Sagicor Wellness (January 2015)

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CONTENT Your “New You” Resolution Keeping Well at Work: Monday through Friday. Nine to Five. Water is the New Black Chikungunya & Ebola Strengthening Jamaica’s Future Exercising With Your Toddler Health Benefit Utilization Over The Counter (OTC) vs. Prescription Drugs “Sex and the CIN” Red Sripe Health Club Initiative

Cover Feature


Sagicor Feature

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RESOLUTION We know you’ve decided to leave old habits in 2015. This, for most, includes losing weight, quitting your smoking habit, finding love, finding a career. It’s great to make positive changes in your life, but going on a few half-hearted dates, perusing job boards and splurging on gym memberships isn’t the way to go. If you really want to look, feel and be a better you in 2015, a New Year’s resolution won’t quite cut it. Instead, make a ‘New You’ Resolution! No matter what size you are, there’s probably some aspect of your body you’d like to improve. Before you turn to complex diets and killer workouts however, evaluate your habits. A few simple changes could go a long way towards meeting your fitness goals. Losing weight and feeling your best doesn’t necessarily mean a complete overhaul in your routine. What follows is a list of tips and tricks to make your New You Resolution a success. Stretching A few simple moves at the start and end of your day can make a world of difference in how you feel throughout. Incorporate 5-10 minutes of stretching into your routine to facilitate loosening and strengthening of the muscles. Stretching is especially important if you’re planning to start/ increase a workout schedule. Which leads us to…

Increase Physical Activity If lifting weights or running on a treadmill doesn’t appeal to you, don’t fear! A good workout is not exclusive to an expensive gym. Invest in a good pair of running shoes and take up jogging. Keep a set of hand weights wherever your television is, and do a few reps during commercials. Take up a sport. Take a dance class. Take the stairs! If you look, there are opportunities to be more physically active all around. Just be sure to see a physician before starting on any workout routine. Eat and Drink Well This seems like a no-brainer, but what you put in your mouth has a huge impact on your weight and how you feel. With a little planning however, you can love your body and the food you fuel it with. Stock up on fruits and vegetables—fruit can be a great substitute for sweets at times, and vegetables make a great snack at work or on the go. Think of your favorite junk foods and put a healthy twist on them, like lettuce wraps instead of tacos or sorbet instead of ice cream—be creative! Also, the time at which you eat is crucial. Put a cap on late-night eating and you might be surprised at how much better you feel, and how much quicker you shed any unwanted pounds. With a little research, a little commitment, and some helpful hints, your New You Resolution will absolutely be a success! 3




For many of us, this is the definition of a typical workweek. But while you are thinking about maximizing productivity and profits consider this: what are you doing for yourself? Staring at a computer screen, clicking a mouse, even the basic act of sitting down—these all carry with them certain health risks ranging from minor to severe. The good news is that with a little bit of knowledge and a few minor adjustments, you can make your daily stint in the office a part of your healthcare routine. Here are some tips to “work” your way to a healthier you!

Posture: Straighten Up and Type Right It’s very important to maintain proper posture when you spend most of your day at a desk. Ideally, you should have an adjustable chair that can be raised/lowered based on your height. Keep your lower back supported. Consider bringing a small, firm pillow to keep at the office. Feet should be flat on the floor, with your elbows and wrists level to your keyboard. Your mouse and other often used tools should be easily reachable to minimize the risk of repetitive motion injuries. If you find yourself hunching over, stand up and do a quick stretch—it makes a big difference! Eyes: The Better to See You With When you spend most of your day staring at a computer screen, you’re putting your eyes through their paces. At optimal distance, your screen should be about an arm’s length away from you. If you’re using a laptop, set it to adjust automatically depending on the light around you. During lunches and breaks, step away from the computer— give your eyes a break! If you find yourself getting frequent headaches, consider scheduling an appointment with your local optometrist. 4

A Walk a Day Keeps the Excess Weight Away Working a desk job can cause your daily physical activity to take a nosedive. Take a quick walk at lunchtime to get your blood flowing. Do a few stretches at your desk—many can be done sitting down. Some companies offer discounts at local gym facilities, or have their own. Find out what your options are and take advantage of them! You Are What You Eat Many offices have their own cafeteria, or are in walking distance from fast-food establishments. But don’t fall into the trap! Pack your own lunch, and treat yourself maybe once or twice a week. Keep healthy snacks at your desk, such as fruit or nuts. If you must venture out for lunch, there are always healthier options. Most importantly, monitor yourself. If you feel yourself putting on weight, keep track of what you’re eating for a week and then adjust accordingly. It’s easier than you think! Incorporate the above into your workweek and you’ll find yourself raring to go for the weekend, and much better come Monday morning.


WATER IS THE NEW BLACK Want to look your best? Feel your best? Be your best? Try water. We all know the old standbys: cut out juice and soda, drink eight glasses of water per day, etc. But to what point and purpose? Why all the hype around H2O? After all, there’s got to be a better reason to consume water than simply “it’s good for you.” Well, there certainly is. Like your favourite pair of jeans or your little black dress, water should be one of your staples to help you look and feel fantastic. We’re told from a very young age that our bodies are made up of 60% water. What we aren’t told about however, are the various purposes those bodily fluids serve. Water helps us digest food, absorb and transport nutrients to various parts of our body, circulate blood, and maintain hydration. Water can aid in weight loss, clear skin, healthy hair, and overall energy levels. It’s a one-stop shop for all of your health and beauty needs. Still, chugging a tasteless liquid all day doesn’t appeal to everyone. So here are some suggestions to help you get creative with your water intake:

Tea One of the world’s oldest and most popular beverages is just hot, flavoured water! Tea comes in all types of varieties and flavours, some with added health properties based on the composition of the leaves. Try pairing old staples for new flavours such as mint and chamomile, earl grey and lemongrass, and numerous combinations of fruit teas. Hot or iced, day or night, tea is a great way to add more water to your diet.

Water Bottles Gone are the days of the plastic water bottle. You can purchase them in stainless steel, glass, even foldable options. They come in all sizes and colours, with cool designs and inspirational sayings. Find a water bottle that appeals to you, and you’ll be even more enthused every time you drink up. Turn your thirstquencher into a part of your personal style!

Moisturizer There are other way to increase your water intake. Look for moisturizers with high water content. These will help control oil production for those with oily skin, and give dry skin extra moisture. A quick dab morning and night will have you looking your best!

Fruit Blend fruits into smoothies, slice them up and eat them at your desk, or serve them as a side with breakfast or dessert. Another option is to toss some fruit into your bottle of water to add some flavor. Grapes, oranges, grapefruit, coconut, all will jazz up your water. As an alternative, add a splash of fruit juice to some sparkling water as an alternative to soda.

Use these tips to integrate more fluid into your diet, and join the water revolution!



CHIKUNGUNYA & EBOLA The year 2014 saw the outbreak of two deadly pandemics that invoked somewhat of a global panic. The Chikungunya and Ebola viruses caused our nation to maintain a level of vigilance, more so at each point of entry. A little pain here, a little swelling there, aches and pains everywhere; high fever and nausea then strike at their opportune time. Is it Influenza or something a little more serious? Both Ebola and Chikungunya cause flu-like symptoms, but If you are experiencing these ailments along with a certain type of rash, then Chikungunya it is. The Chikungunya virus, a mosquito-borne disease, made its way into Jamaica in the latter part of 2014 and remains as one of the country’s most prominent ailments. First noticed in 1955 after an outbreak in 1952 in Mozambique and Tanzania, the chikungunya virus, which literally means “that which bends up”, was found to replicate in muscle cells and fibroblasts. The virus is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti and the Aedes Albopictus mosquito which mostly bites in the daytime. Dr. Uruquhart, Sagicor Resident Physician, advises that Chikungunya displays some symptoms similar to influenza. These include, high fever (40 degrees Celsius/104 degrees fahrenheit), headache, muscle pains, fatigue, joint pains, joint swelling and rash. These symptoms require no special treatment but Uruquhart recommends acetaminophens like Pandol and Cetamol, along with plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. No Aspirins should be taken during this time. There are no vaccines for Chikungunya, but most cases see persons recovering after about a week, while some continue to experience chronic pain thereafter. However after experiencing the virus, you will have lifelong immunity to Chikungunya.


To prevent Chikungunya it is wise to prevent the breeding and harboring of the mosquitoes that transmit the virus by getting rid of standing water both inside and outside containers. Other ways of preventing sickness include covering your exposed skin, using insect repellents, mosquito nets and placing screens on windows and doors. Ebola, the larger, more deadly issue of the two, is a viral hemorrhagic fever first discovered in 1976 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, near the Ebola River. Its mortality rate is at a whopping 90 percent and is transmitted from animals, like monkeys and fruit bats, to humans. Further spreading occurs with direct contact with blood or secretions like sweat, vomit, stool, urine, blood, tears and saliva from an infected person (alive or dead). The virus can be transmitted by exposure to contaminated objects, broken skin and mucous membranes. Infected persons are usually not contagious until they develop symptoms. According to Dr. Uruquhart, insects do not transmit the virus. Symptoms include sudden onset fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, sore throat, intense weakness, diarrhea, stomach pain, chest pain, lack of appetite, rash, red eyes, hiccups and cough. Patients will have difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, internal and external breathing and impaired kidney and liver function. The incubation period lasts from about 2-21 days.


Ebola treatment requires hydration inclusive of IV fluids, maintenance of oxygen and blood pressure and treatment of any complicating infections, whether bacterial or fungal. Avoid all contact with infected persons, all body fluids, stay three feet away if you need to speak to an infected person. Wash your hands regularly for at least 40 seconds. To date, Jamaica has no cases of Ebola, but health authorities have made a four bed unit available at a public hospital in the corporate area in the event that cases arise. 7






Building a strong nation starts with building strong children. Sagicor Jamaica believes in the future of the country and seeks to strengthen it by committing to assisting the development of Jamaica’s youngest and brightest minds. This affords them the opportunity to go on to contribute and influence Jamaica significantly in the future. It is with that in mind that the Sagicor GSAT Scholarship was developed. The scholarship is awarded on a merit basis to dependent children of subscribers to the Government Employee’ Administrative Services Only (GEASO) and Commercial Health Policies administered by Sagicor Life of Jamaica. Recipients are selected in conjunction with the Ministry of Education based on performance in the annual Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT). The programme, which began in 1994, awarded 14 scholarships to students who performed outstandingly. Since then 16 scholarships have began awarded annually, making a total of 266 awards to year 2014/2015. The scholarships are awarded to three dependent children of Civil Servants, three dependent children of Teachers, two dependent children of Police, two dependent children of Nurses and four dependent children of Private Sector subscribers.

One such recipient is David Mackay, the son of James Mackay, an employee of Apec Consultants. James Mackay is a commercial health insurance policyholder with Sagicor, through his place of employment. Sagicor awarded JMD$20,000 per year for five years to David Mackay of Stella Maris Preparatory school in 2010. After scoring 100 percent in all subjects, short of Communication Studies in which he scored 11 out of 12, David received a Government Scholarship for his excellent work. It was then that Sagicor highlighted and rewarded David for a job well done. David’s parents were happy to receive the additional help and is thankful that Sagicor assisted them. The extra help has afforded David to pursue extracurricular activities, like karate classes, that develop him even further than the reach of intellectual content. He has been able to focus and grow under the guise of leisure. In order for David and other scholarship recipients like him to maintain the scholarships gifted to them, the parents/ guardians must be a subscriber to the Government of Jamaica health scheme or any other group health policy administered by Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited. Also, the Awardee must maintain an academic average of at least ‘B’ or 75% average overall. 9




You want an amazing body or at least to go back to where you were pre-pregnancy, well you better get to work girl! You may say, “I never have time, plus my toddler won’t allow me to!” but how about we change that to “I get to exercise and spend quality time with my toddler!” Let’s get your little one involved in your mission for a fab physique. Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist Kamila McDonald-Alcock has a few quick workout suggestions for every new mother. The 10 Pound Pledge co-creator shows you how to lose weight and enjoy time with your child. 2

Let’s get fit! 1. Squat Swing — stand shoulder 1 width apart, toes pointed forward and hold your toddler firmly under his/her arms. Swing your toddler in the air and on the return, squat down still holding your toddler. Perform 20-30 reps. 2-3 sets. This is a Full body workout. 2. On-the-shoulder Walking Lunge — Stand with your back straight with your toddler sitting on your neck, holding his/her arms or thighs to maintain balance. Choose a clear path to perform walking lunges with the extra weight of your toddler. Try to get at least 20 reps. 2-3 sets. This is a lower body exercise which works every major muscle in your legs including your Glutes, Hamstrings and Quadriceps. 10


1 2 3


3. Sit-ups With Toddler Raise — Hold your toddler steadily above you, arms bent. Perform a sit up with him/her firmly your hands, lift your toddler in the air when you’ve raised up, arms straight. Perform 20 reps. 2-3 sets. This works your abs and your arms.



4. Toddler Planks — Plank with your toddler sitting or lying on your back. Start with holding the plank for 20-30 seconds and work your way up to 1 minute. Let your toddler help you count the seconds! Planks are a full body exercise and help improve flexibility.



5. Toddler Wall Sit — Lean against a wall and “sit” on an invisible chair. Put your toddler to sit on your lap facing you and begin holding for 30 seconds and work your way to a minute. Sing with your toddler to help pass the time :) The Wall Sit works your glutes, calves and quadriceps.

Kamila’s Outfit Sponsored by The Fit Shoppe by Fit Farm



HEALTH BENEFIT UTILIZATION Imagine having a health crisis that requires surgery that costs in excess of JM$1 million, but you don’t have that kind of money laying around as disposable dollars or even saved up in an account somewhere. For the average person, immediate panic is what sets in. The timely superhero for the average individual is health insurance. This type of insurance ensures that you are covered in the case that such a medical emergency may emerge. Risk sharing is what insurance does. It provides an arrangement that, for a premium, offers the insured person an opportunity to share the costs of possible claims, through an insurance scheme. The essence of insurance is sharing the risk by spreading the cost of an illness or accident across a group of people. For group plans, it is the expectation that not all persons will have the same level of claims in any contract year. This principle makes the premiums more reasonably priced and within the reach of the member.

In any risk sharing scheme, premiums are collected from each participant and this must then cover the claims and expenses for all persons on the plan. If the majority of persons on a group plan decide to use all the available benefits before the anniversary date, then this excessive utilization will most certainly deplete the money available to pay the claims and lead to an increase in the premiums for the following period. Remember, the expectation is that not all persons will have the same level of claims in any year. C

It is often felt that not using the benefits means the insurance company gets to keep “your� money. This is not so. What it means is that your benefit and lifetime limits remain available for you when you really need them for major health issues, which often occur as you get older, or in the event of accidents. Also, using up your benefits elevates your premium, which may not be an agreeable circumstance for your pocket. It is advised that you closely monitor your benefits for the best result.

It must be remembered that the insurance company is just one arm of a partnership which includes the health care provider and the insured. It works best when all parties are aware of their role and the need for cooperation and careful management is an important aspect of the utilization of the health benefits.










OVER THE COUNTER (OTC) VS. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS A drug is a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. Below are the main differences between prescription and Over the Counter (OTC) medication. The Pharmacy Council of Jamaica is the regulatory body responsible for determining which drug is classified as Prescription Only, or as an Over the counter Medication in Jamaica. Prescription Drug:

OTC drug:

Requires a written order or prescription from a Physician •

May be purchased without the use of a prescription.

Requires a medical diagnosis and decision by a • licensed physician as to which drug is to be used.

Relies on self-diagnosis. The product chosen is usually based on the patient’s preference.

Can only be dispensed from a pharmacy by a licensed • Pharmacist

May be available for purchase from store shelves in Pharmacies, supermarkets and other convenience stores.

Prescribed for and intended to be used by only one • person.

May be used by more than one individual, however, to limit contamination, sharing is not recommended for medications such as eye drops and nasal sprays.

Generally more potent than OTC, and has a relatively • narrower margin of safety and its usage requires stricter monitoring.

Has a wider margin of safety than prescription drugs

Can be used to treat both minor illnesses and more • serious or chronic diseases

Used to treat minor illnesses which are occasional and require a short duration of treatment, for example, the common cold and seasonal allergies.

May be harmful if misused

May be harmful if misused. It’s always best to consult your Physician or Pharmacist before using OTC’s if other medical conditions exist, or if taking prescription medication



What are generic Drugs? A generic drug is identical or bioequivalent to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use. Bioequivalence means the absence of a significant difference in the rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety in pharmaceutical equivalents or pharmaceutical alternatives becomes available at the site of drug action when administered at the same molar dose under similar conditions in an appropriately designed study (FDA). Although generic drugs are chemically identical to their branded counterparts, they are typically sold at considerable discounts from the branded price. New drugs, like other new products, are developed under patent protection. The patent protects the investment in the drug’s development by giving the company the sole right to sell the drug while the patent is in effect. When patents or other periods of exclusivity expire, manufacturers can apply to the appropriate regulatory authority to sell

generic versions. The Standards and Regulation Division of the Ministry of Health, Jamaica is responsible for the approval of drug registration in Jamaica. To gain approval, a generic drug must: • contain the same active ingredients as the innovator drug (inactive ingredients may vary) • be identical in strength, dosage form, and route of administration • have the same use indications • be bioequivalent • meet the same batch requirements for identity, strength, purity, and quality • be manufactured under good manufacturing practice regulations as required for innovator products Source: Contributed by Jamie-lee Clarke Pharmacist



“SEX AND THE CIN” Ten things every woman should know about HPV. With all the information available it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all that is out there. This article provides ten simple facts about the role of HPV in cervical cancer, prevention through vaccination, and will finally answer the question, “ What on earth is CIN?”

1. Cervical cancer is, for the most part, sexually transmitted through the virus, human papilloma virus or HPV. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that is spread by skin-to-skin contact, including sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, or any other contact involving the genital area such as hand to genital contact. Condoms do not provide complete protection from HPV infection because condoms do not cover all exposed genital skin. 2. There are over 120 sub-types of HPV and about 30 to 40 affect the genital region of males and females. HPV not only gives rise to cancer of the cervix, it causes cancer of the penis and anus as well as head and neck cancers. A majority of women and men become infected with HPV for the first time between ages 15 and 25 years. 3. HPV also causes genital warts. Warts are skin coloured or pink and may be smooth and flat, or raised with a rough texture. They are usually located at the labia or entrance to the vagina or anus. Most women with warts do not have any symptoms but they may have burning or tenderness in the genital region.



4. HPV infects the cervix and leads to a series of precancerous changes called cervical intra -epithelial neoplasia or CIN. If not cleared by the body or medical intervention, CIN can progress to cervical cancer. Most people who are infected with HPV have no signs or symptoms and clear the infection within two years. In 10 to 20 percent of women, however, the infection persists. In this situation, there is a greater chance of developing cervical pre-cancer and then cancer. 5. Pap smears can detect CIN before it progresses to cancer. It usually takes at least 20 years for HPV infection to cause cervical cancer. Therefore, regular testing is important in detecting cervical abnormalities early, before cancer develops.

6. An HPV test can be done along with a Pap test or as a separate test. Like a Pap test, the HPV test is done during a pelvic exam, using a small brush to collect a sample from the cervix. Women who are under age 30 are not usually tested for HPV because many women in this age group have temporary infections, which will go away without treatment. 7. HPV vaccines boost our bodies’ natural defense against HPV, to prevent CIN and cervical cancer. Two vaccines are currently available on the market to protect against HPV. Both are given over a period of six months. Scientists do not know exactly how long the vaccine protects against HPV infection. Clinical trials show that it provides protection for at least five years. 8. HPV vaccines should ideally be given before females and males become sexually active. The vaccines offer the greatest protection from HPV if given before becoming sexually active. The vaccine does not help to get rid of HPV infection or any cervical abnormality after it has occurred. However, if you had genital warts, a positive HPV test, or an abnormal Pap smear, you may still benefit from the HPV vaccine. 9. Persons who have received their HPV vaccine still need to do Pap smears. The vaccine does not treat preexisting infections and there are types of HPVs which are not prevented by the vaccine, which can cause cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is largely a preventable disease so ensure that you speak to your doctor today, get screened, get vaccinated and prevent CIN.

Contributed by Dr. Natalie Medley Senior Resident Obstetrics and gynaecology department University Hospital of the West Indies Acknowledgement – Dr Ian Bambury, gynaecologic oncologist, University Hospital of the West Indies




HEALTH CLUB INITIATIVE The connection between Red Stripe and health is not immediately recognizable upon first glance, but their first priority is to ensure the safety of employees, contractors and visitors to the facility applying their system of governance for health and safety, with standards for managing risk areas such as road transport, security, occupational health, and health and safety management processes. The beer giant also recognizes the importance of exercise and relaxation, and the benefits they bring to productivity and wellbeing in the workplace. In addition to their on-site fitness centre, which all employees can enjoy, Red Stripe offers a health and wellbeing programme called the Wellness Club. The club is an established initiative that aids employees and their families in their quest for optimal health. Aimed at promoting wellbeing for all employees through a variety of programmes including team competitions, exercise programmes, healthy eating options at the canteen and health fairs, the Wellness Club has seen improvement in employees’ health and increased ownership of employees to take charge of their health. The idea of the Wellness Club came about following the overwhelming data received from employees’ medical check-ups which indicated that a high percentage of employees were suffering from a range of non-communicable diseases (High Blood pressure, diabetes, high risk for heart attacks, high cholesterol, etc.) Between January and August 2014, eemployees who signed up for the Wellness Club were engaged through the selection of a cross-functional committee to share ideas on how to improve the programmes reach. As a result the company embarked on a number of competitive individual and group activities: 18

Grill Fest This first ever employee Grill Fest competition was held at the Red Stripe Oval on Friday, June 6, 2014. Employees from both Red Stripe and Celebration Brands Ltd. participated in the event and were judged on visual appeal, sensory impression and culinary artistry to achieve the accolade of Grill Fest Top Chef. The judges included a representative from our title sponsor CB Chicken, celebrity Culinary Artist Oji Jaja, Melverine Hemmings, Head of HR, and a representative from our concessionaire, B&E Catering. The team from CBL walked away with the title of “Top Chef”, the Champion’s Trophy and a Gift Certificate valued at $6,000.


Health Fair: “Be aware, Show you care” With over eight health screenings, 15 informational booths and complimentary food, Red Stripe’s health fair held on April 15, 2014 offered a great opportunity for employees, contractors and other participants to refocus on health. The over 100 participants in attendance at the fair were able to undergo numerous checks including vision, cholesterol, HIV, blood pressure, prostate, papsmear and dental. These services were provided by Sagicor, Eyeland Eyewear, Dental Club, Jamaica National Family Planning Board, Jamaica Cancer Society, Newport Medical and Microlabs. Participants also had the opportunity to obtain information on varying topics including responsible drinking, wellness and safety. The on-site gym was also transformed into a relaxing space where Bella Spa offered 40 massages, facials and eyebrow waxing to lucky participants who showed awareness of various health topics in the weeks prior to the Health Fair. With MC Jenny Jenny engaging employees with fitness, weight and food challenges, employees were able to win prizes throughout the day. Employees also had opportunities to do checks for cholesterol, body mass index, stress tests and more. Additionally, they were able to win more prizes through the charity wheel which raised $13,250.00 for our Diageo Learning for Life programmes.

Fitness Competition

Holywell Hike which included staff from our Joint Venture Company-Celebrations Brands Ltd.

Weekly ‘dancer-size’ classes

Lunch and Learn demos on healthy eating

The club also provides customized help to employees, no matter their health goal. The club has a medical doctor, two nurses and a nutritionist on staff. They also offer financial, career and psychological counseling for employees and their families. The Occupational Health Department has hosted health fairs that cater to everyone, including contractors, this year’s Wellness Club initiative will extend from JanuaryJuly 2015.


Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited 28-48 Barbados Avenue Kingston 5, Jamaica.

Phone: 1-888-SAGICOR (724-4267) Fax: (876) 929-4730

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Suite 27 80 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 630-1338

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