2 minute read
BORDEAUX | Architectural proposal for a mixed-use building located in a heritage zone

Design principles

Architectural references
Architectural proposal for a mixed-use building located in a heritage zone.
Project | Ézio Mula
Year| 2015
Location | Maputo, Baixa
Area | 10 470 m2
Estimated population | 528 hab
Uses | Housing, retail, offices, TV studio, parking
4 key design principles where applied on this project
Integration | Beeing located in a heritage zone, the building must blend in, borrowing from the surrounding visual and sensorial aspects, such as, 1. the height of the facade along each street, 2. The columns creating a covered sidewalk, 3. Materials along the facades.
Reinterpretation | The borrowed elements need to be rethinked in a way that gives the building its identity
Sustainability | Principles of sustainable design focused on the final user where applied such as, prioritizing natural illumination and ventilation, waste and water management
Acessibility | The building had to permeable to people passing by

View from rua de Bagamoio | with more heritage buildings

View from rua de Bagamoio | with more heritage buildings

View from Av Martires de Inhaming | With less heritage buildings

Walking level 1

Walking level 2