Accidentally Vilnius - Vilnius 2018 IS

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Accidentally …………Vilnius


Accidentally Vilnius Editor



& Stories by







N A D I A D ’A M I C O





E Y P. .FRIENDSHIPS. . B E YO N D. ..BORDERS B y : K i l i a n Tr a n c h a t .

Anastasija & ….Lucija Lucija : I am from Croatia and she is from Serbia so, we have a lot of commun interest and common friends. A n a s t a s i j a : To m e , E Y P i s a n a m a z i n g p l a t f o r m to make friendships across borders, since I h a v e s t a r t e d E Y P, I m e t a l o t o f p e o p l e f r o m different nationalities. I think that all political problems that could occur in our own countries are not present here and I have a lot of friends from Croatia and Albania. To s u m u p : E Y P i s a r e a l c h a n c e t o m e e t people that you I would never meet in your daily life. Anastasija Lončarević (RS) & Lucija Lovrić (HR)

Caroline & ‌.Romnane Caroline : I think it makes us friends because we spent a lot of time together and we had to cooperate with each other which makes us learn a lot about everyone and EYP is kind of a facilitator of friendships. Romane : I think that making us work on d i f f e r e n t s t o p i c s m a k e s u s c l o s e r.

Caroline Love (UK) & Romane Petit Jean (FR)

Constantina & ‌.Mehmet C o n s t a n t i n a : T h e a t m o s p h e r e i s r e a l l y f r i e n d l y, ever yone has an EYP Friendly Style, I mean everyone is making a lot of hugs and a lot of l o v e b e c a u s e i n E Y P, y o u d o n o t s e e t h e differences between people, EYP is about connecting people. Mehmet : At the beginning we were just walking around during a coffee break as could usually people do after at School but instead of people leaving after a mathematics class, you have people smiling and ready to live their life. Then you see the atmosphere and you really want to meet new people, you are just in a mood that makes you want to discover new individuals. Constantina Evangelou (CY) & Mehmet Semi Kethuda (TK)

Define & ….Vahagn Va h a g n : O n e w o r d : Te a m b u i d l i n g D e f i n e : I n Tu r k e y t h e r e i s a p r e j u d i c e a b o u t A r m e n i a n people and I think it is the same in both countries. But i n E Y P, t h e p r e j u d i c e i s t h e l o w e s t t h a t y o u c o u l d g e t and there are only humans and we don’t pay attention of the race or the home countr y of people, EYP is only about “us” as human beings Va h a g n : I n s t e a d o f d e s t r o y i n g t h e b r i d g e s w e b u i l d bridges. Define : yes , I am think about a career in politics so, I will do my best to also have my people in my country to get this prejudice as lowest it could be.

Define Güzey (TK) & Vahagn Hakobyan (AM)

Eva & ‌.Diogo E v a : T h a n k s t o Te a m b u i l d i n g . Diogo : We became friends during the session she is awesome, this is very awkward, but yes, E Y P m a k e s e v e r y o n e b e c o m e f r i e n d s a c t u a l l y. E v a : Yo u k n o w y o u h a v e t h i s k i n d o f f l o w because you’re here with the same goals to meet new people, to experience new things and to see new countries and I think this makes EYP what it is.

Eva Jannes (BE) & Diogo Gandara (LU)

Nadia & ……Illia Illia : I think this is quite hard to explain, it you just come to an event you see a person and at s o m e p o i n t y o u r e a l i s e t h a t i t ’s y o u r p e r s o n a n d make it during deep talk and eating together Nadia : I think it makes you friends regardless where you come from, because when you come to EYP sessions you come with a blank mind with no prejudice so you meet people in an apolitical context such as EYP which allows you to star t a session open minded.

Nadia D’Amico (RU/IT) & Illia Koshytskyi (UA)

Nuno & Violeta Violeta : He actually knew someone from my delegation and we met the first day because of h e r. T h e n w e w e r e g o i n g t o t h e s a m e c o m m i t t e e and we were discussion about which country is t h e b e s t b e t w e e n Po r t u g a l a n d S p a i n . Nuno : She wanted to be more friend with me that I actually wanted to be a friend with her B e c a u s e s h e i s S p a n i s h a n d I a m Po r t u g u e s e . I will say that before in EYP everyone could find new friends because there a lot of event to socialise without knowing where you are from. I n E Y P w e g e t t o g e t h e r a n d i f t h i n k t h a t ’s w h y EYP exists.

Nuno Vilaça (PT) & Violeta García Domingo (ES)

Tim & Tristan Tim : I think it is somehow the teambuilding of course, it is really awesome at the beginning I found this kind games of weird to make but it really bring people together in a very shor t time so this is one of the major reasons. A n d i n t h e s e s s i o n , i t ’s a l s o e s p e c i a l l y b e c a u s e we share rooms with other committee members s o b a s i c a l l y, w e h a v e a l o t o f t i m e t o s p e n t t o g e t h e r, w e l l , w i t h Tr i s t a n t o g e t h e r w e h a v e a t least quite a lot in common because, we’re both really interested in the session and also we are a kind of similar in like our ways of thinking. Tr i s t a n : I t h i n k t h a t t h e t e a m b u l i d i n g i s a c o o l t h i n g t h a t b r i n g s p e o p l e t o g e t h e r. Tim Bardikowski (DE) & Tristan Fauvre (FR)

Tales of EYP

By: Jure Susnik

An Anthropologist’s Account Dear Marjorie,

greater scientific community; these people could

You will rejoice to hear my undertaking has not been in vain, for I arrived in Vilnius last night. As always, I am accompanied by Jeeves my consistently foul-mooded butler. He finds my enthusiasm for the endeavour of observing northern traditions, “The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard”, however I am determined to take no notice.

For an anthropologist and

scientist, like myself, the observation,

have hidden extraordinary secrets, which can only be revealed to those who are daring enough to inquire. I intend to be the one to uncover them.

Today I came across a peculiar tribe, of what at first seemed like inhabitants of the dense forests of Lithuania. Intriguing my imagination I decided to observe them. Dearest sister, these people must have some of the oddest rituals I have ever seen. However, some still resemble universal

documentation and scrutiny of traditions and

anthropological trends. Let me tell you about the

customs has immeasurable value. Dearest sister,

tribe with unconventional, yet fascinating

think of all the possible contributions to the

customs, a tale of the people that Jeeves believes

are “a childish group of savages, who should

several days. This continues until the last part of

have died out a long time ago”, a tribe called EYP.

the festival where the uninitiated present their

After further examination I must conclude that

contemplations and flaunt their knowledge. Such

these people are nomadic, originating from all

small groups formed of twelve to sixteen

corners of the European continent. They come

uninitiated with a shaman, build up their own

together for seasonal festivals, where they

individual identity. They adapt symbols in the

contemplate, are captivated and consume

form of penguins, and flamingos, as an

spiritual drinks. It is most peculiar to experience

expression of unity. I suppose symbology has

members of so many cultures across the

always had a strong unifying effect, however the

continent come together to form a new tribe. It

relationship between birds and unity continues to

will be most interesting to see, which customs

puzzle me.

remain despite cultural differences: this could help uncover some customs universal to all

I found myself wondering, whether the


arrangement of many chieftains necessarily leads to conflict. Soon enough I witnessed a

This tribe, as eccentric as some may see it, has

shaman and warrior disagree over some material

established an incredibly intricate system of social

the shaman demanded for his craft. Here I

hierarchy. From what information I have gathered

encountered yet another universal characteristic

they are a kind of chiefdom. They are irregular in

of all human civilizations: the methods of settling

the view that different varieties of chiefs exist,

disputes with minimal bloodshed. The conflict

some of which even share the status with one or

was in the end resolved without further

many other individuals. Each chief has the power

escalation. My observations have led me to

and responsibility over a different aspect of daily

conclude that this might be due to this chiefdom

life. I have uncovered that their society is

using an uncharacteristically large amount of

separated into four distinct categories: the

time to consider conflict. Can you imagine that

uninitiated who seem to come here in scholarly

they even cause problems intentionally with the

pursuit, the warriors, who valiantly provide crucial

sole aim of resolving them? I have to agree with

materials, the shamans conducting initiation

Jeeves who labelled this as bizarre, although he

rituals and the artists who occupy themselves

did do that in a much more colourful language.

with what Jeeves calls “The reason they are still

However, if I attempt to distance myself from my

not capable of practical thinking“. A crucial role in

own inherent biases, perhaps the notion is not so

this festival is played by the shamans. The role is

ridiculous; the tribe certainly seems to be very

characterized by leading a group of the

skilled at resolving difficult situations. As with all

uninitiated. The shamans perform a range of

civilisations this tribe possesses their own

rituals ranging from face-painting masks, to

humour. Most jokes seem to centre around food,

ritualistic chants of “HE HA HO ALELE”, and even

although I must confess that I do not understand

some combat training, which is reminiscent of

what is unusual or humorous about consistent

Eastern martial arts. All of these appear to be part

rice-based meals. The rest of the humour is

of an initiation ceremony, as after the shamans

based on the observation that everyone seemed

run through their rituals, the groups of uninitiated

to have had an experience where the word

seem to be stuck in deep contemplation for

“coffee” in “coffee break” was metaphorical. The

“Can you imagine that they even cause problems intentionally with the sole aim of resolving them? “

tribe’s nomadic character becomes most apparent when the festivals draws to a close. Throughout the duration of their time

melancholy pervading the very air I breathe, the shamans perform one last ritual. Sitting in a circle the group shares their last experiences, impressions, emotions and feelings, thus allowing for a final closure of the festival.

It has crossed my mind that what I have observed is not a chiefdom, but rather a cult. I am disappointed to say that I have yet to find enough evidence to confirm this hypothesis. This is a question another anthropologist will have to confirm.

together the uninitiated build a strong

Your affectionate brother,

collective identity. To combat the suffocating

Chopsen Wollstonecraft

By: Jure Susnik

Tales of EYP The Happiness Hatchery

Once upon a time there was a hatchery. It

rather with child-like intuition. Whenever a

wasn't a big, or a technologically advanced,

new egg appeared, the girl’s eyes lit up with

or even a well-stocked hatchery. Instead I

joy and pride at the accomplishment. The

want you to imagine a small, cosy barn with

chicken continued to lay eggs and for a

a single brown chicken in it.

short time everyone seemed happy.

The hatchery had an owner, an elderly man

Phoebe started growing up. As she entered

who had a small granddaughter named

school her grandfather was no longer her

Phoebe. The child’s parents passed away

only link to the outside world. As with all

and the only connection Phoebe had with

children Phoebe learned when to keep quiet,

the outside world was her grandfather. One

in what way to speak, and how to behave.

day the man told the child: “Take care of the

She made mistakes and in doing so shaped

chicken, make it lay eggs. Both your and my

her identity; a unique personality, which like

wellbeing depend on it”. For some time

a snowflake would always keep its

Phoebe did as she was told, not in the

individuality, even in the midst of a blizzard.

meticulous way her grandfather did, but

However, the chicken stopped laying eggs

so effortlessly. Phoebe now needed to invest more and more time, effort and imagination for the chicken to lay an egg. “Why can’t the eggs just appear like they used to? Why are they getting rarer and rarer?” she wondered in frustration. The light in her eyes slowly started to dim.

More time passed and the chicken would not lay any more eggs, if Phoebe did not try absolutely everything in her power to make it happen. Somewhere around this time Phoebe discovered a literature club, a place where she was surrounded by people with gleaming eyes. She could see how, if these people had chickens, they would effortlessly lay eggs, just like hers did to her when she was younger. In her desperation she joined the club. It would be unfair to say Phoebe didn’t enjoy it, in fact when she attended her first book discussion, the chicken started laying a few more eggs. For the first time in years

However, all was not good. Phoebe started to feel the oppression of the constantly lit eyes. The light once so warm and calming now seemed artificial and cold. The imperative to constantly sparkle drained the sparks out of her eyes. She could no longer shine. The chicken stopped laying eggs altogether.

Cornered and afraid

Phoebe turned back to her earliest example: her grandfather’s meticulous approach. With nothing to lose, she followed the old man’s method. She worked tirelessly, night and day, investing time and effort, changing her lifestyle and mind-set completely. She struggled, she was tempted to abandon her rekindling by the literature club, but she resisted the urge. Then one day, one very special day she was rewarded for all her efforts. The chicken had laid an egg and somehow Phoebe knew that it would never stop again.

Phoebe felt like she was back in her childhood, effortlessly challenging even the most formidable adversary: the chicken.

The End

“EYP is not a perfect representation of sunshine and rainbows, just like no human interaction can possibly be. Perhaps you will feel like this story does not belong here, because it speaks about things you might not want to hear. However I believe it is immensely important to note that there simply isn't a single situation in the universe where true happiness would materialise randomly, or be the default state of a mind when one is apathetic. Happiness, just like the eggs, require eort.â€?



MITT MINNE Når jeg var ung ble moren min diagnostisert med ME. Selve dagen husker jeg ingenting av, og grunnet min unge alder var det vanskelig å helt forstå hvorfor hun alltid var sengeliggende hjemme. Slik var det i 6 år, og legene sa at hun sannsynligvis aldri kom til å bli bra igjen. Til slutt fant vi et kurs i London som skulle hjelpe, og ved hjelp av farfar fikk vi sendt hun dit. Jeg husker godt når hun kom hjem igjen med et nytt håp, samt alle følgene som for eksempel en stor ommøblering av huset. When I was young my mother was diagnosed with ME. The day in and of itself I remember nothing from, and I was too young to understand the implications, I only knew that she was constantly at home, feeling tired and sleeping through the day. This was the situation for 6 years, and the doctors said that she would probably never recover. After 6 years we found a treatment in London, took a gamble and sent her there with the help of my grandfather. The day she came home I remember clearly, she came back with renewed energy and hope, and a strict message of getting rid of both the bed and sofa she had been lying in. Ask Øren

IL MIO RICORDO Mi ricordo la prima volta che ho bevuto un caffè in una sessione estera. Per quanto il gusto pungente del caffè, che non mi è mai piaciuto, è una sensazione a cui ero preparata, quello era assolutamente rivoltante. L’unica spiegazione plausibile per il bicchiere finito che mi ritrovai in mano era il reset che da quel momento, insieme alle mie percezioni, avevano subito le mie aspettative. I remember the first time I had a coffee at a session abroad. As much as I was prepared for the sharp taste of it, which I actually never liked, that one was disgusting. The only possible explanation for the fact that I finished my cup was the complete and permanent reset of my perceptions and expectations. Nadia D’Amico

Мій спогад Неймовірно, але факт: цей музичний гурт-то справжній Океан. Океан, кожний учасник якого обіймає тебе хвилями своєї енергетики, а разом вони на декілька годин занурюють тебе у вирій емоцій. Океан, пірнаючи в який, ти забуваєш геть усе: котра година; скільки там градусів на вулиці, чи тим паче в фан-зоні(де, якщо чесно, термометр явно підскакував би до 50); скільки часу ти вже стоїш і скільки б ще простояв, лише б почути усі улюблені пісні. Океан, який настільки став зрозумілим, що змушує тебе спочатку співати, а вже ближче до приспіву згадувати назву пісні. Океан, що змушує тремтіти найпотаємніші струни твоєї душі, а шкіру покриватися мурахами кожної пісні. А потім, почувши його історію про поранених бійців, ти не можеш стримати сліз, і тут ловиш себе на тому, що: Ти справді стояш на стадіоні серед тисячного натовпу, слухаєш ці ноти і слова і просто не можеш дати собі ради. Unbelievably, but the fact is that: this music band is a real Ocean. The ocean, each member of which hugs you with the waves of his energy, and together they for a few hours immerse you in a flutter of emotions. Ocean, which you dive into, which you forget everything: what time is it; how hot is it on the street and even hotter in the fan zone (where,to be honest, the thermometer would obviously jump to 50°C); how much time you have already been standing and how much you would still stand, just to hear all your favorite songs. The ocean, which has become so familiar that it makes you sing at first, and only closer to the chorus remember the name of the song. The ocean, which makes you the most mysterious strings of your soul shake, and the skin cover with the aches of every single song. And then, listening to the story about how this music helped the wounded fighters, you can not stop the tears, and here you catch yourself on the fact that: You are really standing at a stadium among the crowd of thousands, listening to this music and words and simply can not pull yourself together. Maria Vorobiova

AMINTIREA MEA Acum o saptamana, dupa doua zile de activitati intense si planuri pentru sesiune, echipa de chairpersons din Vilnius 2018 a reusit sa transforme un moment in care incercam sa tragem de timp, intr-un moment in care am realizat ca suntem 19 oameni, impreuna, pregatiti sa ne imbarcam intr-o experienta unica. In acel moment am simtit ca suntem toti o familie, ca avem voie sa fim vulnerabili si ca putem sa ne bazam in orice moment pe oricare dintre noi. Sa realizezi asta ca ai in jurul tau oammeni care sunt pregatiti sa te ajute sa te dezvolti si cu care sa razi la orice pas este absolut incredibil. Acum sunt fericit si mandru de fiecare moment! One week ago, after two days of intense activities and plans for the session, the chairpersons team of Vilnius 2018 managed to transform a moment in which we were trying to fill up the time into one when we realised that we are 19 people, together, ready to embark in a unique experience. In that moment I felt that we are all a family, that we can be vulnerable and that we can rely on each other at any time. To acknowledge that the people around you are ready to help you develop and always have a laugh with you is incredible. Now, I am happy and proud by every moment spent with them! Razvan Lacatusu

Yannika Rรถnnqvist


EYP-009 “The communication breakdown” Class: Euclid Special containment procedures: Instances of EYP-009 must be immediately isolated upon discovery to prevent spread to neighbouring delegates and committees. Whenever EYP-009 occurs in a session environment, additional ORGA teams must be deployed to the affected area to terminate the anomaly and restore nominal flow of information. Use of S.L.A.C.K. as well as additional third-party tools is advised to increase the reach and ensure complete containment of EYP-009. If the aforementioned means fail to eliminate the issue, HO council must be contacted to take further steps in resolving the matter and terminating EYP-009. Description: EYP-009 is an anomalous disconnect between two humanoid participants of a session. As a result of the anomaly, the receiving party is endowed with information differing from the intent of the sender. The occurrences can involve any number of participants of various roles, although they are typically observed between two distinctively different groups of officials or delegates. Whenever EYP-009 occurs, its victims can exhibit symptoms of agitation, including but not limited to verbal outbursts, mild hyperventilation, insomnia or hypersomnia as well as appetite disorders. While the anomaly does not manifest in a clear visual, tactile or audible manner, there are certain phrases associated with its presence the use of which by the onlookers and affected individuals can alert the foundation personnel to instances of EYP-009. In extreme cases, EYP-009 can lead to catastrophic moral losses, as well as loss of property and harm to personel. Addendum 001: Audio log start Dr.Brawn: So how you describe what happened after [REDACTED] in the committee room earlier today? Subject 0.14b: S-so they… You know they… I mean I was told the coffee break will be in 15 minutes, right? So what do they mean it’s at 16:30? Is that an ok thing to do you think? I mean what if someone… Dr.Brawn: And would you say you are certain that your recollection of those events is correct? Subject 0.14b: W-wait what do you mean? Dr.Brawn: Are you sure they said 15 minutes? Subject 0.14b: Well yeah I guess… although there was the [DATA EXPUNGED] so I don’t know really? It’s all just… ah forget it man. Audio log terminated

EYP-175 “Catchprase” Class: Ketter Special Containment Procedures: EYP-175 cannot be safely contained by any known physical measures. The only widely successful method of decreasing its spread is the use of high class amnesiacs. It should be noted that most instances of 175 are not necessarily dangerous in and of themselves. In the cases when the spread of the anomaly would endanger personnel or the public image of the foundation, direct interaction with affected individuals, such as in depth explanations of the dangers posed by EYP-175, are advised. However, in some cases, the spread of the anomaly can be highly beneficial to the wellbeing and satisfaction of participants. Description: EYP-175 is a phrase, word or a saying that spreads among session participants with extreme ease, causing them to repeat it in any situation, appropriate or not. Most instances of Catchphrase originate from individuals in leadership positions, or those recognised as respectable or knowledgeable, such as members of the CHAIR’s team. Notable examples include [REDACTED], [REDACTED] [citation needed] and [REDACTED]. While it is not understood what the purpose of the phenomenon is, it is commonly believed that it is not, in fact, meant to degrade, belittle or disrespect the origin individual. Furthermore, in some cases it has been observed that those who embrace the instances of EYP-175 initiated by themselves can benefit greatly from this, for instance by creating a deeper bond with their co participants. Attached file chatlog015.xml: The following is a log from chat software retrieved by [DATA EXPUNGED]: Subject 6.1: You can find the reviewed OC clauses here. Subject 6.14: Grand.

By: Alex Raicu


here are hardly any bountiful times nowadays to rekindle the ames once passionately burning for the art of storytelling. It is with great sorrow to see that attention, be it passive or deliberate, has been on a steeping downhill into the depths of mediocrity, leaving in its trail naught but starry youth not yet bejeweled with the crystals of brilliance. Thusly, it is only the following tale that I deem able to revive the bits and pieces left scattered from the once whole picture of human imagination, but it is only you, the reader, that is responsible for its preservation and aspiring bloom.

Once upon a mystical time, in the well beknown woodland stretching across the mighty rivers of Oder and Daugava, lived a simple hunter, together with his three beloved sons, trained and skilled in the disciplines of their father. Their lives, albeit simple, had them restlessly preparing for an event well known among the youth as “The Forum�, an activity whose scope was harder to grasp for the elderly and seemed like an informal meeting of some kind. In that particular season of High Heat, the three brothers were each sent to take part in the forum, the admission into which was a perilous task in and of itself. Or at least that was what Elela, the youngest of the three thought, when he saw both his siblings returning unsuccessful in participating at the meeting. His father, taken aback by the news, had nothing to do but play his last card, sending his youngest kin to the forum, but having little to no hope.


Upon arriving to the registration desk, Elela’s evident compassion and quick thinking convinced the organising knights of his merit to take part. They quickly adorned his wrist with a golden bracelet and his neck with a crimson necklace, at the end of which hung a plate with his name and the letter D ambiguously covering its surface. Soon enough, he was sat together with others from his region, presenting their local dishes but also tasting others from places he’d never before heard of.

From the following days onwards, Elela was on a continuous quest together with others his age towards resolving a pressing issue in the land of Europa. In the case of his commite, he had to find out ways in which foreigners would visit his land without pillaging the local structures, but others had equally important dilemmas, such as getting more children involved into the teachings of their local cleric, providing people with identification papers, reducing the amount of wealth difference between peasants and nobles, giving women more administrative power and many others. Among the daily tasks undertaken by the group led by a chaiere was also a night of feasting together, an evening of empowering orations held in a cathedral, one of practising local traditions and another in which Elela could deliver a lecture, a day of visiting the surrounding region and a night of astounding musical performances.

If hitherto Elela was but a simple youngster not even trusted by his father, the forum gave him the power to speak his mind freely, aiding the community and developing his skills. By day 6 the once youngest of three brothers was now bordering greatness and evolved beyond recognition, prepared to face a challenge that nobody sane could think of as possible, the Genus Asemblee. Round after round, argument after argument, speech after speech, the battle between commites lasted for 2 days and 2 nights, but, to Elela’s utter shock, none emerged victorious and none as defeated. In the end, everyone learned something new and shed tears when the band played “Imaginare”, vowing to see each other someplace else on the continent.

That was the tale of the 87th such Forum held in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Your quest now is to pay this experience forward and help future generations learn and evolve from the Europaeus jeugd parlement.

K a j a

K l a r a

J u r e

N o r a

A l e x

K i l l i a n

L a r s

To m s

N a d i a

J a n




Y a n n i k a

Supported by:

Vilnius University

In cooperation with:

Initiated by:

The Schwarzkopf Foundation is the international umbrella organisation of the European Youth Parliament (EYP). EYP Lithuania is a National Committee in the EYP network.

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