2 minute read
● Reasoned: you need toexplainyourreasoningwhenofferingapointofOpenDebate.Aer agreeingordisagreeingwithsomething,trytoexplainwhy.
e. Response to Points of Open Debate (1.5 minutes per round)
In this speech, a Delegate from the proposing committee responds to thepointsraisedby the General Assembly during the roundofDebate.Itisstronglysuggestedtorespondtoall the points raised, as thiswillpresentthepreparationandknowledgeofthecommitteeina more positive light. Oen, it is useful to take notes of the points raised during the Open
f. Summation of Debates and Summation Speech (3 minutes)
The summation speech will consist of two main partsdeliveredbyoneortwomembersof the proposing committee. The first part ofthisspeechwillanswerthequestionsofthelast roundofopendebatesandsummarisethedebate.Aerwards,thedelegate(s)willusethe rest of their time as their last opportunity of the committee to use all their rhetorical energy and skill toconvincetheGeneralAssemblytovotefortheirresolution;thus,this speech can be more emotional than rational,primarilyaimingtoconvinceotherdelegates tovoteinfavour.
Aer the conclusion of all the speeches on a Resolution, the Chairpersons will collect thevotesof their Delegates on their committee channel. The Chairpersons will submit the vote of their committeeonGAStatistics. Announcing The Votes: Aer the voting procedure is concluded, the Board announces whether the resolution has passed or failed. In order to pass, the Resolution needs to collect an absolute majority,i.e.,50%+1ofthevotes.
a. Committee Placard: Chairperson uses the Raise Hand Feature.
For each committee, only the Chairperson will be able to use their ‘Raise Hand’ feature onZoom, which will function as the Committee Placard. The delegates together with the Chairperson must
decide beforehand who will be making points, as well as their order, in case there are multiple Delegateswishingtomakeapoint.
b. Direct Response (2x per debate): Chairperson uses the ‘Yes’ reaction.
Once per debate, each committee (including the one proposing) has the ability to immediately reply to the point that was made directly before, especially in terms of the content of the point. Therefore, if aChairpersonusesthe‘Yes’reaction,theBoardwillimmediatelyrecognisetheDirect Response of their committee. If two or morecommitteesrequestaDirectResponse,theBoardwill decidewhichcommitteetorecogniseatitsdiscretion.
Keep in mind, being relevant is not enough here; we need a point that directly replies to the previousone.Forexample,wehave:

Point: ‘How will you fund this programme?’ DirectResponse(Wrong): ‘Yes, also, how will you make sure the programme will be effective?’
This Direct Response isnotsuccessfulbecause,althoughitisrelatedtothepreviouspoint,itdoes notanswerthepoint.Instead,youcouldtrythefollowing:
Point: ‘How will you fund this programme?’ DirectResponse(Correct!): ‘This programme could actually be funded using the XYZ programme!’
c. Point of Personal Privilege: Chairperson uses the ‘Thumbs up’ reaction.
ThisplacardmayberaisedbyaChairpersonifoneoftheirdelegatesrequeststorepeatapointthat wasinaudible. Please note that the Point of Personal Privilege may not be used to ask clarifications on a point, only to ask the repetition of a point that was not fully heard. If necessary, you will be able to ask for translations and clarifications in the relevant Discord channel.
d. Point of Order: Chairperson unmutes and says ‘Point of Order’ .
This placard may be raised by a Chairperson, if at any instance a committee feels that the Board has not followed appropriate parliamentary procedure. Ultimately, the authority of the Board is absolute.