conundrum to be reduced to manageable basic components and “built anew” by our cognitive efforts. Nor must we regard our inherited institutions as the root of all evil in need of revolutionizing in terms of the euphoric visions of intellectuals. Sin is buried deep in the heart of man himself, not rooted in human institutions that can simply be reimagined by man’s autonomous idea to cleanse away evil (Matt. 15:18-20). With this in view, we will explore why the gospel of Christ must not be regarded or treated as an inspirational ‘idea’ that offers immediate ‘solutions’ to various societal ‘problems.’ Rather, the gospel declares the kingdom and power of God manifest in both the creative and redemptive work of Jesus Christ, which transforms the heart of man, and in so doing makes a new creature out of him. The fruit of this transformation is a Spirit-given vision for Christ’s kingdom to come and the will of the Father to be done in every aspect of creation. This God-ordained vision calls not for self-anointed experts, but for faithful and Spirit-anointed servants committed to the lawWord of God for creation and culture and to excellence in each sphere of life for the glory of God. A BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHRISTIAN AND SECULAR POLITICAL THOUGHT
We have already seen that the foundation for thinking between the Christian and non-Christian is radically different. One professes autonomy (self-law), the other theonomy (God’s law) – meaning a total surrender to the law-Word of Christ in creation and Scripture, in whom are hidden all the treasures of 16