the 5th Georgian National Selection Conference_ Issue II

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ISSUE II Interview with Head Organizer


Interview with the president of the Session


Interview with Mr. Boris Iarochevitch



In this issue you will have an opportunity to ready a lot of various articles and see many photos of yours. Together with the reviewing the all the presented committees you will have a chance to read a couple pages about Orga, Press and Chairs teams as well. If you are interested in the session evaluation by our Head Organizer and President you can find adequate pages in this issue. By taking an advantage of our professional cameras we released a special pages for fashion category and a puzzle about your accessories or outfit. As on the General Assembly we had an honor to receive The Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Georgia, we did not loose the chance of interviewing him and thereby on the 32 page you can get acquainted with his ideas about EYP. As an Editress of this issue I incourage you to read al the presented pages and enjoy it. Marriam Tchubabria









“If yOu are nOT WIllInG TO lOOk stupid, you are not worthy to be lOved!”- EYPers go banana!

16-17 Cry me a river... OUR BELOVED OFFICIALS


Our amazing Organizers team!

34 Few words about Issue creators


Interview with the Head Organizer – Data Makashvili

1. What does it take to be a head organizer? - Few hours to write an application form, several days for planning and organizing session, few sleepless nights, huge devotion. Actually, nothing difficult . 2. As a head organizer what do you expect from this session? Do you have any fears? - I expect experienced EYPers to consider this session as the best one and new comers to fall in love with EYP. Fears – I have a PED (Post EYP Depression) phobia. 3. What is the first thought you wake up every morning during the session? - My first thought when I wake up is where is my ‘to do’ list. 4. How many times a day do you hear your name during the session? - Around two hundred times per day, but if we also take into consideration “honey”, “darling”, “dear” and “my Superman”, around thousand times. 5. If you could freeze the moment, what would it be from these last 4 days? - The most, when I fell asleep on the second morning.

By Sophie Samkharadze

Clothes are much more today than just fashion statements. So investing a little time and money in them is surely worth it any day! Fashion is not what you see and than adopt, but it is something you can carry on with a particular dressing and makes you comfortable. Fashion nowadays many things at a time, some people flaunt the brands of their

clothes and consider it fashion. While some people wear torn trousers and consider it fashion. As the session approached one of the questions that might have popped to your mind is what to wear during the session.During these 4 days you are going to have different occasions like team-building activities,opening ceremony,committee work and

General Assembly.Different occasions mean different outfits.”the perfect outfits” for the session contains the right choice for the event,a balance between chic and comfortable and of course,your style. It is very important to consider one thing “Fashion is not what others were, but it is that you wear" By Nini Danelia






“When you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping, and the mask fails, so that the real person appears� Philippe Halsman




Have you ever practiced Jumpology? The most likely answer to this question might be “no”; but in fact, you have practiced jumpology if you have ever taken a jump picture. Indeed, most of us have at least one picture of ourselves jumping in front of the camera, and most likely, none of us has attached any special meaning to the resulting facial expressions or body gestures. But according to a Latvian-born American photographer Philippe Halsman, jump pictures reveal “the true inner selves of people”. Halsman developed the concept of jumpology, asserting that since people have certain face masks that cover their real emotions, a good portrait can only be captured by directing the model’s attention away from practiced expressions. To achieve this, Halsman asked his models to jump. The journo team decided to try Halsman’s method and check out the real inner selves of the orgas, journos, and delegates of the 6th NSC. By Tamta Gelashvili

OFFICIALS TEAMBUILDING FOLLOWED BY... As a rule, the officials are the first ones to arrive to the session venue. The organizers, chairs, journalists, and the editress of the 6th NSC also arrived to the Bazaleti Training Center a day before the delegates’ arrival. In order to become a cohesive team, the officials started with teambuilding. They played several games and learned a lot of things about each other; it turned out that the session president was previously actively engaged in rugby, wrestling, and basketball, that one of the chairs has ancestors belonging to a nation that no longer exists, that the editor designed her colorful shoes herself, and many other interesting facts.



“If you are not willing to look stupid, you are not worthy to be loved!”EYPers go banana!

Yeah! The delegates of 6th NSC do look stupid at so called “strange look party” that was held on the very 1st day of our session and all of them definitely deserve to be loved! From the beginning everyone was kind skeptical about it but it turned out to be one of the craziest party ever in EYP history. No one could imagine if delegates would be able to dress up so funny and extraordinarily after the exhausting committee work. But the party really exceeded our expectations. Here, you could see people in every possible looks that you can ever imagine. Real show started when strangely dressed delegates started coming out from the rooms. From the beginning, I had a feeling that I was on London Fashion week where everyone tries to wear something creative and extraordinary. Everyone had totally different look. Moreover, I should emphasize that gay stile was very popular among the boys.

Lights off! Music On! Here we all are on the dance floor and party started! Many drinks, loud music, crazy looking people, your beloved friends and Bazaleti fresh airthere were nothing else we could dream of for that night. I am sure, many of us will never forget that night. We will be happy to remember how we got wasted at that night.


Ich Liebe LIBE

Swaggy, nude, gorgeous, delicious, “zombieish” – these are some of the adjectives the LIBE delegates created for themselves during one of the name games. The nicknames were soon implemented, and even during serious discussions, one could have heard phrases like: “Hey gorgeous, what do you think about this issue?” So even though the debates were very active and argumentative, the LIBE members still managed to have fun during the committee work. In the beginning of the committee work, the chairs – Ia and Shota – made sure that every member of the committee had a clear understanding of the topic. To achieve this, they asked each delegate to formulate the problem in a clear way, so that even children could understand it. The issue under discussion was achieving the best balance between a sustainable migration strategy and the freedom of movement in Europe; as Zuka, the “zombie-ish” delegate, put it, LIBE had to find a way to travel from Disneyland to Big Ben without having anyone or anything hinder the trip. With such a laconic explanation, the topic was made clear to every member. A few times, the committee had trouble defining certain terms or policies, but the chairpersons always managed to make everything clear and deserved loud applauses from the delegates.

The LIBE committee agrees that people should have a right to move freely from one country and another, especially if these people are sexy. The chairs posted photos of famous models on the door and added a caption: “Should THEIR freedom of movement be limited?” The pictures naturally caught the attention of other delegates and the president as well, and soon they were taken down. The LIBE members decided to replace the photos with a poster saying: “LIBE fighting for justice”. Apart from fighting for justice and human rights, the LIBE committee manages to have fun as well. The chairs often give breaks to the delegates and play funny games. By the end of the second day, the delegates also chose each other for different nominations.

1. The funniest - Shota 2. The strangest - Monika 3. The prettiest - Ia 4. The most handsome - Zuka 5. The most talkative - Giorgi 6. The most creative – koka/ Ani

7. The most stylish - Tamta 8. The cutest - Veko 9. The most serious – Nini 10.The shyest – Mari 11.The loudest – Zura 12.The flirty one - Nika 13.The smartest - David

ALLER! ALLER! ENVI! Entering the room of the committee on Environment, public heath and food safety their eager and motivated, attitude strikes you immediatly. Yes, here we are! Welcome to the most ENVIronmental Committee of 6th National Selection Conference of EYP Georgia chaired by the VicePresident very experienced and talented girl Ani Nozadze! ENVI became a real team from the very beggining. One could expect it to be harder for them to consider the differences in each others EYP experiences and backgrounds, but ENVI found a suiting place for both EYP newcomers and experienced EYPers. After very funny and interesting Team-Building they got down to work. The question was: should smoking be totally banned in public and workplaces or should there be separate smoking sections in buildings in Europe? Every single member of this committee came together they were ready to discuss such a wide and controversial topic. the task for the guys from ENVI isn’t easy at all. The governing bodies of the EU have been thinking about solving this problem for years and now ENVI has only 2-3 days. That’s why during the committee work their

discussions often got hot just because of too many opinions. But with a great help of their Chairperson they always managed to come up with final idea. This committee wasn’t only blessed by talented delegates, but of course the “bright past and future” of EYP very attractive and to my mind very friendly person, the main motivator of our committee Ani Nozadze. Without any doubt they got on well with each other and this was one of the most important steps toward a real team work! I won’t speak about her from my own experience, I asked all of the delegates to describe their ChairPerson. Let’s see what they’ve got: Lela- “You cannot express her greatness in words” Giorgi- “Oh my god, really positive and funny one. We love her so much. I think she’s good at swimming and I’m gonna invite her in seaside city Batumi this summer.” Nanuka- “She’s amazing, cheerful and definetely helpfull! She’s warm, sunny and funny.” Tiko-“I think I’m lucky enough to be Ani’s delegate. She always tries to calm us down,to make us more energetic and of course to help us with our work”

It’s so hard for me not to introduce you all the committee members individually.So,get ready!You are going to get to know every single delegate of ENVI.Here they are: Nano Khetsuriani- She is one of the most charming girls in our committee,as she already demonstrated she loves teamworking with her peers.As she mentioned,in EYP she has a chance to live up interesting and brainstorming expectations.She is affraid of scorpions and wants to go in Africa.This is the first session for Nano and as she said here’s truly friendly,cooperative atmosphere with so many adorable people. Nanuka Gurgenidze-Is her name familiar to you?I’m sure it is!Because Nanuka is one of the most experienced and motivated person in our committee.I always remember her speeches and debating after every GA,she has ever participated.If you haven’t yet seen the way she debates,trust me you’ve loosen so much!As she says,EYP is like tobacco:addictive,sometimes noxious but satisfying.I hope she’ll never be satisfied and won’t give up being an EYPer.

Nikoloz Beselia – As he describes himself he’s intelligent,honest and sexy.This is his first experience in EYP.Some of his friends suggested him to come here and as he says now,this was definetely a good suggestion.He thinks that Ani Nozadze is the coolest chair in EYP and he like this session,because he’s having a really good time. Giorgi Kartsivadze- Also known as “Giorgi from Adjara”.He’s a guy with a great sense of humour,it’s impossible to sit even 5 minutes beside him and don’t laugh.During the “Strange Party” at the very first day of this session,his guitar and national songs charmed almost every girl.As he mentioned,he has fallen in love with his committee and says “No smoking,please”. Lela Merabishvili- I can say that she is a real source of energy and was one of the most active delegates during the CW.She loves EYP just because it’s EYPcious.Two things she hates:Ipod and Alarm Clock.She is totally in love with her committee and says: “We love ENVY,because it’s the committee you are gonna envy! Etuna Vashakidze- Despite the fact that the first thing that popps to your mind is “how beautiful she is”there are some more reasons why she’s so special.She’s friendly,punctual,super energetic

and also very talented.She’s afraid of getting old and car driving.She loves eating and is totally in love with her cat called “Nicole”. Tiko Mchedlishvili- This is her first time in EYP and as she already mentioned she enjoyes it.As she says her watch is her best friend.She likes discussions during the committee work and as I have to mention she’s really motivated and active person.She plans to continiue her study in the U.S.A,learn Economics and business.Let’s wish her success in her future life. Natig Kurbanov- He’s really strange guy in our committee,sometimes with a funny and sometimes with a serious look.I think it’s hard to find out what he’s thinking about.He doesn’t like primitive girls,who are afraid to express their own ides.Three things he is in love with:Travelling,music and art.As the majority in our committee he’s also the first-time delegate and as he says,he’ll definetely attend other EYP sessions. Hellen Sajaia- A girl with a short haircut and an extraordinary look.This is her second time in EYP.She wants to be a major in Physics and a minor in Mathematics.She likes so called “Cold Coffee” and “Coca-Cola”.I’m her journo for the second time and I can assure you that she always ex-

presses her ideas and is always active during the Committee discussions. Zura Giorgobiani-Have you noticed a guy with black,curly hair and a strange,funny look.I’m sure you have.He’s Zura Giorgobiani.If there’s only 9 delegates(out of 10) after lunch or dinner in our committee room,without thinking,everyone knows that Zura is missing:)As he says he’s sexy and he knows it,but as he always mentions he’s not a GAY!He’s afraid of visiting the dentist.When I asked him if he likes his committee he answered: “I like it,but I just can’t smile”:) I hope that this short introduction has given you a small insight into our committee’s world.Committee of ENVI had a tough resolution to solve.During the CW they specified problems and tried to solve them in various ways. It was a lot of work and kind of hard but also fun to work with so talented people. After LOTS of work they finally specified the content of their resolution. Our committee is ready to hear your attack speeches,defend our resolution and answer all of your questions.Get ready! ENVI is coming!

By Nini Danelia

MegaSuperSpecialA They say: “To succeed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you” I would change the word “something” with the word “someone”. And here you go! In the committee of Culture and Education I, delegates definitely have “someone” to hold on to, to inspire them, and to motivate them, because they have each other. EYP can be stressful for anybody, but these guys have the perfect remedy and it is not a big fat pony or their own secret team of scientists, who manufacture energy. Their clandestine is an enormous amount of accumulated support for each other and if they preserve this quality long enough, they might even make Eurovision song contest depoliticized. They have been discussing this topic for three tiring days, which was full of fights, laughs, hugs, games, discussions, problems and solutions. Expectedly, they managed to perfectly overcome all the problems and get over all the resistances, brought out all of their facilities and finally completed the resolution. They may not have had such fruitful and efective outcome without the help of their experienced, energetic, clever and cutest and

when his exchange student year starts in the United States. Girl with exotic appearance and beautiful face, she looks a lot like Georgian singer – Qetato Charkviani. ELENA loves being unacceptable and original. When you see her at first, you might think she’s shy and modest, but in fact she can be everything. She said that she’s acting and playing different roles in life. Her best friends are cats – she even discusses her problems with them. She works as a journalist in TV program and loves her job. She said she likes to make some strange experiments on people and observe their reactions. she doesn’t like stereotypes and dogmas and is always ready to defend her points. You can easily notice MIKO. He is very energetic guy and he is present everywhere: singing, dancing, talking, or just moving. He’s always trying to be kind, to help people and to be optimistic, feels happy in the company of others and it’s almost impossible to make him angry. Let me quote one of his sayings: “Life sweetest chair ever – BIRCAN. She led the is a game and we’re playing it. committee perfectly and for me she is a perfect In this game there are losses example of what a chairperson must be like. She and victories, but we must not was giving useful advises to the delegates, helping give up” cool, huh? He says, if them stay on track and energizing them with funny he could travel in time he games, her brilliant smile and a never-ending would choose future, he wants amount of chocolate. to see his funeral; as he’s inThe above-mentioned super-duper-hooper committerested how many people will come! Come on, tee consists of 10 delegates and I will try to say Miko, it’s too early, darling! some things about each and every one. TAMRI is determined and diligent girl. If she When I first met NODO I thought that he would wants something really badly, she would rather cut be quiet, serious, and hardworking, and I was not off her hands than not do it. She has analytical mistaken. It is not an easy task to make him smile, mind and many different skills, so she can adjust to as all the time he is thinking and planning. He enany situation. She can see herself as a psychotherajoys playing and listening to music and always tries pist in the future, because she can easily conceive to see positive things in life. He is kind and wants others personalities by simply observing people for to change the lives of those, who are suffering for several minutes. She says: “Body reveals the soul, some reasons. If he could travel in time, he would under which I mean gestures, way of talking, etc.” go to the end of July, 2012, because that’s the date Tamri says if she could travel in time, she would

Awesome CULT I !

see her ideal Julius Caesar and ancient Rome as well. LUKA is from USA. But deep in his heart and with genes in his blood he is a true Georgian, I know it for sure. He is very sweet, always ready to help. Always positive, always smiling. He’s 21 years old and is attending Virginia Polytechnic - Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia. He is currently n studying chemistry. He has been playing soccer his entire life and he has been swimming for 10 years. Being with friends makes him happy. His favorite n quality is spontaneity, he’s not a guy who plans everything. He lives present and thinks that the life is an adventure. If he could travel in time, he would go back 50 000 years and ride on a dinosaur. Cool, huh? Meet SALLY! cute and tender girl with a charming smile. If you see her once, she’s gonna stay in your heart forever. She’s 16 and studies at college. Her biggest hobby is singing and listening to music (we have so many music lovers in CULT I). Music, good weather, sunny days are thing that make her feel happy and makes her sing. She’s a little bit lazy and sometimes shy, but when she really wants something, she can do it till the end. If she’s on mood, she also likes writing notes and expressing her personal feelings. If she could travel in time she would go back to the 16th century London, because of the style, clothes, balls that were held, relationships between people, which was way more attractive and interesting, than today. (Can’t help but agree) GIORGI, the one who was missing all the time and me-running around looking for him. Generally, the main thing he does is studying, physically training. He likes travelling very much especially extreme camping (mount climbing and etc.) His favorite band is Coldplay, he just adores them and hates Justin Bieber with the same passion. He’s

very smart and always full of good ideas, active, just a nice boy. Rumors say that when he is joking, sun is disappearing and rain is starting, but, nah, I don’t believe that, I think they say that because they envy him for his sense of humor. SOPHIE is a newcomer in EYP, she’s amazing and modest girl, seriously! In general, she is 170 in height and has foot size 35. She’s a student and works for the Georgian media part time as well, her boss doesn’t know that she is attending the session now, no, guys, she is having a high temperature. Besides that, she swims a lot, she was a member Of Tbilisi team for 8 years. Happy faces, childish smiles, and good movies – those are the things which make her happy. She believes that there are no impossible things in life, being released from fears always helps her to move forward, get wiser. She loves travelling, crossing the borders and thinking that the next destination is gonna be the next adventure! Well, well. Look who is here. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you Mr. EREKLE. He is so special and supercool that words cannot express and I was afraid not to miss anything so I will show you how he filled in my questionnaire – it says all. ANI is nature-lover, adores books and music. Also she is a big fan of theatre, knows all the performances in Marjanishvili theatre by heart. Is interested in psychology, maybe because of the fact that she is too sensitive and takes everything close to her heart. She’s quite ambitious and when she has a goal, always fulfills it. Determined and tooooo sensitive – that’s her. There is nothing left but to love her, you have no other way. That is it! I have tried to show you how cool they are. I got really lucky that I was journoing this committee and I totally fell in love with all of them. Come on, guys, you are going to rock the GA and the party of course. What more can I say, you are simply the best and yeah, add me on facebook – Sophie Livingston. Love you and going to miss you so much.


Look into my CULT

I was lucky enough to be a journalist of committee on Culture and Education II chaired by amazing Asmat Naskidashvili. Being a journalist of CULT II, following them everywhere with my camera and sharing their sorry and happiness during the 4 days was really unforgettable experience for of my life. Thanks to CULT II fantastic chair and her significant experience, I can say that CULT II was most friendly, united and hard-working committee I have ever worked with in EYP. Once I looked to their enthusiastic eyes I felt that I was a part of them and they were part of me.

If you look into Asmat’s eye you may simply fall in love with her. She is one of the random girls who are very beautiful and clever at the same time. Asmat is one of those who have been contributing to EYP for so many years. She was a brilliant team leader during the session. What I noticed was that at the very first day of the session delegates of CULT II got really close to her. Here is a remark made by one of her delegates: “You are our first, our last and our everything!” Believe it or not, Lasha thinks that he is the most handsome guy in his committee. During the committee work he was striving to become a chairperson. However, he is very lazy he always reaches what he wants. He thinks that the difference between stupidity and intelligence is that intelligence has Lasha the lazy its limits. The only thing makes him happy is beautiful girls. So, lets wish him a life full with beautiful girls and nights full with beautiful dreams. Vaja the Violent : The funniest boy in the committee! There are two things I envy him for: smiling face and long legs. His favorite quote is “to be or not to be” or “to be, to be”. Megan Fox is the woman of his dream and the only

Elene describes herself as a kind, romantic and upset-minded person. Except for her beautiful face and deep heart she is a perfect singer as well. She is definitely made to love and to be loved. But wait! She says: “love is in every corner of the earth but the earth is round!” Boys, Don’t lose hope! If you buy her a dog, she will definitely love you (as she loves them a lot). I want to

Annie is very liberal person who feels happy by any unexpected pleasure, but injustice makes her unhappy. She seems to be very optimistic and her favorite quote is “this shall too pass”. She wants to marry Joseph Gordon. Annie, If you help Vaja to marry Megan Fox, He is will help you as well! Anni e the amazing



George the Gorgeous Glory Glamorous… … … … Mr. Beautiful mind… He is interested in socio phsychology! “pragmatic, idealistic and perfectionist”- that is how he describes himself. He is most clever boy I have ever met in EYP. He always remembers the word of Marcus Aurelius : not, "This is a misfortune" but "To bear this worthily is good fortune. George wants to marry Liv Tyler. But I say you GeorgeYou deserve a better woman!

Tiko the Tiny- “Show this girl to EU and there will not be Discrimination” Happy, lovely, funny, kind and peaceful! She loves talk and sleep, never stops believing, is happy when she sees people who she loves and believes that “pretty girls are happiest girls”. If Johnny Depp was younger he would definitely ask Tiko to marry him. Luka “lucky” DZagania He loves COOL people. Arrogant people make him unhappy and you’d better not to make him angry with your arrogance. He admires the words of Churchill: “I might be drunk, Miss, But I will be sober in the morning and you will be still ugly”. Jurno: -“okay Luka! If were your wife I would put poison in your coffee” Luka:- “Sophie, if I were your husband I’d drink it” Jurno:

forever alone!

Lili The lOVELY She thinks that she is serious, maybe even sometimes a bit too serious. She never gives up and she is happy when she achieves something very hard. Lili was very critical during the whole committee work that helped the team to write a strong resolution. Do you want to know what she thinks about committee? _ “it is a group that keeps minutes, but loose hours”. George the Gossiper – “who the hell are you to judge me” “oh, I am so active, kind, but sometimes selfish boy”- he said. Seeing people smiling makes him happy and nothing makes him unhappy! He wants to be the sun to share his warmth with everyone. But he can turn into devil if someone judges him. He wants to marry Rossario Dawson. Huh.. Rosario, Try not to judge George! Tamar Tough_ “Never, never give up!” Tamar is extraordinary girl with brilliant mind. She contributed a lot during the committee work and her full involvement played an important role in making a strong resolution. She does not like to give up and that will definitely lead her to a future success. Ethan Hawake is lucky to be her choice. Kate-Mother TeresaGerenerous, kind, lovely, but sometimes annoying and tought but still easily hurt. That is exact description of Mother Terresa. “I am the caption of my sole, I am a muster of my fate.”All we need is to love Kate


AFET R The session is officially opened! AFET committee members with their chairperson found each other and formed the first circle together. There are 10 delegates in the committee. Those who had not met each other before are already introduced, all the games are played, EYP spirit is up to its highest point. Now the delegates are to get the most important part of the session – committee works started. They have three days until GA. Now let’s take a closer look at each committee member. Rezo Chanishvili – 17 years old Rezo is enjoying his 3rd session. He has no permanent hobby, but loves playing guitar and basketball. Rezo is always positive, patience and smiles no matter what. However, there is one strange thing or an action that he does with his skin on his face. You have to see it. It’s really scary!

Ana Bukhua – 16 years old. It is her 2nd time of participating in EYP sessions. What Ana loves about EYP is making new friends. She never lets herself be on a bad mood, never gets upset, stays conscious in every situation and always watches her words. Tata Jakeli – 16 years old. Tata loves EYP for seeing completely different individuals building a strong team and enjoys communicating with them during the whole session. Tata is really lucky one as she is FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange

Tornike Tsereteli – 19 years old. He likes EYP for the fact that he spends most of the day debating with his teammates. This young guy is very easy going, travels a lot and plays tennis. He is the calmest member of the committee. Teona Joncharadze – 20 years old. What Teona likes the most in EYP is the process of brainstorming. She is busy studying Banking and Insurance. She says everyone is different and what differs her from other committee members is her life experience. Nini Gigani – 15 years old delightful young lady, full of energy, never stops smiling. She, just like every EYPer, loves all the activities, enjoys being with the friends made during the previous sessions and making new ones as well. She said that she feels herself like a super heroine, holding the mega strength and flexibility.

ROCKS! Nestan Mamukashvili – 16 years old. Attending this very session is her first step in EYP. Welcome Nestan, your life is just about to change. She is amazed to see such a devoted and big EYP family. Nestan thinks that every member of this family is very likely to become Presidents and VicePresidents in the future. What she does admit is that she is a little egoistic, however very fair to the people though. Nestan has the idea of life: nothing is impossible once you have really set a goal. Laduka Utmelidze – 17 years old, the most experienced EYPer in his committee. Hardworking and active, you won’t see him grow quiet. I must say he is like a “daddy” in his team because of his experience and the leading character. Giorgi Metskhvarishvili – 17 years old. His favorite part of the session is debating. He loves talking and listening to music more than others do. Giorgi is very determined; right now he is busy trying to get scholarship in the European University. Mariam Margiani – 16 years old. For Mariam, this is the first session in EYP. Mariam, get ready for unbelievable experiences, crazy days, the flows of new information, for new life… This lady likes her committee members and I am sure her teammates love her too, because there is no other feeling you can have to such a lovely girl, because she just blows it all away when she laughs. Mariam is very nervous about GA. She wants her committee to be presented in the best way possible. Waiting forward to succeed!

Chair of the committee - Sopho Konjaria – Sopho, of course, is a very experienced EYP member who is chairing committee on AFET this time. She says that it is a great pleasure to have an opportunity to spend time and work with such talented and creative youngsters. She does feel a huge responsibility, as her committee is going to be the first one presented at GA. Well, she is very optimistic and positive young woman, her secret of a pretty smile and shining eyes is her mood every morning, which is – life is just beautiful! By Nini Kalmakhelidze

The most InTeR In this article, let me introduce the committee which had the most important case to discuss and solve in these hot days of summer. Members of the committee on Industry, Research and Energy were obligated to find the ways, how to supply EU with sufficient amount of energy – so it can be assumed that the fate of European citizens in 2012’th (and probably the last) cold winter were in their hands. During the committee work they did their best to find all the alternatives, draw all the possible roads of pipelines or find ways of getting renewable energy sources – and after the hard work, as the size of their resolution says – they’ve successfully did their job. However, the key of their success was not only their motivation and team spirit, which they shared to all of you during the whole session, but their individual and very special characteristics that I’d like to introduce to you:

Kaki Zangurashvili –From the first view, he is very calm and solid person who always knows what he does and says, but still he’s shy of the camera. He was not afraid to engage in any kind of debates in order to defend his opinion and believe me he did it quite well. Tamta Jugashvili – Little but very smart girl who unfortunately lost her voice, probably somewhere near the lake of Bazaleti and couldn’t find it during whole session, I think sooner or later her voice will come back to her by itself, because she’s an active guitar player and she is definitely going to need it especially in elevators – because as it appeared she’s the one who likes moving vertically. Mariam Chelidze – The future movie director or designer, who, in my opinion, can manage to become both of them after couple of years, because of her charisma and self-confidence. I’m sure that Mariam always is confident about the actions that she makes because, not every day I see a girl that admits that she’s 180cm height and still calls herself a Cinderella on Facebook. Anano Mikadze – Girl with a great skill of dancing tango, or pretending to be dancing tango, or being a victim of a tango. Her charming and magical look - can persuade everyone in anything, because she knows how and when to use it, but unfortunately her magic doesn’t work on officials – because as she admitted she desperately likes one, male member of the “Orga team” – she didn’t say who, but soon she realized that there was only one man inside Organizers. Ana Gelashvili – Very motivated, confident and charismatic girl with beautiful smile and hair, always ready to argue and suggest many various types of solutions that definitely are adequate. During the game true or false – she announced that she doesn’t wanted to be young till the end of her life, but fortunately she just haven’t ever been in Philippines and this option was false. Tiko Baratashvili – Have you been on welcoming party? Have you seen her eye –covered in bruises? Than you can imagine what else she is capable to do in order to defend her resolution, don’t think that she’ll not be ready to confront with you because she’ll always find right answers and even right actions.

REsting committee

Koba Narimanishvili – Guy with a pure and honest look who always is ready to help and support his team. Never is afraid of suggesting new directions and ready to take a lead. People from the previous sessions might also agree with me as they could see how well he had been dealing with the position of organizer on the 2nd Kutaisi Regional Session. I hope he will be as much successful on future sessions and on GA as well as on the previous ones so let’s wish him luck. Misho Isakadze – The kindest EYP-er of the session from the point of journos he donated his own laptop for the session. But it’s not the only reason that grants him such an honorable status, during the sessions he shared many different solutions to his committee members. However, I’ve heard the rumors he shared with couple of punches as well after the welcoming party. Joseph Jorjoliani – hey ladies, did you manage to write down his phone number during the euro-concert? Because if you haven’t – he can undress his T-shirt any time for you again, but be ready as these blue eyes hide a big magic behind and can easily steal your heart. These are the people that worked whole three days in Bazaleti in order to solve such a problematic issue of EU and create a good, supportive resolution. So let’s wish them luck and hope that their resolution will Successfully PASS! Bby besso kefashvili

The committee on Employment and Social Affairs is one and only committee in which I really felt happy and joyful. My dear delegates enjoyed their teambuilding and thereby have created the spirit for their committee, which lasted for a long time and I’m sure it will not die ever. Delegates have formed a team, the team which means being together every time even if they have some problems, and critical moments. Yes, I’m proud of that they accepted challenge

and overcame all conflicts which had arose in the process of sharing different ideas Before this result Mr. Irakli Grdzelishvili as one of the chairpersons of this committee tried to avoid any Georgian Words (as Anano Tatulashvili said while brainstorming ,,ზერელე,, attitude) and thereby threatened delegates with butspell which was finally performed by Irakli Meskhi. One of the funniest things I want draw your attention to is when all of the

delegates tied each other feet to feet. The idea of this game was to show their teamwork while they were tied by the rope. Delegates successfully found several strategies about how to move on forward. Moreover, each delegate received drawing which has been created by other delegates. Maybe not all of the drawings were exactly the same as the origin (for example in case of Lasha Vashakidze) but their impressions was really pleasant to see.

There has been a lot of humorous moments and it helped delegates to be on a mood all day longs. When the committee work started Mr. President and also Chairperson of committee on EMPL, Tornike Zurabashvili prepared them for the academic discussions. After 3 day long brainstorming, sharing ideas, and solving real problems, they found innovative solutions. And they have made the resolution !!! I, as well your journo, want to congratulate my committee delegates as they have done really great job. I truly believe that you will do your best on the General Assembly as well. Hope that you are all ready for something new because this is the moments of your life when you take your first steps. always remember that the 1st step is always the hardest, but it will always be the one you’ll remember and say you’re glad you had it. I want to advise you to take a step in new direction as you will never know how high it will take you! YES, I’m glad I stepped in, YES I’m glad I chose exactly this committee and THANK YOU MR. CHAIRS for being so perfect… Tornike, Irakli I really appreciate all of the things that you have done for committee, for me and generally for the whole session. THANK YOU MY LITTLE PRESIDENTIAL (EMPL)OYERS : Ana Mirianashvili Anano Tatulashvili Salome Gogitidze Avto Pataridze Nini Kviatkovskaia Kate Mamadashvili Misho Chinchaladze Giorgi Chavleshvili Irakli Meskhi Lasha Vashakidze Mari Sharmanashvili

Thanks for every word you said, every problem you solved! you might not be always first for me but you always will be the one and the only who made me definitely impressive !!! Thank you… BY ANI MESKHIDZE

Interview with Mr. Boris Iarochevitch The Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Georgia

they be more involved in the political process?

How would you evaluate this event of EYP Georgia, the 6th National Selection Conference? First of all, I am very impressed, because this is my first time to attend such an event in Georgia. I see a high level of commitment from the youth. They work very hard, even during the weekend, to attend the GA. I took a look on the resolutions. The topics are very interesting, I was very interested in topics about Schengen, eastern partnership and energy; but others are very interesting as well, the ones about smoking and Eurovision, for example. I see that the documents are very well done. I quite impressed by what I see and I will also attend the first part of discussions.

Could you give any advice to Georgian youth, how can

First of all, you must vote, that is the right that you have. I come from Belgium, where voting is compulsory; if you do not vote, you will get a fine. It is very important to express your choice. I hope that you will vote for the parliamentary elections in October and continue networking with Europe, because one day you will become a part of EU. You may become a member of the European Parliament one day. So, it is very important to keep contact with youth in Europe, to expose yourself. That is my advice to all of you.

How would you evaluate the new legislation that allows people of 21 years of age to become members of Georgian parliament? It is a big change. 21 might be a very young age, but if you are experienced, why not be elected? It is up to the voters to decide if they want to have such young members of parliament. Personally, I think this is a good idea. BY T. GELASHVILI&S. SAMKHARADZE

Interview with Mr. Tornike Zurabashvili As a president of 6th National Selection Conference how would you evaluate the overall process of the session? Did your expectations come true so far? I think this point is little bit hard to evaluate because we do not have the final resolutions yet. But generally said, my evaluation is very positive to the overall process of the session. The way the delegates are working is very efficient. They are very heard working and chair team is putting a lot of effort in directing delegates. Journalist team is doing a great job as well and thanks to very energetic organizers team the session is going in a perfect order. All of the segments are combined very well and this makes the session very special. I am sure everybody would like to I think when the session ends it will be know what are your plans in your easier to evaluate what we have travnearest future? eled and what we have gone through. In my future plans I would promote and at According to the committee topics the same time, probable, be a chairperson and the academic level of the deleon 4th Batumi International Forum that is gates should we expect affective going to be held in July. Also I am the head General Assembly? organizer of the international session that is I think we have every possible ground supposed to be held in autumn in 2013. I to think that GA will be very active. encourage all 6th NSC delegates to attend We have pretty high profile officials these amazing events. who are going to attend General AsI would like you to give us your kind sembly. Looking at the progress they wishes. What do you wish for EYP have made so far and closes I have read in my own committee on Employment and EYPers? Firstly, I would recommend all of you and in the other committees I would to continue doing EYP and contribute say that the discussion will be issuemore and more to enable another young based and very academic. At least, I people to get involved in upcoming have this expectations and I think it sessions as well. Lastly, I wish all of will really come true. you good luck in your future endeavors as well as in your personal and profesBY SOPHIE SAMKHARADZE

OUR BELOVE 1) AKA name(s) 2) Your favourite quote? 3) What makes you feel happy? 4) Why EYP? 5) If yOu Were rulInG THe WOrld…. 6) Which movie/cartoon person do you think you look like ? 7) Worst habit ? 8) What is something you learned in the last week? 9) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? 10) Why are you, you?

Tornike Zurabashvili - (President, chairing committee on EMPL) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tony My finances makes me happy. Because there is no age discrimination. I would have a Eurovillage country. ALADIN Working at night.

7. 8. 9.

Theory and practice of national security. Doing right things. I am unconsciously me.

Bircan Kilci – (Vice President, chairing committee on CULT I ) 1) Birci/ Pocanthas 2) If you’re brave to say ,,Good bye,, life will reward you with a new ,,hello,, - Paulo Coelho 3) Being with the ones that I love 4) I’m addicted 5) Lead my life 6) Pocahontas 7) Doing EYP during midterms/ finals 8) Sometimes finals are ACTUALLY more important than EYP 9) It’s not about doing things, it’s about making things 10) Because I am the only who has the opportunity to be me…

1. It would be a perfect place to live 6. Some say I look like Pocahontas, others say I look like Cleopatra, but I don’t agree with none of those people

7. Being too emotional 8. No answer 9. I’m worried about both 10. Because a lot of people like me the way I am Asmati Naskidashvili – ( chairing committee on CULT II ) 2) What does not kill me makes me strong 3) When 4) Because God said so 5) There would not be war 6) Jasmine 7) Often crying 8) That I over valuate things that are not worth 9) About doing right things right 10) look at my crown… Sopho Konjaria – (chairing committee on AFET) 1. Konji 2. Never give up on anything you love 3. Travelling, seeing old friends, dancing, flowers… 4. Because it sets my wild side free 5. I would be such a dictator 6. I believe I would be ,,Jerry,, from ,,tom and Jerry,, like I am always running around, always in trouble but still happy why ever 7. Sleeping with make-up 8. To enjoy life to the fullest extent, because nothing is worse to your happiness. 9. If I decide something to do, I already Believe it’s the right thing to do only thing what’s left to worry about is to do it really right 10. Because I love it the way I am wit my worst sides. And I wouldn’t even change anything there Ia Tserodze (chairing committee on LIBE)

1) ,,punji,, 2) All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. 3) Happiness of those in need. Ani Nozadze - (Vice President, chairing committee on 4) Because everything here feels like home ENVI) 5) I would bring peace to this world! 1. Nozik 6) Bubbles from the Power Puff Girls! 2. It is better to have tried and failed, than never have tried 7) Procrastination... sigh. at all. 8) Last week I learned how to ride a bike no kidding! 3. Friends chocolate 9) I'm worried about doing the right things right. 4. Why not? 10) DNA

ED OFFICIALS Irakli Grdzelishvili (chairing committee on EMPL) 1) Umm.. 404 not found 2) Wit beyond measure is the man’s greatest treasure (Yeah I am a Ravenclaw).. : ) 3) Sunny weather.. Accompanied with some wind. ) 4) Why breathe? 5) Seas would rise when I gave the word.. 6) Batman.. I have my strengths, my fears, and yeah, my superpowers.. (stop arguing, Batman has superpowers too! Except money, of course) : ) 7) Thinking too much 8)Never even let anyone potentially dangerous even touch your birthday cake.. When he/she’s drunk… You may end up.. In a sweet state.. 9) Right things in a right time in a right place in THE right WAY. But sometimes right things could be boring.. So we can changing in into WRONG is okay, too 10) Because I was born this way.. Shota Adamia – (chairing the committee on LIBE) 2)"But beauty, real beauty, ends where an intellectual expression begins. Intellect is in itself a mode of exaggeration, and destroys the harmony of any face" - Oscar Wilde 3)The sensation of feeling free 4)too much fun to miss 5 )I would find the Big Fat Pony 6 ) As one of my delegates suggested yesterday, I guess I'm "Julia's guy from My Best Friend's Wedding" 7)workaholic 8 ) new EYP games. Hilarious 9 ) doing the things right 10) Because I’m not him Nana Maisuradze ( chairing committee on ITRE) 1. Recently: " Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time." 2. People, weather, chocolate maybe 3. ooh there are a lot of reasons ... 4. Would try to ahieve world peace; 5. Melmon; 6. Easily become angry; 7. To be patient 8. Both 9. Beacuse I am


Our amazing Organizers team!

Data Makashvili – I really take this in to big honor while trying to write something special about Head Organizer, I love him because of the fact that it doesn’t really matter where is he and what he is doing, he is always ready to help me! Sometimes I call him father because of taking into account many things which shows me that I don’t know how but when it’s time and it’s necessary he always cares for me. Sopho Otiashvili- In spite of her experience she is already ,,zodiacal organizer,, as HO of this session calls her. Tell me this name and surname and I fill the a wave of huge positive soul, face with pretty smile and just thing called ,,warmer than the sun,, sometimes colder than the winter, but hotter forever.. I’m happy that I found that person and I will never let go Sopho away… for me she is the walking sun… Mariam Maisuradze- here comes the sun and I say it’s alright… she is he kind of person that everything makes her feel happy. I remember sleepless nights with her while discussing some issues for the session. Mariam thinks that she looks like a Georgian movie person ,,მრეცხავი ვარდო,, she always smiles and it doesn’t really matter what weather is or how others act on her personality… you are the one. Keso Antelidze thinks that there is nothing impossible and she really works to prove it. While looking at her I’m taking battery with full of energy and it makes me to move on…Keso thinks that she looks like snowhite. I have honor to be with her in the Orga team of Batumi 4th international forum and I can’t wait till we will work together. And it seems to me that these days will be unforgettable for me Ani Butskhrikidze – girl with whom I really love to talk about different topics and take pleasure from her smile which I can find out even among dozens. She is a big child and sometimes because of her funny sentences, questions and words she makes me laugh and I really enjoy it. Khatia Beridze- I met this girl on the Bakuriani Training 2012, she was my roommate and we had ideal relationship. Khatia thinks that she looks like ,,Brave,, except that she is not red head :P she is good person and I’m happy to know her, it’s nice to know that there will be always someone who will help. Shmagi liklikadze is one of those eyp ers who I really appreciate for his originality in everything… the first thing what it comes about him is our trip in Berlin one year ago. He thinks that ,, Every actio has a Reaction,, and he thinks that he looks like Jackie chan… his AkA name is SH and trust me it sounds really fun :D


Few words about Issue creators One Besso and 6 Doozy Journos J

for me I can never resist 6. Marlin Monroe :d (kidding) Mr. Editor – Giorgi Gvenetadze 7. Bitting my nails 8. after 3 days suffering I would never again use the diet word in 1) Gveto / Gvetman my vocabulary :))) . 2) In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, 9. I’m always doing what i really want to do, and it doesn't really but how many moments took your breath away. 3) French Fries, French Kiss, French Comedies, Non-French Mov- matter if I'm doing things right or if I'm doing right things I don’t have an answer ies.. 4) Great place for the moments that takes your breath away.. Tamta Gelashvili 5) I would make everything free (O_o) 6) Hitch & Stitch 7) Always Late 8) Don’t spend 150 Gel on Taxi ped ray 9) Right things 10) Cause everybody’s changing but I don’t feel the same Besso Kefashvili –One and the only person… I mean really really, he has especial sense of humor, huge creativity and skills while connecting with new people… He had to survive in our press team as he was the only boy in it (except the Mr. editor). Sopho Ivanishvili 1. Pippy Longstockings, Livingston, even chicken, but the one I like most is - The SUN. 2. "Happiness only real - when shared" 3. Happiness consist of many little things for me, and every day I experience different kind of happiness. riding a bike, singing, hugging people, wandering around, smiling faces, a nice book, a nice music, rainy afternoons, people who love me - that's what makes me happy. 4. Because E is so god-damn YP 5. There would be total chaos, but a good kind of chaos, happy chaos. I would definitely have legalized Marijuana, oh yeah 6. Ariel from the Little Mermaid, but sadly without fins and tail (alwayswantedtobeamermaid) 7. Habits? How a perfect creature like me can have any bad habit? (ok, I'm lazy as camel and procrastination is my hobby) 8. That sometimes not studying anything can teach you a lot 9. Right things. Cause the sky is blue NiNi Danelia

1. danella 2. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” 3. Even if things aren't perfect in my life now, there are lots of reasons to feel happy 4. I can tell you that before an EYP session I was one of those people who lived the same life,day-in day-out-predictable,riskfree,dreamless.Whilst it is considered "cliche" to say that EYP has changed ones lives, I have to say that it has.And still EYP is a drug

Vasasi,” a name of a Georgian movie character This too shall pass” Apart from things like spending time with friends, there are small things that can really make me happy; suddenly overhearing my favorite song in a café, smelling coffee in the morning, remembering random funny situations, etc. Why EYP? Because EYP is fun :D It would be a nice place to live..or maybe not :D I looked like Peppi when I was for now, I have no idea Worst habit ? Procrastination; doing everything at the last minute What is something you learned in the last week? Do NOT try to take portraits of random people on the street, you might have to prove you are not a special police agent. Banal, but true Doing the right things My friends, my family, my background – that’s what makes me who I am Sophie Samkharadze 1) Sopo, sophie, sopiko, Fofo etc… 2) What does’t kill you makes you stronger 3) Reading books in rainy days 4) Why EYP? – why not :D 5) I would cancel the Monday 6) Bridget Jones 7) I am perfect :D 8) How to make a cocktail 9) Doing things rights 10) God decided so

Nino Kalmakhelidze If not us who?! If not now when?! Foooood J … I’d prohibit yelling, that noise really annoys me. Cinderella Smoking How to leave without facebook Doing things right because our actions are results, and desire is something you can never control over. BY ANI MESKHIDZZE

PED IS COMING What would you talk about stuck in a minivan with 13 other people at midnight? If these people are EYPers, the conversation will most probably revolve around EYP sessions, individual EYP experiences, or something connected with EYP in any way. The officials driving to Bazaleti were sharing their most memorable EYP experiences, when one of them remembered how she cried during one of the sessions; and as it turned out, almost everyone in the minivan had cried at least once on an EYP event. So we decided to ask our fellow EYPers to remember an EYP occasion that made them cry. Asmat: One time I remember crying during an EYP session was in 2011, during th the 66 International Session in Athens. The session President, Hamed Mobasser was delivering his speech, and the speech was very touching because the Athens IS was the last EYP session for him. Sopo Konjaria: I cried once during the closing speech of the session president Tornike Zurabashvili. I have listened to lots of speeches on different sessions, but this was the only time when I was really attentive and did not miss anything. I was actually hoping that the speech would last a bit longer. I cried so much that one of the editors gave me a chocolate at the end of the ceremony, trying to calm me down. Interestingly, I do not even remember what the speech was about, I just remember how emotive it was. BY TAMAR GELASHVILI

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