The Eye Pie Magazine - issue 02

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The Eye Pie Magazine, June 2015. Issue 02. Our first idea is to connect all the less known brands, models and artists from around the world by promoting their work. Furthermore, we aspire towards sharing inspiring stories and making your ideas come alive.


The Eye Pie is generally a non-profit organisation. Thank you all for helping us in making second issue of The Eye Pie Mag. If you want to be featured in one of the next issues send us your submission to . 12

*All photos used in The Eye Pie Magazine are copirighted and all rights are reserved by their legal authors, though were not promoted.


Photos: S. Bast Photographies

Anomaly is a 22 years old gothic and alternative model living in France and also the owner of the online shop gothic clothing ‘’. She wants to bring together her passion and her profession as a single activity. She says she was very shy before, so it was her friend who contacted the photographer for her very first photo shooting. Since she felt very comfortable during that shooting, she wanted more and quickly it became her passion. She is now very serious about it and considers it her job. Not just a job, but she says modeling has become big part her life. What is your biggest inspiration for modeling? I spend a lot of time looking at pictures on the internet to find ideas for my photoshoot themes. There are several photographers and models who inspire me with the beauty of their work and the emotion they make me feel. What is your favourite thing to do besides modeling? I love going out with my friends like many people do, I think! What is your biggest wish? I wish to gain success in modeling, but I know I have a lot of work to do. Since I’ve found my true passion it would be a shame to miss opportunities and not to do my best! What do you think about French alternative fashion scene? I find that there are very talented designers in France. I worked with many of them during my photo shoot so I realized the quality of their work and their originality. For models and photographers, I would say that there are some artists that I truly admire, but I think our level is lower than in some

countries such as Germany. This is just my opinion, it is not the quantity but the quality that counts. That’s why I would be happy to travel abroad! What kind of music do you like? I love symphonic metal and rock but I’m open to all styles of music! currently I listen to Nightwish, Evanescence and Lana del Rey who has a captivating and emotive voice! Would you rather spend your weekend reading a book or going to a party? I prefer to go to a party! I did not read for years, not because I don’t like it but because I don’t have the time. Who is your role model? My role model is my mother, I’m very close to her, she is the nicest person I know. I know that I can trust her and that she will be there whenever I need her to be. She always does her best to make me happy and she supports me in all situations. The reason she is my role model is because when I get older I want to be as strong and understanding as she is.

Would you do a naked shoot for money? I would never do a naked shoot, not even for the money. I’m someone who likes to keep some mystery, I do not reveal everything in my photos. I know that some photographers have prejudice about people like me. Someone already told me that I was not comfortable with my body and for that reason I was not good at modeling and I found that argument stupid. Everyone is free to do what she or he wants to do with their bodies and that does not stop them from being passionate about what they do. I do not see how the fact of being always dressed is a handicap for my success. I respect models that do artistic nude but there’s too many models posing nude only to gain success and I find that somehow degrading. Find Anomaly: h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / A n o m a ly/151289655049216



Kyris is a non-­traditional male model and very versatile with his look. He frequently has colored hair (often blue or violet) sometimes mixed with black. Typically he is almost always seen in full black clothing, particularly when he’s not shooting. However he has been seening wearing lighter or more colorful items during his photoshoots. He is experienced in both fashion and more edgy alternative fashion styles. As he says, fantasy themed photo shoots are his favourite. Find Kyris: Photos by Ekliptik Mirror Photographiks

When and how did you start modeling? I Initially began modeling doing self-portrait when I studied photography in high school... that was the first time I ever tried “modeling.” From there I began acting as a model subject more often until I realized I actually had developed an interest for modeling specifically so I just began to pursue it. You are also a video gamer. What is your favourite video game? I love J-RPGs and I think a big favorite of mine is Final Fantasy VII. It’s really the one that truly sparked my real interest for games. 6

If you could choose any person to do a shoot with, who would that be and why? I’d love to shoot with the photographer Zemotion, she has really beautiful and eye-catching work that I’ve been such a fan of for so many years. What do you think about alternative male model scene? It’s sort of hard to judge the alternative scene for male models as I haven’t met or worked with that many. The ones I’m acquainted with have all been pretty diverse from one another. I think there is a great variety in the alternative male models, even across the world. The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.

Kuro hana is an alternative model from France who started modeling in 2012. She loves art, fashion, gothic universe and all that is fantastic, glamorous and a little bit unconventional. She’s very creative and she likes to express herself through modeling and photos she is featured on. She says she is very excited about her further progress in this area. Kuro hana is a big fan of japanese culture and she adores reading and watching anime. She says it relaxes her and above all, fascinates her. She also works on becoming a make-up artist, makes jewellery and have many other passions such as drawing, writing, fashion and shopping. She says her biggest wish is to improve in what she’s doing and to have more good opportunities in future. Last but not least, she very simply wishes to be happy. The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.

o naM a: roHa n a u h K / Kuro .com / Find facebook a . n w a ww kuro-h . www irie y Ok b s o Phot



How did you get started your modeling career? I never thought I would be pretty enough to be a model. I was kind of an ugly duckling, at least that’s the way I saw myself. I think I was 13 or 14 when I actually started hearing positive comments about my appearance. Back then I couldn’t still take it seriously. My boyfriend started taking some snapshots of me. I was surprised to see that the images were telling something completely different compared to how I felt. Instead of that acne filled, puffy and swollen whale I thought I was, I saw a young, growing lady. Then, random people started to pass me their business cards, asking me to become a model. I was just confused and didn’t agree to any of these proposals. I was also in danger to end up doing something rather dangerous: an older man asked me to do nude pictures that would have been “sent to Africa” and he was willing to pay 25000 mk (back then we didn’t have euros). Luckily my parents


said no straight away - but they decided to apply me for a modeling course. The course was very useful in many ways, but I found that my paid portfolio pictures had bad quality in many ways. My make-up was terrible (greetings to Alaska Thunderfuck - the song is extremely catchy!) and made me look tired and dull. The positioning was weak and I wasn’t guided at all. Then again, it might have been a good thing because I thought it was normal. So I actually started working in front of the mirror to learn my best and worst angles. Anyways, I never got a single gig through the agency and after a year or so I went to ask what’s going on. The reply was a bit rude-toned, and reading between the lines I got the expression that I wasn’t beautiful enough for them. I pulled my portfolio off. ...But I didn’t give up. I realized that I would have had to be way more natural than I was ready to be. I loved my long, red hair and dark style! So I just let it be.


art, too. But I had quite bad skin and my cheeks still had the roundness of a teenager and I was never asked to be a make-up model. I started to mimic the make-up styles from magazines. I wore make-up almost every day and I loved to try different things. And soon people started to ask me to do their make-up. In the theatre school I ended up doing stage make-up as my internship. Nowadays I actually no-longer actively provide make-up services. But still, almost every time, I do my own photo shoot and stage make-up. Your work covers many genres but do you have a preference?

What career achievement are you most proud of?

Ah, this varies a lot! I always want to do a shoot that has better results than the previous one had. It’s getting harder all the time, haha! I love to do catalogues, but perhaps even more I love to do magical pictures with the sense of supernaturality. Fantasy portraits. Like I was a creature from another planet. I’m not that much fond of basic glamour pictures, but I want to introduce my beauty from an alternative dimension. I am drawn to pictures in which Shadow Self is represented as a fictive, almost doll-like alien beauty. I don’t care about realism that much: I want to create moments of the untold stories.

Naturally I’m very proud of all that I’ve achieved in modeling. One thing worth mentioning is that I was the first Finnish Alternative Models’ Model of the Year (2014). I was also the favorite of the press and the audience in Miss Myötätuulirock competition (2011). Those are actually the only competitions I’ve really participated and both of them gave me high level achievements. But the beauty that the modeling world is often searching, is a withering trait: I appreciate intelligence much more than that. So I would probably have to say that even more I’m proud of my current career in the game industry. I work as a community manager but I also have experience of the development section as level designer, 2D and concept graphics artist and as a team lead. Community management sort of binds everything together: my studies of drama instruction are very useful when guiding players. It helps to have experience on communicating different types of people and realizing that everyone has their bad days. Customer support has prepared me for dealing with support requests. And several projects inside Social Media have given me some good perspective and knowledge of managing the community’s channels. Naturally my studies of game development and experience of actually creating games helps to understand the process and

You are also a makeup artist, did you take any classes or are you self-taught? I am fully self-taught. Because of my acne, I was forced to learn how to cover the spots. But when it comes to eyemake up, contouring and cool effects, it actually begun with modeling, too. Before anything else, I first fell in love with make-up models. I got trapped in a mindless trancelike experience, when I saw the works of make-up artists and the lucky people who got to wear them. I was hoping that one day I could wear that kind of exquisite 10

makes it easier to communicate with the developer team. And, of course you need to know about games and gaming culture in general. You have to be a gamer to make games and being part of both the creation process and the live operations. Being an online community manager is challenging but also very rewarding. I’m probably one of those rare lucky folks who can honestly say that they love their job(s). And I’m very happy that I got this far! What do you think is most important in the alternative model scene to be successful? That would probably be “finding the alternative inside alternative”. Alternative models have become quite common. Even though everyone is fabulous, you need to think about those who browse hundreds of similar pictures daily: Figure out something that separates you from the dozens of tattooed, pierced girls with corsets. It can also be something abstract. One tip would be to highlight your personal features. If you have beautiful eyes, make sure you use them. If you have nice and full lips, make them even more visible. And as you have probably figured out from my background story, as long as I was waiting for someone else to help me or to ask me, not much happened. Only when I decided to do what I’m good at and drawn to, I found my path to success. You also breed parrots, tell us how did you get started with it?

way more interested in scenes in which the parrot was involved. Whereas other kids in my class chose to be either dog, cat or horse fans, I didn’t feel the similar connection and hype. But birds. They started to feel more and more like my thing. Then I announced to my parents that I want to have a parrot. My parents were suspicious at first and wanted to make sure that I would take care of it. So we started to search for information. And then, after all those long months of wait, our family got our first parrot, and african grey named Jaco. After that I really became a bird fan. Even when we were visiting France, I was more interested in pigeons than the Eifel tower! In 1998 I got my first cockatiel, Becky. I fell totally in love with the species and figured out very fast that cockatiels are extremely underestimated: people thought that they wouldn’t be intelligent, but this is mostly due to their fast and bird-like body language causing them being harder to train than those species with slower movements. To be honest, I wasn’t the perfect owner at first, either. During my puberty issues, when I was constantly feeling down, I was neglecting my birds. After I figured out how stupid that was, I made a promise to work to improve parrots’’ conditions in general. So, I created a website, started to teach others and wanted to spread my knowledge. And after that my flock started to grow. I’ve been breeding since 2004, I’ve imported new blood to our country and am an active member of the Finnish pet bird association (currently a vice president and the breeding program respondent). But, I never want to become a mass producer. I will keep it simple, small-scale breeding, so that I will always have time to my tame parrots. Such as Becky who is still alive!

Parrots have been part of my life since I was 7 but becoming the crazy bird lady took some time. When I was a kid, I was watching birds at the back yard of our home, writing down each species that I saw. And then my mom started Enid Blyton’s The Adventure series to me. One Find Shadow Self: of the characters had a sulphur-crested cockatoo. I was The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.


by MiraMarc Studios Find MiraMarc Studios: Shamira & Marko

MiraMarc Studios is an avant-garde conceptual studio based in London mainly focused on portrait, theme and fashion photography. They also design, manufacture and merchandise their own line of jewelry, accessories and apparel, MiraMarc Collection, featuring alternative, whimsical designs with a touch of quirky sophistication The name comes from the union of Shamira (photographer and designer) and Marco (stylist and in charge of PR) the two owners of the company, but it also echoes the Latin “Mira mare”, which means “Look at / Admire the sea”. They want it to be a reminder of the powerful source of inspiration the sea is, with its stories and myths deeply rooted in our collective imagination. MiraMarc Studios shoot a wide range of styles and themes, from fantasy to gothic, from horror to victorian and romantic. Interpreting solid, powerful ideas and images into something new, adding their own perspective is what they love. ‘’We find remarkably rewarding and intriguing organizing group shoots since it allows us to connect with several professionals of different talents in order to crate something unique and outstanding.’’ 12

The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.

About the Marie Antoinette Pin Up Tea Party ‘‘We love creating a unique experience for our models, MUAs, designers and obviously observers. We want our images to strike our public’s imagination and carve a permanent place in their mind. And we love mixing styles and inspirational sources... so we thought of two very different styles filled with gorgeous history behind them. We’ve always loved the bold, outrageous, sometimes even overwhelming elements of the XVIII century (in particular the impossibly elaborated hair, with painstakingly designed wigs and decorations) and its opulent atmosphere. On the other hand, we find the designs of pin-up clothes perfectly expressing a bursting joie-de-vivre, a taste for enjoying life at its peak in a whirl of colours and combinations that’s most intriguing. We thought of a way to combine those two approaches and we came out with the idea of a fun, coloured, outstandingly designed concept. To make it more unique, we decided to feature some unconventional (for the historical moments that inspired us) treats of beauty like tattoos and piercings. We believe that beauty mainly hides in variety, usually you don’t think of Marie Antoinette wearing a pin-up dress with eye-catching, audacious jewellery and striking tattoos... yet, the image is beautiful because it harmonises all its different elements (each of them bringing its own idea of beauty) in something unique. You couldn’t think of this kind of beauty, until we showed you it’s possible’’.


Model, tattoo artist, designer. You certainly have lots of trades. How did you start? I like to be a busy person... ahahah seriously, I can’t think of which one came first, as I always think all of them as connected. But if I would definitely have to chose one, it would have to be tattoo artist, that is my truest passion since I can remember.


You are Portuguese but based in London. Do you think it’s easier to present yourself to the world when you live in one of the busiest cities in the world?

Size doesn’t matter, but do you think to succeed in a alt model industry as a curvy model is harder than being skinny?

Definitely! When I was younger, due to my size and style most people in Portugal would tell me that I couldn’t model and if I did, I wouldn’t manage to keep it up. When I came to London, I felt such a freedom. I could actually breathe and start trying out other types of art, in this case photography, without being told to stop and I could be true to myself.

I think the success depends on how you see and truly believe in yourself. You have to live by those beliefs. Size unfortunately is always something that will bring a discussion, being this in the alternative scene or the more mainstream one. I try to stay true to myself every day, sometimes I might not feel 100%, but who truly does? What matters is that I feel comfortable with me and my curves.

„I think the success depends on how you see and truly believe in yourself. You have to live by those beliefs.“

What is the best way for you to find inspiration for your artworks? To be honest, for me mood is everything! Although I have the tendency to look for too many skulls... I am a little bit of a skull addict, but I think you can tell by most of my tattoos and artwork. The source of the images can vary, although I prefer if I can, take my own pictures of a ‘subject’ and then transform it in an illustration. For the end, what beauty tips do you swear by? I’m a little ashamed that I don’t actually follow any beauty tips but if I had to give an advice about skin, exfoliation and moisturizing... it works wonders on your skin. ‘Happy skin, happy you!’ - Photographer: Elysium Photography - MUAH: JoannaStrange Make-up and Hair - Accessories: Pendulous Threads UK - Leggings: Puckoo Couture - Underbust: Kiku Corset Boutique - Plugs: Stellar Noir

Find Ann D’Cor: The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015. 15

An internationally published tattooed pinup model from Bath in the Southwest UK. She started modelling completely by accident, but has loved every minute of it and gone on to model in ad campaigns for leading alternative fashion brands such as Alchemy Gothic Jewellery. She appeared in catwalk shows and at tattoo conventions around the country and her favourite so far has been The Great British Tattoo Show at Alexandra Palace. She was also published by a range of magazines. She’s currently represented by Ugly Models, and is also sponsored by Operatorium Jewellery & Accessories, SteezyT Apparel, upcoming latex fashion brand Hallowed Latex and always enjoys wearing different independent labels at photoshoots and events, including Little Red Bo Jewellery, Jane Nevermore Designs, Vanity Exposed Clothing and Half Mast Clothing. Mz Bones is proud to be the face of Frome Tattoo Convention and will be working on some exciting new promotional pictures for them soon. She has also been invited by London Tattoo Convention Find Mz. Bones: Photos by Emma Barnfield Make up by Miss Bones Makeup Wig by Rockstar Wigs


to be one of their special guests in September, so look out for information about her meet and greets there coming up soon. When she’s not modeling, she works as a makeup artist and hairstylist. She has worked on some really exciting projects with some of the UK’s top alt models, including magazine shoots and live events. She also works on pinup makeovers, beautiful brides, and glamorous drag queens all year round and often takes her inspiration from old hollywood stars as well as modern day glamour icons. Mz Bones is proud to wear tattoos from some of the country’s most talented artists, including Miss Jo Black of Black Inc in Frome, Toni Moore and Arienette Ashman and loves that her work enables her to promote an alternative representation of beauty.

You are a vegan. When and why did you start? I decided to stop eating meat when I was about 9 years old, and I turned vegan about 4 years ago, I think. It really makes sense to me to live my life more compassionately, without causing pain and suffering to other living creatures. I have a dog, and to me it seems bizarre that I’d take care of her, let her live in my home and spoil her rotten whilst allowing other animals to suffer on my behalf. Do you consider yourself as a famous person? Not at all! I occasionally get recognised by people in the street which is a really strange feeling, and I’d always much rather that people come over and say hi than stare and make it awkward for both of us. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Lots of things, but the one that stands out is wanting to be a vet. I’ve always loved animals and I can remember this really clearly from when I was very small. The Eye PieMagazine, 2015.


The Cream Tease Show is a full throttle, high energy, non-stop thrill ride of a show. Playful and provocative, sensual and salacious, The Cream Tease Show entices all the senses! Comprising of six beautiful performers, all highly trained in dance, aerial, fire performance, pole and more, the show intertwines traditional elements of Burlesque with sensual, erotic striptease and technical, original dance choreography. They have been together as a troupe since 2012 and seen the show evolve and grow hugely, performing across the world, from Ireland to Venice and London’s West End to Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas! They are extremely honoured and excited to be performing at the legendary, historic Windmill Theatre, Soho in June performing their brand new ‘nude revue’ which they are incredibly proud of. The new show is a real mix of how the original Windmill shows were, with a touch of ‘Crazy Horse’ about it.


Catherine aka Lady Catalina is a producer/director of the Cream Tease Show and one very inspiring person. She told us all about her passion and taught us about importance of hard work and devotion to something you love.

I’ve been performing Burlesque for seven years. Seven wonderful years.

What made you do it?

I was at a point in my life where How did you get started? I’d just been through a gigantic change. I was a little lost to be honI fell in love with Burlesque after est. Wondering exactly where to watching Dita Von Teeese perform go next… I was scared and excited a routine on poine. I’ve danced at the same time. I’d also just lost a and been on the stage since I was lot of weight, and for the first time, three years old, always working as a I felt really comfortable in my own dancer/cabaret singer/girl band on body. I finally accepted myself, and the radio roadshows, all those fun was on the way to even liking parts things haha. But I always loved all of my body (shocker!!) Burlesque Who is Catherine? the old movies, was obsessed with gave me something completely for I was born in Portsmouth but moved Marilyn Monroe as a child (and still me. Something that made me feel to the beautiful Isle of Wight aged 6. to this day) and I watched Gypsy so liberated and in control of my life. I absolutely love the Island, it’s such the movie constantly growing up. It came at the perfect time in my life. a pretty place. Sometimes you can While others had Nsync posters, feel a little cut off by that little stretch I had Marilyn Monroe, and Bridg- Do you perform more for fun or for of water, but at the same time, I kind ette Bardot. So seeing this beauti- work? of like that. It’s a very unique, special ful woman combining ballet and striptease just captured me. I was It’s work. It’s A LOT of work haha. little place. instantly hooked. I choreographed But it is absolutely fun too. It has to How long have you been doing a routine that evening and it went be, I could never earn enough to on from there. match the hours I invest. burlesque?


Describe your first time on stage. Well, my mum always tells everybody how I boycotted my sisters dance show. After her routine had finished, I proceeded to march up on stage, going round & round the stage making the audience watch me until they dragged me off. I liked the stage from word ‘’go’’ haha. But my first Burlesque performance I remember like it was yesterday. It was a performance for the Whoopee club. They used to do a contest that Jo King compered. She was so lovely to me, helping me to calm my nerves. I remember I instantly loved performing Burlesque. The second the music started, I felt like Lady Catalina, not myself. I felt like the glamorous, beautiful person I always 20

wished I was, just for 5 minutes. And it felt amazing!! I didn’t win however. I performed on pointe, utilizing a chair, dance choreography etc. I recall the worst part having to stand in pasties and a G string whilst the judges made their comments!! I didn’t like that at all. I so wanted my dressing gown!! Jo King really stood up for me as the judges had a bit of a debate, with one male judge asking what I do for my six pack and buns of steel (I had to stand there discussing power plates haha) another saying we weren’t there to discuss exercise etc. I was embarrassed. But the long shot was they wanted more tease/cheek. Anyway, Jo King said “To remove clothing so effortlessly, whilst spinning perfectly on pointe as this Woman did, is no mean feat. I’d like to see you try” Haha, she was wonderful!! What are the most important things to know if you’re starting a burlesque career? Ooh there’s so much. Definitely I’d say it’s important to spend time deciding exactly what you’re trying to convey with your act. The main elements, the emotions/feelings

you’re aiming to provoke in the audience. Looking back on my mistakes, I’d definitely say try to invest as much time as you can, and money if you’re able, into your costume. I now spend hours and hours and hours on mine, and a lot of money unfortunately. But back then when I started, they weren’t up to scratch. I always vehemently believed that it was skill/ability not costume that mattered, but I was wrong, it ALL matters. Every single element of the act matters. Spend time on your music choice too. You’ll be hearing it for a long time, and it needs to still excite you after months of performing to it. Don’t do too many ‘pay to play gigs’ of course we all do a few free gigs to start out/get seen, but you have to invest a lot of money into your act, and travel fare to the show etc. Value your worth, and don’t do too many of those I’d say. Hone your craft, rehearse constantly. Until your act is polished. Most importantly I’d say, be kind and polite. Seems obvious I know, but running a show I know that most important to me is that all of our performers in The Cream Tease Show are polite and kind to each other. I’ve heard of plenty of promoters/venues that

that won’t have certain performers back due to ill manners etc. People want to work with good, humble people. How did doing burlesque influence your opinions on yourself and your body? I think I’ve always looked after my body. I’ve had to, being a dancer. But most liberating was that I didn’t have to be a certain size/weight in Burlesque. Every single shape is celebrated and accepted. I love that. If I’m brutally honest, I do unfortunately still put strict expectations on my body, but that’s ingrained in me from the dance world. I feel I’m getting better, and I accept myself a lot better nowadays. My husband/ friends may disagree however. It’s the strangest thing.. I get sooooooo many people say “ you must be so confident with your body. I could never do what you do” but I struggle to be in a bikini on the beach. Hand on heart, I really do. I have as many, if not more hang ups than the next Woman. Yet get me on the stage as Lady Catalina and I have no inhibitions. It’s a character for me. Then the music stops and

I feel like me again. Hence why I walk off stage far too fast haha. What kind of reaction have your close ones or family had when finding out about burlesque? My close family was incredible. We’re a very liberated, open minded family so they were totally cool with it. Even my brother and Dad will attend shows, but they go to the bar towards the point of pasties haha. My husband loves Burlesque. He’s a drummer and actually messaged me the first time to say your choice of music is pretty bad, why are you dancing to Elton John? And emailed me a load of Las Vegas grind. Ahaha, it was the perfect ice breaker. He made me laugh! He also helps run The Cream Tease Show. He’s spent his life on tour so he’s better at our travel itineraries etc. Even my Nan loves the shows, especially Boylesque bless her. But my Mum is the greatest help. She makes our costumes, and is just so supportive. She’s been to so many different shows with me, in different countries. She even came with us to Las Vegas when The Cream Tease Show performed at Planet

Hollywood. My Mum is incredible!!!. Some of my distant family are a tad snooty about it. I remember being interviewed by a Sunday magazine, and my mum tried to show a family member who replied ‘No thank you. I do not wish to look at that!!” Ah well, you’ll never please everybody. Are there any things for life you have learnt from your experience as a burlesque dancer? Again, lots. But I think the main thing is always staying true to yourself. We perform our own style of Burlesque in The Cream Tease Show, and although we know there are other more traditional styles that may generate more 21

work/money etc, it’s so important to be creating what is in your heart. What makes you happy. It’s easy sometimes to feel pressurized to fit in. But an honest, heartfelt performance will always shine through. I’ve also, on a personal level, learnt to be more flexible. To accommodate different situations. Sometimes an act doesn’t work the way I’ve created it in a particular venue, so it needs tweeking. I never dealt with that too well. But it’s paramount really to be accommodating in the given situation, and work with the space you have. The amazing Queen of Burlesque Immodesty Blaize taught me that crucial lesson, and I’m very grateful for it. (that’s another important thing I’ve learnt, to always listen and learn from others. Take it all in. Everybody has something to offer) I think that goes for everything in life, learning to be more flexible/helpful is a great thing. Sometimes I was putting obstacles in my way, making life far more difficult. Is there any relaxation technique or preparation you do before going on stage? I do like to have some time to myself, just to get in the right head space. I never get that mind, not at my own shows anyway. Haha. Too much to do/prepare. It’s a character for me personally, so some time to find that is really helpful. But I do pray. Always, before every performance. I always have since I was little.


Find The Cream Tease and Lady Catalina:

A virtual place where you can find unusual accessories and unique items.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Everything signed by Myril Jewels is handmade or handassembled, but in any case it is made with passion, according to customer’s taste and of course, designer’s. Lisa, Italian girl, the owner and a designer of Myril Jewels, also creates custom items and she modifies colors and sizes to create a new, specific item to reach your satisfaction, which is, as she says, her only goal. ‘’In my little and close-minded city I couldn’t find gothic clothes and accessories, and on the internet it is difficult to find good prices and good quality in one. This is why I decided to make them on my own.’’

the name. The word “Myril” is composed of two elvish terms, “mir” (Jewel) and “ril” (shining), taken from the inspiring pieces of art of J.R.R. Tolkien. “Fantasy” and “Gothic” are the perfect words to describe my art, because their worlds are my biggest source of inspiration. Also the Victorian age and the ancient Celts inspire my works everyday in the creation of a modern item, that can bring back old memories of a past culture.’’

Namyra wearing Myril Jewels claws

Lisa , the owner and a designer of Myril Jewels

Family, friends and fans are great support because, as Lisa says, they always gratify her and solicit her Myril Jewels wasn’t born with this name, in fact at to go on. the beginning it was only a simple facebook page like many others, where Lisa started sharing her ‘’My passion is growing more and more everyday newborn creations. After a while people started con- thanks to you all and I will always do my best to imtacting her through the page, so she decided to cre- prove my art!’’ ate new items ready to be sold and then changed


was time to wear new accessories that noone had. I can’t deny that the very first period was a drastic one, only few items came out as I imagined them. I was inexperienced and I couldn’t find materials I needed in my city. So I realized the power of the internet, both from the supplies point of view and the one which allowed me to be known all over the word. What are your biggest influences and inspirations when working with jewellery? The passion for fantasy and styles such as Gothic, Obsidian Kerttu wearing Myril Jewels Victorian and Steampunk led me to create somePhoto by John Wolfrik thing unique and often imagine the beauty away from fashion models, but at the same time able to How did you started? adapt and reconcile different tastes. “Myril” takes its origins from two words elven “mir” At the age of 16 I had few confused ideas of what (jewel) and “ril” (brightness). I’d wanted to do, what seemed certain to me, it was The choice of the name comes from my own obthat I wanted to start making something on my own, session with the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, unfailing such as little items and decorations. My room be- source of inspiration. came something like a laboratory for new experiments. Then one day came the inspiration: I wasn’t satisfied with the jewellery I had or those ugly com- What kind of materials are you using and what mercial ones that everyone had. So I decided that it kind do you wish you could work with? Ginevra Malin weating Myril Jewels Photo by Daylight & Shadows

I use a great variety of materials, from black and white laces, bronze and silver tone alloys, to colorful crystals and pearls! Anyway, for quite all the materials I need, I always look for anallergic ones as much as possible. I recently started using also fabrics, and I’ll surely use them even more because I’m becoming addicted to sewing!! Moreover I’d really love to learn how to mold metals as silver, and it will be perhaps the first thing that I won’t learn all by myself because I think this time I’ll need a teacher!

What kind of lifestyle you think is your art promoting? Well, definitely an alternative one. My creations are a perfect representation of someone’s originality. My works can perfectly fit different styles such as Gothic, Steampunk, Victorian, but they are also an awesome addition to usual outfits. The lifestyle I want to promote is a creative and personal one 24

which can be reached also through custom works, in order to show an item which will better fit someone’s personality. Trying to predict the future, could you see yourself distributing your art and doing more than jewellery but with other accessories or even clothes? Oh gosh, YES! *-* Innovations are necessary in art, it is clear that everyone has always to learn new things. I do really love learning, making new experiences, and according to me, the most important thing is test myself everyday more! These are the basis to develop new skills and passions. For instance I recently started sewing to make cosplays and costumes on my own and I discovered a completely new world, full of things awaiting to be learnt. Name your favourite book. We can say that I’m in love with all the amazing mastepieces written by J.R.R. Tolkien. I should also consider Bram Stoker’s Dracula, which is the first book I read and it was a gift to me from a really special person, so I feel a kind of affective bond with it. Anyway The Lord of The Rings still remais the book which has given me more than anything else. I can remember the period during which I was reading it, it was a kind of transaction, and ita helped me to become the person I am now. To sum up I can say that The Lord of The Rings has been the turning point of my life under different aspects so it is without any doubt my favourite book, the one which will be always a part of me.

Catia Borgogno wearing Myril Jewels Photo by Max Mat

Name your favourite animal and why. HORSES! *^* I love horses. They are the pefect combo of elegance, beauty, strenght and majesty. I started venerating them sice I was about one or two years old, one of my neighbours had a black one and every time it walked down the street, I used to run towards the window, looking at it with bright eyes, wondering to pet him all day long. Then one day, I finally said my first word: pointing at the black horse, I pronounced with all the excitement I baby could have the word “neo” (=”nero”) the italian word for “black”, but without the “r” beacause I wasn’t able yet to pronounce it. Then come the influence of fairy tales and books, so it is easy to understand that unicorns and pegasus became my beloved fantasy creatures. Find Myril Jewels: The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015. 25


Ash is an avid animal lover, cancer survivor, model and burlesque performer.


he grew up in a small town, called Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island in B.C., Canada and moved to Australia when she was 20 and began modelling career a few years later. First she became a burlesque performer. With her two best friends, Kaiya and Bang-Bang 2 started their own troupe called The Velvet Vixens, and began putting on burlesque and band nights. ‘’With all the performing came lots of photo shoots, and I was hooked. I began modelling quite often and soon found myself with a pretty solid portfolio.’’ says Ash. She was signed to Famous Inked Models and Helen Troy Model Management in 2013.

‘’My career has allowed me to do so many great things, and meet so many amazing people. I have had blast a, even through the tough times.’’ Ash says that it is really important thing to keep in mind in an industry with so many amazing girls, is to just stay level headed, and work your ass off. ‘’In October 2013, I lost my older brother, Trever, to a drug overdose and 6 months later I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. It was a horrible time in my life, but yet I kinda used my work to escape, and carry on. Also, the most massive shotout to my amazing mother for all her strength, and bad-ass-ery. I couldn’t do it without her.’’

When she’s not working you can catch her at the gym, hanging with her dogs, who are, as she says, her best friends and spirit animals, traveling, performing, or playing video games.


Photos: Brian Miller

Tell us a little bit about your path of becoming a burlesque performer? How did it feel to perform for the first time and what was it that kept you going? I started dancing when I first moved to Australia. I joined a course in hopes of meeting new people and staying in shape. I didn’t have any friends, and barely knew my way around town so it was a good chance to get out there. I ended up meeting my two best friends Kaiya and BangBang there. We are all pretty similar, and felt like this particular style of burlesque wasn’t quite right for us so we branched out and formed our own troupe. We tend to steer towards rock ‘n’ roll, punk, ska, rockabilly so you could say its Neo, as traditional was never our thing. The first time felt fine, you will always have nerves, no matter how long you have been doing it, so I guess I just used that energy to zone everything else out haha. What is your most vivid memory concerning those times when you were in the beginning? Cold rehearsals in Kaiyas old house during the winter. In her kitchen. All 3 of us trying to squish into this small space, with fans, or other things. And mostly watching Simpsons episodes instead of rehearsing. What do you think was the best thing you got from modeling? Maybe something that changed how you see certain things in life? Perspective. I certainly gained some perspective. I learned just how hard you have to work, how not to be taken advantage of, and what is important in life. You learn its not about the likes and followers you have, but sharing something you are proud of. Self confidence as well. I was always timid about my looks, and modelling has certainly made me embrace the things I hate, or have the courage to change them. If there is something, what would you say was the worst? Look, people can be mean. Really mean. Not everyone is going to like you, not every magazine is going to want your photos, etc. That’s hard, dealing


with rejection – especially when you are proud of something. What is it that you like about modeling the most? And what is that you like the least? I love the creation. I love having a vision of something, then seeing it come to life. Or, helping someone else bring their vision to life. It’s a really tangible thing, you can measure it, hold it, see it, feel it. All based off of a thought. Pretty cool. I also really dig being able to travel and work, and I’m not going to complain about the amazing clothes and shoes I get to wear. The worst? The self doubt. The “can I do this?”. The hard times hit hard, sometimes you are just really unhappy in what you have produced, or even unhappy with where you want to be career wise. You said that you’ve been through some really hard times in your life, can you tell us how did it affect your life choices later on and your life perspective all together? In reality these hard times are still here, so it changes every day. I lost my brother in October last year. Being in a different country has been hard through the grieving process. Then I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in April. So I am 6 weeks post my second operation to remove it. (BUT all clear now!) Right now, in this moment. I want to live, and live for myself alone. I want to love my family, surround myself with good things, travel, see, do, create. I will let you know if that changes as time passes but let’s say my own morality, and that of the people I love, is a very real thing to me now. Have you ever had a role model? If so, who was it and why? My grandmother and mother were certainly my biggest role models when younger. They shaped me to be who I am now. They both had it hard for a long time. I can’t really think of anyone I really looked up to, other than them. In this moment, my mother is probably 29

the strongest person I know. And hot damn, if I can be her age and half the person she is. I am set. How would you describe your average day? I get up (late – as always) I struggle to pry myself out of snuggle time with the dogs. I throw on some sneakers and take them for a walk. I usually caffeinate and answer emails, update some things, check my social media, etc. Then head off for work. After work I hit the gym. Then I guess it depends, rehearsal, or going to a gig, going out for dinner. I like to keep busy…idle hands as they say! Where do you see yourself in, let’s say, five years time? I will be living in Sydney, running my own business. But, I am hoping to be over in North America for a significant amount of that time doing some travel and work. I like to travel and do shoots, or other things, at the same time. It’s a great way to make contacts, friends and really get to know the industry. Find Ash: The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015. private photo


_____________________________________________________________________________ Kali Noir Diamond is a girl from Belgrade, Serbia who’s real name is Ksenija. She is 27 years old gothic model and her work is always inspired by combination of dark, even morbid or scary and feminine aesthetics. She explores balance between the two to show that you can be different and eccentric, but still beautiful. ________________________________________________________

‘’My goal is to represent and promote alternative and Gothic lifestyle and fashion. There are so many beautiful and talented models in the alternative fashion world, and I truly believe that the beauty we present, is the real beauty, in all its diversity.’’

Find Kali Noir Diamond: Photos: Dusan Knezevic Dragan Medakovic Vanic Photography The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.



When did you start with modeling? I’m a model from 2011. Why did you chose ‘Agnes from Garbledville’ for your artistic name? Actually it’s not the artistic name, I created that nick when I was 15-16 years old for my penpals. And now, after all these years, I’m not sure why I chose this name but I still like it as much as before. You are quite known on social networks as alt model and stylist and you have many fans and followers, what was the nicest thing that happened to you because of that and was was the worst? Being known is really important in this profession - your future cooperations depend on it! The more you’re known, the more better photographers,

designers, stores, etc. want to work with you. For me this is the best part of it. But if you’re asking about fans - the whole story is much different. Some fans start to adore you, they want to reach you in any and every possible way. The nicest things (besides nice messages) are gifts. My best are incredibly high heels with ridiculously high platforms. I also like when people ask me about signed photos - it makes me feel that I’m doing something truly awesome. And the worst things are always the same - when men try to offend the woman with some vulgar, sexual, obscene words just because she’s a woman (nothing more than a thing for them).

FInd Agnes from Garbledville: Photos by: Katarzyna Jankowska The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.


er l, danc e d o m atre, Noizma was born in L a l i M This is r. She re, she e e v h o l w o w to o and tat lives in UK n ferent world. if t via, bu completely d d her country . sa scribe e d r in UK says, i e e t h t s e b h oug oes an Even th eatiful, she d ng and you c b oi as very s all she’s d joy feel it. She en


Photos by Jimmy Deas. Crow by Pendulous Threads UK. Skull with feathers by Hysteria Machine.

How and when did you start your modeling career? Friend of mine was a photographer and he invited me for a photoshoot once. It was interesting and I somehow knew what should I do in the front of the camera. I really enjoyed all this process and result was amazing as well. After that modeling became part of my life. You are know for your unique style. What people in your everyday life think about it? Some people love my style and some people hate it. They can’t ignore it, and I love this fact. Watching people’s reactions gives me some kind of inspiration. What are you most proud of in your life? My beautiful daughter, my family and my hobbies. They are my biggest love and my biggest pride. If you need to choose, would you drastically change your style forever or do a naked shoot? I had a period in my life when I tried to ‘’fit in’’ I’ve changed my style completely and I wasn’t happy at all. I felt naked and awful every day. I’ll never do

this again. So My choice will be nude shoot. We were all born naked. It’s natural and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. What would you do with a million dollars? I would donate half, and half I’d keep for my family. Would you rather be respected or admired? Definitely respected. If you could change one thing on yourself, what would that be? I’ll be honest, if it would be physical thing, it would be my breasts. I love myself the way I am, but I want to be perfect. If this question is about personality my answer is ‘’I’m always working on myself I want to be a better person with every day in every way’’.

Find Noizmare: The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015. 35


Ms. Angi began modeling in 2012, while starting to feel the need for a new creative outlet after becoming a stayat-home mom. “I love my family to death, but I have been an artist my entire life and really needed something to do where I could be creative again.” “I wanted to be tattooed since my early teenage years. It started with a few body piercings and crazy clothes.” In high school she took an interest in alternative punk and gothic fashion. Since she has been extremely shy as a child, this became her form of self-expression. Once she was old enough, tattooing became an extension of this self-expression and allowed her to gain more confidence. Her first tattoo was on her 18th birthday, and was the piece she has on her back. A lot of people had advised her to start with something small, but that wasn’t the case as she proceeded with the 3-hour piece. Next she started her right sleeve…”I don’t really see the point in getting a small tattoo, if you are going to get tattooed, just do it to the fullest!” Once this tattoo was finished, she began her apprenticeship as a tattoo artist. “Once I had my first tattoo experience, I realized that I could make art and express myself creatively, but still have a practical money-making job as a tattoo artist.” Once her apprenticeship was complete, Angi took over a tattoo studio in a small Northern California community. She ran it quite successfully for a number of years and learned a lot about tattooing and art in general. After the birth of her second child though, she felt like she really should stay at home to raise her family, and sold the tattoo studio. “Staying home all the time was a quite an adjustment for me, I have always kept myself busy with either art or running a business. But it has been the best decision I ever made, and my kids certainly deserve it.” 37

Angi is still tattooing part-time at Lost Art Tattoo in Modesto, California. “I love tattooing, it’s a major part of my life. I now tattoo again on the weekends, and stay at home with my kids during the week.” When she decided to pursue alternative modeling, she had realized that she would never make it in the fashion industry being petite and tattooed, but has had a good amount of success as a tattoo model. “I love being able to transform into different looks, and wear crazy fashions that I can’t exactly wear while taking my son to school. Plus, being a “tattoo model” I am able to rationalize having to get more tattoos…right? Although, I had never planned to stop in the first place.” Most of her tattoos were done by various artists who worked in her shop. She is currently getting work done by Phillip Bertram at The Black Lotus Tattoo in Modesto, CA. “Phillip is doing some cover-up work on my left sleeve. I had some old tribal there and am covering it up with some neo-traditional color work. I have also had work done on my thighs by Jason Lawson at Delta Art in Pittsburg, and some black and gray work on my back by James Hanna who is now working in Turlock.” She has plans to get a lot more work done, including finishing the rest of her back and adding on to the fairy on her left thigh. “I don’t think I will ever really be done getting tattoos, it has been such a big and important part of my life that I can’t imagine the journey ever ending.” Find Ms. Angi: Photos by Lance Miller. The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.


Amigdala is an italian alternative model and designer from Pisa, Tuscany. As she says, for her to do photoshoots is vital and it helps her to express herself and her creativity. She loves to discuss new projects with photographers and to make her own clothing, corsets and accessories for photoshoots and this part of the job she founds really fun and exciting. ‘’I LOVE to sit in front of my sewing machine and breathing life into a new creation for a shoot.’’ Corset shootings are her favorite, as well as gothic, fetish, latex, high heels, fashion, alternative and pin-up style. She also says she enjoys in style experiments. Amigdala also likes to play with make-up and hairstyles, and as she says ‘’ With all my creations, I would like to transmit a little bit of my personality through the photos I do.’’ Find Amigdala: The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015. Photos: Alvaro Canonhal Pantani Francesco Gomellini Photo


‘’Fashion is all about feeling, so whether you are 15, 25 or 35 years old, you are welcome to wear any of my designs.’’ Find Racheli Titan design:

Photos: Paul J Harrison.


acheli Titan is an avantgarde fashion designer from Is-

rael. In her words, her line is all about fun, love, youth, colour & playfulness, it’s about feeling good and being comfortable with yourself and who you are. Her aim is to project her own colourful and interesting personality, as well as her unique perspective and way of thinking into each one of her designs, and also to make anyone who wears her clothes feel special, different and most importantly, feel good about themselves. She wants to make people who wear her desings feel unique and when they’re wearing one of her designs that they have something that belongs exclusively to them and what they can project into the world.

Her passion for fashion started at about the age of 18-19, when she was a soldier in the Israeli army. ‘’I remember walking around and


searching for some interesting fabrics to work with for hours in different fabric shops in Tel-Aviv. I also derived a great sense of fulfillment and achievement by playing and matching different interesting colours, fabrics and accessories for hours. I believe that because I was born and raised in such a controversial and complex country, it made me look at fashion design from a slightly different angle.’’ She applied for fashion design studies at the age of 25 in an Israeli college and after 2 years of studies she received a certificate in fashion design. ‘’I studied the basics of what each fashion designer should know in order to get started and make a breakthrough in the fashion industry. I approach fashion design in a very positive, lively and energetic way. It is also important for me to make use of fashion design



means to project Israel, my country, in a very positive light, r a t h e r than the negative way it is often presented in the world media. Art has an amazing way to unite people from all different religions and areas of the world. Change starts with each one of us and I believe art is the best way to get your message across and make a change in this world and I do enjoy working with amazingly creative and talented people from all over the world!’’ Racheli often uses very lively colours in her designs and she says that the colours we choose to wear have a great effect and impact on our state of mind and

mood, consequently, if a person dresses herself up in a certain design with happy colours, they will also feel happy and will most definitely project it into the world and people surrounding them. ‘’I honestly don’t think a woman needs to wear a fancy and ponderous ball gown in order to feel special. As a designer I let my inner voice direct me, while I’m also staying in tune with world fashion trends. When I see a fabric, feel and sense its texture and colour, I can imagine and see what I can do with it, that’s the way my mind

works. I need to see the fabric first before being able to design or create anything.’’ Her influences include Michael Kors and Alexander Wang. ‘’Their work is very innovative and inspiring to me.’’ says Racheli ‘’My aim is to establish myself as an international fashion designer, whose work is accessible to women all over the world. My biggest dream and target is to open up my own boutiques someday.’’ She took part in the Young Fashion Designer awards in London 2 years ago and she said it was an amazing experience. She had the privilege of getting to know some amazing and powerful people in the UK fashion. People like the incredibly talented English photographer Maurice Sparrow. The FDC showcase in London was the first showcase she ever attended and it left an immenseimpression on her. ‘’It gave me a taste for more, making me even more driven and determined to build myself up as a new, unknown designer and make my mark in the world fashion industry.’’ The good reviews she received for her collection made her very happy and as she says makes all of her diligence and hard work seem worthwhile. By attending as many fashion shows and events as possible she improved her designer skills and of course gained more interest for her work.

Racheli Titan with her creative team, Beth and Paul.


‘’Currently i’m collaborating with super talented and gorgeous English model Beth Chambers. We have recently been working with a few very talented and versatile photographers, the shots that are seen in this feature were taken by amazingly talented photographer Paul J Harrison.’’ Racheli says that her and Beth have an excellent working relationship, and they enjoy working with each other. They also get a lot of amazing and supportive comments for their work from all over the world. ‘’I’m looking forward to be working with Beth again soon in the UK and to also to do a catwalk show with her!’’ ______________________________________________ ‘’The fashion industry can be a challenging place to work, but the immense feeling of pride I get when I put my heart and soul into a design and then see someone wearing it makes all the challenges and difficulties worthwhile. If someone likes something you have created and even wears it, then it can only mean you’re doing something right and if you are doing something right then you should keep doing it. Lots of love from Israel. Racheli Titan X.’’ ______________________________________________


Who is Beth Chambers? ‘‘My name is Beth Chambers, I’m 21 years old and I’ve been modelling professionally for over 3 years now. I’m based in Essex & London in the UK and study Psychology at university while I’m not shooting.’’ How did you start working with Racheli? At the end of 2013 I received a message from a photographer I’ve known for a while, who is a mutual contact of ours, asking me if I would be interested in shooting with Racheli and himself in London in February 2014 - I gladly accepted. After the shoot Racheli asked me if I would like to represent her brand in the UK! So we have Tony Patrick Smith to thank for introducing us. What do you think is the ‘must have’ piece from Racheli Titan design? This is a very difficult decision as Racheli Titan has so many great designs, but my current favourite has got to be her red and black zipper skirt. I love this piece for the extra punky edge to it, which is a style that has always been close to my heart. You two must have some funny story about your collaboration, tell us :) We’ve had so many laughs over the past year or so because we keep in touch and talk a lot, but one thing that makes us both laugh is that when I post pictures of myself wearing the Anglo-Israeli joint collaboration designs on my fanpage some people assume I’m Jewish and start trying to talk to me in Hebrew, and I don’t know what they’re saying so Racheli has to tell me. The downside is that a couple of people have been abusive and made racist comments, but we rise above it because fashion is not about politics and the Racheli Titan line is about diversity.

Find Beth Chambers:

The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.



She was into sports throughout high school years, but somehow

it seemed that she gravitated more towards all kinds of art like drawing and writing. So after school she chose to go to college and eventually be a graphic designer. But universe wanted it the other way, so she quit college and started working. Mia was first introduced to pole dance in 2012, as she says, because of her health issues and diagnosed scoliosis, and because she always loved dancing. This hobby slowly became much more, and from something she needed to improve her health became her passion and something she couldn’t imagine her life without. ‘’Pole dance is my life, my way to make others happy and a way to run away from every restraint in everyday life.’’ says Mia. After year and a half of training she won bronze medal in NewStar category in Croatian Pole Dance & Fitness championship and that was the first step on her way of making dreams come true. At the end of the 2013 Morana Gatolin, the owner of the Mighty ‘’M’’ Station gave her an opportunity to become a pole dance trainer, and in 2014 she became licenced fitness trainer. For a year and a half now she enjoys her work with beautiful women who enjoy dancing just as much as she does. This sport, says Mia, forces you to work on your body, and not just that, it forces you to overcome even fear of yourself. ____________________________________________________ How would you describe one average training with your girls? How much of it is fun and how much work? Every training we start with warm-up and stretching for 15 minutes, and then we start with pole moves. How much fun and how much work? Haha, I can’t describe the feeling when you enter the training hall and your girls make you smile, it doesn’t matter how your day was until that point. They’re my girls and we share everything including bad moods, problems, happiness and love. Working with them is something that fulfills me completely, because to see joy and pride when something’s accomplished and conquered wakes up feelings in me I’ve never felt before. Our groups

are small, up to 6 girls, and it’s easy to work with each one of them without pushing them when they’re not ready or restraining them when they can do more. Women have finally found the way how to work out, dance and enjoy and in the same time work on their bodies, strength and flexibility, because that is exactly what pole dance is all about. You said you started with pole dance because of your health issues, did it really help you to solve the problem? I have diagnosed scoliosis and doctors said that I needed surgery when I was in my early twenties. Since I’ve been into sports and dance throughout the whole high school, I was


looking for something that would capture my interest and have positive influence on my health. I can’t say that my problem is completely solved, scoliosis is still here and it will stay here, but I got rid of unbearable pain in my back. I can proudly say now that pole dance definitely changed my life because it turned my pain into the strongest part of me, literally. Seems to me that you don’t take pole dance just for a sport or even less, for your everyday job, so tell me what’s your philosophy in all that? What else is behind the scenes? The best example is world pole dance community. It is like one big family full of support and beautiful people who can motivate you with one word from the other side of the globe. Every style is respected and appreciated, even the exotic one towards which there are still prejudice today. And for the ‘job’ part, I think that today is not that common that people do what they love for living. I love my job as a fitness trainer and I take it very seriously. I have never devoted myself to something as I have to working with those beautiful women who trust me and share my love for pole dance. Every day I spend at least two hours enjoying in what I do, as a trainer and a big fan of the sport. 46

Do you think dancing helps women (in this particular case, women) to become more aware of their bodies and all they can do and to apply this in other areas of life? How much did it change your outlook on life? Yes, definitely. This form of sport is more than just accepting your body for what it is, it’s just one small part of it. One thing is to undress and accept yourself, and completely another to beat the fear of the unknown and to accomplish something that was unimaginable until that point. Our training hall is our happy place, a place where impossible is possible. I’d like to quote my dear friend Martina Anišić who wrote for ‘’’’: ‘’ But until that point, long live the unity behind black curtains of my club where groups of girls don’t actually do the strange sensual magic, but they help each other and proudly show their biceps and new shorts, gossiping the outside world and in those moments of isolation from everyday life they’re working out and they’re being – happy.’’ My outlook on life has changed enormously in the past three years, especially since I became official trainer because there is no feeling like giving and recieving love in the place where women work together, help each other and overcoming every fear

performing ‘’impossible’’ moves and share love for this wonderful sport. What do you think in this world of great expectations is most important for a woman? First of all, she has to believe in herself, she has to be persistent and never to let anyone or anything stop her from what she wants to achieve. Women are beautiful and powerful, they just need to realize that. What do you think girls who want to start with pole dance need to know? Do they need to be ‘’in shape’’? No, not at all. I will always say that sex, age and especially weight are least important. I’m not gonna lie to you and say that it’s not easier for former dancers and gymnastics, but pole dance is a combination of dance and physically demanding dance elements. You lift only your own weight so the physical improvement in very short period of time is inevitable, so is the one concerning mental health, because overcoming the fear and believing in yourself is hardest for women these days. Do you have any long term plans you would like to share with us? There are always plans and there will be, but for now I’m happy with what I do and where I am. I want to improve my training skills and my knowledge alltogether also through pole dance workshops where you can work with respected dancers from around the world. This chance to work with those people is a wonderful experience and I’m happy to say that there are more and more of these workshops here. And in the end, tell us who is Mia when she’s not dancing? As my mom would say, ‘’Mia when dancing is the same Mia when not dancing!’’ Maybe in the training hall my fulfilment and glorification of the female strength (because women are wonderful, if you didn’t notice haha) comes more to the surface, but I think that today is the hardest thing to believe in yourself which is really the most important for personal growth and happiness alltogether.

As much as I consider myself a loner and appreciate my ‘’myself time’’ I enjoy company of people who are, no matter in what stage of life I am, my biggest support. I’m a young woman who enjoys going out, being with my family, watching a good show and eat a tasty breakfast and I think that most important thing is to feel fulfilled no matter all the obligations life gives us. No matter if it’s a hobby or just your lone time. Glorify each other because giving is receiving. Photos taken by Kristina Grbavac at Mighty ‘‘M’’ station. The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.


A 23 years old alternative Czech model represented

by the Twisted Agency. From an early age she’s been attracted to all forms of art. In that time she realized what she really wants to do in her future so she began modeling as a hobby during her studies. Now it´s been over two years since she started and she has already worked with brands such as Lovely Latex by bRIGITTE mORE or Catriona Stewart Clothing. ‘’I like everything that is unusual and original so what pleases me the most is a photo shoot with an extreme make-up and hairstyles.’’ she loves doing a variety of shoots like dark fashion, latex, fancy dress anything that is somehow unique. ‘’Even though I must admit that I am more and more in love with latex shoots. Latex just stole my heart!’’ She’s a lover of tattoos and body modifications and even though she has only four tattoos right now she plans to get some more in the near future. One of her biggest dreams and goals is to become a tattoo artist. ‘’Last year I was lucky enough to be asked to be a brand ambassador for Cosine Couture, shooting in designs and talking to people to raise awareness about the “positive body image” and to expose the beauty myth as what it really is – a myth!’’

e l o t s x e t t -La hear my Photos: Petys Yelen MUA : Martina Rudegalbeerova, Jindřiška Tesková Latex: Sharene Latex & PVC Fashion


She also features one month on the 2015-2016 calendar to support the welfare of animals with hopes of raising a donation for one organization. It´s an amazing project she shares with eleven other models. Her list of collaborations with different photographers, designers, brands and shops is very long.. ‘‘I doubt I can name just one as with time I became good friends with them all. Just to mention a few I´m always happy to work with: Álex Peréz of Deadlywood, Guldor Photography, Bibora Photography, Garry J Morris, Lovely Latex by Brigitte More, Sharene Latex & PVC fashion, Piranha latex couture and recently Metalshop and Affliction store in Prague.’’ We asked her is there anything she had to sacrifice for her modeling career. ‘‘Fortunately no. My family and friends support me, I´m finishing my studies now and right now everything seems to be the way I once hoped it will be.’’ ____________________________________________ You can catch Satoria at music festivals across the Czech Republic this summer where she´ll be present as a member of Metalshop festival crew. After that besides other things she plans to visit Wasteland and Dominatrix party again. Find Satoria:

The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015.


Danna Victoria posed for a collection made from recycled materials and she considers it high fashion as well as alternative one. This was a collaboration with a fashion designer Jana Petrović and as a result we have one very interesting project.

‘’By doing this I wanted to send a clear message to all people, STOP THE POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, because if you don’t, you have no idea how boring I can be.’’

(Jana Petrović, the author of the project)

ABOUT THE PROJECT ‘’Everyone says that renovating a house is harder than building a new house, I can’t confirm you that because i have never built a house, but what I can say to you for sure is that this one is true. It is much more harder to make new things out of already existing, old stuff.’’ In the past few years the author of this project, Jana Petrović, started making accessories and what she enjoyed the most was making jewellery. The biggest joy was that it has found its buyers and she realized that one day she would be able to earn enough for having a good life, by doing what she loves. But she didn’t want money to be the only reason. ‘’ I wanted to do something that will also satisfy my soul that had never been calm with all of that garbage thrown around on trees, 50

in the rivers… that made me think how can I, as an individual, try to solve at least a part of that problem.’’ And so she came up with an idea that was completely great – she could be creative and at the same time socially useful. Right away she started collecting old plastics, glasses, shoes and everything she needed to make all this. Right away she started collecting old plastics, glasses, shoes and everything she needed to make all this. ‘’I was so happy when I saw how it all turned out.’’ she says, and even though in the end there was no jewellery she found out that she could make other stuff to, like glasses, hats, shoes, and all of that from recycling materials. ‘’By doing this I wanted to send a clear message to all people, STOP THE POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, because if you don’t, you have no idea how boring I can be.’’ ‘’In the end, I have to say that I couldn’t be able to do all of this by myself, I have to give thanks to my friends and neighbours for helping me to collect the material I needed, I want to give special thanks to my dear friend and my assistant in the whole project Strahinja Tabaković, the great model who was willing to bring this out in the best possible way Danna Victoria, and to the photographer and cameraman who were willing to help us promoting this project - Bojan Stojadinović and Marko Miletić.


__________________________________________________________________ ABOUT DANNA VICTORIA Danna Victoria is a Slavic model and illustrator. She’s been modeling since the age of 16, and she is choosen to be the spokes person for DarkestGoth magazine for the year of 2015. She loves to work with talented artists who can make artwork of a picture. Danna is open for any kind of styles, but she prefers to express herself trough art photography. Photosessions are something she mostly do, and she is proud of her measurements (90-61-90). The thing she loves most is music, so she was promo girl for a lot of metal bands around the world. Corsets is something she wears all the time and love goth style in general. She is open minded, creative, and friendly, and she loves to travel and meet new cultures and people. Her moto is: “Art is something that makes this life beautiful, so let’s make some art”. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Find Danna Victoria: Photos: Bojan Stojadinović The Eye Pie Magazine, 2015. 52

They are all professional models and here are their takes on what you need to became one. Follow their advices and follow your dreams.




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