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Church of God Offerings
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Merry Christmas Happy and New Year
Church of God Offerings We Can Learn from Veterans
The term “veteran” means someone with long experience in a particular field. While we typically associate this term with a person who served in the military, it is easy to recognize veterans in any line of work. They are the “go-to” person; they seem to always know the answer; they can troubleshoot and fix the problem faster than anyone else; no situation appears new to them. Have you ever worked with a veteran like this? Someone you knew had the answers, could fix the problem, or could point you in the right direction? My mind goes back to when I was going through officer training. One thing that was stated and stressed routinely to new Lieutenants was this, “find a good Senior Non-Commissioned Officer and attach yourself to them.” In essence, find a veteran. Don’t try to figure everything out on your own. Find someone that’s been down the road before and follow their lead before you try to be a leader. You may have the rank or the position to lead, but early on you don’t have the knowledge. Attach yourself to someone with the knowledge and you will be a better leader in the end.
In the Bible, David was a veteran warrior. He fought against the lion and the bear before he fought against Goliath. In 1 Samuel 18:7, King Saul gets jealous when the people proclaim, “Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” David was even unable to build a temple for God because of the blood on his hands from the many battles he fought (1 Chronicles 22:8).
In 1 Samuel 23:1, we learn about how the Philistines, Israel’s arch enemy, came against Keilah and robbed their grain bins. David the veteran knew what he should do. He had seen this type of activity before. However, what can we learn from this veteran? David did not rest on his own experience and ability and immediately pursue the enemy. David’s first response after learning of the enemy attack was to seek God’s guidance. 1 Samuel 23:2a says, “Therefore David enquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines?” I love that even though the veteran David knew he was well able to destroy the enemy, the first thing he does is ask God for guidance. Let’s learn from this veteran warrior today. Don’t be hasty to make decisions on our own based on experience or ability. Seek God for guidance. Seek God for direction. Make Him your first stop when it comes to big decisions you need to make in life. Learn this lesson
Rob Montgomery is pastor of The Church of God at 1850 Bethesda Rd in Batesville. He and his wife Amy have four daughters, Emma, Madison, Kaylee, and Lydia. After serving over 22 years in the U.S. Air Force, Rob and his family now call Independence County home. After a life of service in the military, Rob is dedicated to a life of service to others in the ministry.
from a veteran and you will be blessed. N

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Are you just worn out with all the ads? Yes, that’s the comment I’ve heard most often. Ads not just about political candidates but about the Annual Election Period (AEP) for Medicare beneficiaries. The ads for the Annual Election Period will continue through December 7 which is the deadline to enroll or make any changes.
Let’s talk about some basics and reminders of what you can and cannot do during this Annual Election Period. The AEP every year is from October 15 through December 7. This is when you can review, make changes and enroll in a Medicare Prescription plan, Medicare Advantage plan or Medicare Advantage plan that includes prescription coverage. Any change you make is guaranteed to be accepted – you cannot be turned down regardless of any medical conditions or prescriptions that you take. The plan you select will begin January 1, 2021 and continue until December 31, 2021.
Medicare Prescription plans and premiums/rates are specific to the state you live in. Everyone in Arkansas has the same plans and premiums/rates available to them. If you know someone who lives in Texas for example, their plans and premiums/rates are different.
Medicare Prescription premiums are based on the plan you select. Premiums are not based on how many prescriptions you take or what medication you take. If you take no prescriptions or take 16 prescriptions a day, your premium is the same.
Medicare Advantage plans that include prescription coverage have different guidelines. The premiums/rates and plans available to you are based on the county you live in. If you live in Jackson County, for example, you may not have the same plans available to you if you lived in Independence county.
When you see ads about Medicare Advantage plans, those plans may not be available in your county. Yes, some plans do have zero (-0-) premium. Yes, most plans do include additional benefits (sometimes it sounds like every benefit imaginable, right?) Take time to check the details - do your homework. If you don’t, you may be unhappy the first time you go to the doctor and find out your doctor does not accept your plan and that office visit is pricey! What hospitals accept the plan?
Do you have a Medicare Supplement plan that has increased so it’s a struggle to pay every month? You may be able to change to a Medicare Advantage plan, try it for 12 months and go back to your existing Medicare Supplement plan, if you meet the criteria.
You need to stay safe and careful with Covid 19. Wear a mask even if you don’t like to – I don’t particularly like to but I prefer to wear a mask than be on a ventilator! Social distance even with friends and family members.
There are safe ways to enroll. Don’t let December 7 sneak up on you.
Need help in doing your “homework”? Feel free to call me at 501-868-6650 and say “Caroline, can we talk?” N
533 B Street, Newark MLS #20-280 / $89,900
Super cute all electric 3 Bedroom, 1 bath home with central heat and air also features a dedicated laundry and a fenced backyard. Updates include a new range, light fixtures, paint and flooring. Large trees and shrubs give it a country feel.
690 Autumnwood Road, Ash Flat MLS #20-290 / $119,900
10 acre mini farm close to town, fenced for livestock with an older barn, chicken coop shed, and has a pond. The two story 4 bedroom, 2 bath farm house has a newer HVAC and metal roof. New flooring in some rooms, and is ready to paint your own colors.
185 Smith Drive, Pleasant Plains MLS #20-198 / $2,250,000
5, 43x450 Peco poultry houses built in 2003. Farm includes a 3 bedroom 2 bath log home, a 30x60 finished shop with a 2 bedroom apt., mobile home for farm hand. Stacking shed and compost shed. 60x60 shop and 10x120 out building. Fenced and cross fenced with pond. Poultry houses are in excellent condition.

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