4 minute read
By Maja Damjanovska Momiroska
Does humanity love the truth?
Truth is a multidimensional liberating force that purifies us and pulls us out of the clutches of the unknown to plunge us into real safeness.
We are increasingly witnessing situations that represent the creation of a world in which to flee from the truth is wise, and to insist on it is a complete loss. Such a world, built on a negative sensitivity to the truth, massively produces untruths and lies, surrounded by hypocrisy. We do not want to see and accept such a world. Mankind has no choice but to face the truth and choose it, even though the lie sometimes smiles sweeter.
There are countless examples around us where lying has been a deadly element for people and situations. False testimony in court destroys human lives. Justice is satisfied only with truth. False representations create a completely different picture of wrong conclusions. Not telling the truth undermines one’s destiny.
Our inner world is only ours, but it gathers influence from this, the common, the real. Our inner, mental world is nurtured and developed by daily watering the desire for truth, as opposed to the alluring face of falsehoods.
Is the majority unprepared to hear the truth about the facts, or about themselves? Do we need to produce fake news and believe in it, with distorted understandings, for the sake of success and fame? No matter how miserable we feel on the path to truth, in the end, discovering it gradually and in layers, approaching in every aspect and sincere will, is the only goal and force for the progress of the world and the satisfaction of our souls.

Sometimes it is difficult to face everything around us so that we can deal with the things that push us back. What regresses and destroys my, yours, our world? Is it global warming, poverty, irresponsibility, envy, fake news? To look the problem straight in the eye and face the truth is a step forward. Taking action and reaching out to the voice for help to people and nature is a new concept of thought that should lead us unequivocally. George Orwell said: “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” That is why today the universe expects us to win many battles in which we must win by helping each other.
The truth was a central theme of ancient philosophers. The conventional approach in analysing current situations is needed and necessary as never before. This approach implies that nothing else is acceptable, no other half-truth (or half-lie, anyway) is better than purifying through the crystal-clear image of truth.
In the last few years, various social upheavals have occurred and significantly changed our daily lives. Therefore, we needed
to learn how to turn our backs on the relativization and fabrication of fake news that hinders world progress. By creating untruths and false news, the brakes on progress in all areas that need to be recovered are significantly touched. In the Corona period, we learned many lessons, both personal and social. Climate change and other natural disasters facing the world have awakened us to act here and now. The production of fake news that aims to hinder the progress of society is, in a way, another catastrophe that we must confront.

If we try to leave the world and throw the blame on objective elements and turn boldly to ourselves, then what do we see? The subjective approach to what we accept and serve to our environment constitutes our well-being. Is our truth real and solid or loose and transparent? We need to be stricter with ourselves and what we seek, reading nonsense. The world is global, real and independent of us, but we, as one of its links, can begin to change it, starting with the change of our mindset.
Taking advantage of easy access to information and changing the global setting for its availability through all types of media has led to the danger of being flooded with lies, untruths and fake news. False news, as the greatest enemy, weighs on the shoulders of global society, destroying great heights and truths. Changing the mindset globally is not easy. But changing your approach to interpreting and creating fake news will lighten our darkness. It can blossom our garden. Let’s look at each other in the eye and spread our voice to burst the bubble. Why reality is the foundation, the step towards liberation, the cause of gravity. The universe is thirsty for truth, for us to be unyielding.
There is a link, a part of the whole, that stretches between the truth and what we believe in. And that is our knowledge. When we decide to step out of all zones, not just the most comfortable, and when the world decides to strive to open a new perspective on truth, new perspectives on humanity will open up. Cognition begins with the removal of illusions and prejudices. It means to see all reality in its nudity, to break through the surface with a critical and active effort to get as close to the truth as possible.
The world needs us, honest and real, as we were created.