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21 st CENTURY BEST of the BEST WOMEN LEADERS DANELA ARSOVSKA President, Macedonian Chambers of Commerce


“She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” -Elizabeth Edwards


Women’s empowerment is a global topic that has been given focus by many rising career women around the world. In a man’s world women everywhere continue to work harder, and smarter earning their stripes in this vicious cycle that men do it better. The greats of our time Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai and more prove time and time again that women everywhere practice their freedom in decision making.

Regardless of groups of social, economic, political, caste and gender-based discrimination it’s about the right to make life choices in social rights, political and economic stability, and judicial presence. The inclusion of women is measured by the growing number of women in key leadership positions. A place to lead, mentor and be a role model for the future generations. Diversity creates a huge opportunity for working ecosystems, different perspectives that individuals can bring in an organisation enhancing performance and success.

Despite the ongoing challenges women are faced there are a high-profile of women achievers across the board from many sectors who prompt upcoming empowered women to follow in their footsteps. Amongst these women is Danela Arsovska.

Danela Arsovska, is a born leader and devoted mother and wife! She is also a devoted President at the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce – which is the union of national chambers and the largest national business organisation. Danela is committed to creating opportunities and improving conditions for

investment in all sectors, through policy creation, to enhancement of the public-private dialogue across the Macedonian business sector. On a professional level, Danela has over 15 years of management experience in the private sector and over ten years in International Investment Law.

She is dedicated advocate for women’s rights as well as a founder of Corporate Social Responsibility across the Macedonian business sector. Danela is the Macedonian representative within the International Chamber of Commerce and is the General Council member of the World Chamber Federation. As you can see, on a professional front Danela is well established and connected across the world. Danela is the new woman of the 21st Century kicking goals as she rises to the top through hard work, commitment and her onus on leaving a legacy in the world of business.

One of her biggest milestones in Beijing four years ago, Danela managed to sign an agreement on behalf of the Balkans. The agreement allowed direct access to the Chinese market and an opportunity to export to over one billion consumers. A successful initiative for strengthening the growth of the economy. More recently, Danela attended the Opening Ceremony of the Major Projects on Belts and Road Initiative in Ningbo, China and Import Market Promotion Meeting of Ningbo Free Trade Zone solidifying relations between the MCC and China.

Danela was a valued tender representing the MCC at the World Chambers Federation (WCF) with the General Council meeting in Moscow, Russia. The International Chamber of Commerce issued a declaration setting out a vision to shape the future of global business in the next century. And, on her home turf for the first time the MCC launched Digital

Certificates of Origin. Outlining the new process Danela isn’t a stranger to implementing innovation and change educating a new digital generation keeping the business chamber aligned with world progress.

Admired by all over the world, Danela facets the perfect role model for women everywhere continuing to prove that joint actions are important for integration and economics. Her gracious attitude and persistence are a positive step forward for any economy as she exemplifies can-do and an over achiever. Danela’s work reflects depth of understanding, rigour of thinking, commitment and achievement, strength of leadership and willingness to take well-argued positions under high pressure environments with a forward-thinking mindset.

A global role model for women’s empowerment, Danela has earned the respect and admiration from the Chambers of Commerce and aspiring women. She is a natural leader without the ego or need for recognition. Her humility can certainly teach us a lesson or two as to what it means to radiate self-understanding. On a personal front, Danela enjoys travelling, spending time with family and friends as well as getting some well-deserved rest given her

busy professional life. She is an animal lover and has a passion for fashion and helping others. Her mind is filled with ideas and strategies for a better world.

eYs Magazine was fortunate to closely interview Danela recently.

What is MCC’s primary purpose?

Danela Arsovska: Macedonian Chambers of Commerce is the union of national chambers of commerce and the largest national business organization, with main role and responsibilities to continuously and in a professional manner contribute to the improvement of the economy, advocating and representing the interests of the private sector. Being actively involved in creating opportunities and better conditions for investments in different sectors and through everyday activities we improve and enhance the public-private dialogue, while being dedicated to international collaboration and promotion of national and international trade based on principles of free trade and fair competition.

What are the major benefits for the members of the Chamber?

Danela Arsovska: Guided by the goal of increasing the competitiveness of companies and improving the business environment, the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce is known for its significant achievements inproposing and implementation of strategic economic policies. MCC is constantly investing in its wide network of associates with professors, academics, entrepreneurs, students aimed at unifying the relevant links in society which should bring economic development and progress to the private sector and sustainable economic growth. Through our business centres, we provide business information regarding opportunities for cooperation and development. Additionally, we enable networking and new business contacts through B2B meetings,

What are some of the most important events organized by MCC?

Danela Arsovska: MCC has several annual signature events, such as the Recognition for Macedonian Quality organized under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Macedonia. According to strictly determined criteria, 10 national economic ambassador brands are awarded with the Recognition for Macedonian Quality. Jointly with the Ministry of Economy annually we recognize the best entrepreneurs in the country with the national awards “Entrepreneur of the Year”. We hosted the 2017 Global Women Leaders’ Summit, with over 300 prominent women leaders’ participants from 5 continents, creators of public policies, diplomats and journalists. We also organize numerous high-level forums each year and participate in international events which promote trade and competitiveness on national, regional and global level.

Achievements / Awards

Danela Arsovska: As one of the Macedonian Women Entrepreneurs Association founders, as well as the initiator of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the national business sector, I am devoted to advocating for human rights but especially for women’s rights in the private sector.

There are many things we have achieved with my team through the years, and putting our extensive experience in use, as well as our commitment to the implementation of the national structural economic reforms which can

be achieved through partnership with the Government, I signed Agreement for co-operation on public private dialogue and partnership platform between the chambers of commerce and the Government in 2018 as its Chair.

Currently as representative of the private sector I have a regular consultative status for the implementation of strategic economic policies, consultation made by the International monetary fund, The World Bank Group, EBRD, as well as by all national strategic partners.

In 2018 I was appointed as general council member of the World Chambers Federation WCF the only global forum which unites over 12.000 chambers of commerce worldwide, as first Macedonian representative to serve on this position since its establishing in 1919. This position is an achievement I am especially proud of since it’s a unique recognition of one’s quality and competence on global level.

I am proud that in 2018 I was awarded with the recognition “Best role model for business women in South Eastern Europe” by the World Business Angel Investment Forum and in 2019 at the 6th Regional Summit of Entrepreneurs of Central and South Eastern Europe awarded the high recognition for special contribution to the development of entrepreneurship.

Is there any advice you would like to offer anyone else who would like to pursue a career in business?

What are valuable lessons you have learned along the way as a woman?

Danela Arsovska: Unlike the quotas that exist in politics and the public sector, there are no guaranteed quotas in the private sector. There the battle is continuous in all fields. In a society where meritocracy is just an idea and not reality, the challenges we face are even greater. Some values have no gender and can define a person and its success, like character and having the courage to stand your ground and principles. That is what I believe in, so I team up and work with people who have credibility and integrity.

Who is your inspiration and why?

Danela Arsovska: Inspiration is the source of innovation and progress, creation of works of art in all fields. One of the best ways to keep continuous progress is to find your motivation in worthy causes in which you believe in, in the simple and beautiful things, in making the world a better place by doing something good and kind every day.The source of my inspiration I find in the people around me, my family and friends, my team, every day people I meet that want to help make life better for self and others.

Danela Arsovska: Surround yourselves with smart and great people in your work, which will offer experience, challenge ideas and bring new perspectives thus you will reach success. Different opinions initiate thinking


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