The Most Unique Sales Proposition

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The Most Unique Sales Proposition eyjolfurab

January 25, 2020

Personal branding is the process and practice of marketing yourself as an approachable, trustworthy, knowledgeable person. It’s an ongoing process involving developing and maintaining a good reputation and impression through well thought out self-packaging and promotion. Your personal brand thrives on the emotion, perception and lifestyle people associate with you. It’s what they anticipate experiencing should they spend time with you. Creating a powerful, admired and beloved personal brand makes you a valuable spokesperson for any product, company or cause, as well as the most unique sales proposition.

A Well-Crafted Personal Brand A well-crated personal brand can confer immense power and influence. It makes what you say or do meaningful and worthy of attention and emulation. A good personal brand can elicit specific feelings and actions and cause people to change what they do and the products and services they use. Effective personal branding can make anything associated with you infinitely more attractive, valuable and desirable. It’s selfempowerment that creates an influence on people’s mindset, perspective and purchases and results in a unique sales proposition. 1/6

The New Way Of Branding In the past, branding activities were used to promote products, services, and companies. Those activities made company names like Coke, Xerox or Sony Walkman inextricably linked to what they do. Coke became synonymous with colas, to Xerox something meant to copy it and any brand device people listened to music through while walking or running was referred to as a Walkman. Those are just three examples. Companies like Nike took branding to another level. Just seeing their logo on sneakers or clothing evoked images of athletic excellence in many people’s minds.

The ‘Like Mike’ Revolution Michael Jordan was on the leading edge of the personal branding revolution. Nike helped him create a personal brand that transcended his sport and influenced people’s buying decisions. Millions of people wanted to be ‘Like Mike’ and embraced anything he wore or endorsed. Jordans became a separate brand from it’s parent company Nike. Michael Jordan worked in tandem with Nike and together they created a unique sales proposition. Not only was the Nike brand and their products highly marketable, Michael Jordan himself had become a popular brand.

A Unique Sales Proposition While other spokespeople in the past had become associated with particular brands, Michael Jordan himself had become a bankable unique sales proposition. People associated Michael Jordan’s success and his healthy, wholesome, image as a uniquely talented, iconic, athlete, with the products and services he promoted. The Jordan brand created a unique sales proposition that went far beyond the sneakers he wore to the persona of Michael Jordan himself. Understanding his brand’s marketing power, he was careful to craft an image that was never associated with anything controversial.

A Revolution In Branding With the birth of social media, more people began using the power of personal branding as a form of self-empowerment. It gave rise to the concept of the internet brand influencers. Celebrities cultivated their personal brands by combining their success, good looks, big personalities and association with success and lavish lifestyles. The cult of personality had begun. A-list athletes, movie stars and entertainers became brands with a sense of self-empowerment marketing experts could use to promote just about any product or service.


Marketing’s Self-Empowerment Era Seeing the unique sales proposition Nike was able to create with Michael Jordan and stars creating their own individual brands, marketing mavens began to leverage this new self-empowerment era. They began to embrace people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian who were famous for nothing other than being famous. They are attractive, have outsized personalities, dress in attention-grabbing clothes from top designers, use the best products and lived lavish lifestyles. That became the essence of their personal brands.

Moving Well Beyond Corporate Branding Corporate brandings were used to promote products and companies. Personal brands and self-empowerment have created a new marketing paradigm. Influencers have taken center stage and people are encouraged to enhance their personal brands by using the products and services they promote. The modern marketing message is: ‘Anyone can be a star and have fame and fortune and have access to the best things and experiences life has to offer.’ Marketers now promote self-empowerment and personal brand building as the path to success and happiness.

Self-empowerment In Personal Branding Personal brands are all about promoting your own skillset, passion, and purpose. It is about being appealing, and confident, and letting people know who you are, and what it is you stand for. Consumers look for value and credibility, and a value-driven personal brand becomes your unique sales proposition. What you have to offer is quite unique, and something no one else can imitate. Anyone can become a star if they are self-aware and confident enough to promote their unique skills, talent, or style and can create an attractive personal brand. You no longer have to try to be ‘Like Mike’. Simply strive to be the best version of yourself through your unique skill set, talent, and style, and fame and fortune will find you. That being said, anyone can create a personal brand, have the best accouchements, ‘live out loud’ and create their own path to success. Today’s use of self-empowerment as a branding tool creates a lucrative, unique sales proposition people can control themselves because they are the brand. If they live a lifestyle the masses want, they can generate sales for the manufacturers of the products and services they use. Promoting your personal brand to the right target audience is crucial. This enables you to take full advantage of this most unique sales proposition without ever telling your audience what to buy. 3/6

Adding Flair And Passion Helps Personal branding takes extensive introspection and self-reflection. You must know and be comfortable with yourself and display your brand to others. Your personal branding must match the interests of your target clientele. Combining flair and passion with your actions makes personal branding more effective and helps develop a unique sales proposition consumers find near-impossible to resist. Passionate personal branding shows consumers a path to looking, feeling and being the way they always wanted. It enhances your effectiveness.

The Face Of Your Brand Being the face of your brand is nothing new. Elon Musk is the face of Tesla and the electric car revolution, and Richard Brandson is the face of the Virgin Group. They both represent the best traits of entrepreneurship. Musicians are typical examples of personal brands. The guitarist, Eddie Van Halen, is without question the face of his band, along with his extraordinary unique brand style. The legendary guitarist, Steve Vai, created his own guitar brand style, which blasts us all out of space. He became the brand face of Ibanez guitars.

Creates Freedom For You Crafting and taking control of your brand creates a level of freedom that’s exhilarating and self-empowering. Celebrities leverage their social status and media influence to endorse brands and products and support organizations. Controlling your own brand allows you to define and refine the dynamic relationship you have with consumers. It’s a continuous process designed to make your personal brand more visible and appealing and increase your sponsorship opportunities. Self-branding lets you tell your own metastory, differentiate yourself and control how the world sees you.

Connecting With Consumers Done well, personal branding helps people feel they know and can trust you, even if they’ve never met you. Creating a strong personal brand makes you more memorable and influential. However, your brand must be authentic, genuine, consistent, believable and credible. This helps people identify with and share your values and enables you to promote products and services while deemphasizing selling.


Advice Not Advertising Cynical consumers distrust advertising. They believe people they trust and with whom they share a bond because they face the same problems and issues and willingly share the solutions they have found. This makes personal brands and influencer marketing powerful. They connect with potential customers first, then deliver the company’s message. This creates a unique sales proposition. To learn more about Online Marketing Strategies, and how to start your online business, based on your own personal passion or brand, then this is your big chance to get your FREE VIDEO SERIES, and become a student of the SFM training program.

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