European Youth Polls - European elections special edition

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Politicians comment: The topics of the European elections 2014

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Jan Zahradil

European Conservatives and Reformists Czech Republic Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. Explanation:

I strongly agree

I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European countries should decide for themselves which kind of immigration and asylum policy they want to imply. For me the policies are not about a number or amount of refugees we accept, that differs according to actual situation in the countries they are fleeing from. I believe we should take responsibility for those who are fleeing their countries because their lives are in serious danger. However it is important to realize that we are not able to solve the poverty in the world by granting everybody an asylum in Europe. It is much more important to work on development of less developed countries themselves.

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Stricter banking regulations as such are not going to help anybody, what we need are smart banking regulations. For example the banking system in my home country was one of the few that wasn’t involved in the last banking crisis. We have a stable and working system that provides the necessary investments and cash-flow for the economy. If back then we would have had a common EU-wide regulation system we would be in the same mess as everybody else.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:


Nuclear energy is a safe and reliable source of energy that allows for different providers of technology and fuel. We need to ensure though that strict safety rules that absolutely minimize any possible risks are imposed and followed. Shale gas seems at the moment as interesting possibility for many countries to cover parts of their energy needs, however the risks connected e.g. to endangering ground water supplies are still not researched enough. What we need is further research on implications, before we decide on large-scale fracking. Renewable energies are important for the future, but cannot provide the stable and cheap energy that we currently need. Only water and biothermal power plants can operate reliably in the current energy grid. All other sources cause too many problems to serve as our main energy source.

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

We fully respect Member states’ right to decide who can enter their territory, but the freedom of movement of the EU citizens as one of the essential freedoms must no be affected.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

The potential for economic growth that can be achieved through free trade and common standards between United States and European countries is enormous. While it is important to scrutinize all kind of impacts TTIP might have, I am generally very supportive to deeper cooperation.

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Higher mobility of young people is one of the aspects that are beneficial for fighting youth unemployment. It is however not the only aspect we should be focusing on. Other important issue to tackle is reform of our education system to better equip young people with knowledge and skills necessary for successful inclusion into the job market.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Why I disagree is my personal conviction that this is an issue for each country to decide. While Im supportive to the cause as such, I disagree with enforcing such a rule from above. This will cause more harm than benefit in the struggle for equality.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Martin Schulz

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Europe should not tolerate that refugees continue to die at its borders. The catastrophe of Lampedusa has pointed out: We need a humanitarian refugee policy in the EU. And in this context a more just system of shared responsibility between the member states.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

We want Europe to be the driving force for a new order of the financial markets that leads them back to their serving function vis-à-vis society and the real economy. If we succeed in this, our European model of a social market economy will continue to exist in the future. We must win back the primacy of politics over the financial markets.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other: Increase energy efficiency


We support ambitious, binding targets for the expansion of renewable energies in the EU. We need dynamic and more ambitious standards for energy relevant products that set binding minimum standards for the environmentally responsible design of products. This is the only way for Europe to be a leader in climate protection.

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Freedom of movement is one of the great accomplishments of European unity and millions of people benefit from it by working, studying or travelling all over the EU. The process of European unity should not be reversed.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

A free trade agreement with the US offers considerable chances for growth and employment in Europe. But it must be clear that a free trade agreement cannot undermine our high social, ecological, workers rights’ and consumer standards in Germany and Europe. Specific provisions for investment protection are not necessary in such an agreement. For us, this is an important precondition for the success of the negotiations.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Active employment policy must aim to create jobs locally and mobility must remain voluntary. A skills shortage in the countries of origin is harmful for the economic upturn in the countries of crisis.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

The non-recognition of same-sex marriages in some member states leads to a continued discrimination of same-sex couples. Common European progress on this matter would be desirable.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Sidonia Jędrzejewska European People’s Party Poland

Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other: 1) investing in energy efficiency 2) modernising energy infrastructure

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Helga Trüpel

The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

The European Union can do more to protect and integrate refugees, Turkey gives much more shelter to Syrian refugees than the EU.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

We need clear regulation of European financial markets to avoid crisis situations we were facing in recent years, we need the financial transaction tax and clearer separation of investment banking and operational banking.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas


To fight climate change we have to strive to the utmost to invest in renewables, CO2 reduction and energy saving.

Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Free movement of people is a big asset in the EU and should not be restricted.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Negotiations must be completely transparent and there should not be any watering down of environmental, health and food standards.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

I am not against greater mobility of young people but there must be more job possibilities in the Member States back home, new jobs can be created by investing in a low carbon economy.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

I am in favour of equal rights.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Fiona Hall

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe United Kingdom Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Some asylum seekers are currently being sent back to their country of origin despite evidence that they are at risk of death or torture. In particular I have had a lot of contact with Congolese refugees who are very worried about the safety of returnees to DRC.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:


Renewable energies are indigenous low-carbon sources of energy which do not carry the risks of nuclear power. Shale gas is predicted by experts to supply only 3% of Europe’s gas by 2030 because European shale gas is less easy to access than US shale gas. In any case, burning more fossil fuels will just make climate change worse - we need to leave fossil fuels in the ground.

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Freedom of movement is a key element of the European single market - people as well as goods and services should be able to move freely across national borders. As a European, I want to have the right to live in a different part of Europe just as I have a right to live in a different part of Britain.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

TTIP can bring huge benefits in terms of growth but it is important that the detail is right. Environmental standards and data protection must not be compromised.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

A key factor in youth employment is often a lack of confidence and a lack of awareness of opportunities in other countries. But it is also necessary to provide plenty of local training and work opportunities. Some countries such as Latvia have exported a high percentage of their educated youth and the country is suffering as a consequence.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Jens Geier

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other: Investing in hydrogen technology

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

My political group has defined red lines in workers and consumer protection, as well as ISDS. If these red lines are crossed after the negotiations, the Socialdemocrats will vote against!

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Not only mobility. Young talents are also needed at home, so EU should support growth and jobs everywhere.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Daniel Caspary European People’s Party Germany

Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

We have to help those who are in real danger. But we have to try to do the outmost to help improving the living conditions in their home countries.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas


If we want to fight climate change we have to give the member states the possibility to decide on their own, which way they want to go in reducing CO2 emmissions.

Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree


I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

The idea is great and it has many opportunities ... but we have to make sure that we clearly address the concerns and keep up our red lines. More info:

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

It is part of the solution ... but only part ...

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Louis Michel

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Belgium Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

International law determines the framework within which a country must receive asylum seekers. If people meet the conditions of the 1951 Geneva Convention on the subject, it is clear that Europe must comply with the law to which it has itselfc ommitted . It is therefore not the question of more or less, here the respect of International Law matters.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

The treaty is still under negitiation, we can not yet predict its content. Free trade is always a good thing if partners are in a win-win spirit. It is up to the EU to play advantageously in the ball gaining process.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Reimer Böge

European People’s Party Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Germany with the ‘Energiewende’ is on a good way.

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Constanze Krehl

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Taking refugees is a human responsibility. However, it would be much better to change the living conditions in the countries where refugees come from, if possible.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other: Investing in energy efficiency

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Freedom of movement is one of the main pillars of the EU.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Only so if European values like consumer and data protection and social rights are being granted.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

This might only solve a part of the problem. It would be unfair to expect people to leave their home. That’s why we have to invest in new jobs.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Love is love.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Dr. Dieter-L. Koch European People’s Party Germany

Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

The newly found rules are a very good basis; it will be necessary to check their effectivity and to amend them if necessary.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other: developing new technologies, supporting R&D, clarifying the opportunities and the risks, expanding networks and infrastructures. European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

A European policy for the admission of refugees is necessary.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

We should not bow down to US demands but negotiate in a strong position to safeguard the high European standards as well as progress in consumer protection! Negotiating the details together will create more integrated markets and job offers as well as lower costs for the citizens.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

But not only - we should also support local training policies and export Germany’s dual education system in other Member States.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

This is not the EU’s task.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Martina Michels

European United Left–Nordic Green Left Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

As one of the richest regions of the world we have a responsibility to help and be open to people in need.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

In addition, a financial transaction tax should urgently be introduced.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels


We also need to save more energy. Fracking and nuclear are not at all good alternatives: Neither are they save, nor environmentally friendly, nor cheap.


European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Freedom of movement is a fundamental right of all EU citizens and there is no justification for discrimination.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

I urge for the immediate end of the secretive negociations, deletion of the ISDS chapter, for putting the interest of people and nature above interests of bis corporations, for strong employees’s rights and participation as well as consumer protection, against patenting of life or traditional knowledge and for good services of public interest.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Mobility of young people should of course be supported - by enlarging the possibilities of participation in the several Erasmus+ programmes. But it cannot be a substitute to creating jobs with decent work conditions in all Member States.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Michael Cramer

The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Evelyne Gebhardt

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

It is necessary to have good employment in all Member States.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Axel Voss

European People’s Party Germany Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Europe should take in civil war refugees, but we should not proceed this way with every refugee.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies


Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels Other:

European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Free Democratic Party (FDP) Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Germany (common answer) Q1: Europe should take in more refugees. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Even though media and politicians tend to bloat the problem, the EU takes on comparatively few refugees. However, the EU has a responsibility towards people in need and must take on more refugees. Within the EU, the distribution of asylum seekers remains uneven and often unfair. Therefore, the Liberals call for a European distribution key which would spread asylum seekers according to the economic strength and population size of a given country.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q2: Stricter banking regulation is necessary to prevent another financial crisis and stabilise Europe’s financial system. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Regulation can only play one part in making Europe’s financial system more robust and crisis-resilient. What we need is a change of culture within the banking industry – more focus on serving the clients’ needs than on maximising the bank’s profit by undertaking risky operations.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q3: What is the right way forward for Europe’s energy supply? Investing in renewable energies

Investing in nuclear energy Investing in shale gas Investing in traditional fossil fuels


In the medium term, one resource alone will not be able secure a stable, affordable supply of energy for EU citizens and businesses. We therefore must make our internal energy market more efficient and flexible – also to tackle our climate challenges. This can be achieved through various measures including modernisation of energy infrastructure, common networks and a common external energy policy.

Other: Investing in diversified resources for a stable and balanced European Internal Energy Market European Youth Parliament - Sophienstraße 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

Q4: Member States should be able to temporarily close their borders and suspend the freedom of movement of people within the EU. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

Under the current Schengen regime, Member States already have the possibility to temporarily close their borders in view of special circumstances, such as big international events (e.g. football matches, etc.). However, these exceptions may in no way be expanded, as they would risk destroying one of the cornerstones of the EU project: The free movement of people.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q5: I think the TTIP free trade agreement between Europe and the US is in the best interest of European citizens. Explanation:

I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

The EU and the United States make up half of the world’s economic output and a third of global trade. The growth potential of TTIP is correspondingly high. Dismantling trade barriers will not lead to lower product or labor standards. Instead TTIP can help to promote economic growth and reduce unemployment, especially youth unemployment in Southern Europe.

Q6: The solution to the youth unemployment crisis is higher geographic mobility of young people. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

For too long, Member States have postponed to reform their education systems, thereby causing problems for young people to acquire the necessary skills to enter the labour market. The ultimate aim is to complete a European labour market, which allows young people to work anywhere in the EU. So yes, mobility is a key part of ensuring that young people find work. However, we need to ensure their smooth access and integration into the labour market first.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

Q7: Same-sex couples should be able to get married with the same rights as heterosexual couples in all of Europe. I strongly agree


I somewhat agree

We were successful in their bid to insist that there be no more legal distinction between a married couple and a couple in a registered partnership in regard to the free choice of applicable property rights. We ensured that this important step for the equal treatment of heterosexual and homosexual couples was made. Same-sex couples should obtain the right to get married in all EU-Member States.

I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree

European Youth Parliament - SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29 - 10178 Berlin

The choice of politicians is coincidental - we sent invitations to all current members of the European Parliament, addressing them with our request to fill the Poll. We tried to present the answers we received in a balanced way with regard to political orientation and nationality.

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