Issue I of the first batumi school session

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Journo Team Presents‌

Welcome dear participants of the Batumi School Session 2013 !!! It is an honor for us to be editors of this session. For the majority of you the sessions is the first EYP experience. We promise you that we will do our best to make these three days unforgettable for you. Journalists are running around, catching most important things, taking pictures of you, they made notes in order to write articles. They are supermotivated and we hope you are as well, because without your contribution to creating and feeling the real EYP spirit, our work will not be fruitful enough. So enjoy with our first session newspaper, every second of this session and make it an amazing experience for you and every one around you. Sincerely Yours, Ani Meskhidze and Mate Dvalishvili

EYP Georgia !!! History and staff... How it all officially started” There they sat, Giorgi Tabagari and Ana Tsurtsumia, quite morose at a dining table with Dr. Andre Schmitz-Schwarzkopf (chair of Schwarzkopf foundation), during Warning! In the article you’re about to read will be unrevealed secrets you might have been oblivious of and have been interested in for the whole session or even before that. So READ ONLY WHEN YOU’RE SURE YOU’RE READY. Not recommended for people with poor heart conditions. Good luck.

the 59th International Session in Prague. As disappointed as they

official. The History span then, it span to them and to all of us. Indeed one small step for a man to enter the GA but one giant leap for the nation to have official EYP in the country.

were by the deferral of making EYP Georgia authentic member of the EYP, little did they realize how big a difference that dinner would later make. Such a big impression they might have made on this particular person and on the board of EYP that there they stood during the GA of the very same session, their hearts beating in anxiety, beating as an echo to and in compliance with thousands of Georgian EYP-ers of those and later times, signing the most important document any Georgian EYP-er has ever signed – charter which made EYP Georgia

First Official Sessions National Selection Conference… A session from where delegates are selected to represent the country on the international session. But which was the first Official one? It was the 2 nd National Selection Conference, however the first one to be held while EYP was acknowledged a full-right member of EYP. Guess how many delegates were elected back then... You’d say 8 minimum… you couldn’t have gotten it more wrong. It was just one single delegate. ONE. Yes, you read it right. Then it was time to unleash the wings and the next session held had the international significance. That was in 2009 when, the 1st international forum of EYP Georgia was conducted in Batumi. Before that, the 1 st international forum had been planned to be held in Gori, however it was hindered by the war which broke out between Georgia and Russia in that period. Hurray, we did it! We went international!

’’We gained experience’’ Because of the low amount of volunteers before the 1st Batumi forum, the board and the chairpersons were sharing the roles of organizers and journalists and the majority of them were above the school age.

Along with the development of organizational degree of the sessions, the number of EYP ers started to cover the regions of Georgia. We started holding regional and school sessions, which made the whole youth of the nation become active in social activities. And as for management and functioning improvement, the cultures of trainings were established.

These experiences made it possible for EYP Georgia to hold 12 regional sessions in 2010-2011 years. Now in 2013 we are in Batumi once again, attending Batumi School Session and planning to do more and more. This session promises to be mindblowing! So shall it be!

How it all works EYP Georgia is administered by a board which is constituted of 5 EYP-ers. They decide and endorse all the ongoing EYP Georgia Events. The Board is selected by a National Committee for one year term. The NC consists of superb EYP-ers who were selected by applications. Since the elections of this board in 2012 the NC has been divided into several branches members of which are responsible for the development in their field. These branches are: Human Resources, Fundraising, Press and PR, International Relations and Regional Development. These guys together make every single session possible and they ensure that everything is done to its maximum quality. They do deserve a grand wave of applause from us! Remember, all of the work is voluntary, no one, including the board, receives any kind of remuneration. P.S, for your information, the president of this session is the president of EYP Georgia Mariam Chubabria, the Vice-president of the session Salome Kandelaki is also one of the Big Five and Head Organizer Akaki Kukhaleishvili is Vice-President of the organization, so we’d advise you to make sure they like you…

We are the future Thinking that it is all? Nope… The organization is going to hold more and more sessions in the future. It is planned, that 330 members of youth representatives from all over Europe will arrive in Georgia to attend the 74th International Session – Tbilisi 2013. The board and the organizers are working together to make this session perfect. Actually, the number of organizers is rising step by step, so be ready to see the call soon . But the calls are not coming in for just this session. Get involved now aand in some time you may become the head organizer of some significant session.

So embrace EYP, see the perspective it brings and enjoy!

By Tamri Matiashvili and Giorgi Metskhvarishvili

WE ARE CALLED EYP !!! Checking mail every day, looking for the new session to be announced? Changing plans for your attendance? That’s what we call being under a status of EYP-er. Everyone has been a newcomer delegate. For me that was an electrifying feeling. Knocking on an EYP door made an incontrovertible impression on me and at that moment I was recognizing that my life was changing. EYP is recognized as a life changer in all over the Europe. But what makes it so extraordinary? At first we all get confused, don’t know how to act, moreover, when the Zulu game is introduced to us. Actually the general teambuilding and the unusuality of EYP games are the factors that make you more out-going and freer in relationships. I call them the visit card of EYP. These games also give you the opportunity to get relaxed from the academic work, thinking of the problems and solutions connected to your committee topic. The committee works itself are always full of hot debates, due to the delegates’ high talent and will to express themselves. But the hotness is balanced by the golden rules made and obeyed by the whole delegation, so there’s no danger of extending the emotions and creating conflicts. The other also very important thing to forget academia is the symbol of EYP, Coffee breaks. It is majestic how can a taste of coffee and cookies change when boiling it in a kittle or casting in a cup. But the fact still stays the same. If you ask any EYP-er, he will confirm that EYP coffee is exceptional. (Don’t try to make it at home, it’s not worth suffering, EYP coffee is only in EYP). Then it comes the GA. It’s more like the passion for us. We think, we discuss and solve the problems that are acute and actual. And any innovative thought from the youth can be decisive, so don’t save yourselves from promoting. All the above-mentioned are significant but if you ask why? You will be answered: because of the people. Joining EYP is like a birth in a big sweet family, where everyone is friendly and you are surrounded by plenty of sisters and brothers. They are all that put a big smile of happiness on your face. Interesting who makes this entire family atmosphere and who are the parents of the spirit. They are all called officials: organizers, chairpersons and journalists. Guys whose every step taken forward is done for the delegates. That’s one of my best EYP phrases that I admire. Any organizational question? Ask it to the orga, academic one – to the chair, as for the journos – just smile for the camera. Oh… Yes as for the party: don’t miss it, drink and dance a lot and make sure that you have the time of your life. P.S. After the session the depression of not seeing each other rises to the top, so don’t be lazy to gather once again and discharge it by the anti-PED, which has already become the tradition for the EYP-ers to hang out together after the session.

By Giorgi Metskhvarishvili

EYP and Batumi Batumi is a seaside city on the Black Sea coast and capital of Adjara. Batumi today is the main port of Georgia. It has attracted a lot international investors with real estate prices in the city trebling. And it has attracted EYP long time ago, making it the second venue where the sessions are held most frequently. The first International event of EYP to be ever held was in Batumi, which served as a fundament to the long-lasting traditions of BIFs (Batumi International Forums). So far Batumi has hosted 4 unforgettably amazing BIFs and hopefully EYP Georgia will not abandon this tradition and we will see another BIF in 2014. Imagine the next session, Finally, we arrived! A long journey from Tbilisi made us tired and negative. However, it was worth it! We started with an Opening Ceremony, then the teambuilding made our day. Frankly speaking, I though the spirit wouldn’t be as high as it was. These guys just ROCK!

By Rezo Chanishvili

Les Misérables… or the time of responsibilities People have be en figh ing for ttheir rig hts and freedom for centurie They h s. ave sla in the kings an ir d revolt ed again tyrants. st Alas! W e have fought our fig ht and achieve d our g o als. We now do have de mocracy but...... , Are we ACTUALLY u sing wh at is ou by right rs ?!

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n o i s s e S l o o h c S Batumi

Akaki Kukhaleishvili (Head Organizer) He is most experienced organizer of the Session , (he is vice-president of EYP). He is excited because it is first Batumi School Session, organized by the newly established Batumi Committee of EYP Georgia. He feels happiness because orga team managed to gather a strong organizing team of individuals. As he sais team is distinguished by having foreign volunteer organizers from Poland, who were very motivated and actively contributing to the process. It’s known how difficult is to find suitable sponsors for EYP session, when they offer you Whiskey with misunderstanding, but on the other hand it’s most enjoyable and memorable moments. Against all the odds he and orga team was able to find all kind of condition which is useful for Session. Making Promo Video (which is really good one) was profitable , because meeting the representatives of foreign TV companies in Batumi Boulevard , who were also making a film and they offered money to orga team instead of lending their bikes for 20 minutes. Despite the fact that during the interview some candidates appeared twice in the interview and some just disappeared, he tells with a huge proudly: “Organizing Team are completely ready to assist the delegates, journos and chairs during three day session and do our best to meet expectations” .

Giorgi Kartsiv adze It is his first time to be in the role of organizer (Head) .On the on e hand it is intere sting and full of un pectedness, but on exthe other hand it is as hard as poss ble. It is very tire isome carry on ne gotiations with do company presiden zen ts who has no idea what is EYP, but being head organi zer means to expl ain them as much they need. Most as memorable and en joyable moments him also was Inte for rview .(It’s really hard to believe ho can appear twice w in the interview ). Even if you are st udent and have lo t of things to do, is another life and EYP never disturbs. H e is absolutely ex cited like to any HO this session is much like a child. nurtured it and w He atch it grow and be come his pride. H believes that this e will be a session ab out which you w talking for a long ill long time and th e pride for being creator of such an a even will stay with him as long as his heart beats.


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By Tako Sutidze

Chairs Elite Dear delegates, I’m sure you already know your chairpersons, but here you’ll find some information about their hobbies, dreams and in general, what kind of persons they are behind the committee works and teambuilding. I hope it will be interesting and informative.

Mariam Chubabria (Femm) is not only the president of this session, but she’s the president of the whole EYP Georgia. I guess it tells how determined, hard-working and dedicated to work she is, because she’s only 21 years old and has already achieved so much! Mariam is a perfect example of a busy and active woman; even now, while being on Batumi school session, she’s getting ready for her midterm exams, bachelor’s thesis ,Telavi Regional session and NSC…But “behind the scenes”, at home, when she has some free time (I wonder if she has it at all), she likes watching movies, painting and doing things with her hands. What I liked the most about Mariam is that her main purpose of life is to be helpful to others and I really would like to encourage everyone( including me) to take an example from Mariam and be as active, enthusiastic and hard-working as she is!

Veriko Devidze (LIBE) is a kind of a person you may not even know, but love from the distance. She’s always so smiley, happy, entertaining, positive and cute, that it’s really impossible to dislike her. You should know, that besides this everything, Veriko is very intelligent and interesting. She’s interested in everything, but especially in movies and books. These are her obsessions. So, delegates, If you’re looking for a very interesting and clever person with an amazing sense of humor, I’ll definitely advice you Veriko, but remember: when Veriko is near you, don’t even try to sing a foreign song if you don’t understand its lyrics, because that’s one of the very few things she can’t stand.:)))

Salome Kandelaki (EMPL) look, voice and the manner of speaking can tell you what kind of a person she is. People say that appearances are deceitful, but don’t believe them, Salome is exactly so kind, calm and tender as she seemed from the first impression. She’s one of the founders of EYP charity fund and she really gains pleasure from helping others. EMPL delegates, maybe you have already understood it, but I still want to tell you that you’re really lucky to be in her committee. Trust me, I know this from my personal experience.

Before this session, I didn’t know Nini Kukhaleishvili (EMPL) at all,so in order to write an article, I had to ask her some questions. At first, I didn’t want to do this, because I thought it would be boring, but I really enjoyed talking to Nini. I was especially glad and delighted to hear that her favourite book is Erich Maria Remarque’s “three comrades”. She’s studying English language and literature and after getting a bachelor degree this year, hopes to continue her studies abroad. Her field of interest is education administration and management. She believes that children are our future and in order to have active, intelligent and kind society in future, we should concentrate on school children’s education, so let’s hope to see her as the minister of education as soon as possible:))

Keti Mkervalishvili (CULT) At first, dear delegates ,I want to tell you that several hours before the session’s opening ceremony Keti felt really very bad and was even taken to hospital, but it didn’t prevent her from joining us and doing the best during the session. It’s the first time she has been a chair and as I know she was a little bit nervous, but I really think that she had nothing to worry about, because she’s doing a great job with her co-chair Nini Gigani. For Keti (as for all of us), EYP is a place where she can not only work, but also have fun and spend time with good people, so CULT delegates, be active and don’t disappoint her.

Nini Gigani(CULT) Before this session, I didn’t know Nini well, but after speaking with her for a while, I can frankly say that she’s a very amazing and interesting person. She is very adventurous ,kind, intelligent, a great debater and a little bit different, not like others. I don’t know why, but she reminds me of the people from 60’s who demonstrated against war and was fighting for love and peace. Nini likes the movies which leave something to think about, walking in the streets with headphones and listening to indi or jazz music. Here’s her favourite quote which will tell you lots about her: ” There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It’s necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good life is to live”.

Ruslan Tsulukidze is a very experienced EYPer. His first session was in 2007.It’s quite a long time and when I asked him what makes him to come back and attend so many sessions, he said that his favourite thing in EYP is its spirit and the people he meets here. Ruslan wants to earn so much money that he could finance all the sessions of EYP Georgia. He also dreams about establishing an innovative and modern legal company in the future. He likes simple, honest people with good sense of humor and describes himself as an easy-going, friendly and liberal person.

Sophie Samkharadze (DROI) She was my journo on 6th NSC and took great photos of us. Now she is very lucky, because everyone says all the good delegates are in her committee. She studies business administration in Ivane Javakhishvili state university and is interested in this field. When I looked through her facebook page, I saw lots of posts about human right topic which she has right now. So, DROI delegates, ask her any questions about this topic ,she’ll be very informative.

By Elene Eristavi

Our editors – Matte and Ani. Two big energy vampires with a creative and awesome ideas. You should see how prodigiously they get on with each other. They are giving us and themselves a lot inspiration to do our best and we, the Press Team promise you that we will use this advantage to make this session magnificent and unforgettable.

Patrick Ani Meskhidze Frankly speaking, it’s the third session I’m writing articles about how incomparable Ani Meskhidze is and I’m still fervent of her fabulousness. Why? I know her since my first session and I can proudly say that she can handle any kind of job. I’m not spinning a tale, her contribution during the session is so high that you can’t rebuke her even once. Furthermore she is a kind of person to whom you can trust and ask for an advice. Ani I think you’re made of Cuprum and Tellurium, because you’re so CuTe. ^^

Matte The Creative I It’s so easy to talk about the person who is your friend since the deep childhood. Calm, gentle, serious and maximalist, he always does his best on high quality. We should designate that this is his 4th session and he is already an editor. What an honour! He doesn’t really like to talk about what he is capable of, so I’m gonna reveal the truth. He is writing perfect verses. Sorry bro, but this talent had to be exposed. Matte can make you laugh to the death. If you observe his face you’ll definitely discover that he

looks like Peter Parker (from Spider-Man) Haha !


Journo Team Tamri Napoleon Matiashvili It’s time, it’s time to write about the genius. I’m not kidding someday she will be the most famous book author or a president. She is extremely educated person, she has won lots of Olympiads and her favourite historical person is Napoleon Bonaparte. I got acquainted with her on my first session and I still think that she’s undefeatable debater. Me and Tamri are dreaming of a Tardis, with a “Doctor Who” inside and we believe that everything is possible even travelling in space and time. Surrender, drop your weapons and clear the path to the future genius!

Tako Sutidze Look at her eyes! Bright, shiny and omniscient. I think eyes are her advantage to fascinate anyone she wants. Word “cute” is written for this person. Clever, tenacious, smiling and walking positive. Every time I see her I want to hug her, yep Tako, I’m telling the truth, come at me bro. She is a great debater, like Tamri. It would be very interesting if we collide this two, we'd place them against one another. Tako finished school one year later and I think she did the right thing. You’re definitely the lucky one, if you have got allocated in her committee.

Giorgi Metskhvarishvili (Cxvari) Cxvari and me came to EYP together, we had a lot of fun with many interesting stories. On the last session we played together on the Euro Concert and I think that was pretty good. He has an awesome guitar skills, but unfortunately school hinders him to implement his great plans. He wants to study Business Administration and believe me someday you will see the banner “Cxvari Corporations”. Hah! When I asked him where he wanted to enroll he answered : “I wish EYP had an University, I’d be definitely their student”.

Elene Eristavi Super photographer, super friend, super cuteness and super cousin as well. She is the personality of kindness, I don’t know how to praise her, she is just perfect! We had the time of our lives together, we stepped in the adult age together and we are still together. Her tenderness can fascinate any person. She’s very soft-hearted and sweetheart. Unfortunately her parents can’t adapt animals in house, so she’s oppressed at home, because she dreams of a dog. Every time I see Elene, she reminds me of Meg Ryan. I don’t know why, maybe because of her character and manners?

Veni vidi Rezo Chanishvili Mm… Okay it’s time to talk about myself. Finally! Now I can use this chance to praise myself as an adorable, ravishing, handsome and a cool guy. Yes, I feel so sorry for people who don’t know me. Hah! Just kidding. I’m a senior student and I love asking children what they want to be when they grow up, because I’m still looking for ideas. I think that the best way to predict your future is to create it, so brace yourselves – I’m coming! No sentiments, but my dream is to be a perfect father with a kindergarten business.

By Rezo Chanishvili

IDEAS… about Ideas

We stare at the flat screens thinking… Actually, thinking about thinking, because we cannot make the offspring of our minds flow in the way we want them to. And what is more crucial to EYP than thinking and coming up with new, fresh ideas which will turn the world upside down?

Sounds familiar right? Then, how to make our brains turn the lever and make us want to scream EURICA! Here come several ideas that I came up with that might come in handy, about trying to, or pretend to be trying to, think about ideas:

1)Obviously, sit down and write about thinking of ideas! 2)Murmur phrases like Got It! And Finally! In the course brainstorming to make impression 3)Maybe look at the photos of super cool people like Napoleon or Einstein, depending on whether you want to conquer the world or elaborate on quantum physics theories, and imagine their ways of solutions 4) Think in reverse. Think of some really awful ideas about the issue and then… no, a spark won’t kindle in your mind… You’ll just realize how ridiculous you So sit down for your own sake and let the ideas of universe flow in and out of you, then grasp them, change your own viewpoints and then go and change the world. And you can. You know you can once you’ve been to at least one of the EYP sessions, which luck you happen to possess!

Make EYP to have had you!

By Tamri Matiashvili

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