Apparel 2011 Northwave

Page 1


Apparel Technology Centimetro dopo centimetro, abbiamo We’ve gone to the future for you, centim EVOLUTION CONSTRUCTION Il capo fascia perfettamente il corpo nella posizione del ciclista quando è in sella alla bici. Maximum performance when the cyclist is leaning forward and pedaling.

Reflex Inserts Visibilità a 360°. 360° high visibility.

Zip with customized NW Camlock

Carbon Fibers Antistatico e antibatterico.


Antistatic and antibacterial.

Giro E.i.t. Pad Leggero e traspirante. Fornisce una protezione superiore. Lightweight and breathable. Provides advanced protection.


raggiunto il futuro per te. eter by centimeter.

Ventilation Ampi inserti in rete e tessuti traspiranti per una ventilazione impareggiabile. Large mesh inserts and breathable fabrics equal unbeatable ventilation.

Jacquard Dots Silicon Elastic Per una maggiore stabilitĂ del capo. For greater garment stability.

Jacquard Dots Silicon Elastic Per una maggiore stabilitĂ del capo. For greater garment stability.



Apparel Technology L’abbigliamento tecnico per il ciclista deve rispondere in maniera diversificata alle esigenze biomeccaniche del corpo durante l’attività fisica. La nuova collezione è stata sviluppata seguendo un’innovativa filosofia di costruzione del capo. Le combinazioni di diversi tessuti, con caratteristiche tecniche specifiche differenti, permettono al capo di proteggere e aiutare i muscoli durante lo sforzo fisico, lavorando in sinergia con loro.

Jersey Fabrics Technical apparel for cyclists needs to respond differently to meet the biomechanical requirements of the body during physical activity. The new collection has been developed following an innovative philosophy regarding the way the garments are made. The combinations of different fabrics that all have different specific technical properties enable the garment to protect and assist the muscles during physical exertion by working in synergy with them.

Revolutional pro

Questo leggerissimo tessuto tecnico garantisce estrema fluidità dei movimenti, massimo comfort e perfetto contenimento muscolare, protezione dai raggi UV, rapida asciugatura, eccezionale traspirabilità, resistenza alle abrasioni e al pilling. This ultralight technical fabric guarantees extremely fluid movements, maximum comfort and perfect muscle retention, UV protection, quick drying, exceptional breathability, and resistance to abrasions and pilling.

Carbon Fibers pro

Tessuto tecnico dalle caratteristiche impareggiabili: antistatico, traspirante, schermante dai raggi UV e batteriostatico. A technical fabric with unbeatable qualities: it’s antistatic, breathable, and bacteriostatic and blocks UV rays.

Pants Fabrics Revolutional pro

Questo leggerissimo tessuto tecnico garantisce estrema fluidità dei movimenti, massimo comfort e perfetto contenimento muscolare, protezione dai raggi UV, rapida asciugatura, eccezionale traspirabilità, resistenza alle abrasioni e al pilling.


Evolution Il capo offre il massimo delle performance quando il ciclista è proteso in avanti durante la pedalata, posizione in cui il capo segue perfettamente l’anatomia del corpo e lo sostiene durante lo sforzo fisico.

The garment offers maximum performance when the cyclist is leaning forward and pedaling. In this position it moves perfectly with the body’s anatomy and provides support during physical exertion.

NRG La nuova filosofia di sviluppo NRG ha l’obbiettivo preservare le energie e di convogliarle nello sforzo della pedalata. Grazie alla speciale combinazione di 4 materiali che agiscono in maniera specifica in ogni singola zona del corpo, i prodotti NRG aiutano ad ottimizzare il trasferimento della potenza sui pedali.


The new NRG development philosophy aims to preserve energy and channel it into pedal power. NRG products help to optimize the transfer of power to the pedals thanks to the special combination of 4 materials that act in a specific way in each part of the body.

This ultralight technical fabric guarantees extremely fluid movements, maximum comfort and perfect muscle retention, UV protection, quick drying, exceptional breathability, and resistance to abrasions and pilling.


Soft Polyester



sport entry

Realizzato con fibre ad alta traspirazione che lo rendono morbido ed elastico, questo tessuto aiuta il corpo a mantenere a lungo una temperatura costante. Made with highly breathable fibers that make the fabric soft and elastic and help to ensure the body’s temperature is always constant.

Tessuto morbido, leggero e confortevole anche alle alte temperature.

Tessuto leggero a rapida asciugatura che lascia la pelle asciutta anche dopo un lungo allenamento.

This soft, light fabric is even comfortable at high temperatures.

Quick-drying, lightweight fabric that leaves the skin dry even after a long training session.


Zip with camlock

Extra Tech sport sport

Tessuto studiato e realizzato appositamente per i capi da MTB. Resistente e altamente traspirante, offre il massimo comfort durante l’attività fisica.

Tessuto ad alta densità ultra leggero che protegge dalla pioggia, ma lascia traspirare la pelle. Ultralight high-density fabric that protects against the rain while letting the skin breathe.

Le zip sono tutte dotate di pendaglio personalizzato autobloccante. All the zippers have a personalized self-locking tab.


A fabric specially designed and created for MTB apparel. Strong and highly breathable, it provides maximum comfort during physical exercise.

Il capo è dotato di ampie zone in rete elastica, per favorire il movimento, ma soprattutto per una ventilazione e traspirazione senza paragoni. The garment has large stretch mesh areas to facilitate movement and above all ensure unrivalled ventilation and breathability.

Lycra Performer®

Malaga Carvico 190gr.

Cool Black - UVP

sport entry

La particolare grammatura di questo filato permette di sostenere la fascia muscolare, diminuendo l’affaticamento e favorendo il recupero fisico. Grazie alla sua elevata memoria di ritorno, mantiene inalterate le sue proprietà.

Trattamento a cui è sottoposto il tessuto di colore nero, che evita il surriscaldamento del corpo durante l’attività fisica sotto il sole.

Malaga is an opaque charmeuse fabric that offers the perfect balance between light weight and elasticity. It is resistant to pilling and also offers the right protection against UV rays.

Black fabrics undergo this treatment which prevents the body from overheating during physical exercise out in the sun.



The thread’s special weight and consistency provides a style of muscular support that reduces fatigue and facilitates physical recovery. Lycra® Performer also recovers its shape superbly which means that the fabric maintains its original characteristics.

Tessuto charmeuse dall’aspetto opaco. Offre un perfetto equilibrio tra leggerezza ed elasticità. È resistente al pilling e offre la giusta protezione anche ai raggi UV.

Pad Technology E.I.T. TECHNOLOGY E.I.T. è il marchio della protezione elastica per eccellenza, scelto dai migliori produttori di short. La massima prestazione, di cui è garanzia, è ottenuta grazie alla ricerca scientifica in collaborazione con l’Università, all’intensa attività di R&D, ai severi test e ai materiali sviluppati in esclusiva. E.I.T. is the elastic pad brand par excellence chosen by leading shorts manufacturers. It offers a guaranteed level of maximum performance achieved through scientific research carried out in conjunction with universities, intensive R&D, stringent tests and exclusively developed materials.

Giro E.i.t.



Blaze Air E.i.t.

Distance: Medium / Long THICKNESSES (+/-10%): 10 mm - 3 mm DENSITIES (+/-10%): 100 kg/m3 Fabric: E.I.T. Microfibre Leght / Width: 353 x 207 mm

Il fondello Giro E.I.T. è stato sviluppato per soddisfare le esigenze di un fondello sempre più leggero, che potesse garantire una protezione superiore. Il fondello Giro offre un valore aggiunto agli short di alta gamma, grazie alla ventilazione e alla forma tridimensionale. Giro E.I.T. pad has been created to meet the need for a lighter weight pad with superior protection, an imperceptible but functional chamois. E.I.T. Giro Man provides added value to high end shorts, with high-end features like perforated foam for maximum ventilation and anatomical three dimensional shape to avoid chafing.



Race Sport

Distance: Medium THICKNESSES (+/-10%): 10 mm DENSITIES (+/-10%): 80 kg/m3 Fabric: E.I.T. Microfibre Leght / Width: 345 x 210 mm

l fondello Blaze Air E.I.T. è stato sviluppato per garantire un fitting confortevole grazie al perfetto posizionamento delle imbottiture che seguono l’anatomia maschile e grazie anche al morbido tessuto di rivestimento a contatto con la pelle. E.I.T.’s innovative Blaze Man design was created by our designers to provide the best overall fit by comfortably covering and protecting all contact and chafing zones of male anatomy.


Distance: Medium THICKNESSES (+/-10%): 10 mm - 5 mm DENSITIES (+/-10%): 60 kg/m3 Fabric: Basic dry 100% Polyester Leght / Width: 330 x 210 mm

Lo studio anatomico del design rivoluzionario del fondello Race Man ha permesso di sviluppare un prodotto che garantisce il massimo comfort e il miglior fitting agli short. Race Man has been developed just for men with a revolutionary design, tailor-made for male anatomy to provide maximum comfort and best fit.

Activa Gel E.i.t.


Speed Air Woman E.i.t.

Uno speciale inserto in gel traforato, posizionato in tre punti strategici (seduta e zona perineale), garantisce l’assorbimento delle vibrazioni e degli urti, assicurando allo stesso tempo una eccellente aerazione. The special perforated gel insert, positioned in three strategic points (the seat and perineal area), is guaranteed to absorb vibrations and knocks and also provide excellent ventilation.


Distance: long THICKNESSES (+/-10%): 10 mm - 3 mm DENSITIES (+/-10%): 80 kg/m3 Fabric: E.I.T. Microfibre Leght / Width: 300 x 202 mm

Speed Air Woman E.I.T. è stato sviluppato con particolare riferimento all’anatomia femminile, garantendo ottime performance e comfort. Offre un’ottima protezione nella zona perineale. Risulta ideale per gli short di media gamma, grazie alla doppia densità e alla forma tridimensionale. Speed Air Woman E.I.T. has been developed for the female anatomy and provides extra comfort and performance. It offers maximum protection in the perineal area. It is ideal for mid-range short: with dual density foam construction and enhanced anatomical three dimensional shape.


Distance: Medium THICKNESSES (+/-10%): 10 mm - 5 mm DENSITIES (+/-10%): 60 kg/m3 Fabric: Basic dry 100% Polyester Leght / Width: 310 x 210 mm

Questo fondello dalle caratteristiche uniche è studiato appositamente per l’anatomia femminile. Sport Woman offre un eccellente comfort e un’ampia libertà di movimento. E.I.T.’s Sport Woman model has unique characteristics, specifically studied for female anatomy. This unique pad offers excellent comfort and freedom of movement.



Distance: Medium - long THICKNESSES (+/-10%): 10 mm - 3 mm DENSITIES (+/-10%): 60 kg/m3 Fabric: E.I.T. Microfibre Leght / Width: 346 x 214 mm

Sport Woman

Man Race


Ora sei pronto alla sfida: lo senti sulla tua Now you’re up for the challenge: feel it

nrg Cod. 89111001

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Toptex Olympia Piave 150 gr Zip: Full Opening with Camlock vent inserts: Side, Front and Back Pockets: 3 + Middle Zippered with Camlock elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: 360° Visibility


COL. 11: Black-White



pelle. on your skin.


COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Revolutional速 Carvico - 220 gr pad: Giro E.I.T. Braces: Mesh - anatomic design vent inserts: Braces elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo



COL. 11: Black-White



nrg Cod. 89111002

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111003

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 59: White-Black-Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech with Carbon Fibers ZIP: Full opening zip Pockets: 3 vent inserts: Side and Back elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Back flap Tech: Carbon Inserts


COL. 19: Black-White-Red COL. 34: Red -White-Black

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111004

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 34: White-Red-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech with Carbon Fibers Zip: Full Opening zip vent inserts: Side and Back Pockets: 3 elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Back flap Tech: Carbon Inserts



COL. 19: Black-White-Red COL. 59: White-Black-Red

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111005

Light Jacket

COL. 51: White-Grey sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Windproof + Multilight Inserts Zip: Full Opening zip vent inserts: Side and Back elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Back flap


COL. 83: Anthra-Black


EVOLUTION Cod. 89111006


COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra with Carbon Fibers pad: Blaze Air E.I.T. Braces: Mesh - Anatomic design vent inserts: Braces elastic: Jacquard dots silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective back logo Tech: Carbon Inserts


COL. 10: Black

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111007


COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra with Carbon Fibers pad: Blaze Air E.I.T. Braces: Mesh - Anatomic design vent inserts: Braces Reflex inserts: Reflective back logo Tech: Carbon Inserts




blade Cod. 89111008

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 32: Red-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Full opening reversed with camlock vent inserts: Back Pockets: 3 + Middle Zippered elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Side reflective flap


COL. 10: Black COL. 23: Blue China-Black COL. 53: White-Black

blade Cod. 89111009

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 23: Blue China-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Full Opening reversd with Camlock vent inserts: Back Pockets: 3 + Middle Zippered elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Side reflective flap


COL. 10: Black COL. 32: Red-Black COL. 53: White-Black

blade Cod. 89111010 COL. 53: Jersey Short Sleeves

blade Cod. 89111011 Jersey Long Sleeves COL. 32:




White-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

COL. 10: Black COL. 23: Blue China-Black COL. 32: Red-Black


Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Invisible 40cm vent inserts: Back Pockets: 3 + Middle Zippered elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Side reflective flap

Red-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

COL. 10: Black COL. 53: White-Black

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock vent inserts: Back Pockets: 1 with camlock elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Side reflective flap

blade Cod. 89111013


COL. 11: Black-White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr pad: Race Sport vent inserts: Braces elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo


COL. 10: Black COL. 23: Blue China-Black COL. 32: Red-Black

blade Cod. 89111014


COL. 32: Red-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr pad: Race Sport Braces: Mesh vent inserts: Braces elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo


COL. 10: Black COL. 11: Black-White COL. 23: Blue China-Black

blade Cod. 89111012 Jersey L/S Front Protection COL. 10:

blade Cod. 89111015 Bibknicker COL. 10:



Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr pad: Race Sport Braces: Mesh vent inserts: Braces elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo



Main fabrics: Lightech + NW4Pro Zip: Full Opening with Camlock Pockets: 1 with Camlock elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective front logo Side reflective flap Tech: Front protection in NW4Pro

Black sIZE: S - 4XL

force Cod. 89111020

Jersey Sleevesless

COL. 30: Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilight Zip: 18 cm with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back piping Performance


COL. 10: Black COL. 20: Blue China COL. 42: Lime COL. 50: White

force Cod. 89111021

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 20: Blue China sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilight Zip: 18 cm with Camlock vent inserts: Inner sleeves Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back piping


COL. 10: Black COL. 30: Red COL. 42: Lime COL. 50: White


force Cod. 89111022


COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Elastic fabric 190 gr pad: Race Sport elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo TECH: Flatlock stitchings Performance

force Cod. 89111023


COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Elastic fabric 190 gr pad: Race Sport Braces: Lycra 190 gr elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo TECH: Flatlock stitchings



COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Elastic fabric 190 gr pad: Race Sport Braces: Lycra 190gr vent inserts: Braces elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo TECH: Flatlock stitchings




force Cod. 89111024

Treasure Project Massimo comfort e performance eccellente: insieme, per te. Maximum comfort and peak performance: combined, for you. Design Il design dei nostri pantaloni è frutto di continui test sulle strade ed i sentieri di tutto il mondo. Ogni particolare è stato studiato per offrire le massime prestazioni ed il massimo comfort durante l’attività. Tutte le cuciture dei pannelli sono piatte e posizionate in modo da non creare alcuna frizione durante la pedalata. La perfetta ergonomia aiuta ad ottimizzare la resa muscolare, garantendo la corretta traspirazione. The design of our shorts is the result of constant testing on roads and tracks all over the world. Every detail has been studied to offer peak performance and maximum comfort during activities. Stitching is flat and positioned strategically to avoid any friction when cycling. The perfectly ergonomic design supports and optimizes muscle work, guaranteeing correct transpiration.

Fit Estremamente compatto ed aderente in sella, i fit dei nostri pantaloni offrono al ciclista le massime prestazioni in termini di tenuta, aerodinamicità, comfort e libertà di movimento.

APPAREL / treasure project

Our shorts are form fitting and adherent when in the saddle to offer cyclists the best performance in terms of firmness, aerodynamics, comfort and freedom of movement.

53/11 CARBON Cod. 89101054


COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Atlanta 225 gr PAD: Giro E.I.T. Braces: Carbon mesh Vent inserts: Braces Elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: 360° visibility Tech: Carbon inserts



50/12 Cod. 89111000


COL. 11: Black-White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 210gr + Coolmax pad: Blaze E.I.T. BRACES: Coolmax mesh vent insert: Braces elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: 360째 visibility tech: Braces construction with underwear technology


39/25 Cod. 89101052


COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Malaga 190 gr Pad: Activa Gel EIT Braces: Mesh Vent inserts: Braces Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: 360째 visibility



COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Ceylon 190 gr (white version - 210 gr) Pad: Race Sport Braces: Mesh Vent inserts: Braces Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: 360째 visibility


cod. 89101051 COL. 50: White


APPAREL / treasure project

34/27 Cod. 89101050

Man All Terrain


La tecnologia la senti addosso. Non si ferma davanti a nulla, proprio come te. Feel the technology. It’s unstoppable, just like you.


STRIKER Cod. 89111025

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 50: White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Extratech zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Vent inserts: 360째 Aeration System Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo Tech: Middle pocket with expandable system, protective prints on shoulders


COL. 11: Black-White COL. 30: Red

STRIKER Cod. 89111026

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 30: Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Extratech zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Vent inserts: 360째 Aeration System Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo Tech: Middle pocket with expandable system, protective prints on sleeves


COL. 11: Black-White COL. 50: White

STRIKER Cod. 89111028 Bibknicker COL. 10:



White sIZE: S - 4XL

COL. 10: Black

Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr (white version 210 gr) + MTB fabric with Nano technology Pad: Activa Gel E.I.T. Braces: No stress fabric Elastic: Jacquard dots silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo Tech: Back in water repellent fabric

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr (white version 210 gr) + MTB fabric with Nano technology Pad: Activa Gel E.I.T. Braces: No stress fabric Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo Tech: Back in water repellent fabric



STRIKER Cod. 89111027 Bibshort COL. 50:

BLASTER Cod. 89111029

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 04: Black-Green-Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilight zip: Short 18cm Pockets: 3 Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Reflective back flap sport

COL. 05: Black-Red-Blue

BLASTER Cod. 89111030


COL. 19: Black-White-Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra速 190 gr Pad: Activa Gel E.I.T. Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo



ESCAPE Cod. 89111033

T-shirt Long Sleeves

COL. 60: Green sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Polyester Cotton Touch Reflex inserts: Side reflective flap and back logo


col 10: Black COL. 50: White


ESCAPE Cod. 89111034


COL. 20: Blue Navy sIZE: S - 4XL

Removable Internal Shorts


COL. 10: Black

Main fabrics: Polyester + inner shorts in mesh Pad: Race Sport Vent inserts: Front Pockets: 2 on the side Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back logo Tech: Inner leg in elastic fabric

ROCKER Cod. 89111031

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 62: Green-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Extratech Zip: 18 cm with Camlock Vent inserts: Back Pockets: 3 Elastic: No stress elastic Reflex inserts: Side reflective flap and logo on sleeve Tech: Middle pocket with expandable system


COL. 10: Black COL. 30: Red COL. 50: White


COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Removable Internal Shorts


COL. 20: Blue Navy COL. 84: Anthracite-Silver-Blue

Main fabrics: Polyester + inner shorts in mesh Pad: Race Sport Vent inserts: Front Pockets: 2 on the front Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back logo Tech: Inner leg in elastic fabric



ROCKER Cod. 89111032

IDOL Cod. 89111035

T-shirt Short Sleeves

COL. 60: Blue sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Polyester Cotton Touch Reflex inserts: Side reflective flap and logo on sleeve



COL. 50: White COL. 10: Black

IDOL Cod. 89111036


COL. 20: Blue Navy sIZE: S - 4XL

Removable Internal Shorts


COL. 10: Black COL. 84: Anthracite-Silver-Blue


Main fabrics: Polyester + inner shorts in mesh Pad: Race Sport Pockets: 2 on the front Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back logo Tech: Inner leg in elastic fabric

X-ROUND Cod. 89111037

Hooded Sweatshirt

COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Polyester ZIP: Full opening Pockets: 2 + 1 back zippered Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap


COL. 20: Blue

X-ROUND Cod. 89111038


COL. 25: Denim sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Elastic Cotton Vent inserts: Inner legs Tech: Elastic fabric on back, drawcord on end leg


Inner Short for Jeans

COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Mesh pad: Race Sport Elastic: Silicon




X-ROUND Cod. 89111039

Man Graphics


Abbiamo disegnato l’eccellenza sul tuo corpo. Designing excellence over your body.

DEVIL Cod. 89101022

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 52: White-Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilight zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 + 1 with reversed zip with Camlock Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back piping and reflective logo


COL. 11: Black-White COL. 54: White-Green


DEVIL Cod. 89101023

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 52: White-Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilight Zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 + 1 with reversed zip with Camlock elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back piping and reflective logo


COL. 11: Black-White COL. 54: White-Green

DEVIL Cod. 89101057

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 54: White-Green sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilight Zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 + 1 with reversed zip with Camlock elastic: Silicon



COL. 11: Black-White COL. 52: White-Red


COL. 11: Black-White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr Pad: Blaze Air EIT Braces: Mesh Vent inserts: Braces Elastic: Silicon Performance

COL. 31: White-Red COL. 54: White-Green



DEVIL Cod. 89101024

COMPETITION Cod. 89111041

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 + 1 with reversed zip with Camlock Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and front logo


COL. 50: White

COMPETITION Cod. 89111042

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 50: White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 + 1 with reversed zip with Camlock Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and front logo



COL. 10: Black

COMPETITION Cod. 89111052 Jersey Short Sleeves COL. 50:

COMPETITION Cod. 89111040 Wind Proof Jacket COL. 50:



White sIZE: S - 4XL

COL. 10: Black


with armwarmers

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: Full opening reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 + 1 with reversed zip with Camlock Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and front logo

White sIZE: S - 4XL

COL. 10: Black

Main fabrics: Windproof polyester Zip: Full opening with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and front logo

COMPETITION Cod. 89111043


COL. 50: White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr (white version 210 gr) PAD: Blaze Air E.I.T. Braces: Mesh Vent inserts: Braces elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo


COL. 10: Black

STEEL Cod. 89111044

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 16: Black-Yellow sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech Zip: 20 cm with Camlock Pockets: 3 elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back piping and reflective logo Performance

COL. 53: White-Black


COL. 16: Black-Yellow sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr Pad: Blaze Air E.I.T. Braces: Mesh Vent inserts: Braces Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo


COL. 53: White-Black



STEEL Cod. 89111045



MUSCLE 3D Cod. 89111046

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 11: Black-White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilght zip: 20 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 elastic: No stress Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo Tech: 3D printing


COL. 53: White-Black

BIKEMAN Cod. 89111047

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 20 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap Performance

COL. 13: Black-Blue

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 50: White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 20 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap and logo Performance

COL. 10: Black



TETRIXXX Cod. 89111048

RADICAL Cod. 89111051

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 15: Black-Green-Blue sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 20 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap Performance

HEADPHONES Cod. 89111049

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 31: Red-White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 20 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap



ALIEN Cod. 89101048

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 10: Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilght zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back piping Performance


SKELETON Cod. 89151011

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 10: Black-White sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilght zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back piping Performance

HEART Cod. 89161027

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 14: Black-Red sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilght zip: 16 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back piping Performance

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 32: Red-Black sIZE: S - 4XL

Main fabrics: Multilght zip: Invisible 40 cm Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back piping and reflective logo


COL. 53: White-Black



MUSCLE Cod. 89101045

MAN Race

NRG Cod. 89111001 COL. 11

NRG Cod. 89111001 COL. 53

NRG Cod. 89111002 COL. 11

NRG Cod. 89111002 COL. 53

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111003 COL. 19

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111003 COL. 34

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111003 COL. 59

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111004 COL. 19

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111004 COL. 34

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111004 COL. 59

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111005 COL. 51

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111005 COL. 83

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111006 COL. 10

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111006 COL. 53

EVOLUTION Cod. 89111007 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111008 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111008 COL. 23

blade Cod. 89111008 COL. 32

blade Cod. 89111008 COL. 53

blade Cod. 89111009 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111009 COL. 23

blade Cod. 89111009 COL. 32

blade Cod. 89111009 COL. 53

blade Cod. 89111010 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111010 COL. 23

blade Cod. 89111010 COL. 32

blade Cod. 89111010 COL. 53

blade Cod. 89111011 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111011 COL. 32

blade Cod. 89111011 COL. 53

blade Cod. 89111012 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111013 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111013 COL. 11

blade Cod. 89111013 COL. 23

blade Cod. 89111013 COL. 32

blade Cod. 89111014 COL. 10

blade Cod. 89111014 COL. 11

blade Cod. 89111014 COL. 23

blade Cod. 89111014 COL. 32

blade Cod. 89111015 COL. 10

FORCE Cod. 89111020 COL. 10

FORCE Cod. 89111020 COL. 20

FORCE Cod. 89111020 COL. 30

FORCE Cod. 89111020 COL. 42

FORCE Cod. 89111020 COL. 50

FORCE Cod. 89111021 COL. 10

FORCE Cod. 89111021 COL. 20

FORCE Cod. 89111021 COL. 30

FORCE Cod. 89111021 COL. 42

FORCE Cod. 89111021 COL. 50

FORCE Cod. 89111022 COL. 10

FORCE Cod. 89111023 COL. 10

FORCE Cod. 89111024 COL. 10

53/11 carbon Cod. 89101054 COL. 10

50/12 Cod. 89111000 COL. 11

39/25 Cod. 89101052 COL. 10

34/27 Cod. 89101050 COL. 10

34/27 Cod. 89101051 COL. 50

striker Cod. 89111025 COL. 11

striker Cod. 89111025 COL. 30

striker Cod. 89111025 COL. 50

striker Cod. 89111026 COL. 11

striker Cod. 89111026 COL. 30

striker Cod. 89111027 COL. 10

striker Cod. 89111027 COL. 50

striker Cod. 89111028 COL. 10

blaster Cod. 89111029 COL. 04

blaster Cod. 89111029 COL. 05


treAsure project MAN ALL TERRAIN striker Cod. 89111026 COL. 50


blaster Cod. 89111030 COL. 11

escape Cod. 89111033 COL. 10

escape Cod. 89111033 COL. 50

escape Cod. 89111033 COL. 60

escape Cod. 89111034 COL. 10

escape Cod. 89111034 COL. 20

rocker Cod. 89111031 COL. 10

rocker Cod. 89111031 COL. 30

rocker Cod. 89111031 COL. 50

rocker Cod. 89111031 COL. 62

rocker Cod. 89111032 COL. 10

rocker Cod. 89111032 COL. 20

rocker Cod. 89111032 COL. 84

idol Cod. 89111035 COL. 10

idol Cod. 89111035 COL. 50

idol Cod. 89111035 COL. 60

idol Cod. 89111036 COL. 10

idol Cod. 89111036 COL. 20

idol Cod. 89111036 COL. 84

x-round Cod. 89111037 COL. 10

x-round Cod. 89111037 COL. 20

x-round Cod. 89111038 COL. 25

x-round Cod. 89111039 COL. 10

devil Cod. 89101022 COL. 11

devil Cod. 89101022 COL. 52

devil Cod. 89101022 COL. 54

devil Cod. 89101023 COL. 11

devil Cod. 89101023 COL. 52

devil Cod. 89101023 COL. 54

devil Cod. 89101057 COL. 11

devil Cod. 89101057 COL. 52

devil Cod. 89101057 COL. 54

devil Cod. 89101024 COL. 11

devil Cod. 89101024 COL. 31

devil Cod. 89101024 COL. 54

competition Cod. 89111041 COL. 10

competition Cod. 89111041 COL. 50

competition Cod. 89111042 COL. 10

competition Cod. 89111042 COL. 50

competition Cod. 89111052 COL. 10

competition Cod. 89111052 COL. 50

competition Cod. 89111040 COL. 10

competition Cod. 89111040 COL. 50

competition Cod. 89111043 COL. 10

competition Cod. 89111043 COL. 50

steel Cod. 89111044 COL. 16

steel Cod. 89111044 COL. 53

steel Cod. 89111045 COL. 16

steel Cod. 89111045 COL. 53

muscle 3D Cod. 89111046 COL. 11

muscle 3D Cod. 89111046 COL. 53

bikeman Cod. 89111047 COL. 13

bikeman Cod. 89111047 COL. 53

tetrixXX Cod. 89111048 COL. 10

tetrixXX Cod. 89111048 COL. 50

radical Cod. 89111051 COL. 15

Headphones Cod. 89111049 COL. 31

alien Cod. 89101048 COL. 10

skeleton Cod. 89151011 COL. 10

heart Cod. 89161027 COL. 14

muscle Cod. 89101045 COL. 32

muscle Cod. 89101045 COL. 53

MAN graphics



Woman Race

APPAREL / woMAN race

La nostra innovazione, la tua sfida. Our innovation, your challenge.


NRGirl Cod. 89111060

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Toptex Olympia Piave 150 gr zip: Full opening with Camlock Pockets: 3 Vent inserts: Inner Sleeves elastic: Jacquard Dots Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


COL. 11: Black-White

NRGirl Cod. 89111061


COL. 10: Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Revolutional速 Carvico - 220 gr PAD: Speed Air Woman E.I.T. Braces: Anatomic design Elastic: Jacquard dots silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


APPAREL / woMAN race


DEVINE Cod. 89111062


COL. 78: Violet-White sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Soft Polyester Vent inserts: Front - Back Pockets: 2 Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


COL. 10: Black COL. 30: Red COL. 53: White-Black

DEVINE Cod. 89111063

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Soft Polyester zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 2 Vent inserts: Front - Back elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


APPAREL / woMAN race

COL. 10: Black COL. 30: Red COL. 78: Violet-White

DEVINE Cod. 89111064

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 30: Red sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Soft Polyester zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 2 Vent inserts: Front - Back Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


COL. 10: Black COL. 53: White-Black COL. 78: Violet-White


DEVINE Cod. 89111065

Jersey Long Sleeves

COL. 10: Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Soft Polyester zip: 18 cm reversed with camlock Pockets: 2 Vent inserts: Front - Back Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


DEVINE Cod. 89111067


COL. 74: Violet sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr (white version 210 gr) PAD: Speed Air Woman E.I.T. Vent inserts: Front - Side elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


COL. 10: Black COL. 30: Red Cod. 89111069 COL. 50: White

DEVINE Cod. 89111066 Shorties COL. 10:

DEVINE Cod. 89111068 Knicker COL. 10:



Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr PAD: Speed Air Woman E.I.T. Vent inserts: Front - Side Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


APPAREL / woMAN race

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr PAD: Speed Air Woman E.I.T. Vent inserts: Front - Side elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo

APPAREL / woMAN race


CRYSTAL Cod. 89111070

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 30: Red sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Multilight ZIP: 18 cm reversed with camlock Vent inserts: Back - Side Pockets: 2 Reflex inserts: Back piping and reflective logo


COL. 10: Black COL. 50: White COL. 72: Lilac

CRYSTAL Cod. 89111071


COL. 10: Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Elastic fabric 190 gr PAD: Sport Woman elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo TECH: Flatlock stitchings Performance


COL. 10: Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Elastic fabric 190 gr PAD: Sport Woman elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective logo Vent inserts: Flatlock stitchings Performance


APPAREL / woMAN race

CRYSTAL Cod. 89111072

Woman All Terrain

APPAREL / woMAN all terrain

Percorsi impervi e tracciati faticosi: la nuova sfida al femminile. Treacherous trails and tricky tracks: the new challenge for today’s women.

ONIX Cod. 89111075


COL. 24: Blue-White sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Extratech Vent inserts: Back Pockets: 1 zippered Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance

COL. 11: Black-White COL. 53: White-Black


ONIX Cod. 89111076

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 53: White-Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Extratech Vent inserts: Back Pockets: 1 zippered Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance

COL. 11: Black-White COL. 24: Blue-White

ONIX Cod. 89111077

Short Pareo

COL. 20: Blue sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr pad: Sport Woman Vent inserts: Back Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


COL. 10: Black


COL. 10: Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lycra 190 gr pad: Sport Woman Vent inserts: Back Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance


APPAREL / woMAN all terrain

ONIX Cod. 89111078

PEARL Cod. 89111080


COL. 50: White sIZE: XS - XXL

with Bra


Main fabrics: Polyester - Cotton Touch Pockets: 1 zippered Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Tech: Bra with removable suspenders

COL. 10: Black COL. 20: Blue

PEARL Cod. 89111081

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 20: Blue sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Polyester - Cotton Touch Pockets: 1 zippered Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Tech: Bra with removable suspenders sport

APPAREL / woMAN all terrain

COL. 10: Black COL. 50: White

PEARL Cod. 89111082

Hooded Sweatshirt

COL. 24: Blue-White sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Polyester ZIP: Full opening Pockets: 2 + 1 back zippered Reflex inserts: Back reflective flap


COL. 50: White


PEARL Cod. 89111083


COL. 85: Silver-Blue-Fuchsia sIZE: XS - XXL

Removable Internal Shorts


COL. 10: Black COL. 20: Blue Navy

Main fabrics: Polyester + inner shorts in mesh pad: Race Sport Woman Vent inserts: Front Pockets: 3 zippered Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back logo Tech: Back and inner leg in elastic fabric

Short Pareo

COL. 10: Black sIZE: XS - XXL

Removable Internal Shorts


Main fabrics: Polyester + inner shorts in mesh pad: Race Sport Woman Pockets: 1 zippered Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back logo Tech: Elastic insert on back

COL. 85: Silver-Blue-Fuchsia COL. 20: Blue Navy


APPAREL / woMAN all terrain

PEARL Cod. 89111084

Woman Graphics


Estetica e tecnica: il binomio Northwave. Looks and technology: the Northwave

ICON Cod. 89111085

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 58: White-Violet sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech ZIP: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo


COL. 11: Black-White COL. 52: White-Red




COL. 58: Violet sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Carvico Lycra 190 gr (white version - 210 gr) pad: Speed Air woman EIT Elastic: Silicon Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance

COL. 10: Black COL. 50: White



ICON Cod. 89111086

DREAM Cod. 89111090

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 51: White-Grey-Fuchsia sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance

DREAM Cod. 89111091

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 51: White-Grey-Fuchsia sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech + Lycra zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo

with armwarmers



FOXY Cod. 89111092

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 12: Black-Blue sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 18 cm invisible Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap Performance

COL. 58: White-Fuchsia


WAVE Cod. 89111093

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 28: Light Blue-Violet sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 18 cm invisible Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap Performance

VITA Cod. 89111095

Jersey Sleeveless

COL. 56: White-Blue sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance

COL. 27: Blue-Fucsia

Jersey Short Sleeves

COL. 27: Blue-Fuchsia sIZE: XS - XXL

Main fabrics: Lightech zip: 18 cm reversed with Camlock Pockets: 3 Reflex inserts: Back reflective glitter flap and logo Performance

COL. 56: White-Blue



VITA Cod. 89111094

NRGirl Cod. 89111060 COL. 11

NRGirl Cod. 89111060 COL. 53

NRGirl Cod. 89111061 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111062 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111062 COL. 30

devine Cod. 89111062 COL. 53

devine Cod. 89111062 COL. 78

devine Cod. 89111063 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111063 COL. 30

devine Cod. 89111063 COL. 53

devine Cod. 89111063 COL. 78

devine Cod. 89111064 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111064 COL. 30

devine Cod. 89111064 COL. 53

devine Cod. 89111064 COL. 78

devine Cod. 89111065 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111066 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111067 COL. 10

devine Cod. 89111067 COL. 30

devine Cod. 89111067 COL. 74

devine Cod. 89111069 COL. 50

devine Cod. 89111068 COL. 10

Crystal Cod. 89111070 COL. 10

Crystal Cod. 89111070 COL. 30

Crystal Cod. 89111070 COL. 50

Crystal Cod. 89111070 COL. 72

Crystal Cod. 89111071 COL. 10

Crystal Cod. 89111072 COL. 10

onix Cod. 89111075 COL. 11

onix Cod. 89111075 COL. 24

onix Cod. 89111075 COL. 53

onix Cod. 89111076 COL. 11

onix Cod. 89111076 COL. 24

onix Cod. 89111076 COL. 53

onix Cod. 89111077 COL. 10

onix Cod. 89111077 COL. 20

onix Cod. 89111078 COL. 10

pearl Cod. 89111080 COL. 10

pearl Cod. 89111080 COL. 20

pearl Cod. 89111080 COL. 50

pearl Cod. 89111081 COL. 10

pearl Cod. 89111081 COL. 20

pearl Cod. 89111081 COL. 50

pearl Cod. 89111082 COL. 24

pearl Cod. 89111082 COL. 50

pearl Cod. 89111083 COL. 10

pearl Cod. 89111083 COL. 20

pearl Cod. 89111083 COL. 85

pearl Cod. 89111084 COL. 10

pearl Cod. 89111084 COL. 20

pearl Cod. 89111084 COL. 85

woMAN Race


woMAN all terrain


icon Cod. 89111085 COL. 11

icon Cod. 89111085 COL. 52

icon Cod. 89111085 COL. 58

icon Cod. 89111086 COL. 10

icon Cod. 89111086 COL. 50

icon Cod. 89111086 COL. 58

dream Cod. 89111090 COL. 51

dream Cod. 89111091 COL. 51

foxy Cod. 89111092 COL. 58

foxy Cod. 89111092 COL. 12

wave Cod. 89111093 COL. 28

vita Cod. 89111094 COL. 27

vita Cod. 89111094 COL. 56

vita Cod. 89111095 COL. 27

vita Cod. 89111095 COL. 56

woMAN Race



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