Facts About SEO Marketing That Nobody is Suggesting

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Facts About SEO Marketing That Nobody is Suggesting

There are so many factors that every one of the SEO service providers might know about, but that they aren’t either telling you or suggesting. This means that you should be aware of what they are so that you can suggest to them yourself for your website, including the use of duplicated content and much more. Here are a few more of the top facts that you must know about when it comes to this work. Facts to Know About SEO Marketing It is very important that you know some of the main facts that maybe your SEO service providers won’t tell you about, such as: •You won’t get penalized for using duplicate content If you are using duplicate content you might be told that it might give you a penalty. However, that isn’t the case since it is content that is merely copied from one page to another that is going to be penalized. You won’t, however, get any credit for your duplicate content so think about that. •Links aren’t always used as a factor for ranking There are some search engines that don’t use the links that your website might have as a factor for ranking. Google currently does this, but Yandex, which is Russia’s largest search engine doesn’t use this as a factor. •Top ranked positions are more active on social media There are plenty of companies that are ranked at the top of the pages and you will see that they are more active on social media. This is because there is a heavy correlation between the amount of likes and shares you get on Facebook and achieving the top ranks. •Object detection is a strong signal for ranking If Google can easily recognize the objects that are in your images, then that is a much stronger signal and factor for ranking. This is due to their Cloud Vision API, which can

analyze an image and determine what is included in it, like blue eyes, steering wheels and much more. •Video on homepage doubles the chances If you are hoping to reach the first page of the search results on Google, then you should consider putting a video on your website homepage. This is because videos, especially those from YouTube, have a higher ranking level for Google and will double your chances of being on the first page. These are only a few of the facts that you need to know so you can be sure that you are using the right strategy for your business. Ensure that you are talking to the SEO service providers about these facts before they are put into use since they can help your business. You need to know what these facts are, including that using duplicated content isn’t going to hurt or even increase your ranking. Also, you should make sure that you are more active on various social media platforms since this can help to increase your ranking. Images that you are using should be clear and Google should be able to identify what is in it and you might want to add a video to your homepage.

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