EYP Path

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PATH P.2-Editorial P.3-Telavi Session: The Incetion P.4– The Head Orga P.5—Dissection: The Orgas P.6-Are you on Board? P.7-The ChairLeaders P.9—The Increditors P.10—Don’t Mess with Press


You won’t READ this anyway... Dear Participants, Welcome to Telavi and the 1 st Telavi Regional Session of EYP Georgia! This is one of the editors speaking! The Press Team is here to keep you tuned before, during and after the session! We [the editors] , the editorial assistant and the Journos will make the most amazing issues and videos to let you feel the essence of the EYP and wake the spirit of EYP even more… We are creative, we are curious and we are fun to be around with and we are very, very tenacious… so beware, you will have to feed all of these traits of ours with your hard work, your own creativity and a lot of interesting gossips. Frankly, the work you’re going to handle is by no means easy, neither for the officials nor for the delegates, but we’re here to bring a breathe of freshness to this hard work and augment the enjoyment you get to the highest scale possible, so that maybe in the end you realize that all of the sleepless nights and the three days of consuming several liters of coffee is worth all the new skills you’ve gained and all the joy you’ve felt. The officials are here to enjoy this amazing ride with you and be there for the officials to let them enjoy it too… be friendly and ACTIVE! To sum it up, good luck, may the deity of energy (whichever it is) look out for you during these 3 days! Always at your service, Ed. Tamri Matiashvili

Hey, ho EYP-ers, It’s our first day on Telavi Regional Session and the emotions and the spirit are taking over our souls! That’s not all; it’s a start that will rise time to time. Feeling depressed, sad? Just kidding, those two words are so far away from you. That’s cool, even cooler than you’re feeling it now. I won’t tell you about these 3 days, the time of your life. I won’t tell you about the sleepless nights, that the coffee is the only way out from that problem. Oh, writing the word ’’problem’’, I just remembered that you have to deal with the problems of the whole world. It’s not that easy but take in mind, you are the youth the future of the universe relies on, don’t be afraid, do not hesitate and do your best to promote your ideas. Afraid of hard work and tiredness? So, here we are the team of officials doing everything to balance this, organizers - running all the time in front of you making these 3 days more comfortable, chairpersons working on your academic development helping in writing resolution stuff and lastly my lovely journalists, super motivated guys with photo cameras in the hand and smiles on the faces. Don’t forget yourselves and let’s make these last days of May unforgettable, so that those who aren’t attending this session get very jealous. For the last, wish you killing PED after the session i.e. so that we could hang out more afterwards. Yours sincerely, Ed. Giorgi Metskhvarishvili

The Overview Telavi Session:

THE INCEPTION Zura Giorgobiani will briefly expound the details of the session, its meaning and its members. Telavi, beautiful city with great history, is an administrative center of Kakheti. Last summer the whole city was rehabilitated and it became far more attractive for tourists. It was kinda shame that this city had never hosted any EYP session so it was time to hold a session here! Everything started with an idea – idea of experienced EYPer, Mariam Maisuradze, who is from Telavi herself, who was dreaming about making session in Telavi since her very first session. One day she braced herself and told EYP board about her idea. Board approved it and step by step dream started to come true. …And on one cold winter day she knocked on the door of Telavi government. Negotiations started a few months ago; In this period, Mariam gathered a great organizing team, which had less than one month for preparing the most amazing session in the history of EYP Georgia, they did their best and here it is - 1st Telavi Regional Session of EYP Georgia. We should not forget UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund). UNFPA’s goals are achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health (including family planning), promoting reproductive rights,

By Zura Giorgobiani

reducing maternal mortality and accelerat-

ing progress on the ICPD agenda. UNFPA also focuses on improving the lives of youth and women by advocating for human “And the main rights and genthing: there’s der equality and by promoting free food” the understanding of population dynamics. This organization is interested in development of Kakheti region and that’s why it provided material help to organizing team. This money was used to increase the number of delegates from Kakheti region. UNFPA had also helped the session in preparing two committee topics. After gathering organizing team, it was time to gather awesome press team and chairs team for the awesome session. The Editors, Giorgi Metskhvarisvili and Tamri Matiashvili, gathered a press team of 6 juornos, who will, of course, rock the session. Besides, Session president Mariam Tirkia and VicePresident Tamar Chubabria chose the best chairs possible

The Overview and now we have 5 committees, with great topics, amazing chairs and awesome journos. Most importantly though, the organizing team along with the chairs’ team managed to gather the most exceptional flaw of delegates from both Kakheti and other regions, making this session unforgettable indeed. What Can You Get From This Session? Dear reader, if you have spent even one day in EYP, you should not have this question, but if you still don’t know here’s the answer: First of all, EYP will give you great experience for your future. It will give you knowledge about EU and its problems; it will develop your thinking, speaking and team-working skills; EYP will give you new friends and will open the door to Europe for you. And the main thing: there’s free food in EYP sessions, much, really much food, delicious food, tasty food, FOOOOOOD! And my last advice dear reader – Be active, express yourself and do your best, because you have a chance to be selected for the 7th National Selection Conference of EYP Georgia, which will be held in June and which is the most important session on the national scale. It’s your chance, so don’t miss it! EYP is here for you, setting directions for a better future, be there for EYP!

The Head Orga Mission: Bring the unseen Joy to an ancient town Executive :

The Head Orga

Niniko Lekishvili will tell us all about the amazing Head Organizer and the Orga Team

By Niniko


Dear reader I am glad that you are going to read this article. Right now you will find out who are the peop1e who were working fSor the session for more than just the 3 days of the session. People who planned everything, because of whom we are here: so let’s start with the Head Organizer Mariam Maisuradze. Mariam Maisuradze is a generous brunette with amazing energy. She has attended 7 sessions and at 4 of them she was an organizer. I have been with her in an orga team once and I learned a lot of things from her. I have never seen other EYPer who loves being in Orga team so much. For Mariam it is great pleasure to take responsibility, because she is such a hard-working person. Paradoxically, she even enjoys being in difficult situations. She likes to be part of a team, to realize that her work will be appreciated. 1st Telavi Regional Session is very important to her. First of all this, is her home town and we will have the session in her former school. I think she must be excited because of that. Also this is the first EYP session in Telavi so Mariam and her team are the first people to bring EYP into Kakheti. She will be very busy during these 3 days so I think after that she will have a big holiday. In the end I want to say that I know that Mariam Maisuradze is great at working in team, but now we’;; see her as a leader and I think she is going to be simply amazing! Mariam Maisuradze and her team are bringing new life into old town!

The Orgas Dissection: THE ORGAS Personally I don’t know Vaxo Tsanava

By Niniko Lekishvili

1st Telavi

Salome Tarkhnishvili is in love with

but I know some of his friends, so I asked Regional them what kind of a person Vaxo is. So… Session

EYP, for her it is the wind of change, it makes her heart

wait for it… they said that Vaxo is a

is the

beat faster. She

clever, educated

first ses-

thinks that gale of

boy who even happens to be a pro-

sion for Giorgi Mazanashvili. But he has been an organizer

EYP will actually blow in Telavi.

gressively thinker!

of different projects. He de-

She believes that

They say that he always keeps his

this session will be cided to join EYP team because he thinks that this is one one of the best in EYP history, here is Salome’s advice for delegates of the most active organiza-

promises and is a good organizer. I found out that he does

tion not only in Georgia but in ”Remember that the best way to pre-

not have any bad habits… at all… WOW! So Organizers should be very

the whole world. After this session he will know more

dict future is to create it, so open yourself! Do your best and became

happy, you have perfect guy in team. (I’d about the organization and he individual part of the session”. No words said could be truer than these! say not only the organizers, perfect guy hopes that he will continue must sound good to a lot of girls out

taking part in EYP sessions


and certainly so do we!

When I think about Ana Mirianashvili, I alAnother beautiful girl in our Orga Team is ways smile. I have Tamuna Chipashvili. She is very active and never seen a person motivated, and as Mariam Maisuradze is who can enjoy life so saying, works hard to make an interesting much. Ani is always smiling and I think session. I remember her from Rustavi reshe is never sad and that is particularly amazing about her. After spending time gional session, I think at that session everybody knew that wonderful girl joined EYP family. From her Facebook with her I am always in good mood. I page I found out that this really girl likes to take pictures, but thank- think every team needs to have such an amazing person. I am sure she will bring fully, unlike many others, her pictures are actually good! You’ll not a lot of good energy to this session. waste time going through her photo albums! I was very happy when I found out that I should write something about Tamta Lomtadze. I can say a lot of good things about her. She is a very smart, talented and kind person. There is one reason why this session is special for her. 18 of May is her birthday so we will celebrate it all together. And I think this will be the biggest birthday party for Tamta ever! 80 delegates celebrating it! Let’s congratulate Tamta together today… but shhh this is a secret!

The Orgas Another organizer from Telavi is Nino Papunashvili. For her it’s just a second session but she already feels herself as true EYPer. She is very happy to be part of this because while she was studying in Telavi, there were not many activities involving youth, now everything will change. She has some advice for delegates “don’t be shy, Try to show yourself, be active and ready to step in debates and get maximally involved in committee work”. Golden words indeed! As I know for Mariam Chaduneli her public school session was the most memorable, because she met here her lifetime friends. This is not a big surprise for me because EYP is a good place to meet new people and make friends. But I believe that after 1st Telavi Regional Session, this session will be her favorite. Her favorite position at EYP sessions is of a Delegate. And now she is working hard to make this session unforgettable for other participants, which I’m sure she’ll do very well!

The Board Are You On BOARD? Lela Merabishvili will describe the academic leaders of the Session!

By Lela Merabishvili

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the 1st Telavi Regional Session of EYP Georgia. May this be the event you’ll never forget, but remember for a lifetime. I am delighted to have the privilege of introducing to you the President, Mako Tirkia, and the Vice-President, Tatuli Chubabria, of the Session. Mako Tirkia is one of those experienced and dedicated EYPers that make EYP Georgia very proud. she is majoring in International Relations at TSU and is doing an internship at the US embassy in Georgia. Besides her American Exchange experience, she’s also the recipient of Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and studied for a year in Slovakia. That is why the answer to my question, what was one thing that made her proud of herself didn’t surprise me at all: “I travelled to more countries than I thought I would by the age of 22.” Her best EYP memory is the Georgian dance show at Lviv International Session in Ukraine. “We totally rocked since we had one flying Georgian.” Not long ago, Mako was awarded a Scholarship to pursue her MA studies at Aarhus University in Denmark. You see how successful EYPers are? And this is only the beginning. The press team, wishes Mako a fruitful study period in Denmark. To conclude things up, I give you president’s message to the delegates: “Observe, learn, enjoy, make friends and stay tuned.”

Tatuli Chubabria is one of the twins of the renowned Chubabria twins; Tatuli was my journo on the 4th BIF and I found her to be very responsible and hardworking. She’s a fun person to be around with. And her gorgeous smile is a proof of the above mentioned. Here is a hearty message from the vice-president: ”Welcome to EYP family, a place to share knowledge, experience and happy moments of our life.” Her best EYP memory is the 1st Batumi International Forum. “With lots of rainy days, mud and amazing spirit.” In the framework of UGRAD, Tatuli studied at the Southeast Community College in Nebraska, USA. On her third year of undergraduate studies she went to the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic as an exchange student from TSU. At the time, she’s a graduating student of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Tbilisi State University and is very proud of her four-year full scholarship. These are few of the many achievements and qualities of our dazzling board members.

The Chairs The Chair-Leaders

The Time has come that Vaja Chanchibadze introduced the leaders of your committees! Hello


By Vaja Chanchibadze


Now it’s time to introduce

here’s the First Telavi Regional Session aaand

the real “ladykiller”, person with unique character and

firstly I want to intro-

positive attitude, a man who

duce the most attractive

likes Ukraine and eating

and handsome guy in most of all, it should be easy EYP: Erekle Chanchibadze. He is my friend and I to guess his name by now, it is of course Lasha can characterize him as an extremely reliable per- Vashakidze. When I see him, I see the spirit of son, now it’s interesting how his friends describe EYP. Lasha is not a first time chair, I have him… “friendly, funny, clever, interesting, lovely, heard from his delegates that he is full of emogreat” these are words told about Erekle. Addi- tions and he’s an agreeable and funny man. He tionally, I can say that he has a huge sense of hu- is a man of word. When Lasha says yes, then mor. He is a really hardworking, aim-oriented, he will do it, no matter what. Lasha’s delegates single-minded person and I believe he will are very lucky to have him! achieve a lot in his life.

Next i would like to introduce Koka Kapanadze , the “Winnie the Pooh” of the session, he is as lovely and kind as it is. He is also a friend of mine and i can freely say that he is a decent fellow, humble, clever, a real friend and a trustworthy person. Honesty is a great quality that everyone is looking for in a person, and I have found it in Koka’s personality. He is a very deep and an interesting boy, also a versatile person of a steady character. I know that he is one of the best organizers and delegates in EYP, herewith I hope he will be one of the best among other chairs.

Aaaand here’s Vass Khurtsilava, my close friend whom I could describe as an intelligent, confident, flexible ,handsome, openminded and RESPECTABLE person. His favorite quote “ Be tolerant, respectful, and accepting of those who are different from you” shows us his tolerance and attitude toward the people.

I have not known him for a long time,

but during this little period, I saw in him a reliable and a pleasant fellow. As I know he is greatly motivated for the session, I think he will justify our hopes and will be outstanding chair in Telavi Session.

The Chairs Now want to introduce, next chair (unknown to me, just yet) - Young leftist activist, freedomfighter and passionate supporter of Social Democratic ideas, Mate Gabitsinashvili.

As I


mentioned I don’t know him personally, but from his friends I heard that he is a graduating student from the masters’ degree program of international relations at TSU, and that he’s an intelligent, clever, responsible and loyal person. I hope we will meet each other and get acquainted very soon. Next member of chairs’ team is Davit Lomidze. He is a real gentleman, optimistic, confident, intelligent and an honest person. His character gives us opportunity to think that Dato is a real individual.

In his character

hides a very emotional and glorious person. Davit is a firsttime chair, I think my hopes will come true and he will prove he is worthy to be in the Chairs’ team. At this point let’s wish him all the best!

“Ani Chkhikvadze” her name talks about lots of things. She is one of the Head – Organizers of the Tbilisi International Session. She is definitely one of the most experienced EYP-ers and we wish her best of luck in organizing the most important session EYP Georgia has ever hosted. As I know she is full of energy and is an intelligent, trustworthy and pleasant person. From her friends I’ve heard that she is extremely aimoriented and hardworking. Committee in which she will work is terribly lucky, because her smiling face, energy and brain will do

“Mystic” Devi Pirtskhalaishvili… At first sight he seems too serious and he truly is calm and intelligent, but when you get a closer look at him, you realize that there is something tricky in his smile. He is totally into technology and even has a show about computers. So he is the kind of a chair who can guide you during committee work perfectly and also give you some advice if you're having a trouble with your PC. He takes any case seriously and that's why he is so successful. He’s an extraordinarily active EYPer and we really hope he keeps it this way!

The Editors

THE INCREDITORS Nestan Mamukashvili will talk about the people who remain behind the scenes of the journo team. Meet The Editors! Ladies and gentlemen, my dear journos, let me warn you about one thing - never argue with Tamri Matiashvili! Believe me, she'll win. The thing I love in her is that her mind is always on start (and full of Napoleon facts, with whom she is desperately in love) (Editorial comment: This is a huge exaggeration) She is quite a good combination of intelligence & fun, which makes her different from other's and lovable for everyone. Her validity is very respectful, You can always rely on Tamri as long as it's not connected to cheating, deception or dishonesty. If you happened to have crush on her, well let me give you some food for thought, she already likes somebody, so you will have to try hard to get into her heart (if you need some advice, i'm always here to help you, but frankly i already endorse her choice) She appreciates hard work and respect of the duties, so dear co-workers do your best.

By Nestan Mamukashvili

It has not been long since I met Giorgi Metskhvarishvili, but as I see him, he's quite friendly and fun to spend time with. Apart from being an editor, he can play on so many instruments that it will take long time to specify exactly. His biggest dream is to become a rockstar (can you picture him shirtless, w/long hair and screaming song lyrics?) He's also good at computer stuff. I found out that he created a program when he was ten! Can you imagine? I guess it wouldn't take him long to hack your Facebook (editorial comment [Tamri]: no it wouldn’t!), or something more sophisticated. (Be careful, Giorgi's watchin' ya). Though He is a little bit poetic, he doesn't like talking about that, but you can catch the moments of him being dreamy. Giorgi is very motivated for the session, and wishes you all good luck, just as I do. Work hard and try to get your place in the video! Don't hide, Be active - says George

The Journos DON’T MESS WITH Mariam Lataria will talk about the craziest team so far—the JOURNO TEAM!


Me, Myself and I (Mariam Lataria). Firstly, Hello the First Telavi

Mariam Lataria Coming to EYP, your eyes will be

caught by a boy have an opportunity writing about my dearest with curly hair, yellow (or some friends, who are going to be your journos other bright during these amazing three days. But before

Regional Session! I’m super-duper lucky to

telling you about them, I have to write the part, which I really don’t like. I’m Mariam Lataria and you can simply call me Lataria (everyone does so). I’m participating in EYP, because it shows me the way which I should follow. I’m a pretty ordinary girl, I have many dreams which are still unfulfilled but I believe they will come true soon. Also I love coffee most of all on the earth after my family and friends. I’m a real daddy’s girl so … you know! I don’t know what to write more, it’s really too hard for me! So, now the thing why I had to talk about myself! It’s time I presented the most awesome Journo team in the world! The very first session, where I noticed Veriko Devidze was Kutaisi 2nd regional session. She was a dedicated organizer and I remember the trust she awoke in me. One glance is enough to fall in love with our miss. Cuteness, Veriko! She is a very diligent, hard-working and cheerful person. You can feel very calmed and free, in

color) trousers and checked shirt. This is our Zura Giorgobiani. He loves EYP because of free food and now it’s clear where all the cookies had disappeared on the previous session. The most frightening dream of his (impossible but, don’t forget who we’re talking about) is that he wants to have a power of teleportation and flying. Imagine, Zura is flying around you and hunting food, like Carlson. His idol is famous Georgian man, who has changed a lot in our country – Ilia Chavchavadze. I don’t know, if Zura going to contribute as much as Ilia has, but no doubts ,God awarded both with amazing sarcasm.

one phrase: Veriko is a person I can completely trust and rely on. Every session is important and unique for her and But after all, despite all of his ironic she always puts whole energy in the job. Her biggest dream is to and sarcastic comments on everything own a penthouse on Manhattan! (She is Veriko Devidze and owns I’m doing, Zura is really good and even Manhattan, dude!) Trust me, Veriko is the most pretty, kind and honest person in EYP Georgia.

lovely person I know and trust me, session without him isn’t an EYP session.

The Journos Nestan Mamukashvili’s a pretty girl with a prettier smile. For her, EYP is a place where she gains experience and gets amazing friends and memories. Well, she has interesting dreams; somebody’s shoes (idiomatically of course). Strange wish, but says a lot about her. Also she wanted to become an actress, I think she would be perfect at it; she wants to play “Judas” part in “Jesus Christ Superstar”. By the way, she is quite different form Judas!! If fate is auspicious and gives her a chance to win a lottery, she will open a huge shelter for homeless animals. Simply: WOW!I can’t find suitable words to compliment her, I’m certain that after years she does something astonishing and the whole world will be proud of and thankful to her. She is really amazing,so boys you should hurry up. And excuse me, not only boys, everyone carpe diem and befriend her at least on FB, you won’t regret.

Unfortunately I haven’t had a pleasure to spend a lot of time and get to know Niniko Lekishvili well, but as my EYPer (and not only) friends told me she is a brilliant person. By the way, you will fall in love with her cute and astonishing smile. Niniko seems to be a very interesting girl. She is extremely motivated and her contribution to EYP rises every single day. Well, what else? Actually, she is obsessed with horses and wants to travel once, so I suggest her to buy as wild a horse as possible and travel and travel. Lovely, one simple word which is most suitable for her personality. She is like a shining and a hot (in both meanings) Sun, which spreads positive sunshine all around. Committee in which she will be a journo is an extremely lucky one, because of Niniko’s enormous energy, positive smile and a sparkle of shining eyes, which is truly exceptional. Finding out that Lela Merabishvili came to EYP just for interest frustrated me, but her contribution till today proves EYP’s magical attractiveness. Lela is a girl who spreads warmness all around. She is very diligent and hard-working and as a result she lived and studied in America for a whole a year! Not surprising that she has only goals and not dreams, which she always achieves. Lela is very motivated and involved in social activities. As she said, she hasn’t decided what she’s going to do in the future, but I’m sure she will be awesome in any field. In addition, I don’t want to leave without saying that Lela is a pretty brave person, so her Committee is in safe hands. Lela calls herself an explorer, so may God help her to explore every mysterious thing in this world in order to save us. I have nothing left but to wish her all the best in her life.

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