Think Tank of the EYP 2014 - Call for a Chairperson

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Think tank on youth Unemployment Call for a chairperson Think Tank of the European Youth Parliament Berlin, Germany 10th-13th April 2014

Think Tank 2014 With one out of three young people unemployed and with this number rising, youngsters have been and are being hit hardest by the high unemployment levels in most of the EU Member States. The crises have increased the economic gaps between and in European regions and are threatening social cohesion. While some regions and sectors know very high levels of unemployment, others are struggling to find employees. EU citizens still seem reluctant to actually work in another country with 85% of them never having lived or worked abroad and with only 2.5% of EU citizens currently living in another Member State. The 8th Think Tank of the European Youth Parliament will discuss how to use and improve the mobility opportunities offered by the EU to combat youth unemployment and the geographic disparities between the offer and demand of skills on the labour market.

Please note that the exact phrasing of the topic is in discussion with the Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland. The Think Tank will convene for three working days in Berlin and write a policy paper which will be handed out to the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and the EMPL committee of the European Parliament. Follow-up events will be organised in Berlin in May and in Brussels in June. We are currently looking for a chairperson to moderate the work of the Think Tank. The Chairperson of the Think Tank is expected not only to lead the discussions during the event, but also to significantly contribute to the academic preparations beforehand. This includes but is not limited to providing the participants with a topic overview and engaging the participants in discussions before the central meeting in Berlin. Accommodation and food in Berlin as well as travel costs up to 180 euros are covered with the support of the Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland.

European Youth Parliament, SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

Participants’ Profile The EYP Think Tank is aimed at EYP’s senior alumni. A total of 20 participants will be selected to take part in the Think Tank. Participants are students enrolled in an under-graduate or graduate degree at a higher education institution or are already in working life. They are expected to have a strong interest in discussing both the topic and European affairs in general. We expect the participants to be older than 18 and younger than 30 years.

How to Apply? If you would like to be the chairperson of the Think Tank, then please send 1) your CV, 2) your EYP history (it can be a link to your profile on the Alumni platform) and 3) a statement of motivation to chair the Think Tank, including an explanation of how you would adapt your chairing methods to this particular event (max. 400 words), to by Sunday, 5th January 2014. Please note that the Think Tank will start working at 14:00 on Thursday 10th April and will finish its work by 14:00 on Sunday 13th April.

Supported by:

European Youth Parliament, Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

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