Chairman’s Message
Hi Neighbours, The LMCC Board continues to seek ways of improving the welfare and value of the Long Mountain community. As such, the Board continues to find strategic ways to manage the property while being prudent and efficient in its operation. With this in mind, it is important to note a new initiative in this administration: the current Board of Directors saw the need and took steps to form the new Legal and Governance Committee, which we recognized is critical in ensuring that the Board acts in a prudent manner when carrying out its duties. We want to thank those members of the community who take the time to share their opinions, observations and comments with us. We know that we cannot do it alone and so we are always happy for your guidance. We look forward to hearing from you and we also look forward to you serving on the Board in the future as well. This is our fourth issue of the Long Mountain Lifestyle eZine and we would like to have your feedback. This electronic magazine is an initiative which we hope will bring greater value to our community. Please send your comments to the property office at Stephen Dawkins Chairman
LMCC C O M M ITT E E S Residents are encouraged to get involved in the affairs of LMCC by becoming members of the various committees. Below is a list of committees and their Chairpersons. Landscape & Beautifcation Harold Morgan Safety & Security Derrick Tulloch, J.P. Building & Repairs Mark Walters Finance Edward Harper PR & Communications Andrea Adams Youth Development & Civic Affairs Maurice Henry Andrea Parker Legal & Governance Evadney Ramdial, J.P.
Long Mountain News
Finance Committee Report by Edward Harper (Chairman)
Late and Non payments Residents are again being reminded to settle any arrears with their maintenance fees. In pursuing the collection of arrears, the names of residents owing more than three months fees will be posted on the notice board at the Property Office. The list will be posted every Tuesday and Friday, reflecting the arrears of the delinquent residents as at the date of posting. Those residents who settle their balances after the list is posted will have to wait until the next scheduled list is posted for their names to be removed.
new office hours are 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Please be reminded that maintenance payments are due on the first of each month and not the end of the month. Payments can be made using credit/debit card or cheque. Residents can also visit any branch of Paymaster or use NCB online. Please note that cash payments will not be accepted at the Property Office. advertisment
Residents are kindly being asked to visit the Property Office to get a statement and settle any arrears which may exist.
Payments Residents can pay their maintenance fees at the Property Office from Monday to Friday during office hours. The office hours have been extended to allow greater flexibility to residents, especially with regards to making payments. The 4
Long Mountain News
Long Mountain News
News From The Property Office
Entrance Gate
At the time of this publication, the gate should be up and running. Investigations by the new operators, Hawkeye Electronics, indicated that: t 5IF SFTJEFOUT BOE WJTJUPST HBUF TZTUFNT XFSF CFJOH PQFSBUFE PO UXP TFQBSBUF WPMUBHF TUSFBNT t 5IF DBSE SFBEFST QVSDIBTFE PO UIF SFDPNNFOEBUJPO PG PVS QSFWJPVT QSPWJEFS XBT EFTJHOFE GPS JOEPPS BOE OPU PVUEPPS VTF Consequently, the gate system was fully re-installed. New outdoor card readers had to be purchased and installed as well. Unfortunately, the existing access cards used by residents are not compatible with the new system and new access cards will be required. The new cards, although similar to the ones used previously, offers a reading range of eight inches compared to a range of two inches.
Pets Nuisance
There has been an increase in the number of complaints that pets (especially dogs) are becoming of extreme nuisance as it relates to noise and unpleasant odours. Some residents complain that they cannot sleep at nights due to the constant barking of neighbour’s dogs. In some homes, the dog’s litter is not cleaned regularly and as such, the smell becomes a nuisance. We ask that all pet owners take these issues into consideration as the LMCC Property Office has an obligation to ensure that all residents live in a safe and comfortable environment.
Dog Traps
The LMCC Property Office has acquired three new animal traps and these are currently being placed in the areas most affected by stray dogs. Please ensure all pets are kept on a leash and also ensure that collars with names and address are attached to their necks.
To effect this transition, the Long Mountain Country Club Limited will provide all residents who are current with their maintenance fees with one replacement card. Due to the immense cost of this new infrastructure, LMCC is unable to replace additional cards. We therefore ask that any additional cards needed be purchased at the Property Office at a cost of $750.00. All residents who are in arrears must regularize their account prior to the issuance of any card.
Dangerous Activity
Letters are currently being sent to residents who are NOT in compliance with the property guidelines. These include: un-kept lawns, unsightly storage of garbage, deposit of construction debris, inoperable motor vehicles in open spaces and more. Please note that un-kept lawns will be cut at a cost of $2,000.00, which will be added to your maintenance account.
Lawyers are being retained to collect maintenance fees due 12 months and over. Legal fees will be recovered from residents. Please contact the office with any concerns.
Property Manager
The board is working earnestly to have the new Property Manager in place by November.
We ask that residents who continue to defy the security guards instructions by driving through the exit gate to enter the compound MUST desist from this dangerous act. It put all residents at fatal risk. The spikes will be re- installed shortly, so any tire damages will be at owner’s risk.
Compliance Issues
Auto Care
The ABCs of Auto Maintenance
Air Filter
When your air filter is clogged, it makes it harder to get air into the combustion chambers, which drives up your gas expenses. Try to change your air filter every 15,000 miles and get regular cleanings with a vacuum or soap and water between changes.
Imagine being unable to stop your car in an emergency. Not a pretty picture. Always check for signs that your brakes might be worn out - a flashing brake warning light, squealing or grinding noises, a shaky steering wheel or if your car takes longer to stop or pulls to one side when you stop. Check your mechanic immediately if you notice any of these signs. If you are not able to identify these signs yourself, come by our garage and we’ll show you some simple techniques to recognize potential problems with your braking system.
Drive Belt
The drive belt basically runs your engine, powering the alternator, water pump, power steering pump, A/C compressor and air pump. Check that the tension is right and always replace on time, because a broken drive belt can permanently damage your car.
Oil Changes
You need a good lubricant to prevent the engine parts from rubbing together and wearing out. Check your oil level every few hundred miles. Park the car on a level surface, remove the oil dipstick, wipe it on a clean cloth, then reinsert it. Remove it again, and check the oil level. We recommend you do this weekly, preferably in the mornings. Also note the colour of the oil. Please also remember to check your transmission oil levels and colour. If you are unable to identify these or differentiate them, call or visit our service centre.
Power-Steering Fluid
Power-steering components are expensive, so replacing the power-steering fluid can help to prolong the life components such as the pump and the rack. Check your mechanic immediately if you hear a whining or moaning noise when you turn the steering wheel and always ensure that you keep the fluid topped up.
Spark Plug
If you want your car to start up and run smoothly, get rid of old spark plugs. They will cause your engine to misfire and run poorly. Not all sparks plugs are the same and performance varies according to brand and type.
Timing Belt/Chain
This helps your car to get started, transferring power from the crank shaft to the cam shaft. Cracks, shredding, excessive slack or oil leaks from the adjacent seals can damage the belt and slow down your car.
You have to get your tyre pressure just right: Too high pressure causes your car to bounce around and too low pressure causes excessive wear and tread separation. Rotate your tyres regularly so that they wear more evenly.
Transmission Leaks
If you notice a puddle of red or brown liquid beneath your car, chances are you have a transmission fluid leak. Transmission malfunction will cause your vehicle to stop running properly, so deal with it as soon as possible, whether the leak is minor or major.
Cover Story
The Spirit of Community
Living In Harmony with Your Neighbours
community is more than the houses and land space these buildings occupy: It is about the people who live in these homes and occupy these spaces and how they interact with each other on a daily basis. In other words, the spirit of community requires cooperation, compromise and adherence to the guidelines set out to ensure that everyone can co-exist in a peaceful and productive setting. Like any other community across Jamaica, the Long Mountain Country Club (LMCC) requires the input and cooperation of every resident to maintain the high quality of life we all want to have.
Currently, there are a number of compliance issues affecting the LMCC which must be addressed and nipped in the bud before they become serious problems.
t 5SFFT XFFET nPXFST HSBTTFT PS BOZ PUIFS WFHFUBUJPO PSnamental or not) allowed to hang over or into the curbs and public rights-of-way are a violation. Aside from being unsightly, this can clog the gutters and storm drains, and also present a safety hazard to motorists who are forced to swerve to avoid an overgrown branch.
Property Maintenance
One of the many features that make the LMCC the envy of other surrounding neighbourhoods is its aesthetic appeal. We must do all we can to maintain this standard. As such, we urge residents to adhere to the following guidelines: t 7FIJDMFT QBSLFE JO QSJWBUF ESJWFXBZT TIPVME CF LFQU DMFBO BOE free of any condition that might make them appear inoperable from the public right-of-way. Inoperative vehicles must be removed from the driveway until they are returned to running condition, screened from public view or removed from the property. t *OPQFSBUJWF WFIJDMFT QBSLFE PO TUSFFUT BSF TVCKFDU UP DJUBUJPOT or towing.
t 4FSWJDJOH TQSBZ QBJOUJOH PS SFTUPSJOH WFIJDMFT JT OPU QFSNJUUFE in private driveways or on streets unless emergency repair is SFRVJSFE t %VNQJOH BOZ UPYJD NBUFSJBMT TVDI BT PJM PS SBEJBUPS nVJE JOUP the public street, drains, gutters or on public or private property or pavement is environmentally unsafe and a serious violation.
t -BOETDBQF BOE NBJOUFOBODF BDUJWJUJFT TVDI BT MFBG CMPXJOH USFF trimming, re-seeding, mowing grass and any other noise generating activities occurring must conform to the permitted hours of work: between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. t 5IF BSFB MPDBUFE CFUXFFO UIF QSPQFSUZ MJOF BOE UIF DVSC PS pavement is known as the parkway. It is the property owner’s responsibility to keep parkways well groomed and safe for motorJTUT FYJUJOH ESJWFXBZT PS NBOFVWFSJOH BMPOH UIF QVCMJD TUSFFUT
Cover Story
Persons or workers engaged in repair, alteration, construction or improvement work must perform any noise generating activities between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays only. There must be no noise generating work of this kind on Sundays, recognized holidays or during the evening hours.
Outside Storage and Waste Disposal
t 37 T CPBUT USBJMFST IPSTF USBJMFST BOE TJNJMBS SFDSFBUJPOBM vehicles may not be parked on open spaces or streets or priWBUF ESJWFXBZT FYDFQU UP MPBE BOE VOMPBE 5IJT JT MJNJUFE UP hours. t 5IF SVMF BMTP BQQMJFT UP DPOTUSVDUJPO USBJMFST BOE IFBWZ FRVJQNFOU #VJMEJOH NBUFSJBMT GPS VTF PO UIF TBNF QSFNJTFT may be stored on the lot during the period of construction. A valid permit must be held by the developer or property owner. t (BSCBHF KVOL PS UIFJS SFDFQUBDMFT UFOUT PS CVJMEJOH NBUFSJBMT must be kept in any portion of a lot, whether yours or vacant, QVSTVBOU UP SFHVMBUJPOT JO UIF -.$$ 3FTUSJDUJWF DPWFOBOU t 5SBTI DPOUBJOFST NVTU CF TDSFFOFE GSPN QVCMJD WJFX 4UPSBHF within an enclosed garage is fine. Trash containers are only permitted on public streets 12 hours before and after scheduled pickups. t *U JT VOMBXGVM GPS BOZPOF UP UISPX ESPQ MFBWF EVNQ CVSZ burn, place, keep, accumulate or dispose of any refuse on priWBUF PS QVCMJD QSPQFSUZ XJUI PS XJUIPVU JOUFOUJPOT UP SFNPWF it later). Any person caught dumping on private or developed parcels, streets, sidewalks, gutters, streams or banks, or any PUIFS QVCMJD QMBDF JT HVJMUZ PG B NJTEFNFBOPS BOE TVCKFDU UP citation or arrest under the “Litter Act”.
and house them, including: fruit trees and unharvested fruit, containers of cat and dog food, open bins; construction sites, SFDFOU FYDBWBUJPOT QJMFT PG EFCSJT PWFSHSPXO PMFBOEFST BOE date palms, and unscreened vents. t $BSFGVMMZ JOTQFDU ZPVS TVSSPVOEJOHT *G BO JOGFTUBUJPO QSPCMFN JT TVTQFDUFE DPOUBDU BO FYUFSNJOBUPS PS DBMM UIF DPEF DPNQMJBODF TUBó -.$$ UP BSSBOHF BO JOTQFDUJPO
House Numbers
All residential buildings are required to visibly post correct street numbers. This allows for quick identification for visitors as well as emergency response.
Site Safety
Vegetation or structures on corner lots could possibly impede the vision of motorists, cyclists or pedestrians entering the intersection. If you own corner property, take a ride around the block to help you determine if a safety problem exists at your location. Traffic safety, directional and street signs should be clearly visible for motorists and pedestrians. If vegetation on your parcel obscures any safety sign, the encroaching greenery should be trimmed back to assure safety or street identification.
Commercial Vehicles
Commercial vehicles exceeding eight feet in height and/or 20 feet in combined total length, or towed commercial equipment shall not park between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. on property, unless they are screened from public view and from adjacent properties. Neither shall they be parked on the public rights-of-way between the same hours. This does not apply to construction sites or commercial vehicles making deliveries
Let’s continue to make LMCC the best community to live and raise children!
t 3BUT BOE NJDF BSF JOEJHFOPVT UP PVS EFTFSU *OGFTUBUJPOT can be controlled by identifying the conditions that attract
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Home & Garden
Conserve Energy, $ave Money
any people talk about energy conservation but don’t actually practice what they preach. Do you turn off all the unnecessary lights before you go to bed? Or do you allow your children to open the refrigerator repeatedly during the day? There are numerous small ways in which you can cut your energy use on a daily basis, which adds up – or rather, subtracts – at the end of the month. If your last utility bill almost sent you spiralling into a bout of depression, take heed:
You’ve probably heard this one a million times, but compact fluorescent bulbs are better than their incandescent counterparts. Sure, they are more expensive to buy, but they use only a quarter of the energy and last longer, so you will recoup the cost several times over before you have to replace them. Not only that, but flourescents don’t give off all that unnecessary heat! Also, don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
power more efficiently. Also, keep the refrigerator and air conditioner temperatures down; wash clothes in warm or cold water instead of hot and don’t run your dishwater unless it is full.
Back in the day, households used to have one television, one radio and perhaps one computer. Today, many families have these in multiples, with each member having his/her own devices. This is perfectly ok, but not if several of these devices are running at the same time! Turn off and plug out electronics that are not in use and encourage children to do the same.
You’d probably be surprised at the amount of water your family wastes on a daily basis, from those long showers to washing the car with the hose. One way to combat this is to install low-flow showerheads, faucets and toilets. You still get good water pressure, but less stress on your pockets at the end of the month.
Go Solar!
Check the manufacture date on your appliances. If they were made after 2001, they are generally more energy-efficient, but if you have older machines, you might want to replace them. When buying refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, air conditioning units and other appliances, check for the Energy Star logo, which guarantees that they use
The sun shines practically every day in Jamaica, so it is perhaps in your best interest to install solar panels on your home to help generate power. Solar water heaters also cut the cost of those invigorating showers and relaxing baths from your electricity bill. This is a bit pricey in the beginning but, over time, it pays for itself over and over again.
Tel: (876)-‐968-‐IREE (4733) (876)-‐371-‐IREE (4733)
What Every Parent Needs to Know About Bullying
ullying is a big problem in many schools across the island. School administrations, however, cannot fight this alone. It is important for parents to know the signs of bullying and report it to the schools and other relevant authorities. The website defines bullying as “a conscious, willful, deliberate, hostile and repeated behaviour by one or more people, which is intended to harm others.” According to the website, bullying takes many different forms such as physical violence and attacks, verbal taunts, name calling or put-downs, threats and intimidation, extortion or stealing of money and possessions and exclusion from peer groups. Here are some important things you need to know about bullying: t :063 $)*-% *4/ 5 (0*/( 50 "-8":4 5&-- :06 5)"5 )& 4)& *4 #&*/( #6--*&%. Many bullies try to convince their victims that they will intensify the attacks if the individual informs an adult. As a result, kids try to bear the burden alone. This is where you come in. If your child is showing signs of being bullied, such as not wanting to go to school, unexplained cuts and bruises or even being fearful of other students, chances are there is someone at school he/she is trying to avoid. You can also ask his/her teacher about this. Once you identify that your child is being bullied, reassure him/her that it is OK to tell you about it and that you are there to make the situation better. t #6--:*/( $"/ #& */ 1&340/ 03 5)306() 5)& 64& 0' 5&$)/0-0(: There are different types of bullying. Your child’s bully doesn’t necessarily have to be present at school or in the neighbourhood, but can choose to use the internet or a mobile device.
This is called cyberbullying and it takes place when a child uses the internet, interactive technologies or mobile devices to torment, threaten, harass or humiliate another child. This can happen when children post false or embarrassing information online, send threatening emails or even sharing pictures or videos of someone in a compromising position. Monitor your child’s cellular phone and online presence to ensure that he/she is not experiencing this. t #6--:*/( *4 /05 " /03."- 1"35 0' (3085) "/% %&7&-01.&/5 Some parents will tell you that it is OK for your child to experience some amount of bullying because it is a natural part of growing up. That’s a fallacy. There is nothing ‘normal’ about bullying and not every child is bullied. Bullying constitutes a conscious act by one child to instill fear into another in order to feel powerful. He/she might convince the person being bullied that they are worthless, unloved, resulting in low self esteem and maybe even suicide. This is not normal and you should act immediately if you suspect that your child is being bullied. t :063 $)*-% .*()5 #& 5)& #6--: This might be difficult for some parents to hear, but for every person being bullied there is someone carrying out that act, and it just might be your child. It is important for you to also recognize changes that might give you some insights. Does he/she have gadgets, books or accessories that you didn’t purchase? These might be acquired through money from extortion. That is not OK. Talk to your child about the importance of respecting others. To stop your child from bullying others, you can also talk to school administration about the best options available.
Personal Finance
Seven Keys to Proper Estate Planning
eath is not something we like to think about, but it is, ironically, one of the ‘sure things’ of life. People die every day, many of them without making any arrangements for the distribution of their estates after they are gone. This creates a very uncomfortable and costly situation for surviving relatives and could even see the valuable assets you have spent your life acquiring passing to the government! Here are seven simple steps from attorney-at-law Georgette Wiltshire on how to control the distribution of your assets after you’re gone: t %3"'5 :063 8*--. This document should include your full name, permanent address and occupation. Ensure that all assets to be distributed are clearly defined and your beneficiaries clearly identified. The Will must be signed in the presence of two witnesses. It must also be dated. This is important should more than one Wills be found upon your death, in which case the most recent one is valid. t -*45 :063 "44&54 "/% -*"#*-*5*&4 Do this before you draft the Will to give yourself a clear picture of your assess versus your liabilities, which determines the net market value of your estate. Assets include property, stocks, cash and vehicles. Liabilities include debts such as mortgages and outstanding loans. Determine what each of your beneficiaries will receive, how to settle your outstanding debts and make provisions for your funeral expenses and the costs associated with administering your estate.
behalf of beneficiaries like minor children. Ensure that this person or these persons are trustworthy and capable of handling your affairs. t /".& " (6"3%*"/ '03 .*/03 $)*-%3&/ This doesn’t have to be the same person as the Trustee. It is advised that you appoint a different person to provide checks and balances and ensure accountability. t /".& #&/&'*$*"3*&4 0/ */463"/$& 10-*$*&4 Ensure that you obtain sufficient life insurance to cover your final expenses. This beneficiary will collect the pay-outs from your policies to pay the costs. t &/463& 5)"5 1301&35: *4 08/&% +0*/5-: Upon the death of one owner, the property goes to the survivor. This significantly decreases the taxes payable for the distribution of your assets. This step also applies to bank accounts. t 3&7*&8 03 61%"5& :063 &45"5& 1-"/4. It is important to update your Will after life changes such as marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or beneficiary, the birth or adoption of a child, receiving an inheritance or the disposal of property previously bequeathed in your Will. Bear in mind that marriage automatically revokes your previous Will. Finally, ensure that your titles, insurance policies, share certificates, information on your finances, debts and mortgages and other important papers as well as copies of each are all be stored in a secure, accessible place.
t /".& :063 &9&$6503 4 "/% 53645&& 4 The Executor will manage the distribution of your assets. This person can also be named as your Trustee, who will manage the assets on
Past Issues
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