That we pursue lost people as Jesus did. (Luke 19:10) 2. That we evangelize our circles of influence. (Acts 1:18) 3. That we worship God in Spirit and Truth. (John 4:22-24) 4. That we love God with all our hearts, minds, souls, strength. (Deut 6:5/Lk 10:27) 5. That we all become more like Jesus (I Peter 2:21) 6. That we all be radical followers of Jesus (Luke 9:23-26, 57-62) 7. That we grow strong in faith believing God for great things. (Romans 4:20-21) 8. That we be teach all things that Jesus taught. (Mt 28:19-20) 9. That we learn to pray, fervently and effectively. (Heb 4:16, I Th 5:17, I Tim 2:1-2) 10. That we preach "the Word." (2 Tim. 4:2) 11. That we "admonish" one another daily. (Heb 10:25) 12. That we surrender our bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12:1-2) 13. That we henceforth be no longer children but grow up. (Heb 5:12-14) 14. That we henceforth live no longer unto ourselves but for Jesus. (2 Cor. 5:15) 15. That we cease loving the world. (I John 2:15-17)
16. That we be a glorious church w/o spot or wrinkle. (Eph 5:27) 17. That we be holy. (Mt 5:48, I Thes 4:3,7; I Peter 1:16) 18. That we be sexually pure. (I Cor 6:19-20) 19. That we share, break bread, have fellowship in homes. (Acts 2:42-46) 20. That we challenge, train, equip, send, support missionaries. (Acts 13:2-4; 16:5-10) 21. That we are filled with the Holy Spirit. (Eph 5:18) 22. That we bring our children up in nurture of the Lord. (Eph 6:4) 23. That we forsake not the assembling of ourselves together. (Heb 10:25) 24. That we aggressively minister to "little ones." (Mt 19:14) 25. That we identify and exercise our gifts. (I Cor 12, Romans 12, Eph 4) 26. That we sing to the Lord. (Eph 5:19, Col 3:16) 27. That we give thanks in everything, good or bad. (I Thes 5:18, Eph 6:20) 28. That we give to the Lord cheerfully and liberally. (2 Cor 9:6-10) 29. That we trust God to heal our bodies. (James 5:14-16) 30. That we confess our faults, failures, weaknesses, one to another. (James 5:16) 31. That we are able to give a reasoned answer to our faith. (I Peter 3:15) 32. That we resist the devil and he flees. (I Peter 5:8-10, Eph 6:10-18) 33. That we forgive one another and make restitution. (Mt 6:14-15, Eph 4:29-32) 34. That we partake of the Lord‘s table worthily. (I Cor 11:26-30) 35. That we follow the Lord in baptism. (Mt 3:14-17) 36. That we love one another so intensely the world sees and believes. (John 13:35) When we pray God's purposes we are safe. His promises will never fail. His purpose will always be accomplished. When we pray His purposes we pray "in the will of God" and according to the Spirit. There is no better way to enter into the heart of God.
Locked up but not forgotten From:Alex G Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:25 PM Subject: Locked up but not forgotten My friends, this letter was written by Dr. Kent Hovind, he still in jail far from his family and his beloved, five years locked behind bars being moved from state to state and he still has more
five years ahead in jail for crime he didn't commit, an innocent man. Today when I read his letter it made my eyes wet and I felt like one of my closest friends was jailed far from me, I don't know how to explain, I never met Dr. Hovind but he is my brother, he belong to one big family, one same Father, and I miss very much this distant brother, take some time and read this when you can, and if I can ask you to use some of you time to put his name in your prayers, please do it, I know God has a plan and Jesus is sitting in the throne right next to God almighty, sometimes we don't understand and can't even grasp the naked reality of our lives but He knows everything and He is in power. God bless! ----------------------------------Kent Hovind Writes: Five years ago today, Judge Rodgers‘ gavel came down with the words, ―I sentence you to ten years…‖ I was immediately handcuffed and taken to county jail, as the prosecution alleged that I was a flight risk and posed a danger to society. Today is my fiveyear ―prison anniversary.‖ Yet, God has been s-o-o-o-o-o good through this trial. (Duh! Isn’t He always!) Like Moses, we always see God after He passes by. I have read many hundreds of stories of others who suffered so much for their faith that I feel like a wimp when I complain about my situation to the Lord, or anyone for that matter. I read a book from Voice of the Martyrs ( called ―I Will Die Free‖ about a black youth pastor named Alexander Nobel in Cuba who was arrested when Castro came to power in 1962. Of course, they never give the real reason you are sent to prison. Maybe it‘s to justify their actions or salve their conscience, but they always find some evil sounding charges to lay on believers. They did the same with Jesus and in many cases today. In I Will Die Free, Nobel was snatched off the street by Castro‘s thugs and his wife and oneyear old had no idea what had happened to him for almost a year! He finally went to ―trial‖ where he was accused of trying to blow up Castro‘s private plane in 1963. They asked if he had anything to say. He said, ―I‘ve been locked up here since 1962. How could I try to blow up his plane in 1963?‖ The prosecutor came over and slapped him on the mouth and the ―trial‖ continued! He was found guilty and sentenced to twenty years! He served twenty-two! Finally enough Americans began writing and putting political pressure on Castro‘s government that he was released. By then his wife had left him (as over 85% do in America today when a man is locked up over a year which is one of the MANY reasons God‘s Word never authorizes prison for punishment) and his health was pretty bad. Nobel moved to someplace in America. If anyone can locate him if he is still alive and send me his address I would be most grateful! I
would love to tell him that his book has helped sustain me in my time of discouragement. When I read stories like his or Night or Gulag Archipelago or the monthly Voice of the Martyr‘s magazine — I feel ashamed! I have clean, safe living conditions. I saw my family eight months ago. I have plenty of food and warm clothes. I can write letters and stories, receive mail, read a score of books, have Bible study several times a day, have a copy of the Bible, have people all over the world praying for me, win souls without fear of being beaten, and the list of blessings goes on and on. This holiday season is always hardest on the men in here. Please pray God will use me to influence more of them for His kingdom. I hope and pray this is the LAST ―prison anniversary‖ for me. Please pray they let me out soon!Keep serving the Lord, wherever! Kent Hovind Dr. Johnson's Main Website at: 1st Alternate Site 2nd Alternate Site Email: Subscribe to the Free Online Newsletter at: Free Gifts: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address:Scott Johnson, 450 Conover Blvd. West #202, Conover, NC 28613
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