Uses of water melon

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Uses of Water Melon

Water melon is an all-time favorite fruit for many. It is mainly known for its heat resistance property as it cools down the body temperature in summer. It is good in combating the heat effect in the summers. There is a myth that goes around its regular consumption. The fruit is falsely-considered as merely a watery, sugary fruit that consists of 80 percent of water. This is wrong as the fruit has many uses. It is not only useful in combating the summer heat but is widely used in deserts and, is consumed in many severe diseases. One should be aware about the Use of Watermelon as only then the fruit can be used properly. Except consuming it directly, the outer shell of the watermelon is also useful. Hence the watermelon helps us directly as well as indirectly. Benefits of Watermelon Physicians always advise two to three servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. The reason behind this suggestion is that fruits and vegetables are enriched in vitamins and minerals. They improve one’s lifestyle, and keep the body healthy and active. Here are some of the benefits of consuming watermelon.

 Combats the obesity The obesity is main disease that almost half of the world’s population suffers from. Reducing its effect is essential for a healthy living. Regular consumption of the fruitwatermelon helps in reducing the weight. Dietitians often recommend watermelon in the diet to reduce weight faster.  Prevents heat diseases and diabetes Not everyone is aware about this benefit of watermelon that it helps in preventing heart diseases and diabetes. Though, watermelon is sugary in nature but still it is healthy for diabetic patients. As the fruit does not increase the blood sugar as it is natural form of sugar.  Prevents asthma People who consume vitamin C in large amount are less likely to develop asthma in their later life. Many fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamin c and watermelon is one amongst them.  Prevents cancer Apart of being rich in Vitamin C, watermelon is also an antioxidant and helps in reducing the formation of cancer causing radicals. People, who consume

watermelon regularly, will suffer less from cancer in futures as the watermelon strengthens their body. Helps in digestion Watermelon is often for improving digestion system of the body. Therefore, old grannies advise consuming watermelon if someone suffers from constipation. The watermelon cleans the digestive tract and prevents from suffering from any stomach infections. Hydrates the body Watermelon has almost 90 percent of water content in it. Eating it regularly in summers keeps the body hydrated and prevents from the summer’s loo. Improves skin texture Watermelon is very effectual in enriching the skin with Vitamin A. our skin requires loads of vitamin A to keep itself healthy and moisturized. Being rich source of vitamin A, watermelon also helps in reproducing the damaged tissues of the body. Improves the hair growth Arginine, an amino acid is vital for the smooth functioning of the body. This amino acid helps in blood circulation in the upper head area-scalp. Watermelon consists of large concentration of citrulline that increases the production of arginine acid and also, helps in increasing the hair. Prevents hair loss It is one of the important watermelon benefits for hair. People usually complain of hair fall. Collagen is mainly required in improving the hair growth, if the amount of collagen is low in the body. Then, the body might suffer from a huge hair fall as the body would be unable to produce more hair in the scalp area. Watermelon is rich source of the collagen. It provides the required iron to the body, which later transmits to the hair follicles and regenerates the hair.

 Prevents skin aging Aging is the most concern for every individual. Everyone wants to prevent the aging naturally and therefore, they search for a natural recipe or miracle that could prevent their skin from aging. Consumption of watermelon prevents the skin aging as it is enriched in Vitamin C and A, which prevents the skin from getting aged. These benefits of the watermelon are real. Discover more uses of watermelon personally, start consuming it and avail Health benefits of Fruits. Source:

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