2 minute read

The call for Editor

The Project Managers we, Robin Andersson and Vineck Kumar Posaria, bid you a very warm welcome to Skellefteå 2021 - The 17th National Session of EYP Sweden!

We are thrilled to see that you are considering applying as President for our Session!


We are searching for an individual who will lead a team of wonderful and enthusiastic people, an individual ready to guide their team through the long hours of pre-session work, committee work, resolution typing and General Assembly. An individual who is willing and able to be a beacon of light to brighten those long hours during which some will find themselves stressed, tired and in need of guidance.

As president for this session you will be given extensive opportunities and freedom to work on many of the different aspects of the session: You will be a crucial part of the selection process of officials, and you will be providing leadership for the whole session and its participants. The President will not only contribute to welcoming a new generation of EYP:ers in Sweden; but also to provide a platform for discussions on some of the most pressing issues that we will be facing as a society.

We are expecting a high sense of responsibility, strong motivation and commitment to the Session and its vision. We also ask that you possess the ability and willingness to openly communicate with us and others, so that we can shape the session vision and your personal vision together. The general theme for Skellefteå 2021 revolves around the effects of climate change upon society. But any topic or societal issue that touches upon society’s need to innovate and adapt is welcome!

We are looking forward to finding the right individual to take the role of our session’s President. Someone who will help shape the project with us, and help make the session the best it can be. To us, the ideal candidate is someone who: - believes in the project and the values it delivers to all participants; - is able to lead a group of individuals constructively through the project; - is aware of their strengths and weaknesses; - is able to communicate openly and speak for the greater good of the session and its participants; - is able to commit to this project for the next 8 months.

You can find the call on the Members Platform following this link: https://members.eyp.org/event/ skelleftea-2021-17th-national-session-eyp-sweden

Please take some time to read our session vision and answer the questions as honestly and thoroughly as you can!

The deadline for the application is set on the 30th of August at 11.59. We look forward to reading your application.

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