Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
A new game plan
280,000 by 2012
Membership growth and development
Our vision Our mission Core values
Stakeholder relations, leadership and management
Envisaged future
High performance and pathway events
Commercial development and promotions
World Bowls 2012 and strategic projects
Bowls Australia staff
Our stakeholders
Our identified strategic priorities
Ten key performance targets by December 31, 2012
Introduction Bowls in Australia is about to enter an exciting and challenging period for the sport. At this important time, Bowls Australia (BA), in consultation with state and territory bowls associations and other key stakeholders, has developed a strategic plan to lead and guide the sport. Our challenge is to maintain the core of the sport but also to implement new ideas – ideas which will stimulate progress so we are significantly more successful in 2012 than we are right now. In developing the new strategic plan, we have conducted extensive research, consultation, analysis and discussion with our stakeholders. To help us achieve this vision we have identified and set 10 performance targets across five strategic priority areas. These targets and priorities are outlined in this document. Bowls plays an important role in Australian society. After reading A New Game Plan 2009 – 2012, we hope you will have a strong understanding of how we are working to grow the sport and how you may be able to assist and support this growth. We are looking forward to tackling the challenges that face the sport over the next four years and the successful achievement of the performance targets by December 2012. Brian Marsland, OAM Neil Dalrymple President Chief Executive Officer
Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
Our vision Bowls – the sport for all Australians. We will stimulate innovation of the business and sport of bowls so that peak bodies and clubs become known for their delivery of excellent services and resources, so facilities become contemporary community venues and the game attracts people of all ages and backgrounds.
Our mission To provide leadership and facilitate a collaborative approach for the growth, development and success of the sport and business of bowls in Australia.
Core values • Teamwork – relationships;
• Autonomy of state and territory associations; • Professionalism – demonstrated through integrity; • Progressive – adapt to the changing needs of society through the coordinated efforts of BA, state and territory associations and clubs; • Innovative – proactive culture attuned to environmental changes within and outside the sport.
5 Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
Envisaged future Whilst taking care to preserve the core business of bowls, we will work with state and territory associations (STA’s) to stimulate progress. We will help to discover and promote new ideas that, when implemented, will bring new value - in particular we will work to transform the sport so that the game and Australian clubs are modern, accessible, inclusive…the sport will attract youth and their families. We’ll promote the bowls brand nationally and we’ll work to attract and retain participation in line with the general population: gender, age, ethnicity & socio economic profile. We will inspire proactive programs to improve environmental practices. We will maintain a consistent dissemination of communication throughout the sport…a feature of the sport will be its integrated web based systems including a whole-of-sport portal connecting every club through an administrator’s intranet. We’ll have a high performance and development pathway program that sets the standard for other playing nations... the Australian bowls team will redefine excellence for our sport. We will assist unification and foster strategic alignment at all levels in the sport. We will improve the governance of bowls in Australia with new strategies to improve the effectiveness of boards, committees and members.
Our stakeholders
Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
This strategic plan has been prepared using a planning process that focuses on the key stakeholders of BA. The key stakeholders identified below are organisations, business units and people with whom BA interacts with and whom we depend on for our success, e.g. customers, employees, owners, suppliers, consumers. We have written this strategic plan to be successful and meeting the performance targets. Being successful means gaining the support of the various stakeholders of BA and gaining their support at a level higher than our competitors. Listed below are the stakeholders for BA as identified following the research and consultation undertaken in the development of this strategic plan. • State and territory associations (Executive, managers, committees and boards)
• Manufacturers and retailers of licensed clothing
• BA management team and staff
• Events and event hosts (Clubs with event capacity)
• Sport development officers • Clubs: executives, managers, volunteers • Bowlers (Customers of clubs - prospective and existing) • High performance aspirants, Australian team members and international players • BA board and representative committees (including: Council, STA level boards and committees) • Government agencies: (Australian Sports Commission, Australian Sports Foundation, Federal and State departments of sport and recreation, local government, Department of Health and Ageing, Multicultural Affairs, Indigenous Affairs, Australian Commonwealth Games Association) • Sponsors (Current and potential and commercial agencies (Including: Greenkeepers association, bowls manufacturers, endorsed surface manufacturers) • Media - ABC TV and Radio / AAP (Other newspaper, print, radio, TV, digital)
• Coaches and officials as a part of the National Coaching / Officiating (umpires) Accreditation Scheme • World Bowls and other national federations • High performance professionals: (Managers, sports science, coaches etc) • School Sport Australia / Junior bowls / AASC • Sport fans (Watching and listening audience) • Australian Institute of Sport/State Institutes of Sport/Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority • Web masters and internet search engines
Our identified strategic priorities are:
1 2 3
Membership growth and development Stakeholder relations, leadership and management High performance and pathway events
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Commercial development and promotions World Bowls 2012 and strategic projects
9 Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
Ten key performance targets by December 31, 2012
Bowls has 280,000 registered participants as defined by the Australian bowls census.
World Bowls 2012 is staged with a net return to BA and leaves a legacy to the sport.
Australian teams are ranked number one in the world.
The Australian Open is established as the premier bowls event in the Southern Hemisphere and returns a net profit.
BA’s revenue has grown by 25%.
Elite coaching panel created consisting of 20 coaches (NCAS accredited) and appointed to STA high performance positions.
National Merchandising Program distributions to STA’s have exceeded $600,000.
Federal government investment in bowls has increased by 25%.
The number of STA development officers exceeds 20.
A whole-of-sport national insurance program is introduced.
MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategic initiatives • Implement a structured approach to training and development for STA development officers that includes: 1.
Performance management
Professional development and training
• Develop a competition format in partnership with STA’s that fills the gap between social and pennant bowls. • Introduce the new NCAS approved coaching structure in partnership with STAs. • Develop a range of club development resources to facilitate membership growth. • Introduce a national (NOAS approved) approach to the training and recruitment of officials (umpires and markers) in partnership with STAs. • Review and implement club innovation and member recruitment in partnership with STAs that includes disability and Culturally and Linguistically, Religiously Diverse (CALRD) groups. • Introduce a national junior development (incorporating schools) program in partnership with STAs. • Research the development of a social member category within the national capitation model. • Develop a national volunteering strategy in partnership with Volunteering Australia and the STAs. • Develop a national model for all playing infrastructure (including a national audit of playing surfaces) and a national environmental policy.
Performance targets
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Bowls in Australia has 280,000 registered participants as defined by the Australian bowls census. Number of STA development officers exceeds 20.
Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Strategic initiatives • In partnership with the STAs, develop a comprehensive government relations plan focused on lobbying government agencies to ensure bowls receives increased investment from all levels of government and highlighting specific bowls related issues (e.g. water). • In partnership with the STAs, adopt a targeted approach to whole-of-sport initiatives in terms of sponsorship, marketing, policy development (including the delivery of a member protection policy, national insurance program). • In partnership with the STAs, seek data on membership and participation via an annual bowls census. • Gain representation on the World Bowls board and committees. • In partnership with the STA’s, ensure best practice model is adopted in terms of governance. • In partnership with the STA’s, maintain a national calendar of events. • Communicate BA’s services and resources: o Make STA’s aware of BA’s services and resources through effective communication medium. • In partnership with the STA’s, research and develop alternative membership funding and pricing models. • Implement a comprehensive HR management plan for BA staff.
Performance targets
1 2
Federal government investment in bowls has increased by 25%.
A whole-of-sport national insurance program is introduced.
HIGH PERFORMANCE AND PATHWAY EVENTS Strategic initiatives • Develop and maintain a world class high performance program that has a holistic, sustainable approach to the delivery of a high performance culture. • Guide and motivate STAs to establish high performance programs that link to the SIS/SAS network (where possible) and regional academy of sport network. • Maintain and promote BA’s position on “pure performance in sport” in partnership with ASADA. • Maintain a national and international calendar of events. • Develop an elite coaching structure that supports and enhances the high performance program and pathway events. • Develop an elite officiating structure that supports and enhances the high performance program and pathway events.
Performance targets
1 2
Australian teams are ranked number one in the world.
Elite coaching panel created consisting of 20 coaches (NCAS accredited) and appointed to STA high performance positions.
Bowls Australia Strategic Plan 2009-2012
COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTIONS Strategic initiatives • Develop and implement a plan that maximises funds from all government sources to enhance sport development priorities. • Develop and implement a sponsorship plan that attracts, maintains and maximises corporate partnership opportunities. • Create an annual national advertising campaign that uses all relevant mediums of media. • Develop a comprehensive media and communications plan including a community partnership. • Develop and implement a broadcast strategy plan that positions bowls to take advantage of both free to air, pay television and new media opportunities. • Design, deliver and implement a web communications system in partnership with STAs. • Enhance and grow revenue streams from the National Merchandising Program. • Research the establishment of an Australian Bowls Foundation.
Performance targets
1 2
BA’s revenue has grown by 25%.
National Merchandising Program distributions to STA’s have exceeded $600,000.
WORLD BOWLS 2012 AND STRATEGIC PROJECTS Strategic initiatives • Develop and implement a sustainable and cost effective business model that delivers World Bowls 2012 at a profit to BA and that leaves a legacy to the sport of bowls. • Develop and implement a business model that ensures the Australian Open and other national events have a viable and sustainable future. • Identify, secure and fit out suitable office space that fulfils BA’s requirements for the next 10 years.
Performance targets
1 2
The Australian Open is established as the premier bowls event in the Southern Hemisphere and returns a profit.
World Bowls 2012 is staged with a net return to BA and leaves a legacy to the sport.
Administration Assistant
Executive Coordinator
High Performance Coordinator
Events & Projects Officer
department areas
High Performance Manager
Events & Projects Manager
stakeholder relations, leadership and management
world bowls 2012 and strategic projects
commercial development and promotions
membership growth and development
high performance and pathway events
Finance Officer
Finance Manager (Part-time)
Chief Executive Officer
As at February 2009
National Assistant Coach
National Coach
Development Coordinator
Development Manager
Commercial Operations Coordinator
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Commercial Operations Manager
Bowls Australia Inc 21 Burwood Road HAWTHORN, VIC 3122 Postal address: PO Box 6087 HAWTHORN WEST, VIC 3122 Email:
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